Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Are you guys just incapable of doing your own research?

When Obama was made president of Harvard Law Review, an article in the Newspaper from the time, back in 1990 says specifically that he was born in Hawaii....

Do you actually believe that Harvard gave him a foreign student grant, when they know he was born in Hawaii?

Seriously? You guys have lost it...completely lost your sanity and ability to actually discern truth from fiction.... that's not something I'd be so proud of, or stick by....

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990
BOSTON, Feb. 5—
The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

As far as how he paid for his college or what grants or loans he got to go to college, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

Plenty of people get grants and loans to go to college, black and what? What does this have to do with where he was birthed?
You ok? You seem flustered.
Not flustered at all...just trying to understand the reasoning behind your and others on this topic... when everything that you bring up, has been debunked for years? what's the purpose of that?

I can understand not liking Obama, or not liking his political stances....or even hating them.....but this crapola, which is unreasonable, illogical and a number of other things based on the actual FACTS that have been shown, is just downright silly and stupid imo.
Most of it is stupid. But really why not let some independent investigator look into his records. What are they hiding? Well other than all the destroyed email servers across the country, what are they hiding?

Why don't Iet some 'independent investigator look into his records? I don't have access to them.

Why doesn't Obama? Why should he?

Really- why should he care that you want someone to go through his records looking for some dirt on him- he has been elected twice- he has no obligation to- nor should he oblige- a few whackjob political enemies.
ROFL Obama's enemies include over half the country. But yes he was elected twice, by having more people vote in democrat districts that "EXIST" IN THOSE DISTRICTS. Nothing like 105% turn out to turn an election in your favor.
No matter how many times this gets debunked, it always cracks me up hearing it. :lmao:
Can we at least get an actual American for our American President next time? Is that really so much to ask? Come on man!

Considering who you would consider an 'actual American'- probably not a chance.

David Duke is not going to make it.

Let's start on the road to recovery by at least getting an actual American back in there as our American President. It would be a nice start. Most have had enough of the Anti-American NWO foreigner. He's stolen our country. An evil Trojan Horse for sure.

Ah, the 'New World Order'. The conspiratorial Rorschach test. Since it has no particular factual basis it can be whatever you imagine it to be. And involve anyone you imagine.

But riddle me this, batman: why would I or any other rational person give a shit what delusions you convince yourself of? Especially when you can't back them with facts.

Like i said, Barack Hussein Obama has ruled like an Anti-American foreigner. And that's because he is very likely a foreigner. My own opinion is that he's a NWO Elite plant. He was placed into power. But obviously i'll never prove that. I can only say, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck...

What a convenient 'Man of all People.' Kinda White, Kinda Black, Kinda Christian, Kinda Muslim, Kinda foreigner, Kinda American. Perfect Trojan Horse. He hasn't been held accountable for anything. He's gotten an absolute free ride. He's systematically dismantled the fabric of our Nation with no opposition. How does that happen? Well, very very powerful forces make that happen.
Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement
Stop kazzing about that. It's been firmly established that you can't prove your delusions are real.

Yup. He's Kazzing out again. Insisting that he knows better than the woman who wrote the pamphlet he's referencing. Despite the fact that she's the world's leading authority. And Kaz doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Another liberal limp dick who has to copy the material of a moron. Do that again and you will go bye bye from my screen. You can write all the liberal crap you want, but write your own crap. I'm not playing the eight year old games you and the other blank shooters want to play
Who doesn't use your name as a synonym for lying? If you're gonna ignore everyone who uses it, it won't be long until there are no Liberals left off of your black list. The best part is watching how much that gets under your skin.


When you're name has become a verb, it doesn't bode well for your arguments.

Kazzing: vt,

1.To repeat debunked falsehoods in defense of a failed argument

You're not going to start Kazzing that birther idiocy again, are you?

2. To make a fool of one's self with poor reasoning

Jim completely Kazzed up when he started talking about Miriam Goderich.

3. To defecate in one's own pants.

I sneezed so hard, I Kazzed myself.

