Yes it is anecdotal, but is there an undertow of old Democrats that will switch their votes?

My mother lives with us, we have a full sized walkout basement where she lives.
So talking with her and she said something that stunned me. She is 80 years old. All of her siblings are still alive with the oldest at 82 and youngest 77. (5 in total) They all talk in an email group daily.
My mom has voted Democrat every election since 1958. Not once voting Republican. She does not like Trump, thinks he is rude and just not a good person..but hear this. She said she will probably vote for him because she cannot vote Democrat when they are supporting what these people are doing. She is afraid we will lose our identity as a nation and people, and the Democrats have let this happen by not stamping out the bad in the party.
Holy hell.
So then... she talked about her bros. and sisters and all but one is saying the same thing. (They have all always voted Democrat) Saying Trump is the only one speaking out against what is happening.

I suspect it may depend on an individual's hot button issues. The Democratic Party is a full-on flaming shit show right now, and the Identity Politics/PC ideology that has essentially consumed it can be pretty fucking repulsive. And, at the same, there is the arrogant, ignorant ugliness that is Trumpism.

The tribe members are baked in, they're not going anywhere because they have no interest in understanding anything outside their little bubbles. But the rest of the country, the rest of us, have to wrestle with these two steaming bowls of shit.

I'd guess there are many like me, who would rather vote third party, or not even vote, but find one of the bowls of shit so detestable that they have to vote against it.

I think we need to look at what it is about us, our culture, our society, that chooses the "leaders" we do.
For the first time in my life I did not vote last Pres. election. I couldn't do it. I didn't want Trump, but I sure as FUCK not voting for Hillary, one of the most corrupt officials in Washington.
This year, I am not excited about Trump. We can do better than that.... but I will vote for him. I will not skip out when the other side is not a stinking bowl of shit... but a goddamn sewer plant. Democrats can NOT win in November. I am very afraid for our country if they do. The continuance of the authoritarian left will be unbearable. It CANNOT happen.
My mother lives with us, we have a full sized walkout basement where she lives.
So talking with her and she said something that stunned me. She is 80 years old. All of her siblings are still alive with the oldest at 82 and youngest 77. (5 in total) They all talk in an email group daily.
My mom has voted Democrat every election since 1958. Not once voting Republican. She does not like Trump, thinks he is rude and just not a good person..but hear this. She said she will probably vote for him because she cannot vote Democrat when they are supporting what these people are doing. She is afraid we will lose our identity as a nation and people, and the Democrats have let this happen by not stamping out the bad in the party.
Holy hell.
So then... she talked about her bros. and sisters and all but one is saying the same thing. (They have all always voted Democrat) Saying Trump is the only one speaking out against what is happening.

Next up, my dog barks at postmen but decided to bark at cops now.......I can make up stories also....Both parties suck in my view.
They should have seen it decades ago. If Candace Owens gets through to Blacks the democrats will be in Trouble
Oh Amen... I challenge all to watch this video. It is a PERFECT example of what I have been saying - the NARRATIVE is all that matters. She is trying so hard to get these people to understand the most basic truth...but they keep falling for the rhetorical nonsense over and over even though she is telling them the truth!! They don't want the truth!!

Like I said, i can't wait for November.


Or so you think.
Ironically, when Democrats win, blacks will begin to see exactly how used they were.
Fortunately, many blacks are too wise to be fooled by CNN etc

That said, trump will protect the establishment first and foremost.
New people running are destroyed. New people who are getting the real power. I considered Trump a new person. I can only hope he is not part of the what he ran against. I like to believe he is trying. But unlike the people all ready there, there is no map. The precipice of tyranny is something when it happens, its there. When the economy tanks, its there. Watching the last 4 years it is not a difficult thing to say that the virus and the riots were just to convenient.
Any old person that votes for Trump deserves the SS and medicare cuts he plans for a second term.

I keep hearing this as a talking point from the radical left....but I haven't seen ANY proof.

can you post a link supporting your claim?
You know what the prime objective of Marxist and Communists regimes is?
DISCREDIT thy enemy.
That is exactly what the media has done to Trump over the last few years.

The media has 100% convinced anyone stupid enough to lend an ear that Trump is the anti-Christ.
And you'd be surprised of the people who have fallen into the Lemming line.
This is exactly what has been achieved, and its why they so nakedly descended into textbook definition fascism in the first place, setting aside any and all pretexts at journalism! Anyone who thinks Trump wins this November just doesn't understand the might of the black operation worked against him these last four years! In truth, that black op was not targeting Trump, it was targeting wishy washy so-called independents who vote almost exclusively based upon "perceptions!" This is why Jeff Sessions treason as AG(that fucker was in on it all from day one)was so lethally damaging, and that lethality extends right to AG Barr who simply said, didn't have the luxury of dragging ass whilst pursuing the traitors in the federal bureaucracy, all of whom still serve Obama!

The reason why its to late is really quite simple, you see the coup d' tat was rolling, and thus it continues to this very moment, and it was the entire media colossus of the left, which absolutely dwarfs FNC, Breitbart, and talk radio, which drives it, and while individually they are laughed off, as CNN is, combined their audience is far and away comprised of the vast majority of the nation, and many of those majority Americans get their information from no other sources! In other words, that audience no longer cares one way or the other if Obama is a traitor, and has committed an unrelenting treason against the United States, this is because those tens of millions fully approve of his treason, and support it in body and soul! Trump has no hope of prevailing in November, sorry, but his own venal, and self aggrandizing Narcissism proved a valuable tool in destroying him, and he did much of that himself.

