yep no controlled demolition of bld 7 or lost libertys since 9/11 alright

"Let’s consider the evidence:

"Speed of Collapse
"As documented by video footage, Building 7 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for a distance of more than 100 feet – equal to at least eight stories.

Why can't you explain those two seconds of free fall?

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11

You are wasting precious time, Princess. If your half-truths, pseudoscience and fabrications are so good the insurers and the media will be at your door in the next 5 minutes to throw money at you to make the case. Let me know when they get there.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow, you're so damn dumb. I mean, i know you're a Sock Troll asshole, but clearly you're the dumbest one here. Got anymore 'Tin Foil Hat' insults for us? SHEESH! :cuckoo:

I'll take that to mean none of the insurers who paid BILLIONS in claims has called on you or any of your CT brethren to help them make a case for restitution from those you claim were the real 9/11 perps. What a surprise! How do you explain their reticence? :D
You are wasting precious time, Princess. If your half-truths, pseudoscience and fabrications are so good the insurers and the media will be at your door in the next 5 minutes to throw money at you to make the case. Let me know when they get there.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow, you're so damn dumb. I mean, i know you're a Sock Troll asshole, but clearly you're the dumbest one here. Got anymore 'Tin Foil Hat' insults for us? SHEESH! :cuckoo:

I'll take that to mean none of the insurers who paid BILLIONS in claims has called on you or any of your CT brethren to help them make a case for restitution from those you claim were the real 9/11 perps. What a surprise! How do you explain their reticence? :D

Seriously, you're embarassing yourself now. Time to create a new Sock. This one's all done. :lol:
Wow, you're so damn dumb. I mean, i know you're a Sock Troll asshole, but clearly you're the dumbest one here. Got anymore 'Tin Foil Hat' insults for us? SHEESH! :cuckoo:

I'll take that to mean none of the insurers who paid BILLIONS in claims has called on you or any of your CT brethren to help them make a case for restitution from those you claim were the real 9/11 perps. What a surprise! How do you explain their reticence? :D

Seriously, you're embarassing yourself now. Time to create a new Sock. This one's all done. :lol:

So you're admitting that deep down inside you know that your 9/11 CTs are just plain BS. It's about time you faced that fact. You may, with much hard work, someday rejoin the real world ... maybe. :D
I'll take that to mean none of the insurers who paid BILLIONS in claims has called on you or any of your CT brethren to help them make a case for restitution from those you claim were the real 9/11 perps. What a surprise! How do you explain their reticence? :D

Seriously, you're embarassing yourself now. Time to create a new Sock. This one's all done. :lol:

So you're admitting that deep down inside you know that your 9/11 CTs are just plain BS. It's about time you faced that fact. You may, with much hard work, someday rejoin the real world ... maybe. :D

Yeah sure, whatever you say Sock. :cuckoo:
Wow, you're so damn dumb. I mean, i know you're a Sock Troll asshole, but clearly you're the dumbest one here. Got anymore 'Tin Foil Hat' insults for us? SHEESH! :cuckoo:
SAYIT thinks WikiPedia is an good source of info. ;)

Sayit let me ask you a question. What was this comment of yours in your profile about?

"No harm done. $7 trillion is just a number the haters pull fom their butts. They have nothing to support it."

Federal Reserve?

You mean from my messages? Was that from a conversation I was having with you? When was it?
BTW, Princess, are you getting your 9/11 "facts" in order so that you can make a case on behalf of the insurers who paid out BILLIONS in 9/11 claims. I believe I can get you 10% of any money you recover. See the "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" thread for details.
Hurry. :D
Wow, you're so damn dumb. I mean, i know you're a Sock Troll asshole, but clearly you're the dumbest one here. Got anymore 'Tin Foil Hat' insults for us? SHEESH! :cuckoo:
SAYIT thinks WikiPedia is an good source of info. ;)

Sayit let me ask you a question. What was this comment of yours in your profile about?

"No harm done. $7 trillion is just a number the haters pull fom their butts. They have nothing to support it."

Federal Reserve?

You mean from my messages? Was that from a conversation I was having with you? When was it?
BTW, Princess, are you getting your 9/11 "facts" in order so that you can make a case on behalf of the insurers who paid out BILLIONS in 9/11 claims. I believe I can get you 10% of any money you recover. See the "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" thread for details.
Hurry. :D

Sock Troll meltdown in progress. Absolutely hilarious. :lol:
I'll take that to mean you called and they wouldn't stop laughing. You need to stop wallowing in CT fantasy, Princess. :D
"Let’s consider the evidence:

"Speed of Collapse
"As documented by video footage, Building 7 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for a distance of more than 100 feet – equal to at least eight stories.

