Yep, Americans are so much more freer because of their guns

The only variable that can explain the high rate of mass shootings in America is its astronomical number of guns.

Americans make up about 4.4 percent of the global population but own 42 percent of the world’s guns. From 1966 to 2012, 31 percent of the gunmen in mass shootings worldwide were American.

Rather, they found, in data that has since been repeatedly confirmed, that American crime is simply more lethal. A New Yorker is just as likely to be robbed as a Londoner, for instance, but the New Yorker is 54 times more likely to be killed in the process.

Switzerland has the second-highest gun ownership rate of any developed country, about half that of the United States. Its gun homicide rate in 2004 was 7.7 per million people — unusually high, in keeping with the relationship between gun ownership and murders, but still a fraction of the rate in the United States.

Swiss gun laws are more stringent, setting a higher bar for securing and keeping a license, for selling guns and for the types of guns that can be owned. Such laws reflect more than just tighter restrictions. They imply a different way of thinking about guns, as something that citizens must affirmatively earn the right to own.

The United States is one of only three countries, along with Mexico and Guatemala, that begin with the opposite assumption: that people have an inherent right to own guns.

“In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate,” Dan Hodges, a British journalist, wrote in a post on Twitter two years ago. “Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over.”

What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer

And so many more deceased.

It's OK. We don't hate you for killing our dad.
My advice to the OP and other anti-gun libs, move to one of the countries where you'll feel safer.
I mean come on, you guys constantly whine about the US's gun policies. Move then.

Since none of you will, I have to believe that most of the anti-gun stance is mostly a bunch of hot air. It's obviously not important enough in order to motivate you to leave. So you'll stay, and just whine.
My advice to the OP and other anti-gun libs, move to one of the countries where you'll feel safer.
I mean come on, you guys constantly whine about the US's gun policies. Move then.

Since none of you will, I have to believe that most of the anti-gun stance is mostly a bunch of hot air. It's obviously not important enough in order to motivate you to leave. So you'll stay, and just whine.

I'm not American...
My advice to the OP and other anti-gun libs, move to one of the countries where you'll feel safer.
I mean come on, you guys constantly whine about the US's gun policies. Move then.

Since none of you will, I have to believe that most of the anti-gun stance is mostly a bunch of hot air. It's obviously not important enough in order to motivate you to leave. So you'll stay, and just whine.

I'm not American...

Then butt the fuck out.
My advice to the OP and other anti-gun libs, move to one of the countries where you'll feel safer.
I mean come on, you guys constantly whine about the US's gun policies. Move then.

Since none of you will, I have to believe that most of the anti-gun stance is mostly a bunch of hot air. It's obviously not important enough in order to motivate you to leave. So you'll stay, and just whine.

I'm not American...

Then butt the fuck out.

My advice to the OP and other anti-gun libs, move to one of the countries where you'll feel safer.
I mean come on, you guys constantly whine about the US's gun policies. Move then.

Since none of you will, I have to believe that most of the anti-gun stance is mostly a bunch of hot air. It's obviously not important enough in order to motivate you to leave. So you'll stay, and just whine.

I'm not American...

Then butt the fuck out.


Lol !!

Okay, whatever, but I'm not interested in hearing an outsiders opinion regarding our gun rights.
Just sayin'.
So, the answer is more guns. Guns in church. Guns in school. Guns on the playgrounds. But the mass murders here just keep going up. More guns on the street, and more death in the streets, schools, and churches. Time for a different answer. Time to stop listening to people like 2aguy, who have the blood of children on their hands for arming the crazies. Time to create laws that stop the ever increasing amount of guns in our streets.
I hope all you Communist, America hating twats spend as much time as you can in Gun Free Zones where you'll be safe and cozy.
Hell, put up a "Gun Free Zone" sign in your own yard and enjoy total security.
It's so ironic that the places where MS13 kills the most people and violent crime is most prevalent is exactly where you imbeciles live.

Poetic justice.

Attention all violent illegals, escaped felons, violent crack heads and gangs......liberals cordially invite you to enjoy their company and share their prosperity....simply find a very liberal place and make yourselves at home. You'll be welcomed there, given sanctuary and there will be no guns so you are assured peace and security.

To easily find such safe places for you, look into voting roles and election demographic charts.
Generally speaking, Blue areas where Democrat votes are heavy are where you can prosper and be safe.

My advice to the OP and other anti-gun libs, move to one of the countries where you'll feel safer.
I mean come on, you guys constantly whine about the US's gun policies. Move then.

Since none of you will, I have to believe that most of the anti-gun stance is mostly a bunch of hot air. It's obviously not important enough in order to motivate you to leave. So you'll stay, and just whine.

I'm not American...

Probably Canadian where the King fairy Queen has just turned on illegal immigrants after calling America disgusting for not accepting more than the millions upon millions we've already absorbed to the several hundred Cantada has allowed in.
Just ban Democrats from owning guns and gun crimes would go down 95%
Is suicide a gun crime? The majority of gun deaths are suicide with the vast majority of those being white guys in Red States. Those links have been posted here on the USMB many, many times.
Probably Canadian where the King fairy Queen has just turned on illegal immigrants after calling America disgusting for not accepting more than the millions upon millions we've already absorbed to the several hundred Cantada has allowed in.

It must almost make you choke on your own bile that a country with a population 1/10th the size of the US is much more universally respected and liked than the joke that has been the US for the past 8 months. What’s it like having a running joke as a president? Only in America I guess. And no, I’m not a Canuck…

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