Yes, Democrats are Putin Stooges

And once does it feel for you and republicans to be on the same side as the murderer Putin ? Pretty stupid huh??

Putin's aim was to sow discord over our election. Gullible idiots like you jumped in line and are still walking lockstep with Putin in that endeavor.

YOU would be the ones on the same side as Putin, Rube.:21:
Putin and Russia Stand with Republicans and Trump,,,Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling Repubs standing with the 2 swine Trump and Putin??
Better Russian than democrat. Russians care more about this country than any democrat. Putin would have enormous support if he came here and cleaned our house for us. He would have more support than the invaders from the south killing Americans and having democrats reward them for the act.
Putin is doing everything he can to destroy the US, including electing tRump why is that so hard for you morons to see?

Exactly how did Putin "elect Trump" when all our intel agencies concluded not a single vote was changed?

Watch this....................
Did or DID NOT ALL our agencies agree that Russia f-ed with our election?? Should I believe a jester like you, an AH lying pig like Trump OR our intel agencies??
As Russia has since 1950, shitforbrains.

Tell us why Obama ordered our intelligence to stand down from keeping Russia from interfering.

Tell us why Russia is helping Comrade Bernie right now.

Your top candidate loves the USSR and covets their political agendas.
Stooge this
Earlier this month, FBI Director Christopher Wray said in public testimony that Russia was meddling in the 2020 election. So how to explain President Donald Trump’s decision to fire Acting Director of National Intelligence Adm. Joseph Maguire after Maguire defended a subordinate who had briefed Congress on much the same thing?

One important difference provides the answer. Maguire’s aide, Shelby Pierson, who heads the DNI’s election security unit, told the House Intelligence Committee last week that it was the consensus assessment of the CIA, National Security Agency, and FBI that Russian hackers aren’t just meddling in this year’s U.S. elections, they’re trying to help Trump win re-election, two officials familiar with the testimony tell TIME.

In doing so, Pierson delivered on the core competence of intelligence agencies: explaining not just what foreign adversaries and allies are doing, but why they’re doing it. “The mission of the Intelligence Community is to seek to reduce the uncertainty surrounding foreign activities, capabilities, or leaders’ intentions,” as the famous Jan. 2017 U.S. Intelligence Community Assessment of Russia’s 2016 meddling declared at its start.

In other words, Trump is objecting not to the facts his top intelligence experts are presenting, but to the truth they reveal.,,,,,,,and imo Truth to repubs are like the sun is to Dracula
Stooge this
Earlier this month, FBI Director Christopher Wray said in public testimony that Russia was meddling in the 2020 election. So how to explain President Donald Trump’s decision to fire Acting Director of National Intelligence Adm. Joseph Maguire after Maguire defended a subordinate who had briefed Congress on much the same thing?

One important difference provides the answer. Maguire’s aide, Shelby Pierson, who heads the DNI’s election security unit, told the House Intelligence Committee last week that it was the consensus assessment of the CIA, National Security Agency, and FBI that Russian hackers aren’t just meddling in this year’s U.S. elections, they’re trying to help Trump win re-election, two officials familiar with the testimony tell TIME.

In doing so, Pierson delivered on the core competence of intelligence agencies: explaining not just what foreign adversaries and allies are doing, but why they’re doing it. “The mission of the Intelligence Community is to seek to reduce the uncertainty surrounding foreign activities, capabilities, or leaders’ intentions,” as the famous Jan. 2017 U.S. Intelligence Community Assessment of Russia’s 2016 meddling declared at its start.

In other words, Trump is objecting not to the facts his top intelligence experts are presenting, but to the truth they reveal.,,,,,,,and imo Truth to repubs are like the sun is to Dracula

Hey Stooge..............that bullshit has already been debunked. You were once again duped by NYT's Fake News based on lies leaked by Schifferbrains.

Please try to keep up.

NYT’ s Russia helping Trump story DEBUNKED by Intel.
Where did they all say not a single vote was changed ?THEY ALL did say russia interfered with our election How can you get one without the other ?
Putin and Russia Stand with Republicans and Trump,,,Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling Repubs standing with the 2 swine Trump and Putin??
Better Russian than democrat. Russians care more about this country than any democrat. Putin would have enormous support if he came here and cleaned our house for us. He would have more support than the invaders from the south killing Americans and having democrats reward them for the act.
Go live in Russia traitor, and take the scum here with you
Putin is doing everything he can to destroy the US, including electing tRump why is that so hard for you morons to see?

Exactly how did Putin "elect Trump" when all our intel agencies concluded not a single vote was changed?

Watch this....................
Please, quote anyone from any intelligence agency saying not a single vote was changed. Any report, any briefing, any off the record interview, even "unnamed sources".

Putin is doing everything he can to destroy the US, including electing tRump why is that so hard for you morons to see?

Exactly how did Putin "elect Trump" when all our intel agencies concluded not a single vote was changed?

Watch this....................
Please, quote anyone from any intelligence agency saying not a single vote was changed. Any report, any briefing, any off the record interview, even "unnamed sources".

Already done, Putin Puppet.:5_1_12024:
It doesn't take a political genius to understand that the Russians and other foreign governments have been trying to disrupt the fabric of American society and the orderly transition of government since Stalin was "uncle Joe". Years ago CUSA would stand on street corners spouting Marxist rhetoric and handing out flyers. Today they do it with hackers and social media. The Obama administration used a foreign agent who may have been associated with the Russians to create a fake dossier designed to influence the presidential election and spy on a political opponent. The Mainstream media has become willing accomplices in the spread of propaganda designed to undermine a duly elected administration when they print lies and fabrications planted by foreign agents and then they accuse the President. It's the perfect scam. Democrats and the mainstream media have become stooges for foreign propaganda because they are blinded by hatred and disappointment.
Putin is doing everything he can to destroy the US, including electing tRump why is that so hard for you morons to see?

