YES!! House Judiciary Republicans Call For 2nd Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch!

And...that Special Counsel's name is.......?
asked and answered. get a new line.
I asked Little Acorn.....unless you are him. Are you?
you asked that question, I answered it. move on.
I asked you answered....I now have asked Little Acorn. For some reason you think you are him. Are you?
dude, too funny, you are clueless on a message board. many socks do you have, Little Acorn?

This thread was just started this morning. It's not even noon yet where I am, and the thread has grown to over 300 posts as desperate liberals deflect, deny, attack, call names, change the subject, and generally do everything they can to avoid the real subject: A proposal for a new Independent Counsel to investigate what their party has been doing for the last few years on already-controversial subjects like colluding with Russia, illegal handling of emails, mysterious unsolved murders etc.

Throw a rock into a pack of cur dogs, and you'll know who it hits by seeing who yelps the loudest.

And the liberals are SCREAMING.

More akin to squealing like stuck pigs.

What a wonderful sound!


Except for the part where the shrilary admitted to committing Misdemeanors, and where comey outlined the various Felony's she committed. But, yeah, other than those crimes it sure is another witch hunt. Aptly named too based on how she treats underlings. They don't have too much good to say about her, so I fully agree she qualifies as a "witch". With a "B"!
I asked you answered....I now have asked Little Acorn. For some reason you think you are him. Are you?
Someone's panties are in a knot over panic over Democrats' crimes being investigated.... :p
1.) Classified emails were found on Hillary’s unprotected email accounts.

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
Bwuhahaha...what a pathetic ploy from another pathetic snowflake trying to defend their proven criminal politician.

I never said she had been convicted...but I did point out her crimes, how Comey under oath laid out her crimes, exposed her crimes, and then gave some bullshit excuse why she should not be indicted by giving an excuse that is NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law.

YOU are a JOKE. Your continued attempt to defend proven criminals is embarrassing.
BTW, since she never went to trial, she is still eligible to be sentenced for all of those crimes. he ain't too bright.

Maybe in Russia they go straight to sentencing before a political opponent is even charged with a crime. But this ain't Russia, yet......
But they sure admire Russia and its laws, don't they?

They sure seem to.
thanks, he doesn't get to make that call however. hmmmm the DOJ does that. what happened to her? oh yeah deal making on an airport tarmac.

Of course he does. The FBI makes recommendations all the time. What they normally don't do is make public their statements on investigations.
Once again the Republicans in the Congress and the fools who support them are calling for more investigations;
Hey CNN, you clowns have been investigating Trump for almost a YEAR now without having come up with one bit of evidence yet while exposing numerous Democrat crimes....Bwuhahaha.

What a hypocritical ass-clown!

'Smatter, CNN? What's it to you if the GOP makes fools of themselves? Why don't you want them to? Probably because you KNOW there is so much evidence of Democrat crimes, provided BY THE DEMOCRATS, that such an investigation without Obama, his criminal DOJ, his criminal FBI, and / or a packed liberal Special Counsel will result in Democrats going to jail....

Of course he does. The FBI makes recommendations all the time. What they normally don't do is make public their statements on investigations.
How often does a President and his Director of the FBI go out and BUY Ukraine / Russia-generated fake political dirt on an opposition candidate, as Obama and jim did?

Repeating your allegations doesn't make them any more true than the first time you parroted them.
like russia, russia?

Feel free to list the allegations I have repeatedly made regarding President "Pussy Grabber's possible crimes involving Russia.

because why?

That's begging the question.

What if I said "Please"? (not that I am saying that mind you!)

Except for the part where the shrilary admitted to committing Misdemeanors, and where comey outlined the various Felony's she committed. But, yeah, other than those crimes it sure is another witch hunt. Aptly named too based on how she treats underlings. They don't have too much good to say about her, so I fully agree she qualifies as a "witch". With a "B"!
clever. really clever. now, take a nap.
1.) Classified emails were found on Hillary’s unprotected email accounts.

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
BTW, since she never went to trial, she is still eligible to be sentenced for all of those crimes. he ain't too bright.

Maybe in Russia they go straight to sentencing before a political opponent is even charged with a crime. But this ain't Russia, yet......
But they sure admire Russia and its laws, don't they?

They sure seem to.
thanks, he doesn't get to make that call however. hmmmm the DOJ does that. what happened to her? oh yeah deal making on an airport tarmac.

Of course he does. The FBI makes recommendations all the time. What they normally don't do is make public their statements on investigations.
the DOJ determines a crime or not and the need for grand juries.

Except for the part where the shrilary admitted to committing Misdemeanors, and where comey outlined the various Felony's she committed. But, yeah, other than those crimes it sure is another witch hunt. Aptly named too based on how she treats underlings. They don't have too much good to say about her, so I fully agree she qualifies as a "witch". With a "B"!
clever. really clever. now, take a nap.

Except for the part where the shrilary admitted to committing Misdemeanors, and where comey outlined the various Felony's she committed. But, yeah, other than those crimes it sure is another witch hunt. Aptly named too based on how she treats underlings. They don't have too much good to say about her, so I fully agree she qualifies as a "witch". With a "B"!
clever. really clever. now, take a nap.

I just had one, that's why I am so good right now! The creative juices are flowin' baby!
Is the naming of this Special Counsel going to be another one of those "any day now...any day now..." things, like H. Clinton's indictments?
No Crime.
No Evidence.
No Collusion.
No Obstruction.
Democrats Call For a Special Counsel
Evidence Produced Showing call for Counsel stemmed from Obama/Comey paying for Ukraine/Putin-generated fake propaganda.
Snowflakes Justify / defend it.

Democrats Expose Democrat Crimes.
NSA / FBI Directors Testify Crimes Committed.
Evidence of Crimes committed.
GOP calls for Special Counsel
Snowflakes Wet themselves, wail, gnashing of teeth, claim 'foul'

The hypocrisy and level or partisanship is mind-numbing.

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