yep no controlled demolition of bld 7 or lost libertys since 9/11 alright

You have no idea what costs Silverstein has incurred. For instance, he ceded some of his right to rebuild along with some of the insurance money to the Port Authority.
Any idea what that cost him?
You have no idea what remains of the insurance settlement, no idea what it will cost him to rebuild and no evidence that Congress has ever or will ever write "Larry" a check.
It seems you are slowly oozing out of the closet, Bubba, and I'm not a bit surprised by what is oozing out. :D

Speaking of 'oozing', you might want to wipe your chin and tone down the hysterics a notch or two.

You claim I 'have no idea', but the fact is I have some facts to go on.
Fact 3.) Your stated expenses so far have totaled approximately $1 billion.

I did not state the "expenses so far have totaled approx $1 bil" you lying slug, but you have done so repeatedly.
I have consistently proven they are far higher. The $10 mil/month alone (138 months since 9/11) totals $1.38 bil. I suggest you lay off the crack pipe. :D

Did you miss the word 'approximately', or are you just being bitchy by nature?

We're talking over ten billion and you want to snivel about $380 million?

Cry me a river...
Funny you would mention 9/11 skeptics, or more precisely, 9/11 CT skeptics. They find the 9/11 CT "movement" to be far more fertile ground for their skepticism than the NIST report.
Skeptic » eSkeptic » Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

"Someone undecided as to what is true."

In this case, someone calling for full public investigation into the events of 911 with Bush, Cheney, and Rummy testifying under oath on CSPAN.

In this case, well established skeptics take aim at the 9/11 CT movement and squish it like a grape. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Squish this:

"Summary: More than 40 U.S. Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Agency veterans have severely criticized the official account of 9/11 and most have called for a new investigation. Veterans from the U.S. State Department, the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the branches of the U.S. Military are quoted."

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
Speaking of 'oozing', you might want to wipe your chin and tone down the hysterics a notch or two.

You claim I 'have no idea', but the fact is I have some facts to go on.
Fact 3.) Your stated expenses so far have totaled approximately $1 billion.

I did not state the "expenses so far have totaled approx $1 bil" you lying slug, but you have done so repeatedly.
I have consistently proven they are far higher. The $10 mil/month alone (138 months since 9/11) totals $1.38 bil. I suggest you lay off the crack pipe. :D

Did you miss the word 'approximately', or are you just being bitchy by nature?

We're talking over ten billion and you want to snivel about $380 million?

Cry me a river...

You're just like the mole in that old Whack-a-Mole game. Get your lies blasted on a post? No prob! Just move on to the next post and double down on your lies.
The bottom line?
You have no idea how much the leaseholder, Silverstein Props has received from the insurers (and wouldn't they have denied payment altogether if they could have proven a controlled demo?), no idea what their expenses have been since 9/11, and no idea what it will cost them to rebuild, nevertheless you are convinced that the knowledge you don't have proves your 9/11 CT.
That's monumentally lame but soooo typical of a foil-hat nutter. :D
Funny you would mention 9/11 skeptics, or more precisely, 9/11 CT skeptics. They find the 9/11 CT "movement" to be far more fertile ground for their skepticism than the NIST report.
Skeptic » eSkeptic » Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

"Someone undecided as to what is true."

In this case, someone calling for full public investigation into the events of 911 with Bush, Cheney, and Rummy testifying under oath on CSPAN.

In this case, well established skeptics take aim at the 9/11 CT movement and squish it like a grape. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

In the provided video, well established architects and engineers speak out and squash the "official" lame...filled with holes NIST cover-up report like a pesky mosquito. splat!

I dare the so called well established "skeptics" to watch this entire video. The government/NIST version of 9/11 is the conspiracy theory.


[ame=]9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out - YouTube[/ame]
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Really? That's the best you can do? Those working on the Bomb with knowledge of what was up were committed to helping America defend itself in case of war. They knew what they were researching. What would keep all those hard hat demo peeps, each of whom would have known what was up, from wondering out loud why they were rigging the Towers? Surely someone would have seen them. Surely some of them would have come forward on 9/12 if only to garner their 15 minutes of fame. Game over, Princess, but if you put another dollar in the slot you can try again. :D
Maybe they did it for the money?
Another good reason for a full congressional investigation televised on CSPAN.