But it is also a noun as in:

Redfish is a total Kaz
Obama put two Liberal justices on the Supreme Court who both ruled in favor of overturning same-sex marriage bans. You're a special kind of retarded to think Obama had nothing to do with that. And cry all you want about Obama lengthening the recession, but in reality, he ended it in 6 months. No doubt you can prove Obama lengthened that just like you can prove his mother flew to Kenya to give birth to him. :lmao:
Yeah and Bush picked good Judges that have so far been impartial. I suppose you could argue that Bush was a dumb fuck for doing good for the country and Obama is just a fuck for picking hyper-partisan rubes. Oh and the vote should have been unanimous.
Can we at least get an actual American for our American President next time? Is that really so much to ask? Come on man!

Considering who you would consider an 'actual American'- probably not a chance.

David Duke is not going to make it.

Let's start on the road to recovery by at least getting an actual American back in there as our American President. It would be a nice start. Most have had enough of the Anti-American NWO foreigner. He's stolen our country. An evil Trojan Horse for sure.

Ah, the 'New World Order'. The conspiratorial Rorschach test. Since it has no particular factual basis it can be whatever you imagine it to be. And involve anyone you imagine.

But riddle me this, batman: why would I or any other rational person give a shit what delusions you convince yourself of? Especially when you can't back them with facts.

Like i said, Barack Hussein Obama has ruled like an Anti-American foreigner. And that's because he is very likely a foreigner. My own opinion is that he's a NWO Elite plant. He was placed into power. But obviously i'll never prove that. I can only say, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck...

What a convenient 'Man of all People.' Kinda White, Kinda Black, Kinda Christian, Kinda Muslim, Kinda foreigner, Kinda American. Perfect Trojan Horse. He hasn't been held accountable for anything. He's gotten an absolute free ride. He's systematically dismantled the fabric of our Nation with no opposition. How does that happen? Well, very very powerful forces make that happen.

Oh keep saying it- is is just amusing the third time as it was the first.
You ok? You seem flustered.
Not flustered at all...just trying to understand the reasoning behind your and others on this topic... when everything that you bring up, has been debunked for years? what's the purpose of that?

I can understand not liking Obama, or not liking his political stances....or even hating them.....but this crapola, which is unreasonable, illogical and a number of other things based on the actual FACTS that have been shown, is just downright silly and stupid imo.
Most of it is stupid. But really why not let some independent investigator look into his records. What are they hiding? Well other than all the destroyed email servers across the country, what are they hiding?

Why don't Iet some 'independent investigator look into his records? I don't have access to them.

Why doesn't Obama? Why should he?

Really- why should he care that you want someone to go through his records looking for some dirt on him- he has been elected twice- he has no obligation to- nor should he oblige- a few whackjob political enemies.
ROFL Obama's enemies include over half the country. But yes he was elected twice, by having more people vote in democrat districts that "EXIST" IN THOSE DISTRICTS. Nothing like 105% turn out to turn an election in your favor.
No matter how many times this gets debunked, it always cracks me up hearing it. :lmao:

Oh, the Birther conspiracy is just the gift that keeps on giving. Its wildly irrational, desperately willfully ignorant, and splatters all over conservatives.

If I were a GOP presidential candidate, I'd wear brown pants.
Not flustered at all...just trying to understand the reasoning behind your and others on this topic... when everything that you bring up, has been debunked for years? what's the purpose of that?

I can understand not liking Obama, or not liking his political stances....or even hating them.....but this crapola, which is unreasonable, illogical and a number of other things based on the actual FACTS that have been shown, is just downright silly and stupid imo.
Most of it is stupid. But really why not let some independent investigator look into his records. What are they hiding? Well other than all the destroyed email servers across the country, what are they hiding?

Why don't Iet some 'independent investigator look into his records? I don't have access to them.

Why doesn't Obama? Why should he?

Really- why should he care that you want someone to go through his records looking for some dirt on him- he has been elected twice- he has no obligation to- nor should he oblige- a few whackjob political enemies.
ROFL Obama's enemies include over half the country. But yes he was elected twice, by having more people vote in democrat districts that "EXIST" IN THOSE DISTRICTS. Nothing like 105% turn out to turn an election in your favor.
No matter how many times this gets debunked, it always cracks me up hearing it. :lmao:

Oh, the Birther conspiracy is just the gift that keeps on giving. Its wildly irrational, desperately willfully ignorant, and splatters all over conservatives.

