Yes, I'm rootin for Putin

pol pot. why are you riffing so unguarded. by now, you should have had enough clues. detox.
Yeah him, and why are you so hell bent on invoking Hitler in any conversation?

Pootin is a moron, so let just say he will be remember like that guy that was waving his fist at Genghis Khan screaming “ I will get you “…

No one will remember Pooting a hundred years from now unless he uses a nuclear bomb…
Some people accuse me of being in Putin's corner because I'm a Trump supporter. Which is nonsense because I've been an admirer of Putin every since he became the President well over a decade ago. Long before Trump threw his hat into the political arena and ran for office.

I liked how Putin, after he was firmly secure in place as president. Started turning around the Russian economy by arresting the billionaire jewish oligarchs who were robbing the country blind, and sending them either to prison or exile.

The average Russian citizen felt humiliated by the western nations treatment of their country after the breakup of the Soviet Union and the chaotic events afterwards. Putin felt the same way, and began to restore public order and revitalize the moribund economy. He then proceeded to modernize and build up the military, and restore the Russian Orthodox Church back to its historic cultural place in society.

Putin had become a darling of the U.S. leadership first with Bush and then Obama, as an honored guest at lavish White House state dinners. But when the winter olympics were held in Sochi, Russia. President Putin banned all LBGT posters, flags, and homo pride parades. He then started taking flack from the western media for the banning. But later he refused to legalize sodomite marriage. Putin then became public enemy #1 of the Obama administration. Every since then Russia has been a prime liberal loon Demtard target, and blamed for all kinds of crazy things. Such as Hillary' loss and Trump's 2016 presidential victory.

The EU and the U.S. has been using NATO for decades to slowly box in Russia and make it subservient to the western nation's demands. Putin a man of action, finally had to take matters into his own hands in order to resolve the situation of a lawless criminal government on his border becoming a member of NATO

So yes, Putin is a remarkable and resourceful leader who will weather the political storm of Russia's humanitarian peacekeeping foray into Ukraine and will emerge victorious.

Good on you, Sunni Man! :thup:
Yeah him, and why are you so hell bent on invoking Hitler in any conversation?

Pootin is a moron, so let just say he will be remember like that guy that was waving his fist at Genghis Khan screaming “ I will get you “…

No one will remember Pooting a hundred years from now unless he uses a nuclear bomb…
if you read my posts, you know, the ones in response to you, you might have your answer. that's a hard task.
Biden and Putin both have the nuclear launch codes and the final authority to use them. One of them is out of his mind and the other has no mind left. And they're holding the keys to hundreds of millions of deaths.

Let that sink in.
if you read my posts, you know, the ones in response to you, you might have your answer. that's a hard task.
Invoked Hitler like a typical person that couldn’t think of something better and you kept on calling me a Nazi lover but in fact all I am saying Hitler did a lot better than Pootin, so why insult Hitler that way even if he was a horrible person…

I mean Stalin was a genocidal maniac but I would never compare Hitler to him because Stalin was smarter than Hitler…

So let stop using Hitler and think of better ways to insult Pootin water boys and girls!
Biden and Putin both have the nuclear launch codes and the final authority to use them. One of them is out of his mind and the other has no mind left. And they're holding the keys to hundreds of millions of deaths.

Let that sink in.
Billions of deaths!
Invoked Hitler like a typical person that couldn’t think of something better and you kept on calling me a Nazi lover but in fact all I am saying Hitler did a lot better than Pootin, so why insult Hitler that way even if he was a horrible person…

I mean Stalin was a genocidal maniac but I would never compare Hitler to him because Stalin was smarter than Hitler…

So let stop using Hitler and think of better ways to insult Pootin water boys and girls!
dude. you are imagining a lot of things, and i know you to be not a totally irredeemable asshole. so, sober up. and i won't encourage you to embrace a nazi pet. Deal?
When he launched an obvious invasion to take the whole country, that logic changed.
In my opinion, Putin does not want to occupy the whole country of Ukraine for any extended amount of time.
He has two limited goals.
#1 Make the two small ethnic Russian population areas of Donbas and Luhansk in western Ukraine part of Russia, or have them become independent countries.
#2 Replace the corrupt criminal government in Kyiv with one that's not controlled by the EU and U.S.
In my opinion, Putin does not want to occupy the whole country of Ukraine for any extended amount of time.
He has two limited goals.
#1 Make the two small ethnic Russian population areas of Donbas and Luhansk in western Ukraine part of Russia, or have them become independent countries.
#2 Replace the corrupt criminal government in Kyiv with one that's not controlled by the EU and U.S.
Except Ukraine does not share your primitive, backwards values, and its people will elect another pro-western president and parliament.
In my opinion, Putin does not want to occupy the whole country of Ukraine for any extended amount of time.
He has two limited goals.
#1 Make the two small ethnic Russian population areas of Donbas and Luhansk in western Ukraine part of Russia, or have them become independent countries.
#2 Replace the corrupt criminal government in Kyiv with one that's not controlled by the EU and U.S.
But the Kyiv government will be Moscow friendly, so how is that any better?
the Russian propaganda machine has issued a victory notice prematurely. lol. they deleted it. but it was caught in snapshots of the web archive. it is in Russian. find it, read it.
But the Kyiv government will be Moscow friendly, so how is that any better?
The current Ukrainian government in Kyiv takes its marching orders from the EU and the neo-con's at the U.S. State Dept. which are very hostile and aggressive towards Russia.
The current Ukrainian government in Kyiv takes its marching orders from the EU and the neo-con's at the U.S. State Dept. which are very hostile and aggressive towards Russia.