Why can't you explain those two seconds of free fall?

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11

You are wasting precious time, Princess. If your half-truths, pseudoscience and fabrications are so good the insurers and the media will be at your door in the next 5 minutes to throw money at you to make the case. Let me know when they get there.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What pseudoscience and fabrications are you talking about asshole? And how do you figure insurance companies and their employees are infinitely more powerful then oh say, the US government and their machinations, or the Israeli Mossad and their assassination tactics, or even a corrupt judge or 2 that may be sympathetic to their cause?
Would you risk your life and your families life to "blow the whistle" on such a plot???
This outta be good...:popcorn:
"Let’s consider the evidence:

"Speed of Collapse
"As documented by video footage, Building 7 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for a distance of more than 100 feet – equal to at least eight stories.

Why can't you explain those two seconds of free fall?

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11

You are wasting precious time, Princess. If your half-truths, pseudoscience and fabrications are so good the insurers and the media will be at your door in the next 5 minutes to throw money at you to make the case. Let me know when they get there.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What pseudoscience and fabrications are you talking about asshole? And how do you figure insurance companies and their employees are infinitely more powerful then oh say, the US government and their machinations, or the Israeli Mossad and their assassination tactics, or even a corrupt judge or 2 that may be sympathetic to their cause?
Would you risk your life and your families life to "blow the whistle" on such a plot???
This outta be good...:popcorn:

Nice tap dance, Princess, but all you did was admit you really don't have a case, just hot air. At least you are aware of it which puts you miles ahead of 9/11 Hand Job and right there with Pauli. :cuckoo:
Any and every event that has severe National Security implications can be counted on to have an official cover story that will not stand up to detailed scrutiny. The reasons are legion . . . and they include 1.)not providing useful assessment information to enemy states about the extent of damage to our infrastructure and capabilities; 2.) the effectiveness of the incident; 3.) the weaknesses in our defenses; 4.) any diplomatic repercussions for our myriad relationships; etc., etc. Obviously any such deliberate cover-up for legitimate reasons will necessarily provide grist for the conspiracy nuts and others not friendly to us. It is unavoidable.

Of course controlled demolition was involved in the final collapse of the buildings. They contained myriad secrets, perhaps top secret, agencies, records, economic and defense related infrastructure, a veritable cornucopia of economic and security related information, etc. . . . all of which would have been open, vulnerable and compromised after such a catastrophic event. There could be no control of access or protection of anything that was there. Do you really think that after the first failed attempt on the towers they did not put in place measures to cover just such a contingency?

I understand these things are not as much fun to talk about or speculate about as the many conspiracy theories floating around out there . . . so I apologize for raining on anyone's parade. Carry on.
I'll take that to mean you called and they wouldn't stop laughing. You need to stop wallowing in CT fantasy, Princess. :D
"Let’s consider the evidence:

"Speed of Collapse
"As documented by video footage, Building 7 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for a distance of more than 100 feet – equal to at least eight stories.

Why can't you explain those two seconds of free fall?

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11

You are wasting precious time, Princess. If your half-truths, pseudoscience and fabrications are so good the insurers and the media will be at your door in the next 5 minutes to throw money at you to make the case. Let me know when they get there.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Prior to the NIST investigation, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), had conducted a preliminary, cursory, underfunded investigation and produced a Building Performance Assessment Report.

"In Appendix C of that report, FEMA described its analysis of only two steel samples, one from Building 7 and the other from Tower 1 or 2.

"The analysis of the WTC 7 sample showed 'evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including rapid oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intergranular melting….'”

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11
Any and every event that has severe National Security implications can be counted on to have an official cover story that will not stand up to detailed scrutiny. The reasons are legion . . . and they include 1.)not providing useful assessment information to enemy states about the extent of damage to our infrastructure and capabilities; 2.) the effectiveness of the incident; 3.) the weaknesses in our defenses; 4.) any diplomatic repercussions for our myriad relationships; etc., etc. Obviously any such deliberate cover-up for legitimate reasons will necessarily provide grist for the conspiracy nuts and others not friendly to us. It is unavoidable.

Of course controlled demolition was involved in the final collapse of the buildings. They contained myriad secrets, perhaps top secret, agencies, records, economic and defense related infrastructure, a veritable cornucopia of economic and security related information, etc. . . . all of which would have been open, vulnerable and compromised after such a catastrophic event. There could be no control of access or protection of anything that was there. Do you really think that after the first failed attempt on the towers they did not put in place measures to cover just such a contingency?

