YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

Been carrying a renter for the last two years, He had been a good tenant for many years, Its a tough spot, he pays what he can & treats the property like it was his own. some people just seem unable to manage money. Any one over the age of 25 who is not trying to be responsible for there basic bills I have little respect for.
So what happens in the end? Do they pay it back? Or perhaps it will be pennies on the dollar. This has taken many years and decades to manifest itself. A century of the fiat currency has enabled it. The incredible growth it could help to give is now shaky and the incredible downturn that could occur is within the realm of possibilities. This is what Franklin said about keeping a Republic. The Republic that became a Democracy and the encroaching fascism coming with it.
A. Our republic is a representative democracy. It hasn't "become" one because it always was one.

B. There are already billions of dollars allocated for rental assistance.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing

Praytell, so who changes your diaper and wipes your ass?
Is it the same person that does Bi-Dung?
Free market right??? I didnt pass the eviction law. Im just saying those who suffered under this system now can make it work for us.

Right now OUR president says i dont have to pay rent, and theres a way to avoid the eviction label once this moratorium comes to an end (hopefully not til 2022 or 2023)
That’s not the Free Market you uneducated moron.
The problem...

The Fifth Amendment prohibits the government from commandeering private property for public use without just compensation.

" nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
Landlords will just start abandoning the properties. No rent, repairs won't be made. That clogged toilet, take the rent you didn't pay and hire a plumber. When the tax bill comes due and isn't paid, what do you think happens? The property is foreclosed upon. The state is not obligated to abide by restrictions on landlords. Don't worry Blackrock is ready to make the purchase.
Free market right??? I didnt pass the eviction law. Im just saying those who suffered under this system now can make it work for us.

Right now OUR president says i dont have to pay rent, and theres a way to avoid the eviction label once this moratorium comes to an end (hopefully not til 2022 or 2023)

Responding to a number of your stupid-ass posts.
1. Not sure what shit hole of a town you can buy a house with $25,000 down payment. Whatever dump it is, sounds like you deserve it.
2. When you go to court for a judgement, the judge makes the ruling not some back-ass DA like we have in Los Angles. And unfortunate for you city/county judges tend to follow the law not politics.
3. When you have that judgement against you, no way a lender will lend you a dime. So you may have to pay cash for a $25,000 house....good luck on that one.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing
Democrats see the firestorm they've created with their CovidScam Lockdowns, and know that mass eviction riots were about to happen - the worst civil unrest in our nation's history - so they've acted.

It's illegal of course, but it'll take the 60 days time Biden has bought for the courts to sort it out & say so.

So no mass rioting/looting/arson THIS month, but mark your calendars for October - that's when the evicted Democrat Pets go wild & burn the country down.

Thanks Democrats! :)
???? Donald H
Have you not studied history?
Do you not know the mass scale of genocides and racism of tribes
against tribes in Europe, Asia, Africa STILL going on today?

America is like a small section on the timeline of ongoing battles
with humanity coming to terms with control of laws, land, resources and populations.

I appreciate that we have higher standards of holding
US govt to account because our laws and system were set up for that purpose.

But Gee Whiz, look at the bigger picture!

For everything bad that Capitalism and Freedom has been abused for,
also look at the greater good that this system has enabled and produced.

People from other countries would LOVE to have the freedom we have here,
MINUS the problems that come with those added freedom and resources.

The only reason you could say we have worse problems is we have
more freedom and resources to either use correctly or abuse for wrongs.

Are you going to assert that countries that don't allow people to
question oppression of minorities are "less affected by racism"
because these problems are suppressed?

That countries in the Middle East have "less issue" with LGBT because those
people aren't allowed to speak out publicly and our citizens are?

Muslims flee to America to HAVE the freedom to represent and act
for themselves without govt or religious oppression.

Relatively speaking, the strengths and weaknesses about American
freedom come out even; but when you focus on the solutions that
our system ALLOWS, then it comes out AHEAD, where at least we
can ADDRESS and SOLVE our own problems which reflect society as a whole
facing this same learning curve.
Your head is still too full of propaganda em.
It's not up to me to set you straight.
Have you shot anybody today?
Democrats see the firestorm they've created with their CovidScam Lockdowns, and know that mass eviction riots were about to happen - the worst civil unrest in our nation's history - so they've acted.

It's illegal of course, but it'll take the 60 days time Biden has bought for the courts to sort it out & say so.

So no mass rioting/looting/arson THIS month, but mark your calendars for October - that's when the evicted Democrat Pets go wild & burn the country down.

Thanks Democrats! :)
It's all good!
Who gives a fk whether the D's or the R's created America's mess?
It's all good!
Who gives a fk whether the D's or the R's created America's mess?
They're both criminal gangs, but the Republicans are more like the Italian fascists, and the Democrats more like the German (Nazi) fascists.

So Democrats are infinitely more dangerous.
Change the locks on the doors of the freebooters and dare them to sue.
Tempting as this may sound, it WILL lead to the new locks being removed & the landlord/owner/manager being led away in handcuffs.

The LOM will also have to pay for the new locks/keys for the tenants, so that's two trips by the locksmith (& they're not cheap) in addition to all the legal costs stemming from the arrest.

Plus all the back rent of course.

Trust me when I say it's not worth it.

But an admirable fantasy. :)
Tempting as this may sound, it WILL lead to the new locks being removed & the landlord/owner/manager being led away in handcuffs.

The LOM will also have to pay for the new locks/keys for the tenants, so that's two trips by the locksmith (& they're not cheap) in addition to all the legal costs stemming from the arrest.

Plus all the back rent of course.

Trust me when I say it's not worth it.

But an admirable fantasy. :)
This is exactly the kind of pussy-ness that needs to stop right fucking now.
They're both criminal gangs, but the Republicans are more like the Italian fascists, and the Democrats more like the German (Nazi) fascists.

So Democrats are infinitely more dangerous.
but the Republicans are more like the Italian fascists

The GOP doesn't possess the vertebra in their entire caucus, to build the spinal column it would take to create a real fascist.
This is exactly the kind of pussy-ness that needs to stop right fucking now.

The law that says you can't lock someone out of their home & steal all their belongings?

Here's the good news:

A tenant will suffer the same severe legal and monetary consequences if s/he arbitrarily decides to change the locks on the home the LOM lives in.

Equal protection under the law: Not Pussy-ness.

The law that says you can't lock someone out of their home & steal all their belongings?

Here's the good news:

A tenant will suffer the same severe legal and monetary consequences if s/he arbitrarily decides to change the locks on the home the LOM lives in.

Equal protection under the law: Not Pussy-ness.
Who said steal their belongings?

Lock those out too.

Fucking sue me.

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