YES!!!! North Charleston Murderer Officer Slager INDICTED

I mean he was a cop for many years, maybe the stress got to him.

Maybe he had a bad day.

Maybe he had a flashback.

But what is certain is he shot someone in the back and tried to cover it up. No maybes needed

Let's have a trial know, just for shits and giggles.
That would just prevent the mob from their lynching.

Drama queens. No one is against a trial. Stop the shenanigans. Nice try
You really have to wonder what the hell he was thinking when he gunned that guy down.

He was probably thinking about how its all Obamas fault his first instinct was to shoot an unarmed old black dude

My guess? His brain went into panic and he lost the fight for the arrest. Lost his cool. Made a criminal decision. Maybe. He was shot w his taser that Scott had. Still a bad shoot imo.

You, however, have never done a dangerous thing in your life. So you wouldnt know the feeling of stress during a conflict.

Have you read his police report? Compare it to the video. There was WAY more than an 'in the moment' decision. He lied his ass off to cover up a criminal homicide. And if you watch the video, it looks like he drops the taser next to the man's body.

Yeah, he went into panic mode then tried to cover it up and the officer next to him never corrected to story.

If the suspect were running toward him, I could see some plausible sense of danger. But running away? That's a guy whose 'kill it' threshold is way to hair trigger to ever be a cop.
The nice policeman shot him because he was concerned the perp would incapacitate him with the tazer he took from the policeman.
Yeah, he went into panic mode then tried to cover it up and the officer next to him never corrected to story.

If the suspect were running toward him, I could see some plausible sense of danger. But running away? That's a guy whose 'kill it' threshold is way to hair trigger to ever be a cop.
The guy had been a cop for a long time. That's what makes this one not as clear as it looks. If he was trigger happy that probably would have manifested itself a long time ago.
It's also just as easy to speculate that he thought the culprit was running off with his taser that he had just used on the cop suggesting the culprit is capable and willing to use it on someone else, making the shooting justifiable. But I admit I don't know.
Unlike cop haters, I'll wait for the evidence.

So in your opinion, anybody who thinks there is a possibility the cop might be wrong is a cop hater. Is that right?
I never suggested any such thing. I was referring to those who want to skip due process and go right to a lynching because they have preconceived notions about cops.

Not aware of very many people advocating that. There are, however many who are upset because it looks like cops can do damn near anything and get away with it.
I don't see that. I see a lot of people refusing to comply with police and then crying 'police brutality'. I just saw it in my own locale last night. And every anti-cop poster here is making judgment without considering due process. That is scary.
Finally, an armed and dangerous official thug is indicted for killing an unarmed black.

Ex-cop Michael Slager indicted in slaying of Walter Scott in South Carolina
Ex-cop Michael Slager indicted in slaying of Walter Scott in South Carolina - CBS News

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. - A white former North Charleston police officer has been indicted on a murder charge in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man who was running away from the officer.

The April 4 shooting was captured on video by a bystander and showed officer Michael Slager firing eight times at 50-year-old Walter Scott. The shooting rekindled the ongoing national debate about the treatment of black suspects at the hands of white officers.

Slager was charged almost immediately after the video surfaced. Prosecutor Scarlett Wilson announced the indictment Monday.

Wilson said earlier the death penalty does not seem to apply because there were no aggravating circumstances such as robbery or kidnapping as required under South Carolina law.

The 33-year-old Slager faces 30 years to life in prison if convicted.

I read that earlier this morning and was very happy to see this murderer might face justice for his crime.

I hope that he's found guilty and put in prison for life without parole.
What if he's not guilty?
Then be thankful that he didn't get the death penalty.

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Video shows him shooting a fleeing man and then moving evidence from it's original place to next to the body of his victim.
Or so it appears. We don't know what else went into the event.
Again, the Eric Garner episode looked very damning until the evidence came out at trial. Changed everything.

I agree that the jury ends up making the call given all the evidence but there is no police protocol that justifies shooting an unarmed person who is running away.
If the perp is carrying a weapon that he had already discharged he can be shot while running away for sure.

