Yes it is anecdotal, but is there an undertow of old Democrats that will switch their votes?

I'm an elderly white Christian male. I plan to go third party. The GOP has failed to make the case for voting for the wealthy businessmen and corporatists, oops I mean the GOP.
My mother lives with us, we have a full sized walkout basement where she lives.
So talking with her and she said something that stunned me. She is 80 years old. All of her siblings are still alive with the oldest at 82 and youngest 77. (5 in total) They all talk in an email group daily.
My mom has voted Democrat every election since 1958. Not once voting Republican. She does not like Trump, thinks he is rude and just not a good person..but hear this. She said she will probably vote for him because she cannot vote Democrat when they are supporting what these people are doing. She is afraid we will lose our identity as a nation and people, and the Democrats have let this happen by not stamping out the bad in the party.
Holy hell.
So then... she talked about her bros. and sisters and all but one is saying the same thing. (They have all always voted Democrat) Saying Trump is the only one speaking out against what is happening.

I know many Ds who are voting for Trump.
They have businesses and are doing way better under Trump than they have since GW.
Even though Trump put some establishment hacks on the scotus, if Democrats win, I think we're going to see the most shocking turn towards Authoritarianism this nation has ever witnessed.

2nd amendment rights MUST GO PERIOD. That is going to be the primary push once they have power. Mark my words (you prolly already knew that)
Until Americans are disarmed, they won't feel 100% safe throwing you under the bus.

But overall, as long as we can only have a Republican party candidate or a Democrat party candidate, Washington DC wins....America loses.

Same old song and dance.
Yep, he does say some stupid things.
But he believes in personal responsibility over welfare for all like Democrats.
He seems to do more good for the nation than any democrat in the last 50 years.

so, if all I have to put up with is a few dumb remarks, I can live with that.
What I CAN'T live with is all the Democrats promising to confiscate everyone's guns,
selling out the nation to China's benefit and generally all their destructive policies that are sorely apparent in EVERY BLUE stronghold.

Wherever Democrats control, crime, violence, poverty, homelessness, bankruptcies and despair are abundant.
Ya know red states are the poorest states.

Just sayin'.

But the safest....just sayin

But then Florida is a Red state and is doing well.
TBH, I would MUCH rather live in a "poorer" state and be happy, then be a homeless drug addict or crime victim in a Blue State.
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My mother lives with us, we have a full sized walkout basement where she lives.
So talking with her and she said something that stunned me. She is 80 years old. All of her siblings are still alive with the oldest at 82 and youngest 77. (5 in total) They all talk in an email group daily.
My mom has voted Democrat every election since 1958. Not once voting Republican. She does not like Trump, thinks he is rude and just not a good person..but hear this. She said she will probably vote for him because she cannot vote Democrat when they are supporting what these people are doing. She is afraid we will lose our identity as a nation and people, and the Democrats have let this happen by not stamping out the bad in the party.
Holy hell.
So then... she talked about her bros. and sisters and all but one is saying the same thing. (They have all always voted Democrat) Saying Trump is the only one speaking out against what is happening.

I suspect it may depend on an individual's hot button issues. The Democratic Party is a full-on flaming shit show right now, and the Identity Politics/PC ideology that has essentially consumed it can be pretty fucking repulsive. And, at the same, there is the arrogant, ignorant ugliness that is Trumpism.

The tribe members are baked in, they're not going anywhere because they have no interest in understanding anything outside their little bubbles. But the rest of the country, the rest of us, have to wrestle with these two steaming bowls of shit.

I'd guess there are many like me, who would rather vote third party, or not even vote, but find one of the bowls of shit so detestable that they have to vote against it.

I think we need to look at what it is about us, our culture, our society, that chooses the "leaders" we do.
For the first time in my life I did not vote last Pres. election. I couldn't do it. I didn't want Trump, but I sure as FUCK not voting for Hillary, one of the most corrupt officials in Washington.
This year, I am not excited about Trump. We can do better than that.... but I will vote for him. I will not skip out when the other side is not a stinking bowl of shit... but a goddamn sewer plant. Democrats can NOT win in November. I am very afraid for our country if they do. The continuance of the authoritarian left will be unbearable. It CANNOT happen.

And I think the Orange Virus must go with the same passion.
If you don't like the media reporting all the stupid things Trump says and does, you should tell him to stop saying and doing stupid stuff.

Yep, he does say some stupid things.
But he believes in personal responsibility over welfare for all like Democrats.
He seems to do more good for the nation than any democrat in the last 50 years.

so, if all I have to put up with is a few dumb remarks, I can live with that.
What I CAN'T live with is all the Democrats promising to confiscate everyone's guns,
selling out the nation to China's benefit and generally all their destructive policies that are sorely apparent in EVERY BLUE stronghold.

Wherever Democrats control, crime, violence, poverty, homelessness, bankruptcies and despair are abundant.

