YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

Garnish wages? That requires a JUDGE to order. Good luck, I live in a very blue district and judges have compassion. Wont happen, especially not after Covid when these courts will be FLOODED with cases.

At worst they’ll sue and we’ll settle for 10-20%. Still make out well
And it goes on your credit record, red state or blue state. The landlord can report it to the credit bureau for you. That will help you in getting a home.
Yeah he is.
You're using what is rightfully his/hers money to live on.
You're a fucken parasite.
The American way turned people into what you refer to as 'parasites'.
Now the people are showing indications of taking what should have always been theirs.

Greed and inequality is now coming home to bite American asses.
You're unlikely to be able to get a loan with your past financial history.
If I ran a bank I sure as hell wouldnt loan you a dime.
The banks too will soon learn that they are beholden to the people.
And the people are beginning to gain the power to take down that which made the banks so rich and powerful.

The banks too will learn that the American way of greed can't work forever.
The American way turned people into what you refer to as 'parasites'.
Now the people are showing indications of taking what should have always been theirs.

Greed and inequality is now coming home to bite American asses.

:laughing0301: Are you saying that his apartment is rightfully his so he doesnt have to pay for it?
The banks too will soon learn that they are beholden to the people.
And the people are beginning to gain the power to take down that which made the banks so rich and powerful.

The banks too will learn that the American way of greed can't work forever.

It works just fine.
It's lazy MFers who want something for nothing that are the problem.
Working for a living goes back to the days of the caveman.
You dont hunt or gather you die,which is how it should be.
Surely you know the story of the ant and the grasshopper.
Americans didn't want everything for free, but government waited too long in correcting the system so that all the people could start sharing in America's great wealth.

Now Trump, the great white hope, has failed too and so you can think of it as the chickens starting to come home.

America's problems are much wider than just students, student loans, and not paying rents. It's the 99% beginning to say they've been fucked over enough.

Study China's system for direction. Parroting America's failures isn't productive.
Dear Donald H
Who are the wrongdoers who deprived people of the ability to learn financial and property management?

If Democrats did such damage, why not charge those Democrats to pay the costs?

I am part of a community team, sitting on a huge caseload of history documenting abuse of taxmoney to destroy plans in historic Black districts so Democrat leaders profited politically and their corporate financiers made financial profits.

Is it fair to punish ALL taxpayers to pay th costs of wrongdoing, while allowing those who profited to go free without having to pay anything back of the taxmoney abused for corporate profit?

So weird. On one hand the liberal Democrats yell about Corporate Welfare at taxpayer expense and demand welfare be reserved for those in need.

But if the Democratic Party are the ones with the track record of abusing welfare for their own Corporate and Political interests, then who are the REAL Uncle Tom's taking advantage of enslavement of poor Blacks and minorities?

You are sick.
The bank is not forgiving the debt that the owners of the property have to pay.

The problem with you fucked up Socialists is that you are fools and believe that everything is free.
You are completely out of touch with reality and will live your pathetic life a drain on society and never contribute.

They're so used to their parents paying for their needs, well into their 20's, they don't know how to take responsibility for their own actions and lives.
:laughing0301: Are you saying that his apartment is rightfully his so he doesnt have to pay for it?
No, I'm a Canadian and it doesn't apply to me. But I'm saying that if enough people refuse to pay rents then the system becomes a big risk to topple.

If a Capitalist system becomes too greedy and unfettered to serve the interests of the people, then the people will begin to desert the system.

Stop paying rents, theft, murder, rampant racism, overflowing jails, police murder of blacks, a barter system, and many other indications that America is failing.
They're so used to their parents paying for their needs, well into their 20's, they don't know how to take responsibility for their own actions and lives.

Parents these days allow their kids to live at home well into their 30's.
They are doing a grave disservice to their children by doing so.
Me? I dont get it,I wanted out of my parents house as fast as possible even if it meant having a couple of roommates.
No, I'm a Canadian and it doesn't apply to me. But I'm saying that if enough people refuse to pay rents then the system becomes a big risk to topple.

If a Capitalist system becomes too greedy and unfettered to serve the interests of the people, then the people will begin to desert the system.

Stop paying rents, theft, murder, rampant racism, overflowing jails, police murder of blacks, a barter system, and many other indications that America is failing.

Canaduh huh....I guess that explains your retarded look at life in general.
So where are you going to live when you get your wishes? I presume under an overpass,or perhaps your parents house, a house that they paid for by working.
Look,it's real simple. Get a job and pay your own way.
Dear Donald H
Who are the wrongdoers who deprived people of the ability to learn financial and property management?

If Democrats did such damage, why not charge those Democrats to pay the costs?

