Yes, Russia is getting ready for war in case US attacks, diplomats tells UN

Yes, Russia is getting ready for war – in case US attacks, diplomat tells UN

A Russian diplomat has both confirmed and denied what US war hawks have been calling out. Moscow is indeed preparing for war, he said – just in case the US starts one.

Watch this be the next false flag triggered by deep state pricks Obama and Clinton lol. Really I have no clue just being sarcastic for the dumbasses who haven't a clue on reality.

But they would be the perfect storm in order to make good ole Trump look bad.
This is almost as stupid as we want to take over China. Yep, we have the ability to do this. is what a joke. Russia has enough problems with the Nations that are in Europe and George Soros in their sights.

I think the problem is that some of us learned the lessons of world war 2. You know what we did in World War 2? We said it's Germany. They barely have a military. They have a broken economy. They can't hardly do anything.

Then they annexed the Rhineland. Oh who cares. They can't do much. It doesn't matter. They are way over there on the other side of the world. Then it was Austria, then Poland, then one after another almost all of Europe was under German occupation.

The entire time, we were standing around making excuses.

The reason a tiny problem, Hitler and Nazis, became a big problem, is because we kept making excuses to do nothing about it, until it was a big problem. The whole reason so many people had to die on beaches and fields across Europe, is because we kept making excuses.

There were people back then saying the same thing you are now. "What a joke" "Nazis have enough problems with (insert European country here)."

Well, all the people of the 1930s turned out be utterly wrong, and paid for it with thousands of lives. We do the same thing today with Russia armed with Nuclear weapons, and we'll be paying for it with millions of lives.
Yes, Russia is getting ready for war – in case US attacks, diplomat tells UN

A Russian diplomat has both confirmed and denied what US war hawks have been calling out. Moscow is indeed preparing for war, he said – just in case the US starts one.

Watch this be the next false flag triggered by deep state pricks Obama and Clinton lol. Really I have no clue just being sarcastic for the dumbasses who haven't a clue on reality.

But they would be the perfect storm in order to make good ole Trump look bad.
We have only been preparing to go to war with Russia since the Great Game friendly hand off.
And Crimea? That was just, what? All a magic ploy the just happen to coincide with Russia annexing it out of the blue? Seriously?
The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?
Trump Calls Off Cold War II

Washington Post:

The exaggerated Russian threat helps justify bloated military budgets and unify increasingly fractious allies.
Opinion | Neo-McCarthyite furor around Russia is counterproductive
And Crimea? That was just, what? All a magic ploy the just happen to coincide with Russia annexing it out of the blue? Seriously?
The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?
Trump Calls Off Cold War II

Washington Post:

The exaggerated Russian threat helps justify bloated military budgets and unify increasingly fractious allies.
Opinion | Neo-McCarthyite furor around Russia is counterproductive

How was it more moral?

I would consider the two events, as completely incomparable.

The events that led to NATO intervention, involved mass slaughter of thousands of people, with an estimate of 13,000+ being killed.

The government had sent a mission to the region to try and convince both sides to stop fighting. We never wanted to attack anyone. Our goal was to simply stop the blood shed. We spent almost 12 months trying to get both sides to just stop the bloodshed.

The result was, the Slobodan's forces, either by direction, or acting on their own, rounded up 45 farmers.... not fighters, not rebels, but peasant farmers, and slaughtered them on a hill. This was the largest massacre over a winter of mass killings.

So NATO bombed the crap out of them.

They were slaughtering farmers, women, children, non-combatants. We even have a direct statement from a Tank Commander for Slobodan's military, saying he was never attacked by any armed resistance, but was using his million dollar tank to kill children.

Ok, so now your turn.....
Do tell what horrors were going on Crimea, that justified annexation? Were they watering down the Vodka to Russian vacationers? Service bad at the resorts?

By the way, unlike Russia and Crimea, we didn't annex Kosovo, nor are they under our control now.

As a side note, I disagreed with us getting involved. But to compare Kosovo with Crimea, is beyond ridiculous. More like psychotic.
And Crimea? That was just, what? All a magic ploy the just happen to coincide with Russia annexing it out of the blue? Seriously?
The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?
Trump Calls Off Cold War II

Washington Post:

The exaggerated Russian threat helps justify bloated military budgets and unify increasingly fractious allies.
Opinion | Neo-McCarthyite furor around Russia is counterproductive

How was it more moral?

I would consider the two events, as completely incomparable.

The events that led to NATO intervention, involved mass slaughter of thousands of people, with an estimate of 13,000+ being killed.

