Yeah, about Background Checks...Virginia mistakenly adds 46,000 people to background check no buy they will have to get lawyers...

What does that have to do with anything I've said?

Wrong or not this policy is one Trump supported.
Supported or just threw out there to make himself look receptive to the group of anti-gun assholes at that table?

Did he ever push it, did he ever defend it as a policy he believed in or "supported"?

Can you leftists even maintain any semblance of intellectual integrity or is everything to be twisted and misrepresented for immediate, fleeting gain?

There's a reason why you cretins are losing and why you are becoming more and more hated as your losses pile up and you panic. The desperation, manifested as this constant falling back to ever more goofy, ridiculous positions is entertaining.
Will you ever comprehend that Trump is not "our" God?

Irrelevant. I simply noted that this was Trump's positions also. You felt a need to say it wasn't, so I posted where it was.

His utterances are not gospel, they were not accepted at face value and he was rebuked and corrected on this as soon as he walked out of the room.

Once gun rights people explained to him the dangerous reality of ignoring due process, he reversed his statement . . . Correct?

Why do you feel throwing out a stupid statement he threw out and then took back, has any significance or "gotcha" value?

I do not recall him correcting himself but yeah, most everything he said wasn't really serious.
Supported or just threw out there to make himself look receptive to the group of anti-gun assholes at that table?

Did he ever push it, did he ever defend it as a policy he believed in or "supported"?

Can you leftists even maintain any semblance of intellectual integrity or is everything to be twisted and misrepresented for immediate, fleeting gain?

There's a reason why you cretins are losing and why you are becoming more and more hated as your losses pile up and you panic. The desperation, manifested as this constant falling back to ever more goofy, ridiculous positions is entertaining.

Leftists? I support the 2nd 100%. Yes Trump would say whatever he thought he had to at the moment.
Leftists? I support the 2nd 100%. Yes Trump would say whatever he thought he had to at the moment.
You said in another thread that some gun control laws are constitutional. Obviously you don't support the 2nd Amendment 100%.
Irrelevant. I simply noted that this was Trump's positions also. You felt a need to say it wasn't, so I posted where it was.

No, my comment, "Not even close but thanks, I enjoyed the mindless, TRUMP.TRUMP.TRUMP" . . . was calling bullshit on your connection that the topic of the thread, this VA NICS situation, is, "the system Trump wanted in place" and of course to signal my disgust that people like you can't think about any topic without processing it through your TDS and reflexively blurting out TRUMP.TRUMP.TRUMP.

The only purpose of your comment was to crowbar Trump into the thread, my statement was made to point out you were wrong on any possible point in law.

And I'll also point out in disgust, that just as I said before, you having zero intellectual integrity compels you to twist my words to fit your BS narrative.

My statement certainly did not convey,"You felt a need to say it wasn't [Trump's position]" . . . It is sad you can't find the honesty to accurately paraphrase what was said to you, everything must be misrepresented.

Leftists? I support the 2nd 100%. Yes Trump would say whatever he thought he had to at the moment.

No, you're a leftist. The way you conduct yourself, the way you debate betrays any empty verbal protestations that you aren't a leftist.

And I recognize there are plenty of leftists that support gun ownership; maintaining a monopoly of force is an important part of the movement. Of course this isn't a "right to arms" as most Americans comprehend it to be; it just means you only want fellow leftists, loyal to the cause to have guns.

You can finally admit you support that; you aren't fooling anyone, everything you post, your hostility for the right to arms for all, proves it.



No, my comment, "Not even close but thanks, I enjoyed the mindless, TRUMP.TRUMP.TRUMP" . . . was calling bullshit on your connection that the topic of the thread, this VA NICS situation, is, "the system Trump wanted in place" and of course to signal my disgust that people like you can't think about any topic without processing it through your TDS and reflexively blurting out TRUMP.TRUMP.TRUMP.

The only purpose of your comment was to crowbar Trump into the thread, my statement was made to point out you were wrong on any possible point in law.

And I'll also point out in disgust, that just as I said before, you having zero intellectual integrity compels you to twist my words to fit your BS narrative.

My statement certainly did not convey,"You felt a need to say it wasn't [Trump's position]" . . . It is sad you can't find the honesty to accurately paraphrase what was said to you, everything must be misrepresented.

No, you're a leftist. The way you conduct yourself, the way you debate betrays any empty verbal protestations that you aren't a leftist.

And I recognize there are plenty of leftists that support gun ownership; maintaining a monopoly of force is an important part of the movement. Of course this isn't a "right to arms" as most Americans comprehend it to be; it just means you only want fellow leftists, loyal to the cause to have guns.

You can finally admit you support that; you aren't fooling anyone, everything you post, your hostility for the right to arms for all, proves it.



.'re a bit unhinged. Lol're a bit unhinged. Lol

No, I'm the one that can competently discuss the topic without needing to derail and divert it with stupid shit. Have you posted one syllable on the actual situation, the real condition created by the VA authorities corrupting the NICS with wrong information?

I mean the least you could do, as a gun control supporter, (and if you actually understood the topic) is make the argument that people who were voluntarily committed to a mental institution SHOULD be prohibited persons under 18 U.S.C §922(g)(4).

That's what a sane person MIGHT do but what did we get from you? Unhinged TRUMP.TRUMP.TRUMP shit. Way to go, keep telling yourself how intellectual you are.
No, I'm the one that can competently discuss the topic without needing to derail and divert it with stupid shit. Have you posted one syllable on the actual situation, the real condition created by the VA authorities corrupting the NICS with wrong information?

My first statement was about how the entire thing needs to end.
My first statement was about how the entire thing needs to end.

Well, that's brilliant.

As much as I think the NICS is broken and overall, ineffective, I wouldn't support shutting the whole thing down . . . And I'm counted among the extreme gun nut 2nd Amendment absolutists.
Well, that's brilliant.

As much as I think the NICS is broken and overall, ineffective, I wouldn't support shutting the whole thing down . . . And I'm counted among the extreme gun nut 2nd Amendment absolutists.

It's broken and ineffective (your words) but believe we should keep it. OK.
It's broken and ineffective (your words) but believe we should keep it. OK.

It can be fixed, the criteria for entering people in the database is very clear and unambiguous. The technology needed to maintain and query the database is uncomplicated and usually gives results to deny or proceed with the transfer in a timely manner -- if the information about the person on the 4473 is reliable.

The problem is (and has always been) compliance with record submission requirement by states and the federal government. There have been multiple Presidential E.O.'s and E.A.'s ordering states to comply with the original 1994 NICS law's requirements, there have been at least two (I stopped paying attention) NICS Improvement Acts passed by Congress and signed into law, compelling states to comply and still states and the feds refuse and the database is a joke.

It remains a joke even after major court decisions finding the USAF/DOD (Sutherland Springs church shooting) and DOJ (Dylan Roof) responsible for those horrific crimes because of NICS failures.

As is true with any computer system, garbage in, garbage out.

Committed to a mental institution? do you want these people to be able to purchase a freaking firearm?
Committed to a mental institution? do you want these people to be able to purchase a freaking firearm?

"Want" isn't a consideration. Do you "want" to know what the law is; why the action by Virginia is illegitimate? Here's a screengrab from the ATF explaining the idiosyncrasies of "committed to a mental institution", what it is and what is it not. in law, as a firearm prohibition.


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