Except that he wasn't carrying anything. Slager picked up the taser and dropped it next to the body to cover up his illegal shooting.
Or so it appears. There is likely way more to this. I'll wait for evidence at trial.
The only thing definitively established is that the perp is a criminal who resisted arrest and ran from the police. Beyond that, it's still up in the air.
How do you know he's a criminal? I don't know that.

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I mean he was a cop for many years, maybe the stress got to him.

Maybe he had a bad day.

Maybe he had a flashback.

But what is certain is he shot someone in the back and tried to cover it up. No maybes needed

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There may be a question of whether the cop knew he was unarmed. He apparently shot the cop with his own taser and if the cop thought he was still in possession of it then the entire scenario changes. I'm waiting for evidence in trial.

Slager's report is at odds with his actions recorded on the video ergo he was lying. The only question is the extent of his lying.

I have no doubt whatsoever that his report was written to make himself appear to be a "victim acting in self defense".
The video is partial and may be edited. We don't know. Let's see what comes up in trial.

The videos are long enough to see him pull Scott over in his squad car, then standing and talking to him when he turns and runs, shooting him in the fucking back, THEN moving the taser to the side of Scott's body to lie about what happened.

Sorry, he was arrested immediately and denied bail, if that means anything inside your empty head and partial azz.
See, I believe in waiting for evidence at trial instead of convicting people on a humbug like you do in your thread.
Again, the Eric Garner video should have taught the lesson to not jump to conclusions based on videos and especially partial and sporadic videos.

The Eric Garner video should have taught you that he died from an illegal chokehold by a cop, you stupid idiot. That was verified by the coroner. Your head is even more empty than I thought.
The palooka keeps spewing on about the Eric Garner video. I haven't a clue what he's referring to.

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We'll see what the court says. Watching the video it appears that the officer pulled his gun before the suspect began running, I believe he fired at least once and missed. Which could possibly explain how the suspect ended up going down so far away from him on the video. I'm not sure about the tazer thing, but it does certainly appear that one of the barbs is stuck on the officer, and that the tazer is being dragged behind the suspect; it is possible that it simply got tangled up around the suspect if they were rolling/thrashing around on the ground (rather than the suspect taking it) but the officer said that he tried to take the tazer so who knows...

Hopefully there's more video or witnesses out there who can help clarify what happened.
Or so it appears. We don't know what else went into the event.
Again, the Eric Garner episode looked very damning until the evidence came out at trial. Changed everything.

I agree that the jury ends up making the call given all the evidence but there is no police protocol that justifies shooting an unarmed person who is running away.
If the perp is carrying a weapon that he had already discharged he can be shot while running away for sure.

Except that he wasn't carrying anything. Slager picked up the taser and dropped it next to the body to cover up his illegal shooting.
Or so it appears. There is likely way more to this. I'll wait for evidence at trial.
The only thing definitively established is that the perp is a criminal who resisted arrest and ran from the police. Beyond that, it's still up in the air.
How do you know he's a criminal? I don't know that.

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He resisted arrest.
It doesn't matter if he resisted arrest as the anti-whites want to hang a white man!!!!
I agree that the jury ends up making the call given all the evidence but there is no police protocol that justifies shooting an unarmed person who is running away.
If the perp is carrying a weapon that he had already discharged he can be shot while running away for sure.

Except that he wasn't carrying anything. Slager picked up the taser and dropped it next to the body to cover up his illegal shooting.
Or so it appears. There is likely way more to this. I'll wait for evidence at trial.
The only thing definitively established is that the perp is a criminal who resisted arrest and ran from the police. Beyond that, it's still up in the air.
How do you know he's a criminal? I don't know that.

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He resisted arrest.
Really? At what point was the victim placed under arrest?

