yep no controlled demolition of bld 7 or lost libertys since 9/11 alright

You start out with some marginally logical speculation (for instance, why wasn't the Pentagon also rigged for demo?) and abruptly shift into "conspiracy nut" mode, jumping to your "Of course controlled demolition was involved" conclusion.
You ignore the fact that no one observed the rigging, not one demo worker questioned why they buildings were being rigged and none came forward after to tell the tale. If you consider what would have been required, that's just not likely.
There is no evidence of rigging and none that the buildings were felled by controlled demo.
The "facts" you've picked up in your Internet investigation are just grist for your vivid imagination. Enjoy. :D
You want to know why no one was observed planting, and rigging any of the buildings? Because it was done in secret, under cover, with their own people...Why is this so hard for your dumbass to understand...

Fantastic! Nobody knows because - drum roll, please - nobody knows!
How convenient!
I certainly can't compete with such powerful logic! Just for my records, could you post a credible link which supports your "facts," Princess? :D

You apparently can't compete, that's obvious, and what you try to pass off as logic, that being that the OCT is true and legit, beecausse insurance fraud took place, is just the latest and weakest attempt at sidetracking a topic, avoiding direct confrontation regarding a subject you don't want to face, and filling it full of BS.

I see you still are avoiding what I challenged you to respond to...You're still a weak coward and weaker example of internet disinformation troll, and BTW asshole, I have posted credible links, and easy to understand videos that explain my stance on this topic, but it looks like you're still playing dumb, which is one of the more easily spotted of tactics you trolls use.
Folks what this person is displaying is straight up disinformation internet troll tactics.

I assume you're stupidity and lack of knowledge on this topic is due to you probably still being in training...Come on now get to studying, and don't be afraid to raise your hand during follow up orientation sessions.....Shit...maybe they need a new instructor :confused:

You are an epic fail, keep looking for work or troll another topic....
"'I can think of no faster way to unite the American people behind George W. Bush than a terrorist attack on an American target overseas.' Henry Kissinger, 2000.

"'September Eleven was good for Israel'" (Benjamin Netanyahu)"

Can you spot the pattern?

Who Destroyed The WTC?

Both obvious truths. Your point? :D

That you find not the least wrong, or at least peculiar....Internet disinformation troll is all over your statement..Must be getting difficult for them to find competent been exposed boy/girl whatever you are! :clap2:

These must be temporary assignments....NEXT!
Last edited:
You want to know why no one was observed planting, and rigging any of the buildings? Because it was done in secret, under cover, with their own people...Why is this so hard for your dumbass to understand...

Fantastic! Nobody knows because - drum roll, please - nobody knows!
How convenient!
I certainly can't compete with such powerful logic! Just for my records, could you post a credible link which supports your "facts," Princess? :D

You apparently can't compete, that's obvious, and what you try to pass off as logic, that being that the OCT is true and legit, beecausse insurance fraud took place, is just the latest and weakest attempt at sidetracking a topic, avoiding direct confrontation regarding a subject you don't want to face, and filling it full of BS.

I see you still are avoiding what I challenged you to respond to...You're still a weak coward and weaker example of internet disinformation troll, and BTW asshole, I have posted credible links, and easy to understand videos that explain my stance on this topic, but it looks like you're still playing dumb, which is one of the more easily spotted of tactics you trolls use.
Folks what this person is displaying is straight up disinformation internet troll tactics.

I assume you're stupidity and lack of knowledge on this topic is due to you probably still being in training...Come on now get to studying, and don't be afraid to raise your hand during follow up orientation sessions.....Shit...maybe they need a new instructor :confused:

You are an epic fail, keep looking for work or troll another topic....

I always love it when someone uses the wrong version of your/you're when calling someone else stupid. :)

Doesn't have anything to do with the thread or the post's content, just ironic!
I have never nor would I ever say the silly things mistakenly attributed to me (above in bold relief) in this post and would greatly appreciate being edited out. Thanks.

Sometimes the quote function gets messed up. Probably an accidental key strike or something like that, but maybe it's just a glitch in the site. Once it happens in a post, every subsequent reply which quotes from that post is also messed up. You see it frequently enough on the site that people generally can tell who actually said what (not to mention the link buttons in the text that let you view the quoted posts).