Exactly how did Putin "elect Trump" when all our intel agencies concluded not a single vote was changed?

Watch this....................
Please, quote anyone from any intelligence agency saying not a single vote was changed. Any report, any briefing, any off the record interview, even "unnamed sources".


Now that I have proven my claim, let's see you prove your claim.

Show us the intel reports listing the vote total changes by state.

Putin is doing everything he can to destroy the US, including electing tRump why is that so hard for you morons to see?

Exactly how did Putin "elect Trump" when all our intel agencies concluded not a single vote was changed?

Watch this....................
Did or DID NOT ALL our agencies agree that Russia f-ed with our election?? Should I believe a jester like you, an AH lying pig like Trump OR our intel agencies??
Well you should believe Nostrils of course. After all, anonymous person on the internet is always more credible that any intelligence agency.

If you're a dumbass tRumpling that is.
Hey Nostra here's the real truth that you liars left out
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper writes in his new book that he has "no doubt" Russians swung the 2016 presidential election to President Trump.

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow read an excerpt from Clapper's new book, "Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence," during her Tuesday night show.

"Of course the Russian effort affected the outcome. Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. To conclude otherwise stretches logic, common sense, and credulity to the breaking point," Maddow read from Clapper's book.

"Less than 80,000 votes in three key states swung the election," the excerpt continues. "I have no doubt that more votes than that were influenced by this massive effort by the Russians."

Clapper's book was released on Tuesday. Clapper said he didn't plan on writing a book but changed his mind because of Trump's presidency.

His book details the time leading up to and following the 2016 election, with a focus on Russia's election interference.

The intelligence community concluded shortly after the 2016 presidential election that Russian-liked groups attempted to sway the presidential election in favor of Trump. Intelligence officials did not come to a conclusion, however, as to whether or not Russian meddling efforts were successful.
Putin is doing everything he can to destroy the US, including electing tRump why is that so hard for you morons to see?

Um, execept for the fact that every sane person on the planet knows that Bernie would completely destroy our country...meanwhile, the economy, wages, jobs, etc. etc. etc. is flourishing under Trump. Russia LOVES them some Socialists. That should be rather obvious.
The economy (and stock market) have both been artificially inflated/supported by huge deficit spending.

How does that help anyone?
Hey Nostra here's the real truth that you liars left out
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper writes in his new book that he has "no doubt" Russians swung the 2016 presidential election to President Trump.

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow read an excerpt from Clapper's new book, "Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence," during her Tuesday night show.

"Of course the Russian effort affected the outcome. Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. To conclude otherwise stretches logic, common sense, and credulity to the breaking point," Maddow read from Clapper's book.

"Less than 80,000 votes in three key states swung the election," the excerpt continues. "I have no doubt that more votes than that were influenced by this massive effort by the Russians."

Clapper's book was released on Tuesday. Clapper said he didn't plan on writing a book but changed his mind because of Trump's presidency.

His book details the time leading up to and following the 2016 election, with a focus on Russia's election interference.

The intelligence community concluded shortly after the 2016 presidential election that Russian-liked groups attempted to sway the presidential election in favor of Trump. Intelligence officials did not come to a conclusion, however, as to whether or not Russian meddling efforts were successful.

I have Clapper under have him on MSLSD on the Madcow dude's show pushing a book.

What evidence does he present that vote totals where changed? Break it down by state.

Putin is doing everything he can to destroy the US, including electing tRump why is that so hard for you morons to see?

Exactly how did Putin "elect Trump" when all our intel agencies concluded not a single vote was changed?

Watch this....................
Did or DID NOT ALL our agencies agree that Russia f-ed with our election?? Should I believe a jester like you, an AH lying pig like Trump OR our intel agencies??
Well you should believe Nostrils of course. After all, anonymous person on the internet is always more credible that any intelligence agency.

If you're a dumbass tRumpling that is.
I have DNI Director Clapper under oath.

And you have........................?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:iyfyus.jpg:
Putin is doing everything he can to destroy the US, including electing tRump why is that so hard for you morons to see?

Exactly how did Putin "elect Trump" when all our intel agencies concluded not a single vote was changed?

Watch this....................
Did or DID NOT ALL our agencies agree that Russia f-ed with our election?? Should I believe a jester like you, an AH lying pig like Trump OR our intel agencies??

They all concluded not a single vote was changed. That fact is hard for you RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! rubes to deal with.:21:

Explain in detail how Putin elected Trump when Putin didn't change a single vote.

Quotes Nostrils, quotes.

Post something to back up your assertions.

If they all said it it should be easy to find.

Unless you were talking outta yer ass.

Putin is doing everything he can to destroy the US, including electing tRump why is that so hard for you morons to see?

Um, execept for the fact that every sane person on the planet knows that Bernie would completely destroy our country...meanwhile, the economy, wages, jobs, etc. etc. etc. is flourishing under Trump. Russia LOVES them some Socialists. That should be rather obvious.
The economy (and stock market) have both been artificially inflated/supported by huge deficit spending.

How does that help anyone?
And by low interest rates When the shit hits the fan how much lower can they go ?? Will dumph give another tax break to his buddies?

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