If I were a GOP presidential candidate, I'd wear brown pants.

And remember- the leading GOP candidate- the current face of the GOP race- Donald Trump- is the highest profile Birther.

Birthers- and Donald

Such synergy- and the face of the GOP.
You ok? You seem flustered.
Not flustered at all...just trying to understand the reasoning behind your and others on this topic... when everything that you bring up, has been debunked for years? what's the purpose of that?

I can understand not liking Obama, or not liking his political stances....or even hating them.....but this crapola, which is unreasonable, illogical and a number of other things based on the actual FACTS that have been shown, is just downright silly and stupid imo.
Most of it is stupid. But really why not let some independent investigator look into his records. What are they hiding? Well other than all the destroyed email servers across the country, what are they hiding?

Why don't Iet some 'independent investigator look into his records? I don't have access to them.

Why doesn't Obama? Why should he?

Really- why should he care that you want someone to go through his records looking for some dirt on him- he has been elected twice- he has no obligation to- nor should he oblige- a few whackjob political enemies.
ROFL Obama's enemies include over half the country. But yes he was elected twice, by having more people vote in democrat districts that "EXIST" IN THOSE DISTRICTS. Nothing like 105% turn out to turn an election in your favor.
No matter how many times this gets debunked, it always cracks me up hearing it. :lmao:
Has it? I can't keep up with all the debunking.
Can we at least get an actual American for our American President next time? Is that really so much to ask? Come on man!

Considering who you would consider an 'actual American'- probably not a chance.

David Duke is not going to make it.

Let's start on the road to recovery by at least getting an actual American back in there as our American President. It would be a nice start. Most have had enough of the Anti-American NWO foreigner. He's stolen our country. An evil Trojan Horse for sure.

Ah, the 'New World Order'. The conspiratorial Rorschach test. Since it has no particular factual basis it can be whatever you imagine it to be. And involve anyone you imagine.

But riddle me this, batman: why would I or any other rational person give a shit what delusions you convince yourself of? Especially when you can't back them with facts.

Like i said, Barack Hussein Obama has ruled like an Anti-American foreigner.

Or, you have no idea what you're talking about. And are merely spouting predigested conspiratorial pablum without thought or question like some mindless rhetorical lemming.

One of the two.

And that's because he is very likely a foreigner.

The evidence says otherwise. But why let something as trivial as facts or reality get in the way of a good rant.


My own opinion is that he's a NWO Elite plant. He was placed into power. But obviously i'll never prove that. I can only say, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck...

You'll obviously never need to, as your perspective has nothing to do with the world we live in, evidence, reason, facts or evidence.

But pure, mindless conjecture backed by a heaping helping of conspiratorial batshit.
Let's be real, anyone who would attempt to seriously investigate this, would immediately be shamed into silence, murdered, or disappeared. You're dealing with very very dark powerful forces.

The NWO Elites are pure evil. And they pull all the strings. People should stop kidding themselves. The Governments you see, are only the ones they want you to see. Dark Shadow Governments are really running the show. It is what it is.
Not flustered at all...just trying to understand the reasoning behind your and others on this topic... when everything that you bring up, has been debunked for years? what's the purpose of that?

I can understand not liking Obama, or not liking his political stances....or even hating them.....but this crapola, which is unreasonable, illogical and a number of other things based on the actual FACTS that have been shown, is just downright silly and stupid imo.
Most of it is stupid. But really why not let some independent investigator look into his records. What are they hiding? Well other than all the destroyed email servers across the country, what are they hiding?

Why don't Iet some 'independent investigator look into his records? I don't have access to them.

Why doesn't Obama? Why should he?

Really- why should he care that you want someone to go through his records looking for some dirt on him- he has been elected twice- he has no obligation to- nor should he oblige- a few whackjob political enemies.
ROFL Obama's enemies include over half the country. But yes he was elected twice, by having more people vote in democrat districts that "EXIST" IN THOSE DISTRICTS. Nothing like 105% turn out to turn an election in your favor.
No matter how many times this gets debunked, it always cracks me up hearing it. :lmao:

Oh, the Birther conspiracy is just the gift that keeps on giving. Its wildly irrational, desperately willfully ignorant, and splatters all over conservatives.