I edited my previous post to take out all the quotes and just leave my comment, but this is something that will come up probably many times again. :)
"'I can think of no faster way to unite the American people behind George W. Bush than a terrorist attack on an American target overseas.' Henry Kissinger, 2000.

"'September Eleven was good for Israel'" (Benjamin Netanyahu)"

Can you spot the pattern?

Who Destroyed The WTC?

Both obvious truths. Your point? :D
"Lewis Eisenberg, vice president of AIPAC and former Goldman Sachs partner, was Chairman of the Port Authority ("PA"), the Lessor. Larry Silverstein, New York developer and friend of Netanyahu (every Sunday Netanyahu would call Silverstein) led the Silverstein Group, the Lessee."

Still confused?

Who Destroyed The WTC?
You want to know why no one was observed planting, and rigging any of the buildings? Because it was done in secret, under cover, with their own people...Why is this so hard for your dumbass to understand...

Fantastic! Nobody knows because - drum roll, please - nobody knows!
How convenient!
I certainly can't compete with such powerful logic! Just for my records, could you post a credible link which supports your "facts," Princess? :D

You apparently can't compete, that's obvious, and what you try to pass off as logic, that being that the OCT is true and legit, beecausse insurance fraud took place, is just the latest and weakest attempt at sidetracking a topic, avoiding direct confrontation regarding a subject you don't want to face, and filling it full of BS.

I see you still are avoiding what I challenged you to respond to...You're still a weak coward and weaker example of internet disinformation troll, and BTW asshole, I have posted credible links, and easy to understand videos that explain my stance on this topic, but it looks like you're still playing dumb, which is one of the more easily spotted of tactics you trolls use.
Folks what this person is displaying is straight up disinformation internet troll tactics.

I assume you're stupidity and lack of knowledge on this topic is due to you probably still being in training...Come on now get to studying, and don't be afraid to raise your hand during follow up orientation sessions.....Shit...maybe they need a new instructor :confused:

You are an epic fail, keep looking for work or troll another topic....

Soooo, you admit you have nothing which supports your "facts" except those little voices in your toaster. You're dismissed, Princess. :D
Fantastic! Nobody knows because - drum roll, please - nobody knows!
How convenient!
I certainly can't compete with such powerful logic! Just for my records, could you post a credible link which supports your "facts," Princess? :D

You apparently can't compete, that's obvious, and what you try to pass off as logic, that being that the OCT is true and legit, beecausse insurance fraud took place, is just the latest and weakest attempt at sidetracking a topic, avoiding direct confrontation regarding a subject you don't want to face, and filling it full of BS.

I see you still are avoiding what I challenged you to respond to...You're still a weak coward and weaker example of internet disinformation troll, and BTW asshole, I have posted credible links, and easy to understand videos that explain my stance on this topic, but it looks like you're still playing dumb, which is one of the more easily spotted of tactics you trolls use.
Folks what this person is displaying is straight up disinformation internet troll tactics.

I assume you're stupidity and lack of knowledge on this topic is due to you probably still being in training...Come on now get to studying, and don't be afraid to raise your hand during follow up orientation sessions.....Shit...maybe they need a new instructor :confused:

You are an epic fail, keep looking for work or troll another topic....

I always love it when someone uses the wrong version of your/you're when calling someone else stupid. :)

Doesn't have anything to do with the thread or the post's content, just ironic!

You could try being more objective and look at the responses of the poster you are defending to gather further insight as to why I call him/her that. Actually ii shows more of purposeful stupidity...playing dumb, avoiding answering, etc...It's classic IT tactics.

BTW, are we now in grammatical error mode? Can't find anything else worthy of scrutinizing? WTC, massive steel buildings exploding, science, physics don't jive with the results?? How about those topics? How about discussing how a successful insurance fraud scam absolutely, fucking positively proves beyond the shadow of any doubt, that the OCT is true and legitimate?? Yeah right,,,fuck the science and physics...let's just avoid that and change the subject lol! :cuckoo:
I have never nor would I ever say the silly things mistakenly attributed to me (above in bold relief) in this post and would greatly appreciate being edited out. Thanks.

Sometimes the quote function gets messed up. Probably an accidental key strike or something like that, but maybe it's just a glitch in the site. Once it happens in a post, every subsequent reply which quotes from that post is also messed up. You see it frequently enough on the site that people generally can tell who actually said what (not to mention the link buttons in the text that let you view the quoted posts).

