Yes, Ivermectin Works

Ivermectin is not a cure it is a medication that can help you recover if you get covid and those who choose to take when it’s advised and prescribed by their doctor are not taking horse dewormer why there is such a fight over this is beyond stupid. The vaccine will not prevent you from getting covid it decreases your chances and lessens the symptoms but you can still get it the vaccinated and bolstered Barak Obama announced he tested positive for it. How about just let people make the decision that they feel is best for them and unless it affects you directly mind your own business.
Ivermectin is not a cure it is a medication that can help you recover if you get covid and those who choose to take when it’s advised and prescribed by their doctor are not taking horse dewormer why there is such a fight over this is beyond stupid. The vaccine will not prevent you from getting covid it decreases your chances and lessens the symptoms but you can still get it the vaccinated and bolstered Barak Obama announced he tested positive for it. How about just let people make the decision that they feel is best for them and unless it affects you directly mind your own business.
Yeah, how about Democrats stop destroying peoples lives because they don’t want to inject themselves with the mystery substance?
You are a truly uninformed person!
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin.
Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease.
The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.

Now you dumb ASS!!!
Where is your proof?
Where are your links? A
nd who in the hell are you to talk about "reputable"???

You don't provide any proof to your wild-ass comments.
Ivermectin is NOT just a horse medicine... prescribed for 3.7 billion people over the last 30 years!

It's really not worth the time to argue with someone like this, they're just one sad, uneducated dupe who will not be rescued from the plantation no matter how much you tell them how great freedom is. It will just parrot back to you 'freedumb', and tell you how happy life is on the plantation, it's more to be pitied than anything else.
Unfortunately, a recent study suggests otherwise…

The I-Tech study only looked at moderate to severe cases, already hospitalized, with multiple comorbidities. The highest risk group for covid complications.

Even so, the 28 day mortality was much lower in the IVM group- 3 in the IVM group vs. 13 in the control group. It wasn't a large enough study for that to break the 95% CI, so they say it's "not significant". But it's still 91% CI, and to me that is not insignificant.

That is one study out of about 240, the vast majority say IVM is about 80% effective if taken within 5 days of symptom onset.

IVM certainly has more positive data than the stupid cloth masks ever had.

I personally know of two individuals that fit the typical pattern of IVM. Sick as a dog, not hospitalized, positive PCR. Take the IVM and within 48 hours symptoms are gone. There are cases where it did not produce that result- it's not a silver bullet, but it is effective and I know several health care professionals who have taken it themselves.

And....It's a hell of a lot less experimental than the vaccines.
You are a truly uninformed person!
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin.
Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease.
The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.

Now you dumb ASS!!!
Where is your proof?
Where are your links?
And who in the hell are you to talk about "reputable"???

You don't provide any proof to your wild-ass comments.
Ivermectin is NOT just a horse medicine... prescribed for 3.7 billion people over the last 30 years!

Well when you start using your front hoof to count…please post the video Seabiscuit.

It's important to highlight that the study was conducted between July 2020 and December 2020, when the vaccine was not available in Brazil.

The FDA lied to you. The CDC lied to you. The corporate media lied to you. Big Pharma lied to you.​

Funny how every conspiracy of 2020 has turned out to be scientific fact. They suppressed and banned Ivermectin in order to force the America people into taking deadly mRNA vaccines that don’t stop the ChiCom flu but have killed and seriously injured tens of thousands of Americans.

My doctor says it works.
My neighbor who’s a doctor says it works.
My other neighbor who’s a nurse says it works.
This paper in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases says it works.

And guess what. Via my neighbors I’ve got Ivermectin in my medicine cabinet for the day I finally catch the Chinese Bio WMD virus.
View attachment 615421 Treatment with Ivermectin Is Associated with Decreased Mortality in COVID-19 Patients: Analysis of a National Federated Database
Via the court ordered FDA data dump the FDA wanted to withhold until 2095 in case you’re still a lemming:
View attachment 615430
What's the point of the thread? Get the shots that provide temporary immunity to some degree and lessen the symptoms, and if you have symptoms that could require a hospital get to a covid treatment site where hopefully you can get outpatient theraputics

I suppose that if I didn't qualify for out patient treatement, and wasn't sick enough for a hospital, and my doc wanted to try me on a wormer ..... as long as there was no chance of shitting myself.
When you get covid, please promise not to use ivermectin. Also newly released research, 9 pages of side effects for the vaccine.
She needs to promise to do the Fauci Protocol, which means she only gets remdesivir. This will likely kill her as it has so many worldwide.

Candy…believe only Fauci. He’s science.

Have a 5 year old home schooled kid explain this to you about vaccinations and dying from the ChiCom Flu.
View attachment 615616
The clue is age.
The older after 65 group have: 1) obesity, 2) Diabetes, 3) heart problems, 4) breathing problems and more!
And guess what how many died under age 17 (school kids...) : 894 as 3/9/2022...
AND why? Because most under 17 don't have;
1) obesity, 2) Diabetes, 3) heart problems, 4) breathing problems and more!
BUT have you heard that from the MSM? Who blatantly keep harping about remote learning, mask wearing, etc.
of these school kids! WHY?? Why didn't they share the good news that kids may get COVID but most don't have
Comorbidity issues...
BAD news sells advertising.
Screen Shot 2022-03-14 at 3.52.59 PM.png
What's the point of the thread? Get the shots that provide temporary immunity to some degree and lessen the symptoms, and if you have symptoms that could require a hospital get to a covid treatment site where hopefully you can get outpatient theraputics

I suppose that if I didn't qualify for out patient treatement, and wasn't sick enough for a hospital, and my doc wanted to try me on a wormer ..... as long as there was no chance of shitting myself.

They are purposely amplifying a therapeutic benefit some get from the horse-dewormer when they take it as a result of suffering mild symptoms. In our hospital...NOBODY....not one patient was prescribed Ivermectin as a treatment for symptoms that put them into the hospital. You get therapeutic benefit from a sore throat by gargling with warm salt water....It's not going to cure the cold or flu that caused the sore throat.

Why are the usual suspects doing this? I have no idea what sick fucks these people are to where they get some sort of bizarre pleasure in trying to get people to avoid taking a vaccine that is safe, free, available and effective.

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