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i'd say someone paid attention.

you'd be pretty pissed off if young unarmed white males kept getting killed and their killers not indicted.
Carrying a taser taken from the officer is not being unarmed.
i am trying to imagine a 300 pound al roker running from a cop after not paying for his meal at KFC. at least the cop wouldn't of had any problem taking down the weatherman, kicking him in the ass, and throwing him in the back of the van! and then calling NBC to inform them that they arrested Al Roker for penny theft., well more like Fried Chicken Theft.
I agree that the jury ends up making the call given all the evidence but there is no police protocol that justifies shooting an unarmed person who is running away.
If the perp is carrying a weapon that he had already discharged he can be shot while running away for sure.

Except that he wasn't carrying anything. Slager picked up the taser and dropped it next to the body to cover up his illegal shooting.
Or so it appears. There is likely way more to this. I'll wait for evidence at trial.
The only thing definitively established is that the perp is a criminal who resisted arrest and ran from the police. Beyond that, it's still up in the air.


The video definitively established that Slager killed the victim who was no threat to him at all.
You don't know that and neither do I. That's why I'll wait for the trial and presentation of evidence.

Unlike you I am able to clearly comprehend the unbiased witness evidence of the video. There is no ambiguity in what transpired. He drew his gun and shot a fleeing man in the back and killed him. He then tampered with the evidence to hide his criminal actions. The video isn't lying about what he actually did.
Slager's report is at odds with his actions recorded on the video ergo he was lying. The only question is the extent of his lying.

I have no doubt whatsoever that his report was written to make himself appear to be a "victim acting in self defense".
The video is partial and may be edited. We don't know. Let's see what comes up in trial.

Video shows him shooting a fleeing man and then moving evidence from it's original place to next to the body of his victim.
Or so it appears. We don't know what else went into the event.
Again, the Eric Garner episode looked very damning until the evidence came out at trial. Changed everything.

I agree that the jury ends up making the call given all the evidence but there is no police protocol that justifies shooting an unarmed person who is running away.

There is one exception. A policeman has the right - some would say a duty - to use deadly force to prevent the escape of a dangerous felon:

Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force. Thus, if the suspect threatens the officer with a weapon or there is probable cause to believe that he has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm, deadly force may be used if necessary to prevent escape, and if, where feasible, some warning has been given. As applied in such circumstances, the Tennessee statute would pass constitutional muster.”

Tennessee v. Garner Cop Block
The entire case may boil down to this question: Did officer Michael Slager have probable cause to believe that Walter Scott committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm. From what I have read about the case so far, such probable cause did not exist. But that is just my humble opinion and I know enough about the law to know that jury verdicts are often unpredictable. My best guess: plea bargain; however, if it goes to court, conviction.

A fleeing suspect with a weapon might be probable cause. However the officer was the only one with any weapons and we only have his word about the taser. The fact that he picked it up and placed it next to the body in order to incriminate his victim looks like a post facto attempt to hide his own culpability.
If the suspect were running toward him, I could see some plausible sense of danger. But running away? That's a guy whose 'kill it' threshold is way to hair trigger to ever be a cop.
The guy had been a cop for a long time. That's what makes this one not as clear as it looks. If he was trigger happy that probably would have manifested itself a long time ago.
It's also just as easy to speculate that he thought the culprit was running off with his taser that he had just used on the cop suggesting the culprit is capable and willing to use it on someone else, making the shooting justifiable. But I admit I don't know.
Unlike cop haters, I'll wait for the evidence.

So in your opinion, anybody who thinks there is a possibility the cop might be wrong is a cop hater. Is that right?
I never suggested any such thing. I was referring to those who want to skip due process and go right to a lynching because they have preconceived notions about cops.

Not aware of very many people advocating that. There are, however many who are upset because it looks like cops can do damn near anything and get away with it.
I don't see that. I see a lot of people refusing to comply with police and then crying 'police brutality'. I just saw it in my own locale last night. And every anti-cop poster here is making judgment without considering due process. That is scary.

Slager will get his due process. That is not in any doubt at all. Neither is there any doubt that he shot his fleeing victim in the back and killed him.

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