YES!! House Judiciary Republicans Call For 2nd Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch!

Say, you should take all your newly found evidence of crimes to the nearest office of the FBI. I'm sure they will open that case based on such compelling evidence.
TRANSLATION: **OMG, anything but a Special Counsel who can't be stopped, deflected, or politicized!!!
I welcome a Special Counsel....what's his/her name?
So it's ok to let a bunch of colluding 7 year olds who hate Trump and who are throwing tantrums practice transplant surgery on the country as long as no such group is allowed to do so on the Democrats?.

Those 7 year-olds are the top in their legal fields. They were chosen because they were the top in their fields of expertise. Financial crimes, turning witnesses, the skills Mueller was looking for.
1.) Classified emails were found on Hillary’s unprotected email accounts.

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
I was wondering how long it would be before you lied. Please list the crimes Sec. Clinton was been convicted of.
Bwuhahaha...what a pathetic ploy from another pathetic snowflake trying to defend their proven criminal politician.

I never said she had been convicted...but I did point out her crimes, how Comey under oath laid out her crimes, exposed her crimes, and then gave some bullshit excuse why she should not be indicted by giving an excuse that is NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law.

YOU are a JOKE. Your continued attempt to defend proven criminals is embarrassing.
BTW, since she never went to trial, she is still eligible to be sentenced for all of those crimes. he ain't too bright.

Maybe in Russia they go straight to sentencing before a political opponent is even charged with a crime. But this ain't Russia, yet......
But they sure admire Russia and its laws, don't they?

They sure seem to.
1.) Classified emails were found on Hillary’s unprotected email accounts.

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
I was wondering how long it would be before you lied. Please list the crimes Sec. Clinton was been convicted of.
Bwuhahaha...what a pathetic ploy from another pathetic snowflake trying to defend their proven criminal politician.

I never said she had been convicted...but I did point out her crimes, how Comey under oath laid out her crimes, exposed her crimes, and then gave some bullshit excuse why she should not be indicted by giving an excuse that is NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law.

YOU are a JOKE. Your continued attempt to defend proven criminals is embarrassing.
BTW, since she never went to trial, she is still eligible to be sentenced for all of those crimes. he ain't too bright.

Maybe in Russia they go straight to sentencing before a political opponent is even charged with a crime. But this ain't Russia, yet......
But they sure admire Russia and its laws, don't they?

They sure seem to.
thanks, he doesn't get to make that call however. hmmmm the DOJ does that. what happened to her? oh yeah deal making on an airport tarmac.

This thread was just started this morning. It's not even noon yet where I am, and the thread has grown to over 300 posts as desperate liberals deflect, deny, attack, call names, change the subject, and generally do everything they can to avoid the real subject: A proposal for a new Independent Counsel to investigate what their party has been doing for the last few years on already-controversial subjects like colluding with Russia, illegal handling of emails, mysterious unsolved murders etc.

Throw a rock into a pack of cur dogs, and you'll know who it hits by seeing who yelps the loudest.

And the liberals are SCREAMING.
They provide influence that helps Russians acquire 20% of all US Uranium in exchange for massive donations to their Foundations

Given that it has been proved that Russia did not acquire a single ounce of Uranium that those mines extracted, that conspiracy theory, GOP/RussianWing talking point, has been debunked.

But like everything else, you Goebbels the fuck out of it till you become the Wolfman, um I mean the boy who cried "Wolfe", man.
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House Judiciary Republicans Call For Second Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch

"Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are asking the Justice Department to appoint a second special counsel, this one to investigate Hillary Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the Judiciary Republicans say they want a second investigator to match Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting a sprawling investigation of the Trump campaign and various Trump associates.

“The unbalanced, uncertain, and seemingly unlimited focus of the special counsel’s investigation has led many of our constituents to see a dual standard of justice that benefits only the powerful and politically well-connected,” the Republicans say.

In their letter, the Republicans list 14 separate categories they say should be investigated by the additional special counsel.

They are calling for a deeper investigation of Hillary Clinton and her potential mishandling of classified information."

Republicans should make sure the team for this 2nd Special Counsel is made up of Trump Donors and Trump's own Lawyer, especially since Democrats see no Conflicts of Interest in doing such things!

There should be a special counsel against the clinton foundation, against the comey leaking to the press, against loretta lynch and her attempt to obstruct justice, and against clinton and obama and hilary's secret and illegal servers as well as her illegal handling of top secret documents......let's throw one in for lois lerner at the CIA and for the democrat party and stealing the primary from bernie sanders...
Inconvenient fact:,The Clinton Foundation received charity's highest rating. You watch too much Fox News. It's poisoned your mind..
isn't pardoning people a part of the president's roles? I mean, so he is looking into what he can and can't do. good for him.

Trump is barely 6 months into his term, and he's a;lready looking into how he can prdon his family, his friends, and himself.

You do know a pardon for a crime, means you committed a crime.
No, actually it doesn't. His lawyers are looking into pardon issues because that's what good lawyers do. Furthermore, the ones who will be pardon are innocent victims of Mewler's witch hunt.
isn't pardoning people a part of the president's roles? I mean, so he is looking into what he can and can't do. good for him.

Trump is barely 6 months into his term, and he's a;lready looking into how he can prdon his family, his friends, and himself.

You do know a pardon for a crime, means you committed a crime.
No, actually it doesn't. His lawyers are looking into pardon issues because that's what good lawyers do. Furthermore, the ones who will be pardon are innocent victims of Mewler's witch hunt.
which won't be about russia russia. those libturds with no brains have no idea what is what.