The government had sent a mission to the region to try and convince both sides to stop fighting. We never wanted to attack anyone. Our goal was to simply stop the blood shed. We spent almost 12 months trying to get both sides to just stop the bloodshed.

The result was, the Slobodan's forces, either by direction, or acting on their own, rounded up 45 farmers.... not fighters, not rebels, but peasant farmers, and slaughtered them on a hill. This was the largest massacre over a winter of mass killings.

So NATO bombed the crap out of them.

They were slaughtering farmers, women, children, non-combatants. We even have a direct statement from a Tank Commander for Slobodan's military, saying he was never attacked by any armed resistance, but was using his million dollar tank to kill children.

Ok, so now your turn.....
Do tell what horrors were going on Crimea, that justified annexation? Were they watering down the Vodka to Russian vacationers? Service bad at the resorts?

By the way, unlike Russia and Crimea, we didn't annex Kosovo, nor are they under our control now.

As a side note, I disagreed with us getting involved. But to compare Kosovo with Crimea, is beyond ridiculous. More like psychotic.

You obviously have mered in double standards and it's not my job to educate brainwashed people like yourself. Start questioning your Media why it keeps telling you lies about Crimea ans about Ukraine. I'm from Ukraine and I tell everybody who cares: life standards have dropped in Ukraine significantly due to the corrupt current Ukrainian leaders( = Soros puppets) while life standards in Crimea keep growing. Besides Ukrainian Nazis promised to "sink Crimea in blood" (just because they are all Russians) and they escaped that blood by coming back to Russia, where we all belong. Russia and Ukraine always were the same people, still are and will be. No matter how badly Washington wants to separate us. Now, please, educate yourself a little bit by just reading the following links. I bet Western Media has NOT told you about those facts.

CIS-EMO political analyst of an International Monitoring Organization, Stanislav Byshok :
In March 2014, there was a referendum in Crimea whereas 95% of the voters favored Crimea seceding from Ukraine and becoming part of Russia. Russia recognized the results of the referendum, and Crimea became part of Russia. (The peninsula had been part of Russia proper before 1954.) The Russians and Crimeans call this event the reunification, in Ukraine and the West they call it the annexation. I’ve been to Crimea several times, including when it was part of Ukraine. Crimean people spoke Russian, loved Russia and associated themselves with Moscow, not with Kiev.
The truth about Ukraine: Byshok's lecture at Brown University - Fort Russ

the delegation of French parliamentarians led by member of National Assembly, ex-Minister of transport of France Thierry Mariani visited the Crimea with a three-day visit. “Those who describe the Crimea as occupied territory, you’d better have been there and seen what is happening… Crimea has chosen its path in the referendum” — said Mariani at the press conference in Moscow.
Thierry Mariani: Better to be Crimean Tatar than Russian in Baltics - is for sale (Visit Winchester Virginia)
Mariani said about the need to recognize the Crimea part of Russia | Daily News

France confirms it does not recognize annexation of Crimea

France confirms it does not recognize annexation of Crimea - 06.07.2016 11:00 — Ukrinform News

Crimea’s reunification with Russia reflects the will of the majority of the Crimean people, the head of a French delegation visiting the peninsula says. He added that if it had not joined Russia, it could have been turned into a battle zone like east Ukraine.
Crimea referendum reflected people’s will – French delegation head

See also:

The parliament in Liguria in northwestern Italy has voted in favor of a resolution to recognize Crimea as part of Russia and lift anti-Russia sanctions. Liguria became the second region to adopt the resolution, with more votes expected in other parts of Italy.
'Something is moving in Italy': Liguria adopts resolution to lift anti-Russia sanctions

Thierry Mariani, a French National Assembly deputy who headed a recent parliamentary delegation to Crimea, refused to answer a question from a Ukrainian journalist at a press conference in Moscow calling it a “shitty question.” The journalist had asked Mariani “how much the Russian government paid him” to support Moscow's position on Crimea.

“I don't accept your question. I'm ready to respond to any political questions and any political comments, but your question is, quite frankly, a shitty question, and I won't respond, and I'd like to convey to you my utter contempt,” Mariani said.