I edited my previous post to take out all the quotes and just leave my comment, but this is something that will come up probably many times again. :)

Understood but these foil hatters are so dishonest that somewhere down the road one would pick up on it and use it as proof of my "paid gov't disinformationist trolling." Anyway, thanks for your prompt attention. :D
Fantastic! Nobody knows because - drum roll, please - nobody knows!
How convenient!
I certainly can't compete with such powerful logic! Just for my records, could you post a credible link which supports your "facts," Princess? :D

You apparently can't compete, that's obvious, and what you try to pass off as logic, that being that the OCT is true and legit, beecausse insurance fraud took place, is just the latest and weakest attempt at sidetracking a topic, avoiding direct confrontation regarding a subject you don't want to face, and filling it full of BS.

I see you still are avoiding what I challenged you to respond to...You're still a weak coward and weaker example of internet disinformation troll, and BTW asshole, I have posted credible links, and easy to understand videos that explain my stance on this topic, but it looks like you're still playing dumb, which is one of the more easily spotted of tactics you trolls use.
Folks what this person is displaying is straight up disinformation internet troll tactics.

I assume you're stupidity and lack of knowledge on this topic is due to you probably still being in training...Come on now get to studying, and don't be afraid to raise your hand during follow up orientation sessions.....Shit...maybe they need a new instructor :confused:

You are an epic fail, keep looking for work or troll another topic....

Soooo, you admit you have nothing which supports your "facts" except those little voices in your toaster. You're dismissed, Princess. :D

Facts that substantiate my position on this topic have been posted, with easily understood videos, but again you are now back to playing dumb...It's all a circular game to fucks like you....Why don't you post in your own words why you think the WTC really were destroyed by planes and fire? Feel free to post links/videos... what ever you want.
You've already failed to convince anybody that the OCT is true and legit because insurance fraud was successful...what do you have to lose?

Hey C'mon man, I'm actually helping you try to keep yourself employed, and me entertained at the same time :clap2:
Using the term "US government" is highly misleading, as it would not entail the entire US government to carry out a false flag attack, but only requires a handful of strategically placed individuals to call the shots, as is what appeared to have happened on 9-11.
The theory of mini nukes is one I am going to be looking into with interest to see what these people who posit this are saying and what they have to substantiate such a theory.

At this time one can not tell if it is a reasonable theory , or just another disinformation tactic to muddy the waters and make any search for the truth, look like a "kook" movement instead of a legitimate search for the truth about the 9-11 attacks.
One thing is for sure, and that is that the WTC could not have been destroyed or explained the way NIST has said.

I would say it is unreasonable unless there is some sort of evidence pointing to the use of nuclear weapons. I have heard of nothing, either from the government or the 9/11 truthers, that would indicate some sort of small nuke was used. I also can't think of a reason to do so as opposed to more conventional explosives, or even unconventional but non-nuclear ones. Is it even possible to have a nuke small enough that the explosion wouldn't be noticed? Would a nuke of any size leave enough radioactive residue to be easily detected, making discovery by the conspirators easier?

It just appears you are giving this more credence than warranted based on what you've said. That, in turn, speaks to your possible willingness to give credence to any theory that claims 9/11 was a conspiracy, whatever the evidence or logic of the argument.
I have never nor would I ever say the silly things mistakenly attributed to me (above in bold relief) in this post and would greatly appreciate being edited out. Thanks.

Sometimes the quote function gets messed up. Probably an accidental key strike or something like that, but maybe it's just a glitch in the site. Once it happens in a post, every subsequent reply which quotes from that post is also messed up. You see it frequently enough on the site that people generally can tell who actually said what (not to mention the link buttons in the text that let you view the quoted posts).

I edited my previous post to take out all the quotes and just leave my comment, but this is something that will come up probably many times again. :)

Understood but these foil hatters are so dishonest that somewhere down the road one would pick up on it and use it as proof of my "paid gov't disinformationist trolling." Anyway, thanks for your prompt attention. :D

Of course we're only human and little grammatical mistakes happen, but c'mon now
back to work and the task at hand...When's quitting time?
Using the term "US government" is highly misleading, as it would not entail the entire US government to carry out a false flag attack, but only requires a handful of strategically placed individuals to call the shots, as is what appeared to have happened on 9-11.
The theory of mini nukes is one I am going to be looking into with interest to see what these people who posit this are saying and what they have to substantiate such a theory.