Now that's convenient. What money? :D
What's convenient, the money coming from globalization?
Or the fact that some human beings will take anyone's money to kill other human beings?

"Bernard Lewis is the best-known exponent of the idea of the 'humiliation' of the Islamic world through globalization.

"In the 2004 book The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror, he argues animosity toward the West is best understood with the decline of the once powerful Ottoman empire, compounded by the import of western ideas— Arab socialism, Arab liberalism and Arab secularism.

"During the past three centuries, the Islamic world has lost its dominance and its leadership, and has fallen behind both the modern West and the rapidly modernizing Orient.

"This widening gap poses increasingly acute problems, both practical and emotional, for which the rulers, thinkers, and rebels of Islam have not yet found effective answers."

Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another good reason for a full public investigation into all aspects of the 911 terror attacks, right?
you guys are still arguing with these two paid trolls? they dodge the facts in this video so i dont understand why you bother with them.
Maybe they did it for the money?
Another good reason for a full congressional investigation televised on CSPAN.

Now that's convenient. What money? :D
What's convenient, the money coming from globalization?
Or the fact that some human beings will take anyone's money to kill other human beings?

"Bernard Lewis is the best-known exponent of the idea of the 'humiliation' of the Islamic world through globalization.

"In the 2004 book The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror, he argues animosity toward the West is best understood with the decline of the once powerful Ottoman empire, compounded by the import of western ideas— Arab socialism, Arab liberalism and Arab secularism.

"During the past three centuries, the Islamic world has lost its dominance and its leadership, and has fallen behind both the modern West and the rapidly modernizing Orient.

"This widening gap poses increasingly acute problems, both practical and emotional, for which the rulers, thinkers, and rebels of Islam have not yet found effective answers."

Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another good reason for a full public investigation into all aspects of the 911 terror attacks, right?

The money from globalization funded the 9/11 attack on America? You've gone totally bonkers, GP. What you have described - the decline of the Arab World's significance - is not a function of globalization. The advances in the West and the Orient have stood in stark contrast to stagnation in the Arab World as Islamism and its rejection of modernity has tightened its oppressive grip in the Mideast. The world only left them behind when they jumped off the train of progress. :D
you guys are still arguing with these two paid trolls? they dodge the facts in this video so i dont understand why you bother with them.

Nobody pays any attention to you, 9/11 Hand Job, and I mean nobody.
Now back to whatever you do best in your mommy's basement. You're dismissed. :D
Now that's convenient. What money? :D
What's convenient, the money coming from globalization?
Or the fact that some human beings will take anyone's money to kill other human beings?

"Bernard Lewis is the best-known exponent of the idea of the 'humiliation' of the Islamic world through globalization.

"In the 2004 book The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror, he argues animosity toward the West is best understood with the decline of the once powerful Ottoman empire, compounded by the import of western ideas— Arab socialism, Arab liberalism and Arab secularism.

"During the past three centuries, the Islamic world has lost its dominance and its leadership, and has fallen behind both the modern West and the rapidly modernizing Orient.

"This widening gap poses increasingly acute problems, both practical and emotional, for which the rulers, thinkers, and rebels of Islam have not yet found effective answers."

Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another good reason for a full public investigation into all aspects of the 911 terror attacks, right?

The money from globalization funded the 9/11 attack on America? You've gone totally bonkers, GP. What you have described - the decline of the Arab World's significance - is not a function of globalization. The advances in the West and the Orient have stood in stark contrast to stagnation in the Arab World as Islamism and its rejection of modernity has tightened its oppressive grip in the Mideast. The world only left them behind when they jumped off the train of progress. :D
How has globalization impacted the Saudi economy?

"After the 10-year anniversary of Sept. 11 and six months after the death of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, questions still remain regarding who funded the attacks that led to thousands of deaths and billions of dollars in damages.

"The latest legal pursuit is that of an insurance syndicate of British insurer Lloyd's, which says the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its banks and various charities should be financially responsible for the $215 million it paid in insurance settlements to 9/11 victims' families.

"William Doyle's family is one of the families determined to find those who funded the attacks on 9/11. Doyle's son, Joseph, was killed in the north tower of the World Trade Center.

"William Doyle told ABC News there are 'concrete facts' showing the majority of the hijackers' funding originated from Saudi Arabia. He said the government helped "shield" some of that evidence when the joint congressional committee investigating the attacks published a report in December 2002 and redacted about 28 pages."

