Year Of Never Ending Revealing Scandals/Embarrassments,No Wonder Young Adults Wont Admit Being A Dem

Compared to trumps saga of failures and sexual deviancy there just is no reason to brag about rethuglians. I am a democrat, registered, and am looking forward to 2018 elections. And as for trump having more votes that is a fallacy only carried by low IQ repukes.

I posted the actual vote count, and I have heard no one claim Trump got 13 million more votes except for one poster here. Looks like sarcasm really. Trump is at 59 percent disapproval, 37% approve in a consertative poll.:eusa_whistle:

And yet the econ is approaching roaring status and our enemies are quaking because Trump may well bomb the snot out of them.


Sure. The UK was our longest ally, May is ticked off, she does have a reason after all. Trump promised, Trump failed.

The UK is still an ally.
2016 - 2017
After Barry leaaves the DNC $25 million in debt, Hillary makes it her bit@h / part of the Clinton Crime Syndicate...then leaves the DNC for dead, like she left 4 Americans in Benghazi...while she blames / throws everyone else under the bus...

Holy crap what planet are you on? Every week there’s another Trump scandal. He lies so much it’s a point we’re everyone just expects it.
:cow: :crybaby: :piss2: Does anyone actually know anyone under 40ish going around gloating how proud they are to be a liberal or democrat? And do we even have any very young democrat law makers in the senate/congress? Probably not. Who would want to admit or be associated with typical democrats such as Maxine/Warren/Hillary/Huma/The Weener/Bill/Weinstein and the rest?
Who knows how any Democrat running for office in 2018 will be able to outsmart the GOP being the GOP already has more than enough video evidence/news clips of Democrats in their most embarrassing moments/caught with their fly's down/pants down and just saying the most outlandish things and lies right on television?
Hi, my Name Is Joe Schmoe! and Yes I Am A Democrat And I Just Think The World Of Anthony Weener And Hillary Clinton !!! :laugh2:
By God you're right! Just compare and contrast the two major political parties. In the Republican Party there is unity, never any criticism of one another, a full throated support of Our Magnificent Leader St. Donald Trump, a long list of legislative accomplishments including the,full reprealand replacement of Obamacare with a healthcare service available, affordable and cherished by every citizen. Never a hint of scandal or wrong doing, never an indictment sought or a suspicion raised.

Meanwhile the Democrats are seeking to investigate their political opposition in the same manner we have seen in Authoritarian regimes all over the Third World. The Democrats are lead by a petulant, boorish thug who tweets out messages that primarily praise themselves and secondarily seek to build themselves up by tearing others down. Reprehensible!

Yes indeed! We are fortunate to be lead by the most mature, responsible,and respectable leader our nation has seen since Richard Nixon, incidentally another great Republican.
after all of these rats accusing the GOP of Collusion? :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2::oops-28:
Absolutely! Who,could,possibly believe that someone with the sterling character of Paul Manafort or the political experience of St. Donald Trump could ever be involved in something as dastardly as conspiring with Putin to influence the presidential election. The very thought of it I should ridiculous.
after all of these rats accusing the GOP of Collusion? :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2::oops-28:
Absolutely! Who,could,possibly believe that someone with the sterling character of Paul Manafort or the political experience of St. Donald Trump could ever be involved in something as dastardly as conspiring with Putin to influence the presidential election. The very thought of it I should ridiculous.
Trump never needed the Russians to vote in the election,,,being everyone hated Hillary and Trump was always 10-15 points ahead of the beast :iagree:
:cow: :crybaby: :piss2: Does anyone actually know anyone under 40ish going around gloating how proud they are to be a liberal or democrat? And do we even have any very young democrat law makers in the senate/congress? Probably not. Who would want to admit or be associated with typical democrats such as Maxine/Warren/Hillary/Huma/The Weener/Bill/Weinstein and the rest?
Who knows how any Democrat running for office in 2018 will be able to outsmart the GOP being the GOP already has more than enough video evidence/news clips of Democrats in their most embarrassing moments/caught with their fly's down/pants down and just saying the most outlandish things and lies right on television?
Hi, my Name Is Joe Schmoe! and Yes I Am A Democrat And I Just Think The World Of Anthony Weener And Hillary Clinton !!! :laugh2:

I think most young kids have been indoctrinated into socialism, so that is probably why they don't identify as a Dim.

They are all busy throwing Hillary under the bus to give Karl Marx a BJ.
:cow: :crybaby: :piss2: Does anyone actually know anyone under 40ish going around gloating how proud they are to be a liberal or democrat? And do we even have any very young democrat law makers in the senate/congress? Probably not. Who would want to admit or be associated with typical democrats such as Maxine/Warren/Hillary/Huma/The Weener/Bill/Weinstein and the rest?
Who knows how any Democrat running for office in 2018 will be able to outsmart the GOP being the GOP already has more than enough video evidence/news clips of Democrats in their most embarrassing moments/caught with their fly's down/pants down and just saying the most outlandish things and lies right on television?
Hi, my Name Is Joe Schmoe! and Yes I Am A Democrat And I Just Think The World Of Anthony Weener And Hillary Clinton !!! :laugh2:

I think most young kids have been indoctrinated into socialism, so that is probably why they don't identify as a Dim.

They are all busy throwing Hillary under the bus to give Karl Marx a BJ.
the only known creature that has the strength to throw hillary under the bus is bigfoot
2016 - 2017
After Barry leaaves the DNC $25 million in debt, Hillary makes it her bit@h / part of the Clinton Crime Syndicate...then leaves the DNC for dead, like she left 4 Americans in Benghazi...while she blames / throws everyone else under the bus...

It is too bad you do not accept the truth of benghazi which is the congress did not fund embassy's for security.

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