YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

Who said steal their belongings?

Lock those out too.

Fucking sue me.
Not how it works.

The law protects everyone.

Sort of.

For instance, you can't throw all the donuts out of a bakery & change the locks on their door because you're mad at their anti-gay cakes, at least not without suffering severe legal/monetary consequences.

Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing
You actually sound like a scumbag.

I'd say no offence, but don't really care.

An absolute leech who contributes zero to society.

Do you not want to stop for a moment and consider the person who's property you're effectively squatting in and the money it still costs them just because you don't want to pay?

You're no better than a thief. Your parents must be so proud.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing

So you're a thief, got it.

So??? Once I buy a house who cares, they cant arrest me just because Shady Pines Apartments says I owe them rent from 2 years ago
Buying a house requires credit worthiness, especially in the current housing market.

If you are reported to the major credit bureaus for not fulfilling your rent payment obligation, (as you should be), in today's lending environment it will affect your ability to buy a house(as it should).

That type of irresponsibility will follow you for years to come.
Remember VERY important

SAVE that rent money
DONT take the eviction whenever that day comes, hopefully its extended more thru 2022
BREAK the lease in the final weeks before eviction is filed, pay the lease break fee

You walk away with a large sum of cash for a house down payment, vacation, whatever.
It doesn't work like that. You still owe the back rent, dumbass!
Free market right??? I didnt pass the eviction law. Im just saying those who suffered under this system now can make it work for us.

Right now OUR president says i dont have to pay rent, and theres a way to avoid the eviction label once this moratorium comes to an end (hopefully not til 2022 or 2023)
The Communist housing scam has nothing to do with FREE MARKET.......It's got to do with deadbeats with no morals taking advantage of the communist using them as useful idiots.
Once the landlord notifies the credit reporting agencies that you owe thousands in unpaid rent, no bank will ever give you a dime for a house AND no apartment will allow you in. You reap what you sew.

Works on the assumption that most landlords can afford to do that thorough of a background check before renting. Or that a landlord would bother to file a lawsuit to recoup back rent.

I have mixed feelings about this. I owned a rental property in the late 80's and 90's, and had tenants who weren't great about paying the rent on time or at all. One of them even pulled a "Midnight Move" owing me two months of back rent. (Thank goodness for security deposits).

If I had to go a whole year without rent, I'd have been in trouble.

The way this is supposed to work is that landlords were supposed to get relief checks for their tenants who couldn't work due to Covid. If there is someone out there that is still working a job and is just refusing to pay the rent, like the OP suggests, then the system isn't working the way it should
Buying a house requires credit worthiness, especially in the current housing market.

If you are reported to the major credit bureaus for not fulfilling your rent payment obligation, (as you should be), in today's lending environment it will affect your ability to buy a house(as it should).

That type of irresponsibility will follow you for years to come.

Will it, though? The thing is, the banks want to make loans. The whole 2008 thing happened because a lot of people who never should have gotten loans did. Do you really think in five years, they are going to blame anyone for getting a little behind on the rent in the middle of Covid?
Have you ever tried suing a tenant? I am still waiting for a judgement I got back in 2001 for back rent...

My lawyer, on the other hand, got his fee up front.

Now, while I am sure that judgement is on my tenant's record, I am sure he is still living somewhere with someone.

Welcome to the progressive wonderland you want so much.

You got it good and hard.
And once you eventually do move out and pay the break contract fee, if you played it smart you’ll have $15,000-$20,000 you saved from not paying rent, plus $5,000 or so in stimulus, DOWN PAYMENT on a house!!!

Free market fellas. We didnt make these rules, we’re just living in it, same as all you MAGAs have done for centuries to manipulate your way thru
So the fucking bank asks you where you got 15 K for a down payment and you proudly explain that you ripped off yor landlord? You need mental help loser!.
Have you ever tried suing a tenant? I am still waiting for a judgement I got back in 2001 for back rent...

My lawyer, on the other hand, got his fee up front.

Now, while I am sure that judgement is on my tenant's record, I am sure he is still living somewhere with someone.

