YES!! House Judiciary Republicans Call For 2nd Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch!

Her crimes have already been proven - Comey, again, testified to but said she wastoo stupid to know it - not a legally accepted defense.

She's going down...if they actually hold a REAL investigation this time.
A liberal told me I'd "better have evidence" of Democrat crimes before setting up a new Special Counsel to investigate them.

I provided the evidence.

For some reason, I haven't heard from that liberal since then. He's still somewhere in the thread, but seems reluctant to comment on my reply, even though he insisted on the evidence.
Without any shred of evidence that a crime had ever been committed, Barry began his own multiple investigations of Trump...breaking laws himself in order to get the investigation going.
Sure you can, but you'd better have evidence or the investigation will not go anywhere and you might be charged with a crime yourself.
Just off the top of my head:

1.) Classified emails were found on Hillary’s unprotected email accounts.

2.) DNC staffer Seth Rich, who had access to many of the emails from Hillary and her staff, was found murdered in Washington DC. Rich was found shot in the back twice, but not robbed. His wallet, money, cell phone, keys, watch and a necklace were all left on him. The murder is unsolved. The FBI reported that shortly before the murder, Rich had sent 44,053 of their emails to Gavin McFayden, an American reporter and Wikileaks director based in London, who is now also dead.

These are certainly crimes. Some people dispute the details. But it is clear that these matters should be looked into closely. And the evidence is clear and documented.

And this is just a few, there are many more.

Anything else I can clear up for you?

Don't you agree that a Special Counsel would be a good way to bring out the real truth about these (and similar) matters?

Seth Rich's parents: Conspiracy theorists using 'outrage to perpetuate our nightmare'
Her crimes have already been proven - Comey, again, testified to but said she wastoo stupid to know it - not a legally accepted defense.

She's going down...if they actually hold a REAL investigation this time.

You know nothing of the law. Look up mens rea and actus reus and educate your ignorant butt... you Deplorables whine and bitch like little babies.
Not half as much as you snowflakes have today at just the THOUGHT of a 2nd Special Counsel being formed.


Unlike you petals supporting an imploding White House.,,,lol

Oh, I have no problem of a special counsel being brought in. It'll be a waste of time. However, the one investigating Trump will not.
Just checking in. We got a name for that Special Counsel yet?
Is there some reason you keep asking for the name of a person in an office that doesn't even exist yet?

Other than your usual habit of doing the same thing over and over while hoping for a different result?
If Sessions does not agree to and appoint a Special Counsel to investigate these 3 criminals he should be immediately FIRED.

The Name that comes to my mind immediately who should be selected to be the Special Counsel Lead is Rudolph 'Rudy' William Louis Giuliani...followed by Trey Gowdy, who unfortunately can not do so while maintaining his other responsibilities as an elected official.
Sessions recused himself from anything Clinton in his confirmation hearing so it would have to be Rosenstein...
What about Jason Chavetz as the next Attorney General?
didn't he leave to go to FOX news/cable?
isn't pardoning people a part of the president's roles? I mean, so he is looking into what he can and can't do. good for him.

Trump is barely 6 months into his term, and he's a;lready looking into how he can prdon his family, his friends, and himself.

You do know a pardon for a crime, means you committed a crime.
As soon as President Trump 'pardons' anyone by all means let us know.
Until then that garbage on the AW parking lot isn't going to pick itself up asshole!

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