“How much do you get paid to ask such questions?," the French MP continued. "The fact that you ask such disgusting questions being here in Russia suggests that Russia is a free country. It is even more disgusting that if we were in Ukraine, I would not have the opportunity to ask such questions there," said the French politician.
French lawmaker responds to Ukrainian journalist about Kremlin pay for his Crimea position: ‘That’s a shitty question.’ — Meduza

French lawmaker responds to Ukrainian journalist about Kremlin pay for his Crimea position: ‘That's a shitty question.’ — Meduza

French MP responds sharply to question from Ukrainian journalist

And this ^ is only a tip of a huge iceberg.
Last edited:
And Crimea? That was just, what? All a magic ploy the just happen to coincide with Russia annexing it out of the blue? Seriously?
The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?
Trump Calls Off Cold War II

Washington Post:

The exaggerated Russian threat helps justify bloated military budgets and unify increasingly fractious allies.
Opinion | Neo-McCarthyite furor around Russia is counterproductive

How was it more moral?

I would consider the two events, as completely incomparable.

The events that led to NATO intervention, involved mass slaughter of thousands of people, with an estimate of 13,000+ being killed.

The government had sent a mission to the region to try and convince both sides to stop fighting. We never wanted to attack anyone. Our goal was to simply stop the blood shed. We spent almost 12 months trying to get both sides to just stop the bloodshed.

The result was, the Slobodan's forces, either by direction, or acting on their own, rounded up 45 farmers.... not fighters, not rebels, but peasant farmers, and slaughtered them on a hill. This was the largest massacre over a winter of mass killings.

So NATO bombed the crap out of them.

They were slaughtering farmers, women, children, non-combatants. We even have a direct statement from a Tank Commander for Slobodan's military, saying he was never attacked by any armed resistance, but was using his million dollar tank to kill children.

Ok, so now your turn.....
Do tell what horrors were going on Crimea, that justified annexation? Were they watering down the Vodka to Russian vacationers? Service bad at the resorts?

By the way, unlike Russia and Crimea, we didn't annex Kosovo, nor are they under our control now.

As a side note, I disagreed with us getting involved. But to compare Kosovo with Crimea, is beyond ridiculous. More like psychotic.

You obviously have mered in double standards and it's not my job to educate brainwashed people like yourself. Start questioning your Media why it keeps telling you lies about Crimea ans about Ukraine. I'm from Ukraine and I tell everybody who cares: life standards have dropped in Ukraine significantly due to the corrupt current Ukrainian leaders( = Soros puppets) while life standards in Crimea keep growing. Besides Ukrainian Nazis promised to "sink Crimea in blood" (just because they are all Russians) and they escaped that blood by coming back to Russia, where we all belong. Russia and Ukraine always were the same people, still are and will be. No matter how badly Washington wants to separate us. Now, please, educate yourself a little bit by just reading the following links. I bet Western Media has NOT told you about those facts.

CIS-EMO political analyst of an International Monitoring Organization, Stanislav Byshok :
In March 2014, there was a referendum in Crimea whereas 95% of the voters favored Crimea seceding from Ukraine and becoming part of Russia. Russia recognized the results of the referendum, and Crimea became part of Russia. (The peninsula had been part of Russia proper before 1954.) The Russians and Crimeans call this event the reunification, in Ukraine and the West they call it the annexation. I’ve been to Crimea several times, including when it was part of Ukraine. Crimean people spoke Russian, loved Russia and associated themselves with Moscow, not with Kiev.
The truth about Ukraine: Byshok's lecture at Brown University - Fort Russ

the delegation of French parliamentarians led by member of National Assembly, ex-Minister of transport of France Thierry Mariani visited the Crimea with a three-day visit. “Those who describe the Crimea as occupied territory, you’d better have been there and seen what is happening… Crimea has chosen its path in the referendum” — said Mariani at the press conference in Moscow.
Thierry Mariani: Better to be Crimean Tatar than Russian in Baltics - is for sale (Visit Winchester Virginia)
Mariani said about the need to recognize the Crimea part of Russia | Daily News

France confirms it does not recognize annexation of Crimea

France confirms it does not recognize annexation of Crimea - 06.07.2016 11:00 — Ukrinform News

Crimea’s reunification with Russia reflects the will of the majority of the Crimean people, the head of a French delegation visiting the peninsula says. He added that if it had not joined Russia, it could have been turned into a battle zone like east Ukraine.
Crimea referendum reflected people’s will – French delegation head

See also:

The parliament in Liguria in northwestern Italy has voted in favor of a resolution to recognize Crimea as part of Russia and lift anti-Russia sanctions. Liguria became the second region to adopt the resolution, with more votes expected in other parts of Italy.
'Something is moving in Italy': Liguria adopts resolution to lift anti-Russia sanctions

Thierry Mariani, a French National Assembly deputy who headed a recent parliamentary delegation to Crimea, refused to answer a question from a Ukrainian journalist at a press conference in Moscow calling it a “shitty question.” The journalist had asked Mariani “how much the Russian government paid him” to support Moscow's position on Crimea.