Yet one more good reason for a full public investigation by the US Congress, right?
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What's convenient, the money coming from globalization?
Or the fact that some human beings will take anyone's money to kill other human beings?

"Bernard Lewis is the best-known exponent of the idea of the 'humiliation' of the Islamic world through globalization.

"In the 2004 book The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror, he argues animosity toward the West is best understood with the decline of the once powerful Ottoman empire, compounded by the import of western ideas— Arab socialism, Arab liberalism and Arab secularism.

"During the past three centuries, the Islamic world has lost its dominance and its leadership, and has fallen behind both the modern West and the rapidly modernizing Orient.

"This widening gap poses increasingly acute problems, both practical and emotional, for which the rulers, thinkers, and rebels of Islam have not yet found effective answers."

Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another good reason for a full public investigation into all aspects of the 911 terror attacks, right?

The money from globalization funded the 9/11 attack on America? You've gone totally bonkers, GP. What you have described - the decline of the Arab World's significance - is not a function of globalization. The advances in the West and the Orient have stood in stark contrast to stagnation in the Arab World as Islamism and its rejection of modernity has tightened its oppressive grip in the Mideast. The world only left them behind when they jumped off the train of progress. :D
How has globalization impacted the Saudi economy?

"After the 10-year anniversary of Sept. 11 and six months after the death of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, questions still remain regarding who funded the attacks that led to thousands of deaths and billions of dollars in damages.

"The latest legal pursuit is that of an insurance syndicate of British insurer Lloyd's, which says the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its banks and various charities should be financially responsible for the $215 million it paid in insurance settlements to 9/11 victims' families.

"William Doyle's family is one of the families determined to find those who funded the attacks on 9/11. Doyle's son, Joseph, was killed in the north tower of the World Trade Center.

"William Doyle told ABC News there are 'concrete facts' showing the majority of the hijackers' funding originated from Saudi Arabia. He said the government helped "shield" some of that evidence when the joint congressional committee investigating the attacks published a report in December 2002 and redacted about 28 pages."

Yet one more good reason for a full public investigation by the US Congress, right?

Who Funded 9/11 Attacks? Insurance Companies, 9/11 Families Continue Suing for Answers - ABC News

The 'Hole Rule' now applies to this conversation: When in a hole over your head, stop digging!
Globalization did not fund the 9/11 attack on America but radical Islamists may well have.
Your source does make a pertinent point ... the big money insurance companies who paid out billions in claims did not find the CT movement's pseudoscience, half-truths and outright fabrications to be proof of complicity on the part of the US gov't or Israel or Silverstein Props.
If we are going to follow the money, consider how much the insurers would have saved if the CTs held water. :D
If radical Islamists used petro-dollars to finance the 911 attacks, that is yet another valid reason for a full congressional investigation into 911. In spite of your defense of a criminally negligent administration whose incompetence (at least) caused the deaths of 3000 Americans, following the money would be a good first step in cutting through all the "pseudoscience, half-truths, and outright fabrications."
If radical Islamists used petro-dollars to finance the 911 attacks, that is yet another valid reason for a full congressional investigation into 911. In spite of your defense of a criminally negligent administration whose incompetence (at least) caused the deaths of 3000 Americans, following the money would be a good first step in cutting through all the "pseudoscience, half-truths, and outright fabrications."

Not being aware of the specific plans of a relatively small group of committed terrorists does not rise to the level of criminal negligence and Congress seems content, as do most rational Americans, that the NIST report so far outweighs the CT World's silliness that further investigations are unnecessary.
In the unlikely event that you come up with any real evidence which supports your conspiracy theories, most rational people would join you in insisting on Congressional action. Deal?
you guys are still arguing with these two paid trolls? they dodge the facts in this video so i dont understand why you bother with them.

Yeah, more boring Sock Trolls. SAYIT is the newest Sock Troll asshole. I'm guessing it's del a.k.a. (The Gimp), that creepy Dante dude, or dawgshit. Pretty pathetic stuff. But waddayagonnado, right? Hang in there. :)
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you guys are still arguing with these two paid trolls? they dodge the facts in this video so i dont understand why you bother with them.

