Yep....the shooter had allahu ahkbar on his website....

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Another mentally ill DEMOCRAT voter?
No, just mentally ill posters here who can’t detect the difference between Nicolas Cruz from Oakland Park and Nikolas Cruz from Parkland.

Who was the moron yesterday who said he was a muslim and was showing stuff from Parkland, Illinois?
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.
They're all lefties to trumpanzees....that's how they can live with themselves....self-delusion.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.
Remember, these are the same morons who work very hard at trying to convince themselves that fascists are lefties.
Socialism/communism/progressivism/liberalism… Whatever you want to call it, all the same difference. It’s made up of control freaks.
Socialism is the breeding ground for dictatorships/fascists
Communism is left-wing totalitarianism....Fascism is right-wing totalitarianism.
Really they are both the same thing because they are run by dictators who embrace socialism
Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.
Remember, these are the same morons who work very hard at trying to convince themselves that fascists are lefties.
Socialism/communism/progressivism/liberalism… Whatever you want to call it, all the same difference. It’s made up of control freaks.
Socialism is the breeding ground for dictatorships/fascists
Communism is left-wing totalitarianism....Fascism is right-wing totalitarianism.
Really they are both the same thing because they are run by dictators who embrace socialism don't even know what Socialism is, do you?
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.
Remember, these are the same morons who work very hard at trying to convince themselves that fascists are lefties.
Socialism/communism/progressivism/liberalism… Whatever you want to call it, all the same difference. It’s made up of control freaks.
Socialism is the breeding ground for dictatorships/fascists
Communism is left-wing totalitarianism....Fascism is right-wing totalitarianism.

they get confused easily because they prevaricate.... all the time.
Democrats will immediately go into denial mode now over their Party's inspired violence.

Commies on his t-shirt, allahu ahkbar on his website.......alleged membership in the democrat party.....

This story goes away in 3.....2.....1.....
U.S. Army hats...arrested in an ROTC polo shirt.....yeah.
He’s a progressive like most mass shooters...

really? that's kind of a bold lie... I thought that you rightwingnuts are the only ones with guns. :rofl:
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.

You are a liar, an imbecile and an idiot. Are any of those the school shootings I was talking about? A study was done a few years back and all of them had leftist ties, including that shooting in the movie house. And yes, the Columbine kids came from a very liberal parental background.
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Funny how Liberals ignore the largest terrorist attack in this country's history just so they can claim "white christian supremacists" kill more people. They also have to mislabel or outright ignore some attacks so this claim can be upheld The delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling
Democrats will immediately go into denial mode now over their Party's inspired violence.

Commies on his t-shirt, allahu ahkbar on his website.......alleged membership in the democrat party.....

This story goes away in 3.....2.....1.....
U.S. Army hats...arrested in an ROTC polo shirt.....yeah.
He’s a progressive like most mass shooters...

I thought that you rightwingnuts are the only ones with guns. :rofl:

If that is true, then you ought to worry. When push comes to shove and we are attacked by a foreign threat, our grid goes down or there is a civil curfew and everyone is struggling for food and shelter, just remember who will have all of the guns, food and other necessities and won't be letting people like you anywhere near their property. Don't even come a knocking. But I just want to ask all of you anti-gun assholes who think guns are the cause of all evil that if THAT IS TRUE, how is it possible that so many people come together tightly in one spot, many of them with federal licenses to own and operate heavy machine guns the likes of anything the military owns capable of TRUE mass destruction, fire all of this stuff off legally, and NOT A SINGLE PERSON GETS HURT OR KILLED accidentally or deliberately???


No one went off half cocked, no tempers flared, no fights, no conflicts, no trouble, NOTHING? Nothing but peace, love and friendship.

If GUNS are truly the problem friends, then WHERE BETTER to see it go bad than in a place like this? Yet you won't see a SINGLE person here concerned, afraid, or running for cover. And remember--- --- this was all LEGAL and aboveboard.

(Best seen maximized full screen)

Last edited:
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.
Remember, these are the same morons who work very hard at trying to convince themselves that fascists are lefties.

No, Socialists, Communists, Fascists, Nazis and the like all have ONE THING IN COMMON:

They want big government total government autocratic control.

It is the Left, not conservatives, that sing that tune. WE conservatives want what the Founders wanted: LIMITED GOVERNMENT, so yes, you guys are the ones smoking the bone with the likes of Adolf Hitler, not us.
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Is this the tired lie you troll farmers are pushing today? Trying to claim this guy was a liberal. So predictable.

Why is every event politicized to further divide the American population? When are Americans going to wake up to these attacks by Russians?
really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.
Remember, these are the same morons who work very hard at trying to convince themselves that fascists are lefties.

No, Socialists, Communists, Fascists, Nazis and the like all have ONE THING IN COMMON:

They want big government total government autocratic control.

It is the Left, not conservatives, that sing that tune. WE conservatives want what the Founders wanted: LIMITED GOVERNMENT, so yes, you guys are the ones smoking the bone with the likes of Adolf Hitler, not us.

Since Republicans won the WH, House and Senate, they have expanded the government, increasingly the number of police, greatly increasing spending. They’re expanding anti-abortion laws increasing government involvement in family planning.

Right winger talk about balanced budgets and limited government but it’s all talk. Right wingers gave us the Patriots Act, the most invasive government surveillance system on the planet.

Obama actually did reduce the size of government. You hated him.