"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Was that true?"

"That's not true."

Without any shred of evidence that a crime had ever been committed, Barry began his own multiple investigations of Trump...breaking laws himself in order to get the investigation going.
Sure you can, but you'd better have evidence or the investigation will not go anywhere and you might be charged with a crime yourself.
Just off the top of my head:

1.) Classified emails were found on Hillary’s unprotected email accounts.

2.) DNC staffer Seth Rich, who had access to many of the emails from Hillary and her staff, was found murdered in Washington DC. Rich was found shot in the back twice, but not robbed. His wallet, money, cell phone, keys, watch and a necklace were all left on him. The murder is unsolved. The FBI reported that shortly before the murder, Rich had sent 44,053 of their emails to Gavin McFayden, an American reporter and Wikileaks director based in London, who is now also dead.

These are certainly crimes. Some people dispute the details. But it is clear that these matters should be looked into closely. And the evidence is clear and documented.

And this is just a few, there are many more.

Anything else I can clear up for you?

Don't you agree that a Special Counsel would be a good way to bring out the real truth about these (and similar) matters?
alex jones called and he wants you on his team. His exact words were," this dude is crazier than me."
You do know a pardon for a crime, means you committed a crime.
No, actually it doesn't. His lawyers are looking into pardon issues because that's what good lawyers do. Furthermore, the ones who will be pardon are innocent victims of Mewler's witch hunt.

Repeat, the presidental pardon power is only for CRIMES AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

Do I have to repeat the CRIME part?
Feel free to list the allegations I have repeatedly made regarding President possible crimes involving Russia.

That's the problem, snowflake...EVERY DAY you libtards come on USMB and give your OPINION about what potential crimes the President MAY have committed...and never prove he did....while every day more and more Democratic party crimes are PROVEN.

Poor Zippy. You really don't see the contradiction there do you? How would you react if I said the possible crimes you accuse the former President are opinion, while more and more Republican/Trump crimes are proven every day, sometimes several per day?

What would you say?
Sure you can, but you'd better have evidence or the investigation will not go anywhere and you might be charged with a crime yourself.
And that is the difference between ordinary people and hyper-partisans who own the WH, own the DOJ / US AG, own the Director of the FBI....

Democrats had / have no evidence, no evidence of a crime having been committed or the person they are going after has committed a crime.

They broke laws to attempt to politically manufacture a crime (colluded with Ukraine / Russians to buy Putin-generated propaganda, illegally shared classified info, illegally unmasked Americans, illegally committed Felony Espionage by leaking classified).

They have used the all-in fake news media to push the false talking points and scenario in the public because they have nothing that could survive the rigorous scrutiny of the legal process...and they could do all of that because the President owned the DOJ and the FBI.

Had this been a case of walking up to a cop and reporting a crime, the Democrats would be in jail by now for filing a false report.

Repeating your allegations doesn't make them any more true than the first time you parroted them.
like russia, russia?

Feel free to list the allegations I have repeatedly made regarding President "Pussy Grabber's possible crimes involving Russia.

And that is the difference between ordinary people and hyper-partisans who own the WH, own the DOJ / US AG, own the Director of the FBI....

Democrats had / have no evidence, no evidence of a crime having been committed or the person they are going after has committed a crime.

They broke laws to attempt to politically manufacture a crime (colluded with Ukraine / Russians to buy Putin-generated propaganda, illegally shared classified info, illegally unmasked Americans, illegally committed Felony Espionage by leaking classified).

They have used the all-in fake news media to push the false talking points and scenario in the public because they have nothing that could survive the rigorous scrutiny of the legal process...and they could do all of that because the President owned the DOJ and the FBI.

Had this been a case of walking up to a cop and reporting a crime, the Democrats would be in jail by now for filing a false report.

Repeating your allegations doesn't make them any more true than the first time you parroted them.
like russia, russia?

Feel free to list the allegations I have repeatedly made regarding President "Pussy Grabber's possible crimes involving Russia.

because why?
Once again the Republicans in the Congress and the fools who support them are calling for more investigations; their motivation in doing so has nothing to do with justice. It is an effort by the desperate to move the debate from their failure to govern, the failure to keep the promises they made, and from the Russian Question.
It is funny as hell that the snowflakes, as I believed they would, would howl like a scalded dog the moment they were served a dose of their own medicine.
It’s not just the “dose of their own medicine”. Liberals are always terrified of the public finding out what they are really doing and why. A Special Counsel looking into them, that they can neither stop nor deflect, is their worst nightmare.
And...that Special Counsel's name is.......?
asked and answered. get a new line.
I asked Little Acorn.....unless you are him. Are you?
you asked that question, I answered it. move on.
I asked you answered....I now have asked Little Acorn. For some reason you think you are him. Are you?
It’s not just the “dose of their own medicine”. Liberals are always terrified of the public finding out what they are really doing and why. A Special Counsel looking into them, that they can neither stop nor deflect, is their worst nightmare.
And...that Special Counsel's name is.......?
asked and answered. get a new line.
I asked Little Acorn.....unless you are him. Are you?
you asked that question, I answered it. move on.
I asked you answered....I now have asked Little Acorn. For some reason you think you are him. Are you?
dude, too funny, you are clueless on a message board.
Why do people come to this forum and are afraid to answer questions. Ahem Jc .

Just like trump was afraid to explain HOW he was going to repeal and replace Obmaacare.

You can't answer questions, you have no answers to. It's all bluff, smoke and mirrors.

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