Yeah, more boring Sock Trolls. SAYIT is the newest Sock Troll asshole. I'm guessing it's del a.k.a. (The Gimp), that creepy Dante dude, or dawgshit. Pretty pathetic stuff. But waddayagonnado, right? Hang in there. :)

I'll take that bit of silly putty to mean neither of you can explain why those insurance companies paid BILLIONS in claims stemming from 9/11. They are waaaaay smarter than you and have far more resources and motivation to bust the official 9/11 reports. Just like you and your CT movement, they failed. :D
Quote: Originally Posted by 9/11 inside job
you guys are still arguing with these two paid trolls? they dodge the facts in this video so i dont understand why you bother with them.

Quote: Originally Posted by paulitician
Yeah, more boring Sock Trolls. SAYIT is the newest Sock Troll asshole. I'm guessing it's del a.k.a. (The Gimp), that creepy Dante dude, or dawgshit. Pretty pathetic stuff. But waddayagonnado, right? Hang in there.

I'll take that bit of silly putty to mean neither of you can explain why those insurance companies paid BILLIONS in claims stemming from 9/11. They are waaaaay smarter than you and have far more resources and motivation to bust the official 9/11 reports. Just like you and your CT movement, they failed.

Gotta' Wikipedia link (that we can shred) for your assertions SAYIT? :D

You need a link to prove that those insurers paid billions on 9/11 claims? Munich Re's web site reveals they paid $2.2bil ... by far their largest payout ever and they weren't the only insurer to pay big bucks. Do you think they all did so without looking for a way out?
C'mon, Princess ... you can do better than that, right?. :D
You need a link to prove that those insurers paid billions on 9/11 claims? Munich Re's web site reveals they paid $2.2bil ... by far their largest payout ever and they weren't the only insurer to pay big bucks. Do you think they all did so without looking for a way out?
C'mon, Princess ... you can do better than that, right?. :D
Sounds like a crazy "Conspiracy Theory" you're pushing there. :D
You need a link to prove that those insurers paid billions on 9/11 claims? Munich Re's web site reveals they paid $2.2bil ... by far their largest payout ever and they weren't the only insurer to pay big bucks. Do you think they all did so without looking for a way out?
C'mon, Princess ... you can do better than that, right?. :D
Sounds like a crazy "Conspiracy Theory" you're pushing there. :D

We both know why you go so limp when the pressure is on, Princess ... a gov't conspiracy turned you homosexual. :D
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If radical Islamists used petro-dollars to finance the 911 attacks, that is yet another valid reason for a full congressional investigation into 911. In spite of your defense of a criminally negligent administration whose incompetence (at least) caused the deaths of 3000 Americans, following the money would be a good first step in cutting through all the "pseudoscience, half-truths, and outright fabrications."

Not being aware of the specific plans of a relatively small group of committed terrorists does not rise to the level of criminal negligence and Congress seems content, as do most rational Americans, that the NIST report so far outweighs the CT World's silliness that further investigations are unnecessary.
In the unlikely event that you come up with any real evidence which supports your conspiracy theories, most rational people would join you in insisting on Congressional action. Deal?
There's no shortage of evidence revealing how the Bush Administration turned a blind eye to events culminating on 911:

"Sibel Deniz Edmonds (born 1970)[1] is a Turkish-American[2] former FBI translator and founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC).

"Edmonds gained public attention following her firing from her position as a language specialist at the FBI's Washington Field Office in March 2002, after she accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving foreign nationals, alleging serious acts of security breaches, cover-ups, and intentional blocking of intelligence which, she contended, presented a danger to the United States' security.

"Her later claims have gained her awards and fame as a whistleblower.[3]

"In March 2012, she published a memoir, titled Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story.[4]
Edmonds testified before the 9/11 Commission, but her testimony was excluded from the official 567 page 9/11 Commission Report."

Sibel Edmonds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If radical Islamists used petro-dollars to finance the 911 attacks, that is yet another valid reason for a full congressional investigation into 911. In spite of your defense of a criminally negligent administration whose incompetence (at least) caused the deaths of 3000 Americans, following the money would be a good first step in cutting through all the "pseudoscience, half-truths, and outright fabrications."

Not being aware of the specific plans of a relatively small group of committed terrorists does not rise to the level of criminal negligence and Congress seems content, as do most rational Americans, that the NIST report so far outweighs the CT World's silliness that further investigations are unnecessary.
In the unlikely event that you come up with any real evidence which supports your conspiracy theories, most rational people would join you in insisting on Congressional action. Deal?

you have not even read the NIST report

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