Yeap, CNN and MSNBC focusing ONLY on "gun control" and that is it. That is all.

I'm not too hot on being on the concealed weapons permit list. Makes it easier for these liberals to show up at my door one day to take my guns. If they did that, I don't know what I'd do. I'd rather take my chances and not carry a gun or carry it in the open. I don't know of any bars that allow you to open carry a gun.

If you don't want to carry then god bless you. It is not for everyone.
Too many opportunities to get in trouble when you carry. If you shoot someone for any reason you could go to jail. Defending my home is a different story.
Amazing isn't it? Chris Murphy (A DEMOCRAT) is on CNN right now and saying the lawmakers in regards to GUN CONTROL are complicit.

Amazing how right I am about these unreal pieces of crap using these tragedies to exploit and push their agendas.

I hate all of them.

Yes they will run the far left religious narratives at all costs.
Amazing isn't it? Chris Murphy (A DEMOCRAT) is on CNN right now and saying the lawmakers in regards to GUN CONTROL are complicit.

Amazing how right I am about these unreal pieces of crap using these tragedies to exploit and push their agendas.

I hate all of them.

Yes they will run the far left religious narratives at all costs.

They were in full panic mode and utter disarray when they found out a brown stink bomb NO DOUBT SHOUTING ALLAHU AKBAR!!!! murdered gays.

I mean they NEEDED IT TO BE GUN CONTROL. Always code for WHITE REPUBLICANS. The world is even weighing in. All of them shouting the same shit.

It is a world movement. Remember that. We have all known this for a while and it was totally confirmed when the same NEW WORLD ORDER movement awarded the skinny contrived sack of socialist shit in chief with the NOBEL PEACE prize.

We can use ALL OF THE LOGIC in the world with these pieces of shit. They are determined to utterly destroy the free market system, which means this country. The SAME WORLD movement sticks a Pope in the seat (first time since 1417 mind you that there are TWO living Popes) that share their same liberation theology (socialism) crap. From South America after all where virtually every country is run by a despot marxist leader. He also BTW also weighed on the gun narrative, of course.

We are in trouble.
I'm not too hot on being on the concealed weapons permit list. Makes it easier for these liberals to show up at my door one day to take my guns. If they did that, I don't know what I'd do. I'd rather take my chances and not carry a gun or carry it in the open. I don't know of any bars that allow you to open carry a gun.

If you don't want to carry then god bless you. It is not for everyone.
Too many opportunities to get in trouble when you carry. If you shoot someone for any reason you could go to jail. Defending my home is a different story.

I don't carry very often for the reason you said.

I am well trained but I think there would be very few scenarios where I could effectively use a carry pistol for self defense.

For instance if someone tried to rob me I would probably just give them the money before shooting them and going through the hassle of dealing with the aftermath.

However ff I was out some place and some jackass disrespected my wife I know I would do something that I would probably regret later while spending 20 years in a cell with a 300 lb tattooed Mexican gang member.

I feel safe in my daily life so no need to carry but occasionally I do. Ironically the last time I did was when I went to downtown Orlando at night.
Amazing isn't it? Chris Murphy (A DEMOCRAT) is on CNN right now and saying the lawmakers in regards to GUN CONTROL are complicit.

Amazing how right I am about these unreal pieces of crap using these tragedies to exploit and push their agendas.

I hate all of them.

Yes they will run the far left religious narratives at all costs.

They were in full panic mode and utter disarray when they found out a brown stink bomb NO DOUBT SHOUTING ALLAHU AKBAR!!!! murdered gays.

I mean they NEEDED IT TO BE GUN CONTROL. Always code for WHITE REPUBLICANS. The world is even weighing in. All of them shouting the same shit.

It is a world movement. Remember that. We have all known this for a while and it was totally confirmed when the same NEW WORLD ORDER movement awarded the skinny contrived sack of socialist shit in chief with the NOBEL PEACE prize.

We can use ALL OF THE LOGIC in the world with these pieces of shit. They are determined to utterly destroy the free market system, which means this country. The SAME WORLD movement sticks a Pope in the seat (first time since 1417 mind you that there are TWO living Popes) that share their same liberation theology (socialism) crap. From South America after all where virtually every country is run by a despot marxist leader. He also BTW also weighed on the gun narrative, of course.