I've seen this show once before, Minnesota elected Jesse Ventura as Governor, he had the same awesome chance that was handed to Trump absent all of the intrigue, he did worse then squander it, his original promise was swiftly obliterated in an unending expose of Narcissism running amok. We are in a very very bad place, the only way out of this is via the force of arms I fear....
Are you aware of how many of the so called Republicans you mention have another name.....RINO?
Ahhhhhh......there it is, I was waiting for some hack to brandish that word.'re the one!


You hacks are so good at trying to shame people into not using terms that are accurate and true.
RINO is a real term and accounts to many radical leftists hacks who pose as Republicans with the intent to harm Republicans.
YOU HACKS want to shame the opposition into being afraid to use any terms that paints you hacks in reality.
Forget it!!!

RINOS and SNOWFLAKES.....I will use them whenever appropriate.
You know what the prime objective of Marxist and Communists regimes is?
DISCREDIT thy enemy.
That is exactly what the media has done to Trump over the last few years.

The media has 100% convinced anyone stupid enough to lend an ear that Trump is the anti-Christ.
And you'd be surprised of the people who have fallen into the Lemming line.

The media did not discredit Trump. Trump discredited Trump.
You know what the prime objective of Marxist and Communists regimes is?
DISCREDIT thy enemy.
That is exactly what the media has done to Trump over the last few years.

The media has 100% convinced anyone stupid enough to lend an ear that Trump is the anti-Christ.
And you'd be surprised of the people who have fallen into the Lemming line.

The media did not discredit Trump. Trump discredited Trump.

Really? How? The only people that the media have discredited is themselves.
You know what the prime objective of Marxist and Communists regimes is?
DISCREDIT thy enemy.
That is exactly what the media has done to Trump over the last few years.

The media has 100% convinced anyone stupid enough to lend an ear that Trump is the anti-Christ.
And you'd be surprised of the people who have fallen into the Lemming line.

The media did not discredit Trump. Trump discredited Trump.

Really? How? The only people that the media have discredited is themselves.

If you don't like the media reporting all the stupid things Trump says and does, you should tell him to stop saying and doing stupid stuff.
You know what the prime objective of Marxist and Communists regimes is?
DISCREDIT thy enemy.
That is exactly what the media has done to Trump over the last few years.

The media has 100% convinced anyone stupid enough to lend an ear that Trump is the anti-Christ.
And you'd be surprised of the people who have fallen into the Lemming line.

The media did not discredit Trump. Trump discredited Trump.
This is absolute bullshit! Here is one of the sub-morons who approve of the treason, while Trump certainly hasn't helped his hand with awful communication miscues these last few months, it was the indisputable treason of the DNC, which includes all rinos masquerading as Americans in the republican party, the DOJ/FBI, and the intelligence agencies totally corrupted by the Kenyan, which succeeded in discrediting Trump! For instance, Trump is the only president in my entire lifetime to superhumanly adhere to his campaign promises, often in the face of overwhelming opposition from within the party he heads up!

Beyond any reasonable dispute is also this, Trump is obviously squeaky clean in all respects but perhaps his penchant for the ladies, we know this because Mueller, and his hand-picked democratic party attorney's were unable to show any corruption on Trump's part, anywhere in his business dealings, and we know this is true because "nothing leaked" to the contrary, absolutely squat! Yet look at retards such as the above "intellectual abortion," all you hear from these cretins, and I mean all, is "Trump, most corrupt president in history!" Not a single shred of evidence to support that, nothing, Trump donates his entire salary each quarter to charity, no difference, the zombie base of the DNC will swear he is Satan on steroids!
If you don't like the media reporting all the stupid things Trump says and does, you should tell him to stop saying and doing stupid stuff.

Yep, he does say some stupid things.
But he believes in personal responsibility over welfare for all like Democrats.
He seems to do more good for the nation than any democrat in the last 50 years.

so, if all I have to put up with is a few dumb remarks, I can live with that.
What I CAN'T live with is all the Democrats promising to confiscate everyone's guns,
selling out the nation to China's benefit and generally all their destructive policies that are sorely apparent in EVERY BLUE stronghold.

Wherever Democrats control, crime, violence, poverty, homelessness, bankruptcies and despair are abundant.
Dems once again throw themselves off the ramparts giving up any chance of victory. Good job Dems :eusa_clap:
Yep, he does say some stupid things.
But he believes in personal responsibility over welfare for all like Democrats.
He seems to do more good for the nation than any democrat in the last 50 years.

so, if all I have to put up with is a few dumb remarks, I can live with that.
What I CAN'T live with is all the Democrats promising to confiscate everyone's guns,
selling out the nation to China's benefit and generally all their destructive policies that are sorely apparent in EVERY BLUE stronghold.

Wherever Democrats control, crime, violence, poverty, homelessness, bankruptcies and despair are abundant.
Ya know red states are the poorest states.

Just sayin'.
Are you aware of how many of the so called Republicans you mention have another name.....RINO?
Ahhhhhh......there it is, I was waiting for some hack to brandish that word.'re the one!
Well, you guys USED TO have blue dog Democrats in your party to stabilize the radical left UNTIL Pelosi drove them out of the party.

Nancy created the current Democrat Party and the Marxist revolutionaries we have today

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