I did. I filed it with the eviction. After it was ruled in my favor, I filled out the form for wage garnishment of my former tenant. I got two checks a month from the court for a year until every dime, plus my legal and personal costs were paid in full. No problem except the wait for all the money.
Again so why work? Don’t need to pay rent, free healthcare, free food, get out jail card for looting and theft, free education, soon forgiveness of student debt, free birth control, bonus checks for not working, guaranteed cradle to grave mediocrity. To be honest sounds more like a recipe toward enslavement then economic recovery.
They're both criminal gangs, but the Republicans are more like the Italian fascists, and the Democrats more like the German (Nazi) fascists.

So Democrats are infinitely more dangerous.
Military wise, probably. Trump had at least normalized relations with Russia/Putin on a personal level.
And with Trump back, government will be paralyzed and no help will come to America's poor and working class.
Fwiw, both represent more failure of the American way, while China is getting it right.
Change the locks on the doors of the freebooters and dare them to sue.

They don't need to sue. All they have to do is call the police. It's illegal to change the locks until the tenant is legally vacated from the property. In fact if you took in a roommate, got into a fight and threw him out, he doesn't have to leave. If he is a legal resident there, only the courts can legally have him removed.
They don't need to sue. All they have to do is call the police. It's illegal to change the locks until the tenant is legally vacated from the property. In fact if you took in a roommate, got into a fight and threw him out, he doesn't have to leave. If he is a legal resident there, only the courts can legally have him removed.
An illegal order has no force of law.....The cops would then be acting under "color of law" and subject to being sued.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing

I haven't read all of the posts here yet, but just from the OP, you are either trolling for shits and giggles or are very young and think you know it all. But because I'm a landlord myself, I'll play.

Now if you were my tenant and did as you said above, I can still file an eviction against you. It can't be exercised until the ban is canceled, but the eviction would still be judged in the case. Secondly, I can also sue you for back rent owed. I can sue you while you still live there, and I can sue you when I throw you out. Eviction protection does not mean payment protection. Bank the money? Well, you can. But one of my options to reclaim my losses is to have your bank account frozen. The court will not allow it to open back up until you pay the court the settlement in the case, and that money is forwarded to me. Your only option at that point would be to try and get a loan to make that payment to me.

So tell your "friends" they are not as slick as they think. Much smarter people couldn't find a way to game the system either.
Will it, though? The thing is, the banks want to make loans. The whole 2008 thing happened because a lot of people who never should have gotten loans did. Do you really think in five years, they are going to blame anyone for getting a little behind on the rent in the middle of Covid?
Will it, though? The thing is, the banks want to make loans. The whole 2008 thing happened because a lot of people who never should have gotten loans did. Do you really think in five years, they are going to blame anyone for getting a little behind on the rent in the middle of Covid?
In 2008, in addition to people who never should have qualified for a home loan, the market pricing index was also way overinflated, so the valuation of homes was way over what they should have been.

Case in point, in 2001, here in Southern California, I bought a 4 bedroom 3 bath home with a pool, that needed some cosmetic work, as an investment property for $197,000, and by 2004, it was "worth" over $700,000. I still own the property, and have had tenants in it for years and it has still not climbed back to what it was valued at in 2004.

Obviously, that was a value that was overinflated, so in addition to loans being granted to people who otherwise would not have qualified, properties were overpriced which prompted a market correction.

In the case of the person in this thread, stiffing his landlord, when he attempts to purchase a home, the question of how he obtained the down payment will arise, and when it is seen that he didn't pay his rent, yet has the monetary resources for 10 to 20% down, that will be a red flag to any lending institution.

I truly do not feel that will work in his favor as a potential buyer.
An illegal order has no force of law.....The cops would then be acting under "color of law" and subject to being sued.

What illegal order are you talking about? There is no order here. Once a person establishes permanent residence at a dwelling, they have every right to be in that dwelling and nobody can throw them out except the court. You change the locks on a tenant, the police will come and demand you open it back up. If you do not, they can break the door down and the costs associated will be your financial responsibility since it's you who broke the law.

Yes, we landlords have legal protections, but so do tenants.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing
Yeah, this is a great idea ... unless you are the renter who owns the home / apartments, having to pay a mortgage on property the banks are threatening to foreclose on, who watches their tenants reuse to pay rent despite the THOUSANDS of dollars the federal govt has handed out to these renters, watching their renters buy boats, cars, huge flat-screens, etc...

'How To Be A Deadbeat Moocher' - great lesson to teach the kids, too....

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