So don’t claim to be the party of small government and fiscal responsibility because it’s a lie.
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Funny how Liberals ignore the largest terrorist attack in this country's history just so they can claim "white christian supremacists" kill more people. They also have to mislabel or outright ignore some attacks so this claim can be upheld The delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling
And this is where the OP does his happy dance and points out that it wasn't done with guns.
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.

You are a liar, an imbecile and an idiot. Are any of those the school shootings I was talking about? A study was done a few years back and all of them had leftist ties, including that shooting in the movie house. And yes, the Columbine kids came from a very liberal parental background.

You’re not only gullible but stupid too.

No such study was done. Some right wing blogger posted a list of mass shooters and designed them all as liberals based on the flimsiest of evidence.

Let’s take his decision that Adam Lanza was a Democrat. He based this assertion on residency. Connecticut is a blue state, he lived in a liberal area, so he was a probably a Democrat.

Adam Lanza has been mentally ill all of his life. Was he even old enough to vote? His mother had quit her job to care for him, although information on her leads me to believe Adam takes after his mother.

Mrs. Lanza was a survivalist. She was stock piling food, weapons and ammo because she feared Obama was sending troops to kill Americans after the 2012 election. It was her weapons he used to kill those children.

What would ever lead anyone familiar with facts to believe that Lanza was either a liberal or a Democrat? The overwhelming evidence is that this shooting had nothing to do with politics.

Similarly, the Aurora Co. shooter is listed as a member of the Democratic Party. He’s another guy who is mentally ill, under a doctor’s care, and showed no political inclination or motivations whatsoever.

It turns out that the Colorado shooter had the same name as another Colorado resident who is a registered Democrat.

The hard evidence is that hardly any of these shooters had any political affiliations or inclinations whatsoever with the possible exception of Dylan Roof was clearly was a right wing Nazi racist. Or the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball team. Most are just sad, sick individuals. They are turned inward, are loners by choice, and not politically inclined.
really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.

You are a liar, an imbecile and an idiot. Are any of those the school shootings I was talking about? A study was done a few years back and all of them had leftist ties, including that shooting in the movie house. And yes, the Columbine kids came from a very liberal parental background.

You’re not only gullible but stupid too.

No such study was done. Some right wing blogger posted a list of mass shooters and designed them all as liberals based on the flimsiest of evidence.

Let’s take his decision that Adam Lanza was a Democrat. He based this assertion on residency. Connecticut is a blue state, he lived in a liberal area, so he was a probably a Democrat.

Adam Lanza has been mentally ill all of his life. Was he even old enough to vote? His mother had quit her job to care for him, although information on her leads me to believe Adam takes after his mother.

Mrs. Lanza was a survivalist. She was stock piling food, weapons and ammo because she feared Obama was sending troops to kill Americans after the 2012 election. It was her weapons he used to kill those children.

What would ever lead anyone familiar with facts to believe that Lanza was either a liberal or a Democrat? The overwhelming evidence is that this shooting had nothing to do with politics.

Similarly, the Aurora Co. shooter is listed as a member of the Democratic Party. He’s another guy who is mentally ill, under a doctor’s care, and showed no political inclination or motivations whatsoever.

It turns out that the Colorado shooter had the same name as another Colorado resident who is a registered Democrat.

The hard evidence is that hardly any of these shooters had any political affiliations or inclinations whatsoever with the possible exception of Dylan Roof was clearly was a right wing Nazi racist. Or the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball team. Most are just sad, sick individuals. They are turned inward, are loners by choice, and not politically inclined.

Dragonlady wins


FBI reveals: Threat to U.S. posed by white supremacists now equals that of ISIS
A Dark and Constant Rage: 25 Years of Right-Wing Terrorism in the United States
Alt-America: the time for talking about white terrorism is now
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.

You are a liar, an imbecile and an idiot. Are any of those the school shootings I was talking about? A study was done a few years back and all of them had leftist ties, including that shooting in the movie house. And yes, the Columbine kids came from a very liberal parental background.

poor lying loon. you aren't smart enough to find your butt with both hands. so you should probably stop insulting people who don't lie compulsively like you and the orange sociopath.

Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz

Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz
really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.

You are a liar, an imbecile and an idiot. Are any of those the school shootings I was talking about? A study was done a few years back and all of them had leftist ties, including that shooting in the movie house. And yes, the Columbine kids came from a very liberal parental background.

poor lying loon

Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz

Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz

I was just going to post this link from the AP:

The Latest: FBI alerted to YouTube 'shooter' post last year

The leader of a white nationalist militia says Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his group and participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee.

Jordan Jereb told The Associated Press on Thursday that his group, the Republic of Florida, wants Florida to become its own white ethno-state. He said his group holds “spontaneous random demonstrations” and tries not to participate in the modern world.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.

You are a liar, an imbecile and an idiot. Are any of those the school shootings I was talking about? A study was done a few years back and all of them had leftist ties, including that shooting in the movie house. And yes, the Columbine kids came from a very liberal parental background.

poor lying loon

Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz

Florida White Supremacist Group Admits Ties to Alleged Parkland School Shooter Nikolas Cruz

I was just going to post this link from the AP:

The Latest: FBI alerted to YouTube 'shooter' post last year

The leader of a white nationalist militia says Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his group and participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee.

Jordan Jereb told The Associated Press on Thursday that his group, the Republic of Florida, wants Florida to become its own white ethno-state. He said his group holds “spontaneous random demonstrations” and tries not to participate in the modern world.

the last two school shootings were both white supremacists. we know the columbine boys had swastikas and were fascinated by hitler. if I had time, I'd go pull the rest. most were white supremacist pondscum.
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