It isn’t like Pootin is someone you want to be friendly with…

Again, you are advocating Pootin remove a anti-Russian government for a more pro-Pooting Government, so how is that any better?
Some people accuse me of being in Putin's corner because I'm a Trump supporter. Which is nonsense because I've been an admirer of Putin every since he became the President well over a decade ago. Long before Trump threw his hat into the political arena and ran for office.

I liked how Putin, after he was firmly secure in place as president. Started turning around the Russian economy by arresting the billionaire jewish oligarchs who were robbing the country blind, and sending them either to prison or exile.

The average Russian citizen felt humiliated by the western nations treatment of their country after the breakup of the Soviet Union and the chaotic events afterwards. Putin felt the same way, and began to restore public order and revitalize the moribund economy. He then proceeded to modernize and build up the military, and restore the Russian Orthodox Church back to its historic cultural place in society.

Putin had become a darling of the U.S. leadership first with Bush and then Obama, as an honored guest at lavish White House state dinners. But when the winter olympics were held in Sochi, Russia. President Putin banned all LBGT posters, flags, and homo pride parades. He then started taking flack from the western media for the banning. But later he refused to legalize sodomite marriage. Putin then became public enemy #1 of the Obama administration. Every since then Russia has been a prime liberal loon Demtard target, and blamed for all kinds of crazy things. Such as Hillary' loss and Trump's 2016 presidential victory.

The EU and the U.S. has been using NATO for decades to slowly box in Russia and make it subservient to the western nation's demands. Putin a man of action, finally had to take matters into his own hands in order to resolve the situation of a lawless criminal government on his border becoming a member of NATO

So yes, Putin is a remarkable and resourceful leader who will weather the political storm of Russia's humanitarian peacekeeping foray into Ukraine and will emerge victorious.
Lol, move to Russia then. We don't need you commie sympathizer s.
In this case I root for Russians too!

I'll be dammed if I ever root for Ukraine....and their Nazis, and their New World Order Satanism.

Putin wanted to join NATO early in his tenure. The powers that be couldn't have that.

Wrong. Putin asked about being invited and was told the process is the same for every single country - apply and go through the process. He never did. That’s ALL on Putin, not on NATO.
Putin hasn't been democratically elected in 15 years. TRAITOR
Of course we expect TRAITORS who pervert our elections to support Putin's fake elections. TRAITOR
Did you TRAITORS learn to subvert elections from Putin or visa versa? TRAITOR
Yes he has he was more popular than Obama
Some people accuse me of being in Putin's corner because I'm a Trump supporter. Which is nonsense because I've been an admirer of Putin every since he became the President well over a decade ago. Long before Trump threw his hat into the political arena and ran for office.

I liked how Putin, after he was firmly secure in place as president. Started turning around the Russian economy by arresting the billionaire jewish oligarchs who were robbing the country blind, and sending them either to prison or exile.

The average Russian citizen felt humiliated by the western nations treatment of their country after the breakup of the Soviet Union and the chaotic events afterwards. Putin felt the same way, and began to restore public order and revitalize the moribund economy. He then proceeded to modernize and build up the military, and restore the Russian Orthodox Church back to its historic cultural place in society.

Putin had become a darling of the U.S. leadership first with Bush and then Obama, as an honored guest at lavish White House state dinners. But when the winter olympics were held in Sochi, Russia. President Putin banned all LBGT posters, flags, and homo pride parades. He then started taking flack from the western media for the banning. But later he refused to legalize sodomite marriage. Putin then became public enemy #1 of the Obama administration. Every since then Russia has been a prime liberal loon Demtard target, and blamed for all kinds of crazy things. Such as Hillary' loss and Trump's 2016 presidential victory.

The EU and the U.S. has been using NATO for decades to slowly box in Russia and make it subservient to the western nation's demands. Putin a man of action, finally had to take matters into his own hands in order to resolve the situation of a lawless criminal government on his border becoming a member of NATO

So yes, Putin is a remarkable and resourceful leader who will weather the political storm of Russia's humanitarian peacekeeping foray into Ukraine and will emerge victorious.
Putin did NOT hold Russian oligarchs accountable to the people, he made an example of one oligarch - falsely/wrongly imprisoned him, stripped him of all his wealth - and all the rest lined up begging for his favor. His demand was HALF of all their wealth, which they stole from the Russian people by raping the former Soviet industrial complex and privatizing it to THEIR benefit, not the people’s. Putin got his demands met, but he didn’t give that wealth to the people- HE KEPT IT FOR HIMSELF! He is the richest human being on the planet, all hidden away from the people of Russia who survive largely in poverty.
Putin is a murdering thieving psychopath. I hope his death, when it comes, is agonizing.

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