If I were a GOP presidential candidate, I'd wear brown pants.
As opposed to the brown shirts of the democrat candidates...
Not flustered at all...just trying to understand the reasoning behind your and others on this topic... when everything that you bring up, has been debunked for years? what's the purpose of that?

I can understand not liking Obama, or not liking his political stances....or even hating them.....but this crapola, which is unreasonable, illogical and a number of other things based on the actual FACTS that have been shown, is just downright silly and stupid imo.
Most of it is stupid. But really why not let some independent investigator look into his records. What are they hiding? Well other than all the destroyed email servers across the country, what are they hiding?

Why don't Iet some 'independent investigator look into his records? I don't have access to them.

Why doesn't Obama? Why should he?

Really- why should he care that you want someone to go through his records looking for some dirt on him- he has been elected twice- he has no obligation to- nor should he oblige- a few whackjob political enemies.
ROFL Obama's enemies include over half the country. But yes he was elected twice, by having more people vote in democrat districts that "EXIST" IN THOSE DISTRICTS. Nothing like 105% turn out to turn an election in your favor.
No matter how many times this gets debunked, it always cracks me up hearing it. :lmao:
Has it? I can't keep up with all the debunking.

What need do you have to pay attention? Its not like any of the evidence has the slightest impact on your position or perspective. So why bother keeping track of it.
Most of it is stupid. But really why not let some independent investigator look into his records. What are they hiding? Well other than all the destroyed email servers across the country, what are they hiding?

Why don't Iet some 'independent investigator look into his records? I don't have access to them.

Why doesn't Obama? Why should he?

Really- why should he care that you want someone to go through his records looking for some dirt on him- he has been elected twice- he has no obligation to- nor should he oblige- a few whackjob political enemies.
ROFL Obama's enemies include over half the country. But yes he was elected twice, by having more people vote in democrat districts that "EXIST" IN THOSE DISTRICTS. Nothing like 105% turn out to turn an election in your favor.
No matter how many times this gets debunked, it always cracks me up hearing it. :lmao:

Oh, the Birther conspiracy is just the gift that keeps on giving. Its wildly irrational, desperately willfully ignorant, and splatters all over conservatives.

If I were a GOP presidential candidate, I'd wear brown pants.
As opposed to the brown shirts of the democrat candidates...

Laughing....nothing says 'brown shirt' like supporting same sex marriage and gay rights.

Before you affirm Godwin's law you may want to look into what the Nazi's actually supported. I'll give you a hint: it wasn't same sex marriage.
Obama put two Liberal justices on the Supreme Court who both ruled in favor of overturning same-sex marriage bans. You're a special kind of retarded to think Obama had nothing to do with that. And cry all you want about Obama lengthening the recession, but in reality, he ended it in 6 months. No doubt you can prove Obama lengthened that just like you can prove his mother flew to Kenya to give birth to him. :lmao:
Yeah and Bush picked good Judges that have so far been impartial. I suppose you could argue that Bush was a dumb fuck for doing good for the country and Obama is just a fuck for picking hyper-partisan rubes. Oh and the vote should have been unanimous.
Who cares how you think the votes should have gone? You still think the man who put two of the slim majority five on the bench had nothing to do with it. :cuckoo:
Most of it is stupid. But really why not let some independent investigator look into his records. What are they hiding? Well other than all the destroyed email servers across the country, what are they hiding?

Why don't Iet some 'independent investigator look into his records? I don't have access to them.

Why doesn't Obama? Why should he?

Really- why should he care that you want someone to go through his records looking for some dirt on him- he has been elected twice- he has no obligation to- nor should he oblige- a few whackjob political enemies.
ROFL Obama's enemies include over half the country. But yes he was elected twice, by having more people vote in democrat districts that "EXIST" IN THOSE DISTRICTS. Nothing like 105% turn out to turn an election in your favor.
No matter how many times this gets debunked, it always cracks me up hearing it. :lmao:
Has it? I can't keep up with all the debunking.

What need do you have to pay attention? Its not like any of the evidence has the slightest impact on your position or perspective. So why bother keeping track of it.
You are correct. I've already made up my mind about this guy and his minions, and pretty much nothing is gonna sway me. This guy has made an enemy of me, and and enemy I will stay.
Let's be real, anyone who would attempt to seriously investigate this, would immediately be shamed into silence, murdered, or disappeared. You're dealing with very very dark powerful forces.