I am part of a community team, sitting on a huge caseload of history documenting abuse of taxmoney to destroy plans in historic Black districts so Democrat leaders profited politically and their corporate financiers made financial profits.

Is it fair to punish ALL taxpayers to pay th costs of wrongdoing, while allowing those who profited to go free without having to pay anything back of the taxmoney abused for corporate profit?

So weird. On one hand the liberal Democrats yell about Corporate Welfare at taxpayer expense and demand welfare be reserved for those in need.

But if the Democratic Party are the ones with the track record of abusing welfare for their own Corporate and Political interests, then who are the REAL Uncle Tom's taking advantage of enslavement of poor Blacks and minorities?

Blame whatever political party you think is to blame, but you can leave me out of it.
America's 'greedy' capitalist system is to blame.

America created its 'race' problem by not being able to end discrimination against black people, and now that has become America's racism problem. It's become huge and overwhelming but Americans still think it can be overcome with brutal force.

The American system waited too long to react to the demands of the people and so the people are beginning to give up on the system. The Trump insurrection should have sent a message to corporate America that the system that made them so wealthy, was standing on shaky ground.

Stopping the payment of rents is just one way in which people react to a failed system, before they turn to revolution. Trump will again offer them what they want and need, by suggesting that government must be defeated.
Blame whatever political party you think is to blame, but you can leave me out of it.
America's 'greedy' capitalist system is to blame.

America created its 'race' problem by not being able to end discrimination against black people, and now that has become America's racism problem. It's become huge and overwhelming but Americans still think it can be overcome with brutal force.

The American system waited too long to react to the demands of the people and so the people are beginning to give up on the system. The Trump insurrection should have sent a message to corporate America that the system that made them so wealthy, was standing on shaky ground.

Stopping the payment of rents is just one way in which people react to a failed system, before they turn to revolution. Trump will again offer them what they want and need, by suggesting that government must be defeated.
so white Canadians are accepting of blacks?....
They're so used to their parents paying for their needs, well into their 20's, they don't know how to take responsibility for their own actions and lives.
That is the society that America's greedy capitalism has created.
Who do you blame? Were Americans just born being lazy and irresponsible fucks?

Or did America's system take away the opportunity from them to prosper?

You acknowledge the problem exists, but now you'll have to run away from addressing it.
so white Canadians are accepting of blacks?....
No other modern country has created as large a 'race' and 'racism' problem as America's.

Brutal police force and more prisons are not going to work to fix it!

I'm not really sure how America can fix it? It may have progressed too far already.
Haven't read all the posts, maybe this has been covered already ...

In most states, eviction is only about possession ... disputes concerning back rent go to trial court ... doesn't matter if you move out voluntarily, your landlord can still file a financial lawsuit against you for all moneys owed ... and if the landlord wins, you've a judgement against you, something that can be used to garnish your wages, and court judgements do not disappear ... that's a part of your permanent judicial records ... every future landlord or mortgage company will see that you stiffed some landlord back in 2021, and this predicts what you'll do to them if given the chance ...

Only credit reporting agencies are limited on how far back they report ... seven years or so ... but public records go back to the day you were born, and landlords (and mortgage companies) have access to all those records ...
Canaduh huh....I guess that explains your retarded look at life in general.
So where are you going to live when you get your wishes? I presume under an overpass,or perhaps your parents house, a house that they paid for by working.
Look,it's real simple. Get a job and pay your own way.
I'm retarded?
A Canadian's look at life in general is similar to that of the people who live in the world's leading democracies.

You can think of me as a poor person is that serves your need. I'll look at you as an angry and irrelevant fucking mutt.
Haven't read all the posts, maybe this has been covered already ...

In most states, eviction is only about possession ... disputes concerning back rent go to trial court ... doesn't matter if you move out voluntarily, your landlord can still file a financial lawsuit against you for all moneys owed ... and if the landlord wins, you've a judgement against you, something that can be used to garnish your wages, and court judgements do not disappear ... that's a part of your permanent judicial records ... every future landlord or mortgage company will see that you stiffed some landlord back in 2021, and this predicts what you'll do to them if given the chance ...

Only credit reporting agencies are limited on how far back they report ... seven years or so ... but public records go back to the day you were born, and landlords (and mortgage companies) have access to all those records ...
It's not about how the system is 'supposed' to work.
It's about people in large numbers signing off of the system by not paying rents. The system is threatened in that it's a move toward revolution.
Pure troll thread...
Or one of the very few threads on this clusterfuk that brings up the issues that need discussing.
America's ordinary working people are starting to say that if government can't provide a piece of the American pie, then they're not going to play along anymore.

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