How many years have you whined about someone coming to get your guns? How many times have they come to your door to get them?
My mother lives with us, we have a full sized walkout basement where she lives.
So talking with her and she said something that stunned me. She is 80 years old. All of her siblings are still alive with the oldest at 82 and youngest 77. (5 in total) They all talk in an email group daily.
My mom has voted Democrat every election since 1958. Not once voting Republican. She does not like Trump, thinks he is rude and just not a good person..but hear this. She said she will probably vote for him because she cannot vote Democrat when they are supporting what these people are doing. She is afraid we will lose our identity as a nation and people, and the Democrats have let this happen by not stamping out the bad in the party.
Holy hell.
So then... she talked about her bros. and sisters and all but one is saying the same thing. (They have all always voted Democrat) Saying Trump is the only one speaking out against what is happening.


Any mention of left liberals being nearly extinct?
The 'Buh, buh de're gonna take yer GUNS!!!' Song and dance. Same old Obama era bullshit. Still bullshit.

Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger
Unless I'm mistaken, nearly EVERY Democrat candidate ran on a platform of some really anti 2nd platforms.

Buttijelli......Harris.....Biden......Pocohontas......Clinton.......actually they ALL do

The only Bullshit here is your denial.
The 'Buh, buh de're gonna take yer GUNS!!!' Song and dance. Same old Obama era bullshit. Still bullshit.

Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger
Unless I'm mistaken, nearly EVERY Democrat candidate ran on a platform of some really anti 2nd platforms.

Buttijelli......Harris.....Biden......Pocohontas......Clinton.......actually they ALL do

The only Bullshit here is your denial.

Politicians promise lots of shit that never has a chance in hell of ever happening. Are you new to American politics, or are you really this gullible and stupid?
Politicians promise lots of shit that never has a chance in hell of ever happening. Are you new to American politics, or are you really this gullible and stupid?

Oh, so your're saying the radical Left won't touch gun rights?

Helloooooo Capt naive

Derpy commentary aside, yes. You have reading comprehension. Well done. Just like jailing people for burning the flag ain't happening either. Going after constitutional rights is a sucker's bet
You know what the prime objective of Marxist and Communists regimes is?
DISCREDIT thy enemy.
That is exactly what the media has done to Trump over the last few years.

The media has 100% convinced anyone stupid enough to lend an ear that Trump is the anti-Christ.
And you'd be surprised of the people who have fallen into the Lemming line.

The media did not discredit Trump. Trump discredited Trump.

Really? How? The only people that the media have discredited is themselves.

If you don't like the media reporting all the stupid things Trump says and does, you should tell him to stop saying and doing stupid stuff.

Oh hell, i have no problem with them reporting on anything stupid he does. What i do mind is when they lie. And they lie all of the time.
The votes that put Trump over the top came from the former labor Democrats of the 1970's-1990's, the ones the Democrats tossed under the bus and then demonized as the cause of all evil n stuff in America; they voted for Trump's stand on illegal immigration, the crooked foreign trade deals like NAFTA, and his America First policies, all stuff Wall Street and the Davos Set love, and who the 'left' is really working for, including the GOP establishment. IF he goes down, there will follow a campaign of 'ethnic cleansing' and an implementation of Red Chinese style business practices and labor exploitation; the country will become as close to what Red China is now as Wall Street's managers can get it.

AS we can see, the low life violent racist pieces of shit will vote and support Wall Street's interests over America's, and the fools think that will get them Big Important Jobs N Stuff, loarding it over armies of peasant workers like the Cadre they admire so much in Asia. IT won't, as the black racist will find out as the borders are thrown open and they're 'cleansed' themselves; Asians and latinos don't like black people, and with white people gone there is nothing to protect black people from being 'cleansed'. The collapse will be hilarious justice for all the stupid scum who caused it reaping what they sowed
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You don't hear much about it now, but some time ago there was talk about how many Dems have left the party because the far left socialist loons have taken over. "I didn't leave the party, the party left me, remember that"? I don't know if many of them will vote for Trump cuz frankly he ain't easy to support but damn, the alternative is bat-shit crazy.

Trump winning will be the easier route back to sanity, but the alternative will go worse for the violent racists on the left if they 'win'. They're incompetent dope addled tards who can't run anything, not even a snow cone stand, much less a city, state, or country, and will soon be purged; all they will have accomplished is a lot od dead bodies and foreign dictators invading their neighbors and killing millions as the U.S. drops out of the world for a few years having to take care of leftist scum. And, it won't be like it was before, no spoiled Burb Brats allowd to play armchair 'revolutionaries', no violent black racists allowed to commit murders and robberies and hate crimes with impunity, etc. Deportations will be normal for malcontents, if not outright executions. The Hoods will die off, from starvation and internal murders, since the 'left' won't be able to feed them or even provide water for them, same with a lot of cities. The black population will probably be reduced by 70% or more, latinos a little less, but many of the illegals will run for the border, having no reason to stay here, they're just there for the free services and jobs, and without those and the dope trade they're history.
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