And by 'investigate', you mean ignore every piece of evidence that doesn't affirm what you already believe?

Because ignoring overwhelming evidence is why you're being 'shamed'. Asking questions is fine. ignoring answers? Not so much.

The NWO Elites are pure evil. And they pull all the strings.

Or....the NWO is a figment of your imagination, made up to match what you already believe. With your conception of the NWO telling us much more about you than it does some mythical group of Bavarians.

My favorite contradition among the legion that overbear this particular piece of conspiratorial simultaneously condeming government for its incompetence and inability to get anything right....while at the same time lauding government for its near perfect secrecy and flawless execution of the most complicated plan in the history of mankind.

Its like watching a dog chase his own tail.
Obama put two Liberal justices on the Supreme Court who both ruled in favor of overturning same-sex marriage bans. You're a special kind of retarded to think Obama had nothing to do with that. And cry all you want about Obama lengthening the recession, but in reality, he ended it in 6 months. No doubt you can prove Obama lengthened that just like you can prove his mother flew to Kenya to give birth to him. :lmao:
Yeah and Bush picked good Judges that have so far been impartial. I suppose you could argue that Bush was a dumb fuck for doing good for the country and Obama is just a fuck for picking hyper-partisan rubes. Oh and the vote should have been unanimous.
Who cares how you think the votes should have gone? You still think the man who put two of the slim majority five on the bench had nothing to do with it. :cuckoo:
I don't give him credit for what the SCOTUS does, no. Do you give Bush credit for this recent SCOTUS decision? FYI the two judges that Obama replaced replaced other hyper-partisan left wing judges. With or without Obama's appointees the same vote would have occurred. The vote went the way it did because Bush did not put hyper partisan right wing judges on the court.
Why don't Iet some 'independent investigator look into his records? I don't have access to them.

Why doesn't Obama? Why should he?

Really- why should he care that you want someone to go through his records looking for some dirt on him- he has been elected twice- he has no obligation to- nor should he oblige- a few whackjob political enemies.
ROFL Obama's enemies include over half the country. But yes he was elected twice, by having more people vote in democrat districts that "EXIST" IN THOSE DISTRICTS. Nothing like 105% turn out to turn an election in your favor.
No matter how many times this gets debunked, it always cracks me up hearing it. :lmao:
Has it? I can't keep up with all the debunking.

What need do you have to pay attention? Its not like any of the evidence has the slightest impact on your position or perspective. So why bother keeping track of it.
You are correct. I've already made up my mind about this guy and his minions, and pretty much nothing is gonna sway me. This guy has made an enemy of me, and and enemy I will stay.

And when you've decided that no evidence can convince you, you've removed any need for evidence. Or use for it.

Which describes Birthers perfectly.
Not flustered at all...just trying to understand the reasoning behind your and others on this topic... when everything that you bring up, has been debunked for years? what's the purpose of that?

I can understand not liking Obama, or not liking his political stances....or even hating them.....but this crapola, which is unreasonable, illogical and a number of other things based on the actual FACTS that have been shown, is just downright silly and stupid imo.
Most of it is stupid. But really why not let some independent investigator look into his records. What are they hiding? Well other than all the destroyed email servers across the country, what are they hiding?

Why don't Iet some 'independent investigator look into his records? I don't have access to them.

Why doesn't Obama? Why should he?

Really- why should he care that you want someone to go through his records looking for some dirt on him- he has been elected twice- he has no obligation to- nor should he oblige- a few whackjob political enemies.
ROFL Obama's enemies include over half the country. But yes he was elected twice, by having more people vote in democrat districts that "EXIST" IN THOSE DISTRICTS. Nothing like 105% turn out to turn an election in your favor.
No matter how many times this gets debunked, it always cracks me up hearing it. :lmao:
Has it? I can't keep up with all the debunking.
Yes, it has. There were higher totals in precincts in a college town where many students came from other parts of the state. And when all the numbers on a state-wide level were reviewed, the ballot count was kosher.

But numbnuts like you just can't get over it. You never will and you will be mocked for the rest of your life over it.

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