I understand these things are not as much fun to talk about or speculate about as the many conspiracy theories floating around out there . . . so I apologize for raining on anyone's parade. Carry on.

In short, there was a coverup alright and that is evident, but the cover up attempt was put in place with the intention of providing cover for the perpetrators of the crime, not for national security reasons. Incentive to keep quiet was most likely provided in the form of monetary incentive, threats, or as we have seen, by giving promotions.
The power of those behind the crime of 9-11 is evident, and those we have charged with protecting our nation have been compromised, while those with the courage to speak out are eliminated threatened, or silenced.
Could be all of the above. Who knows. Anyway, don't let the bastard get ya down. :)

As if one can get lower than posting "poop" from Mommy's basement. If you really want to help ol' Hand Job, get him a life. :lol:

He's honest and has integrity. But you, well you're just an average Sock Troll asshole. You cannot be trusted or respected. But hey, we all look forward to another one of your fresh & original 'Tin Foil Hat' insults. Keep up the bad work dummy. :thup:

"Let’s consider the evidence:

Speed of Collapse

"As documented by video footage, Building 7 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for a distance of more than 100 feet – equal to at least eight stories.

In spite of Bush and Cheney's best efforts to ship thousands of tons of evidence to China before any forensics was performed, there's no shortage of physical evidence remaining to warrant a full public, independent investigation of how two planes collapsed three steel-framed skyscrapers.

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11

Let's consider the reality:
If what you think you have could prove the collapse was a controlled demo, you'd be talking to the aforementioned insurers (who paid out billions in 9/11 claims) instead of trying to convince me.
Why not give them a call and get back to me with their response, Princess? :D
Here's the reality you need to consider:
Stop being afraid.

This agent troll is only afraid of the ass beatings he gets here all the time from truthers and not getting paid enough from his handlers to keep coming back for them.This paid troll knows it was an inside job.He isnt one of those frady cat deniars who only sees what he wants to see and is in denial like politico,prezfan,or whitehall who always leave and dont come back when cornered.this troll can only come back with pathetic one liners for his rebutalls when he is cornered and is just here seeking attention.
"As documented by video footage, Building 7 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for a distance of more than 100 feet – equal to at least eight stories.

"NIST initially denied Building 7’s free-fall in its Draft Report released in August 2008. In the technical briefing that followed, NIST’s lead investigator, Dr. Shyam Sunder accurately explained, 'A free-fall time would be an object that has no structural components below it.'

"He inaccurately claimed that WTC 7 took 40 percent longer than 'free-fall time' to collapse, 'and that is not at all unusual because there was structural resistance that was provided in this particular case.

"And you had a sequence of structural failures that had to take place, and everything was not instantaneous.'"

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11

It's long past time for the truth about 911 to reach the world.

Once more for the ternimally dense:
As of this posting there is still no evidence of a controlled demo nor of rigging for a controlled demo on any of the WTC buildings.
When you find some, immediately stop wasting your time here and contact the insurers who paid out billions and would probably reward you handsomely for the opportunity to recover that money. In the meantime your shrill, desperate silliness remains just ... silly, Princess. :D
Once more for the terminally stupid....They are not allowing any evidence, nor even allowing any sort of discussion of proof/evidence that is contrary to the OCT, on any level, especially the stupid motherfucker, or stupid **** (take your pick,dependent on your gender, which by your constant use of the word "princess" I'm leaning towards you being a female stupid **** or perhaps you are bi gender?)

What you don't want to understand or admit is that the judicial system that US citizens depend on for hearing of their grievances has been compromised, with instances of conflict of interests and out right disdain for the rule of law. This is a huge issue, as the grievances are quickly dismissed, or not even heard in a court of law.
To these "federal" judges it must be akin to swatting flies, as the 9-11 Commission panel, the supposed grand daddy of all the inquiries was itself compromised, how can any litigants possibly expect their cases to even be considered.
It seems like you also need a lesson on the reality of the situation, as you haven't grasped just how screwed this nation has become and just how badly compromised the US Federal Gov. is.
There are many instances that are easily found concerning attempts to get cases into court, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to quickly realize that 9-11 truth is a complete hands off cover up, which is yet another grievance and source of frustration for those attempting to disclose information.
What a fucking joke you are!! I can't believe you are that fucking obtuse....on the other hand yes I can. Anyone who will come onto a message board and argue a case without any proof whatsoever is a fucking basket case, a brain dead alcoholic or both, you must be hung over again.
SAYIT thinks WikiPedia is an good source of info. ;)

Sayit let me ask you a question. What was this comment of yours in your profile about?