At this time one can not tell if it is a reasonable theory , or just another disinformation tactic to muddy the waters and make any search for the truth, look like a "kook" movement instead of a legitimate search for the truth about the 9-11 attacks.
One thing is for sure, and that is that the WTC could not have been destroyed or explained the way NIST has said.

I would say it is unreasonable unless there is some sort of evidence pointing to the use of nuclear weapons. I have heard of nothing, either from the government or the 9/11 truthers, that would indicate some sort of small nuke was used. I also can't think of a reason to do so as opposed to more conventional explosives, or even unconventional but non-nuclear ones. Is it even possible to have a nuke small enough that the explosion wouldn't be noticed? Would a nuke of any size leave enough radioactive residue to be easily detected, making discovery by the conspirators easier?

It just appears you are giving this more credence than warranted based on what you've said. That, in turn, speaks to your possible willingness to give credence to any theory that claims 9/11 was a conspiracy, whatever the evidence or logic of the argument.
You're ignoring what I posted about my stance on the mini nuke subject is, but I'll repeat,
That I am going to look into it, as I generally do with most things and see were that road ends, and especially who is putting this "out there".
BTW, you are wasting your time if you're waiting to hear anything about this from the Gov.
This is a hands off career ending topic, we all know this by now.
You apparently can't compete, that's obvious, and what you try to pass off as logic, that being that the OCT is true and legit, beecausse insurance fraud took place, is just the latest and weakest attempt at sidetracking a topic, avoiding direct confrontation regarding a subject you don't want to face, and filling it full of BS.

I see you still are avoiding what I challenged you to respond to...You're still a weak coward and weaker example of internet disinformation troll, and BTW asshole, I have posted credible links, and easy to understand videos that explain my stance on this topic, but it looks like you're still playing dumb, which is one of the more easily spotted of tactics you trolls use.
Folks what this person is displaying is straight up disinformation internet troll tactics.

I assume you're stupidity and lack of knowledge on this topic is due to you probably still being in training...Come on now get to studying, and don't be afraid to raise your hand during follow up orientation sessions.....Shit...maybe they need a new instructor :confused:

You are an epic fail, keep looking for work or troll another topic....

I always love it when someone uses the wrong version of your/you're when calling someone else stupid. :)

Doesn't have anything to do with the thread or the post's content, just ironic!

You could try being more objective and look at the responses of the poster you are defending to gather further insight as to why I call him/her that. Actually ii shows more of purposeful stupidity...playing dumb, avoiding answering, etc...It's classic IT tactics.

BTW, are we now in grammatical error mode? Can't find anything else worthy of scrutinizing? WTC, massive steel buildings exploding, science, physics don't jive with the results?? How about those topics? How about discussing how a successful insurance fraud scam absolutely, fucking positively proves beyond the shadow of any doubt, that the OCT is true and legitimate?? Yeah right,,,fuck the science and physics...let's just avoid that and change the subject lol! :cuckoo:

Did you have trouble comprehending where I said this had nothing to do with the thread or the previous post's content?

It's funny and ironic when someone calls another person stupid while using an incorrect word to do so. Whenever I see it, no matter the poster or thread or topic, I like to point it out. I consider it one of the best reasons to avoid calling other people on a message board stupid; it's too easy for a silly mistake to make YOU seem like the stupid one instead.

I very seriously doubt my little interjection has in any way derailed the subject of 9/11 and whether there was a conspiracy involved. If we are still having these discussions more than a decade later, it's clearly a subject that isn't going to go away any time soon.
You apparently can't compete, that's obvious, and what you try to pass off as logic, that being that the OCT is true and legit, beecausse insurance fraud took place, is just the latest and weakest attempt at sidetracking a topic, avoiding direct confrontation regarding a subject you don't want to face, and filling it full of BS.

I see you still are avoiding what I challenged you to respond to...You're still a weak coward and weaker example of internet disinformation troll, and BTW asshole, I have posted credible links, and easy to understand videos that explain my stance on this topic, but it looks like you're still playing dumb, which is one of the more easily spotted of tactics you trolls use.
Folks what this person is displaying is straight up disinformation internet troll tactics.

I assume you're stupidity and lack of knowledge on this topic is due to you probably still being in training...Come on now get to studying, and don't be afraid to raise your hand during follow up orientation sessions.....Shit...maybe they need a new instructor :confused:

You are an epic fail, keep looking for work or troll another topic....

