yes...minimum wage laws cost jobs.....

Hey...asshole...adjunct professors belong to the most left wing controlled institutions on the planet...the American university system....and if they are on food stamps it is exactly because of stupid leftwing policies...moron.

Universities are corporations. The kind of corporation that charges too much for a product and then underpays the people providing it.

You are telling me that it is the fault of Americans when some one drops out of school, gets a criminal record or comes to this country illegally or has several kids with no father.....that they aren't responsible for having fewer options in life...when it has been proven time and again that not making those choices keeps you out of poverty? And do you think it is a smart fucking decision to have kids when the only job you can get is a burger flipping job? Whose fault is it if you can't live on 8-9 dollars an hour then?

No, guy, I'm saying regardless of what brings you there, when you are doing a difficult job, you should be paid a living wage for it. Period. Frankly, the "I got mine, fuck you" motto of the GOP just doesn't fly with people.

Do we have to wreck other peoples chances at making a living to compensate for the decisions of people that wreck their own lives....

Oh, those poor people not being able to buy another Dressage Horsie because they had to pay the hired help a fair wage. Oh, noes.

And how long do you think that people stay on minimum wage if they haven't screwed up their lives......minimum wage isn't supposed to support a family of was meant to give teenagers a start...and teenage unemployment is around 26% right now because minimum wage is soooo high......

Again, you need to pick up a history book and find out why Minimum Wage Laws were passed to start with. it was to make sure burger flippers could get a fair wage. It was never there for "teenagers" to be exploited by big corporations. (in fact, family owned restaurants CAN pay below minimum wage. This was my first job in 1978.)

The reason why youth unemployment is 26% right now is because we don't have jobs programs like we've had through most of our history. can deny it all you want but economics will not be trifled with.......

Shocker Minimum Wage Hikes Gutted Over 700 000 Jobs In 2013 - Matt Vespa

You're a lucky guy financially to oppose a living-wage minimum wage. Congrats, but think about other people.
I just realized something after watching the Michigan GOP run government raise the minimum wage. Republicans aren't against a minimum wage. They are just happy with keeping it low.

They do it every time it is time to raise it and we know all the arguments.

Im going to give the Michigan GOP some credit. I think in the future the Michigan minimum wage is going to go up and down with inflation. That's a good idea. End the bickering. Agree with a formula then it always is what it should be. The way we do it now poor people suffer when the job creators stall
I might add that the GDP of the non-skilled actually goes down when they raise it. That is usually blacks and latinos.
My wife was telling me about a post on facebook.
It was about bernies free college bullshit. It said "if everyone gets a college education, who is going to flip my burgers?"
I told her that it would be the college kids because America keeps voting for people that send our jobs away and support emotional policies that destroy jobs.
Mininum wage jobs in the end hurt an economy. They provide basically no pay therefore no ability to buy. If nobody applied for them that might help.
Mininum wage jobs in the end hurt an economy. They provide basically no pay therefore no ability to buy. If nobody applied for them that might help.
I agree. Lets raise taxes to feed people because they are too good to work a minimum wage job. Highschoolers and college don't need any damn money anyways.
High schoolers and college kids have parents. Step up and make sure your kids have funds.
There is no money when working for $7.25 per hour.
If you are trying to feed a family on minimum wage, you don't give a fuck anyways. The govt will offset it..
"High schoolers and college kids have parents. Step up and make sure your kids have funds."
I started working when I was 14. I wouldn't take it back. And I suggest everyone do it.
I also started work at 15 for less than minimum wage, but I did my job plus extra to show my value, the business owners do look for true workers.
Now I have my own company and the workers that are always late,got trouble outside of work, and just drag around at work seem to be the ones always think they deserve more.
GET OFF YOUR AS- and do your job and better pay will come your way.

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We found out that my kido (16) can't work more than 3hours a school night because of silly labor laws, not even if I okay it. He is still angry about it, he's trying to buy a car he likes (we got him a truck, but he wants a new Subaru.) How is he supposed buy a car when the gov only lets him earn $30 a night?!? We give him random jobs around the house as do family and friends, but its still going to take him forever... Even worse, he's not "allowed" to work overtime, even in the summer when there /is/ no school...

The gov is literally /preventing/ my kido from earning money. :/

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