"No harm done. $7 trillion is just a number the haters pull fom their butts. They have nothing to support it."

Federal Reserve?

You mean from my messages? Was that from a conversation I was having with you? When was it?
BTW, Princess, are you getting your 9/11 "facts" in order so that you can make a case on behalf of the insurers who paid out BILLIONS in 9/11 claims. I believe I can get you 10% of any money you recover. See the "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" thread for details.
Hurry. :D

Sock Troll meltdown in progress. Absolutely hilarious. :lol:

Isnt it though?:lol:
Could be all of the above. Who knows. Anyway, don't let the bastard get ya down. :)

As if one can get lower than posting "poop" from Mommy's basement. If you really want to help ol' Hand Job, get him a life. :lol:

He's honest and has integrity. But you, well you're just an average Sock Troll asshole. You cannot be trusted or respected. But hey, we all look forward to another one of your fresh & original 'Tin Foil Hat' insults. Keep up the bad work dummy. :thup:

Hey paid agent troll sock puppet SAYIT.your the one posting from mommys basment.You take money handoffs from your handlers and sell your soul down the drain for money which you will regret in the end when you burn in hell after you die.something i actually feel sorry for you on.

posting poop is the ONLY reply that your worthy of and that any truther should ever give you around here since your such a chickenshit coward who has to use a sock puppet and who cowardly runs off with his tail between his legs like a chickenshit coward only coming back with pathetic one liners everytime I challenged you to debunk that five minute video on that thread of his.showing the world you cant debate.:clap2:

i gave you MANY chances to engage in a debate on me on that information in that video,like the coward troll you are,you ran off EVERYTIME and could only shit all over the floor just like you are doing now.till you get a hold of your shitting problem you have.your just a troll not worth replying to.:lol:
Last edited:
Any and every event that has severe National Security implications can be counted on to have an official cover story that will not stand up to detailed scrutiny. The reasons are legion . . . and they include 1.)not providing useful assessment information to enemy states about the extent of damage to our infrastructure and capabilities; 2.) the effectiveness of the incident; 3.) the weaknesses in our defenses; 4.) any diplomatic repercussions for our myriad relationships; etc., etc. Obviously any such deliberate cover-up for legitimate reasons will necessarily provide grist for the conspiracy nuts and others not friendly to us. It is unavoidable.

Of course controlled demolition was involved in the final collapse of the buildings. They contained myriad secrets, perhaps top secret, agencies, records, economic and defense related infrastructure, a veritable cornucopia of economic and security related information, etc. . . . all of which would have been open, vulnerable and compromised after such a catastrophic event. There could be no control of access or protection of anything that was there. Do you really think that after the first failed attempt on the towers they did not put in place measures to cover just such a contingency?

I understand these things are not as much fun to talk about or speculate about as the many conspiracy theories floating around out there . . . so I apologize for raining on anyone's parade. Carry on.

You start out with some marginally logical speculation (for instance, why wasn't the Pentagon also rigged for demo?) and abruptly shift into "conspiracy nut" mode, jumping to your "Of course controlled demolition was involved" conclusion.
You ignore the fact that no one observed the rigging, not one demo worker questioned why they buildings were being rigged and none came forward after to tell the tale. If you consider what would have been required, that's just not likely.
There is no evidence of rigging and none that the buildings were felled by controlled demo.
The "facts" you've picked up in your Internet investigation are just grist for your vivid imagination. Enjoy. :D
Any and every event that has severe National Security implications can be counted on to have an official cover story that will not stand up to detailed scrutiny. The reasons are legion . . . and they include 1.)not providing useful assessment information to enemy states about the extent of damage to our infrastructure and capabilities; 2.) the effectiveness of the incident; 3.) the weaknesses in our defenses; 4.) any diplomatic repercussions for our myriad relationships; etc., etc. Obviously any such deliberate cover-up for legitimate reasons will necessarily provide grist for the conspiracy nuts and others not friendly to us. It is unavoidable.

Of course controlled demolition was involved in the final collapse of the buildings. They contained myriad secrets, perhaps top secret, agencies, records, economic and defense related infrastructure, a veritable cornucopia of economic and security related information, etc. . . . all of which would have been open, vulnerable and compromised after such a catastrophic event. There could be no control of access or protection of anything that was there. Do you really think that after the first failed attempt on the towers they did not put in place measures to cover just such a contingency?

I understand these things are not as much fun to talk about or speculate about as the many conspiracy theories floating around out there . . . so I apologize for raining on anyone's parade. Carry on.

