Yes, I'm rootin for Putin

Some people accuse me of being in Putin's corner because I'm a Trump supporter. Which is nonsense because I've been an admirer of Putin every since he became the President well over a decade ago. Long before Trump threw his hat into the political arena and ran for office.

I liked how Putin, after he was firmly secure as president. Turned around the Russian economy by arresting the billionaire jewish oligarchs who were robbing the country blind, and sending them either to prison or exile.

The average Russian citizen felt humiliated by the western nations treatment of their country after the breakup of the Soviet Union and the chaotic events afterwards. Putin felt the same way, and began to restore public order and revitalize the moribund economy. He then proceeded to modernize and build up the military, and restore the Russian Orthodox Church back to its historic cultural place in society.

Putin had become a darling of the U.S. leadership first with Bush and then Obama, as an honored guest to White House state functions. But when the winter olympics were held in Sochi, Russia. President Putin banned all LBGT posters, flags, and homo pride parades. He started taking flack from the western media for the banning. But later he refused to legalize sodomite marriage. Putin became enemy #1 to Obama's Democrat administration. Every since then Russia is a prime liberal loon Demtard target, and blamed for all kinds of crazy things. Such as Hillary' loss and Trump's 2016 presidential victory.

The EU and the U.S. has been using NATO for decades to box in Russia and make it subservient to the western nations demands. Putin a man of action, finally had to take matters into his own hands in order to resolve the situation of a lawless criminal government on his border becoming a member of NATO

So yes, Putin is a remarkable and resourceful leader who will weather the political storm of Russia's humanitarian peacekeeping foray into Ukraine and emerge victorious. ....

I think you don't understand Russia.
i have no idea which post of mine was deleted for trolling. but it was certainly the right decision in a serious thread like this. so let me be on topic: i am not rootin for putin.
That is what they all say!

Pootin attack on Ukraine seem kind of gay and just weak as hell!

Can we all admit when Bush I and II did their attacks they did a better job and hell I believe Obama could have done better than Pootin!

Definitely weak as hell. 5,000 dead Russian soldiers so far, no air superiority over Ukraine, and I'm watching British and US cargo planes bringing weapons and equipment right across Ukraine's border.


That 17 mile long Russian convoy which was updated to 40 miles, appears to have been stalled. Although there is some speculation that it could be a ruse to draw the Ukes in.
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I'm not a Putin lover or hater. He's just a dude running a country. The fact that he's maintained power as long as he has tells me he must be very intelligent, shrewd, and cunning, though. Admirable traits, all. Has he done things I wouldn't? Sure he has. I can recognize both his positives and negatives without becoming emotional.
i am west german. you will not find me praising hitler in any way.
Well he didn’t Genocide as many as Stalin or the Japanese, well that is what he had going for him.

Pootin is nowhere near the level of Hitler or Stalin and is weaker than the last Czar of Russia, so there is no way to praise Pootin and it is clear why Pootin went after the Ukraine and that is for resources and Poland and Germany are next…
The EU and the U.S. has been using NATO for decades to box in Russia and make it subservient to the western nations demands. Putin a man of action, finally had to take matters into his own hands in order to resolve the situation of a lawless criminal government on his border becoming a member of NATO
His actions have united Europe against him far more solidly than they were before. The man is a murdering thug. Granted, he's no more evil than most western leaders but his actions against Ukrainian civilians are going to destroy whatever goodwill he had in the EU and now Russia will be a pariah nation as long as he's in control. He has shown his vaunted military - including even the Spetznas - to be mediocre at best and poorly trained and led. In short, he has squandered much respect on the world stage and made his nation more, not less, vulnerable.

FWIW, I did not agree with the west's position prior to hostilities beginning. If the tables were turned and Putin or Xi were placing advanced weapons or staging hundreds of thousands of troops on the U.S. southern border I would expect our government to ACT against that threat and I try not to be hypocritical. When he launched an obvious invasion to take the whole country, that logic changed. Now his forces are indiscriminately slaughtering civilians and it looks like he's going to turn Kiev into another Grozny before his troops take that city. The longer the Ukrainians embarrass him, the more brutal he will become. Are you SURE you want to be on record supporting that kind of barbarism?
ok, boomer. hug your freisler puppet and celebrate surviving another day.
Yeah, and do you know how weak that response is?

Stalin Genocide tens of millions of People along with Japan and Hitler hit six million, and Pootin can’t even invade the Ukraine without getting some ass kicking, so let me think and wonder if Hitler is a good comparison?


What was the name of the Cambodian nutter?

He did a better job at being crazy than Pootin, so Pootin just sucks at war as you suck at insulting me!
Sorry, but my admiration for the democratically elected Putin doesn't make me a traitor. ... :cool-45:
Putin hasn't been democratically elected in 15 years. TRAITOR
Of course we expect TRAITORS who pervert our elections to support Putin's fake elections. TRAITOR
Did you TRAITORS learn to subvert elections from Putin or visa versa? TRAITOR
Yeah, and do you know how weak that response is?

Stalin Genocide tens of millions of People along with Japan and Hitler hit six million, and Pootin can’t even invade the Ukraine without getting some ass kicking, so let me think and wonder if Hitler is a good comparison?


What was the name of the Cambodian nutter?

He did a better job at being crazy than Pootin, so Pootin just sucks at war as you suck at insulting me!
pol pot. why are you riffing so unguarded. by now, you should have had enough clues. detox.

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