Yep False Flag - Buffalo Shooter Investigated in 2020 Then Allowed to Buy a Shotgun

Drug abuse should be enough to strip one of a lot of "rights" --having kids, collecting welfare checks, voting

So someone like Rush Limbaugh should not have been allowed to vote due to his drug abuse?

Got it.
Trannies are a whole host of mental problems---let's stop pretending that they (you) aren't. No crazy should be allowed guns------trannies are notoriously flat out crazy and violent. Murder is high among their ranks.

And yes hun, criminal grandfather, likely illegal grandmother with status of grandfather unknown for now, druggy mother produced 18 year old with record of crime, violence, and pervasion----he's going to have drug issues as well. Don't know why you want to argue this----impulse control and addictions are largely genetic dealing largely with the frontal lobe of the brain. Fucked up family from Mexico into drugs and crime...have mentally disturbed 18 year old and you don't think he wouldn't also be on drugs/alcohol?

Sorry, but while those kinds of laws might go over in Russia or China, they do not fly in a free country, your unfounded hatred of cross dressers aside.
Crazy thing, even when Rush was an active user, he was still making better choices then Dembot voters who were sober.

oddly enough that did not answer the question. At least you are consistent.

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