You start out with some marginally logical speculation (for instance, why wasn't the Pentagon also rigged for demo?) and abruptly shift into "conspiracy nut" mode, jumping to your "Of course controlled demolition was involved" conclusion.
You ignore the fact that no one observed the rigging, not one demo worker questioned why they buildings were being rigged and none came forward after to tell the tale. If you consider what would have been required, that's just not likely.
There is no evidence of rigging and none that the buildings were felled by controlled demo.
The "facts" you've picked up in your Internet investigation are just grist for your vivid imagination. Enjoy. :D
There's nothing imaginary about tons of evidence being recycled prior to a complete investigation:

"Steel was the structural material of the buildings. As such it was the most important evidence to preserve in order to puzzle out how the structures held up to the impacts and fires, but then disintegrated into rubble.

"Since no steel-framed buildings had ever collapsed due to fires, the steel should have been subjected to detailed analysis. So what did the authorities do with this key evidence of the vast crime and unprecedented engineering failure? They recycled it!"

9-11 Research: WTC Steel Removal
"As documented by video footage, Building 7 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for a distance of more than 100 feet – equal to at least eight stories.

"NIST initially denied Building 7’s free-fall in its Draft Report released in August 2008. In the technical briefing that followed, NIST’s lead investigator, Dr. Shyam Sunder accurately explained, 'A free-fall time would be an object that has no structural components below it.'

"He inaccurately claimed that WTC 7 took 40 percent longer than 'free-fall time' to collapse, 'and that is not at all unusual because there was structural resistance that was provided in this particular case.

"And you had a sequence of structural failures that had to take place, and everything was not instantaneous.'"

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11

It's long past time for the truth about 911 to reach the world.

Once more for the ternimally dense:
As of this posting there is still no evidence of a controlled demo nor of rigging for a controlled demo on any of the WTC buildings.
When you find some, immediately stop wasting your time here and contact the insurers who paid out billions and would probably reward you handsomely for the opportunity to recover that money. In the meantime your shrill, desperate silliness remains just ... silly, Princess. :D
Once more for the terminally stupid....They are not allowing any evidence, nor even allowing any sort of discussion of proof/evidence that is contrary to the OCT, on any level, especially the stupid motherfucker, or stupid **** (take your pick,dependent on your gender, which by your constant use of the word "princess" I'm leaning towards you being a female stupid **** or perhaps you are bi gender?)

What you don't want to understand or admit is that the judicial system that US citizens depend on for hearing of their grievances has been compromised, with instances of conflict of interests and out right disdain for the rule of law. This is a huge issue, as the grievances are quickly dismissed, or not even heard in a court of law.
To these "federal" judges it must be akin to swatting flies, as the 9-11 Commission panel, the supposed grand daddy of all the inquiries was itself compromised, how can any litigants possibly expect their cases to even be considered.
It seems like you also need a lesson on the reality of the situation, as you haven't grasped just how screwed this nation has become and just how badly compromised the US Federal Gov. is.
There are many instances that are easily found concerning attempts to get cases into court, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to quickly realize that 9-11 truth is a complete hands off cover up, which is yet another grievance and source of frustration for those attempting to disclose information.
What a fucking joke you are!! I can't believe you are that fucking obtuse....on the other hand yes I can. Anyone who will come onto a message board and argue a case without any proof whatsoever is a fucking basket case, a brain dead alcoholic or both, you must be hung over again.

The insurers spent years in court fighting payment of those claims. You think they didn't consider everything you think you know and much, much more?
Obviously you have no idea how the US civil court system works. Anyone can file suit against anyone and if getting their BILLIONS back were even remotely possible, the insurers would be paying for your "expert" testimony. Of course, they are not calling on you or any member of the loony CT movement to make your case because your "facts" just don't hold water, but you keep right on digging in that sandbox, Princess, as long as it makes you happy. :cuckoo:
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Let's consider the reality:
If what you think you have could prove the collapse was a controlled demo, you'd be talking to the aforementioned insurers (who paid out billions in 9/11 claims) instead of trying to convince me.
Why not give them a call and get back to me with their response, Princess? :D
Here's the reality you need to consider:
Stop being afraid.

This agent troll is only afraid of the ass beatings he gets here all the time from truthers and not getting paid enough from his handlers to keep coming back for them.This paid troll knows it was an inside job.He isnt one of those frady cat deniars who only sees what he wants to see and is in denial like politico,prezfan,or whitehall who always leave and dont come back when cornered.this troll can only come back with pathetic one liners for his rebutalls when he is cornered and is just here seeking attention.

You're such a powerful Hand Job. A regular legend in your own very small mind. :cuckoo:

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