Yep....the shooter had allahu ahkbar on his website....

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Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.
Another mentally ill DEMOCRAT voter?

Your image is from Infowars, what are the odds this is fake?
Who cares!

The individual was insane!!

It matters because the world is engaged in a war against Islamic terror.

Insanity plus Islamic terror is a deadly combination.

Islam is the pit bull of dogs. When a dog snaps and kills a bunch of people, 9 times out of 10 it is a pit bull, which is why many areas ban them.
Yep...just reported on local news Channel 7, ABC chicago....the shooter had allahu ahkbar on his facebook page.........
I don't think it means the same thing to him that it does to you. I'm not making excuses but as a former troubled youth/young adult I can tell you that making statements simply for attention is quite normal and the implications of those statements are often not understood by the very people that make them.
This kid was VERY disturbed emotionally and I hope he gets the death penalty but I don't believe for a minute he did this for Allah
Not hard to understand the responsibility of firing a weapon when there is a nut job shooting up a classroom.

Except that never seems to happen, with the millions of guns you nuts have flooded our streets with.
Firearms do not control people. Dumbass

Neither do nuclear weapons, so you don't mind if North Korea gets some.
Out of the millions and millions of firearms legally owned by law abiding citizens of this country. What, maybe a percent, of a percent, of a percent, of a percent, of a percent of those are used in violent crimes... tops.
Legal firearm ownership presents no danger whatsoever to anybody in this country. Fact
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.
Socialism is the breeding ground for these freaks... fact
Yep...just reported on local news Channel 7, ABC chicago....the shooter had allahu ahkbar on his facebook page.........
I don't think it means the same thing to him that it does to you. I'm not making excuses but as a former troubled youth/young adult I can tell you that making statements simply for attention is quite normal and the implications of those statements are often not understood by the very people that make them.
This kid was VERY disturbed emotionally and I hope he gets the death penalty but I don't believe for a minute he did this for Allah

Just trying to make the point that there were lots of warning signs with this 19 year old.......the FBI was warned about him in September.....he had made comments about becoming a mass shooter that others knew about...he lacked a father, raised by a single mother till she died 2 months ago.....classic signs that were ignored and can't be ignored anymore....
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.

The Texas, black lives matter shooter was a lefty, the Republican baseball team shooter was a lefty, and those are just two off the top of my head.....
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.

Neo-fascist loons are already in denial mode, posting rubbish; no surprise here.
We can expect more happy dances by trumpanzees over the next few days over all the people killed by other than guns. Like clockwork. The frosting on their happy-cakes is all the gun deaths in "gun-free zones". They really really like going on about those.
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.
Remember, these are the same morons who work very hard at trying to convince themselves that fascists are lefties.
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.
Remember, these are the same morons who work very hard at trying to convince themselves that fascists are lefties.
Socialism/communism/progressivism/liberalism… Whatever you want to call it, all the same difference. It’s made up of control freaks.
Socialism is the breeding ground for dictatorships/fascists
really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
Progressives commit the most mass shootings...

Last I checked, EVERY serial killer mass school shooter in recent memory turned out to be left leaning, democratic, or an Obama supporter or their family and home environment was. I suppose now we can add Trump hater, Resistance follower and the like. NONE of them are upstanding, moral conservatives with an NRA membership.

The white supremacist who shot up the black church was a leftie?

The kids at Columbine with their swastikas were left leaning?

The pig who blew up the federal
Building in Oklahoma was left leaning?

The terrorist who shot the abortion doctor was left leaning?

The Atlanta bomber was left leaning?

There hasn’t been a school shooting by lefties. There was the one loser who shot in his former office mates. He was a TERRORIST, not a lefties.

Stop lying.
Remember, these are the same morons who work very hard at trying to convince themselves that fascists are lefties.
Socialism/communism/progressivism/liberalism… Whatever you want to call it, all the same difference. It’s made up of control freaks.
Socialism is the breeding ground for dictatorships/fascists
Communism is left-wing totalitarianism....Fascism is right-wing totalitarianism.
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