I always love it when someone uses the wrong version of your/you're when calling someone else stupid. :)

Doesn't have anything to do with the thread or the post's content, just ironic!

You could try being more objective and look at the responses of the poster you are defending to gather further insight as to why I call him/her that. Actually ii shows more of purposeful stupidity...playing dumb, avoiding answering, etc...It's classic IT tactics.

BTW, are we now in grammatical error mode? Can't find anything else worthy of scrutinizing? WTC, massive steel buildings exploding, science, physics don't jive with the results?? How about those topics? How about discussing how a successful insurance fraud scam absolutely, fucking positively proves beyond the shadow of any doubt, that the OCT is true and legitimate?? Yeah right,,,fuck the science and physics...let's just avoid that and change the subject lol! :cuckoo:

As always you are forced to lie about me because the truth just doesn't support your conclusions. I neither said nor inferred that the insurance payouts prove "beyond the shadow of any doubt, that the OCT is true and legitimate," but it does leave you desperately flailing for an explanation as to why so many, with so much to gain by finding a smoking gun have been unable to do so for over 11 years. What that proves is that your silly CTs are just that ... silly CTs. :D
Using the term "US government" is highly misleading, as it would not entail the entire US government to carry out a false flag attack, but only requires a handful of strategically placed individuals to call the shots, as is what appeared to have happened on 9-11.
The theory of mini nukes is one I am going to be looking into with interest to see what these people who posit this are saying and what they have to substantiate such a theory.

At this time one can not tell if it is a reasonable theory , or just another disinformation tactic to muddy the waters and make any search for the truth, look like a "kook" movement instead of a legitimate search for the truth about the 9-11 attacks.
One thing is for sure, and that is that the WTC could not have been destroyed or explained the way NIST has said.

I would say it is unreasonable unless there is some sort of evidence pointing to the use of nuclear weapons. I have heard of nothing, either from the government or the 9/11 truthers, that would indicate some sort of small nuke was used. I also can't think of a reason to do so as opposed to more conventional explosives, or even unconventional but non-nuclear ones. Is it even possible to have a nuke small enough that the explosion wouldn't be noticed? Would a nuke of any size leave enough radioactive residue to be easily detected, making discovery by the conspirators easier?

It just appears you are giving this more credence than warranted based on what you've said. That, in turn, speaks to your possible willingness to give credence to any theory that claims 9/11 was a conspiracy, whatever the evidence or logic of the argument.
You're ignoring what I posted about my stance on the mini nuke subject is, but I'll repeat,
That I am going to look into it, as I generally do with most things and see were that road ends, and especially who is putting this "out there".
BTW, you are wasting your time if you're waiting to hear anything about this from the Gov.
This is a hands off career ending topic, we all know this by now.

I may not have been clear in my point.

It's not that I need the government to tell me why a nuke is or isn't possible in the fall of the towers.

It's just that I have never before heard anyone say anything that would indicate the use of a nuclear device. Not the government, not the people who believe it was a conspiracy, no engineers or nuclear weapons specialists or first responders or victims, no one.

Now, that doesn't automatically make the idea incorrect. Unless I can see a reason to think a nuke was used, though, I think it is an UNreasonable idea. I could say that the British government was behind 9/11; it might be possible, but unless I also provide some sort of reason for it, it starts out as an unreasonable theory.

Maybe what you have heard gives you reason to believe it might be true. I am only going by the little you have said about it. It's really not a very important point I was trying to make anyway, so I probably shouldn't harp on it like this. :tongue:
Sometimes the quote function gets messed up. Probably an accidental key strike or something like that, but maybe it's just a glitch in the site. Once it happens in a post, every subsequent reply which quotes from that post is also messed up. You see it frequently enough on the site that people generally can tell who actually said what (not to mention the link buttons in the text that let you view the quoted posts).

I edited my previous post to take out all the quotes and just leave my comment, but this is something that will come up probably many times again. :)

Understood but these foil hatters are so dishonest that somewhere down the road one would pick up on it and use it as proof of my "paid gov't disinformationist trolling." Anyway, thanks for your prompt attention. :D

Of course we're only human and little grammatical mistakes happen, but c'mon now
back to work and the task at hand...When's quitting time?

Fair enough. I wasn't claiming any consipracy to defame me, only that the actors do the right thing and edit my name out of the misleading posts. I take it you've done that?

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