We are in trouble.
Liberals are so fucking gullible.
I'm not too hot on being on the concealed weapons permit list. Makes it easier for these liberals to show up at my door one day to take my guns. If they did that, I don't know what I'd do. I'd rather take my chances and not carry a gun or carry it in the open. I don't know of any bars that allow you to open carry a gun.

If you don't want to carry then god bless you. It is not for everyone.
Too many opportunities to get in trouble when you carry. If you shoot someone for any reason you could go to jail. Defending my home is a different story.

I don't carry very often for the reason you said.

I am well trained but I think there would be very few scenarios where I could effectively use a carry pistol for self defense.

For instance if someone tried to rob me I would probably just give them the money before shooting them and going through the hassle of dealing with the aftermath.

However ff I was out some place and some jackass disrespected my wife I know I would do something that I would probably regret later while spending 20 years in a cell with a 300 lb tattooed Mexican gang member.

I feel safe in my daily life so no need to carry but occasionally I do. Ironically the last time I did was when I went to downtown Orlando at night.
Here's a suggestion......don't go to downtown Orlando at night. Go to Disneyworld instead...better yet, Harry Potter World.
And had any of the people in that club been carrying a legal concealed carry weapon Omar probably wouldn't have shot / killed as many people as he did.

What do you based that on? It took a SWAT Team 3 hours to bring him down. So some guy who's half in the bag at 1 AM is going to take him on? really? Really?

Who do you think lobbied for the ban on guns in bars to start with? It was the bar owners.
It did NOT take the SWAT Team 3 hrs. The police chief explained they set up a command post, thought it was a hostage situation, started investigationg to find out what was going on - who/what/where/why/if negotiation was possible, studied the blue prints, found out where he was, and finally stormed the night club.

Inside the night club, if you had a gun, you shoot / shoot at the terrorist.
My mom was right - NOTHING 'good' happens when you're out after midnight!
Here's a suggestion......don't go to downtown Orlando at night. Go to Disneyworld instead...better yet, Harry Potter World.

It was a dinner at the Citrus Club, one of the best places to eat in Central Florida.

Citrus Club

There was a sign on the door requesting no firearms but I ignored it.
Here's a suggestion......don't go to downtown Orlando at night. Go to Disneyworld instead...better yet, Harry Potter World.

It was a dinner at the Citrus Club, one of the best places to eat in Central Florida.

Citrus Club

There was a sign on the door requesting no firearms but I ignored it.
You are too chicken shit and lack testicular courage to be without a gun...what a pathetic piece of chicken shit are podunk punk boy....
Brewery mocks Trump with 'Dumb Donald' beer
Mark Hensch - 06/13/16 04:13 PM EDT

Chicago's Spiteful Brewing is releasing the brew for deliveries later this week.
Well, probably because the FBI scrubbed his file. Word came down from Homeland security to destroy the files on some of these fuckers. He was one of them that was taken of of the FBI watch list for some reason.

Or maybe he was taken off because he was simply talking smack.

Because when you say you are a member of Hezbollah AND ISIL, you are probably talking smack and don't even know what you are talking about.

This guy is sounding less like an ISIS terrorist and more like a self-loathing gay man engaging in an act of self-destruction.
The shooter was in a bind...he was caught between his cultural and religious condemnation of homosexuality and his own apparent homosexuality...he finally snapped and decided to kill the gay in him by killing a bunch of gays in a nightclub..It was about him...
Yesterday on MSNBC they showed a split screen of Trump and Hillary.
Hillary's face color was normal, even a little too normal.
Trump face color was bright orange. Very orange. The network showed those two images for about an hour constantly.
This is the human LIB scum that works at MSNBC.
Yesterday on MSNBC they showed a split screen of Trump and Hillary.
Hillary's face color was normal, even a little too normal.
Trump face color was bright orange. Very orange. The network showed those two images for about an hour constantly.
This is the human LIB scum that works at MSNBC.
They showed the Orange Mound of Clown and it upset you :2up:

By the way today is the Clown's Birthday

Actually, it happens alot these days, but this guy wasn't just making fun of gays, he was talking about murder.

Actually, we are getting stories this morning that Mateen might have been gay himself...

But whatever, dude.

Orlando shooting: Gunman Omar Mateen 'was a regular at LGBT nightclub Pulse' and 'used gay dating apps'

I've known more people who've been fired for being gay than I've known people who've been fired for being homophobic.
I've never known anyone who has been fired for being gay. I have known guys who claimed to be gay to get out of the military back in the 70s.

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