“I don't accept your question. I'm ready to respond to any political questions and any political comments, but your question is, quite frankly, a shitty question, and I won't respond, and I'd like to convey to you my utter contempt,” Mariani said.

“How much do you get paid to ask such questions?," the French MP continued. "The fact that you ask such disgusting questions being here in Russia suggests that Russia is a free country. It is even more disgusting that if we were in Ukraine, I would not have the opportunity to ask such questions there," said the French politician.
French lawmaker responds to Ukrainian journalist about Kremlin pay for his Crimea position: ‘That’s a shitty question.’ — Meduza

French lawmaker responds to Ukrainian journalist about Kremlin pay for his Crimea position: ‘That's a shitty question.’ — Meduza

French MP responds sharply to question from Ukrainian journalist

And this ^ is only a tip of a huge iceberg.

None of that addresses the fact that Kosovo was involved in documented massacres.

What horrors happened in Crimea, that justify Russia's intervention?

Until you give me that.... shut up with all your completely irrelevant crap you keep posting.
And Crimea? That was just, what? All a magic ploy the just happen to coincide with Russia annexing it out of the blue? Seriously?
The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?
Trump Calls Off Cold War II

Washington Post:

The exaggerated Russian threat helps justify bloated military budgets and unify increasingly fractious allies.
Opinion | Neo-McCarthyite furor around Russia is counterproductive

How was it more moral?

I would consider the two events, as completely incomparable.

The events that led to NATO intervention, involved mass slaughter of thousands of people, with an estimate of 13,000+ being killed.

The government had sent a mission to the region to try and convince both sides to stop fighting. We never wanted to attack anyone. Our goal was to simply stop the blood shed. We spent almost 12 months trying to get both sides to just stop the bloodshed.

The result was, the Slobodan's forces, either by direction, or acting on their own, rounded up 45 farmers.... not fighters, not rebels, but peasant farmers, and slaughtered them on a hill. This was the largest massacre over a winter of mass killings.

So NATO bombed the crap out of them.

They were slaughtering farmers, women, children, non-combatants. We even have a direct statement from a Tank Commander for Slobodan's military, saying he was never attacked by any armed resistance, but was using his million dollar tank to kill children.

Ok, so now your turn.....
Do tell what horrors were going on Crimea, that justified annexation? Were they watering down the Vodka to Russian vacationers? Service bad at the resorts?

By the way, unlike Russia and Crimea, we didn't annex Kosovo, nor are they under our control now.

As a side note, I disagreed with us getting involved. But to compare Kosovo with Crimea, is beyond ridiculous. More like psychotic.

You obviously have mered in double standards and it's not my job to educate brainwashed people like yourself. Start questioning your Media why it keeps telling you lies about Crimea ans about Ukraine. I'm from Ukraine and I tell everybody who cares: life standards have dropped in Ukraine significantly due to the corrupt current Ukrainian leaders( = Soros puppets) while life standards in Crimea keep growing. Besides Ukrainian Nazis promised to "sink Crimea in blood" (just because they are all Russians) and they escaped that blood by coming back to Russia, where we all belong. Russia and Ukraine always were the same people, still are and will be. No matter how badly Washington wants to separate us. Now, please, educate yourself a little bit by just reading the following links. I bet Western Media has NOT told you about those facts.

CIS-EMO political analyst of an International Monitoring Organization, Stanislav Byshok :
In March 2014, there was a referendum in Crimea whereas 95% of the voters favored Crimea seceding from Ukraine and becoming part of Russia. Russia recognized the results of the referendum, and Crimea became part of Russia. (The peninsula had been part of Russia proper before 1954.) The Russians and Crimeans call this event the reunification, in Ukraine and the West they call it the annexation. I’ve been to Crimea several times, including when it was part of Ukraine. Crimean people spoke Russian, loved Russia and associated themselves with Moscow, not with Kiev.
The truth about Ukraine: Byshok's lecture at Brown University - Fort Russ

the delegation of French parliamentarians led by member of National Assembly, ex-Minister of transport of France Thierry Mariani visited the Crimea with a three-day visit. “Those who describe the Crimea as occupied territory, you’d better have been there and seen what is happening… Crimea has chosen its path in the referendum” — said Mariani at the press conference in Moscow.
Thierry Mariani: Better to be Crimean Tatar than Russian in Baltics - is for sale (Visit Winchester Virginia)
Mariani said about the need to recognize the Crimea part of Russia | Daily News

France confirms it does not recognize annexation of Crimea

France confirms it does not recognize annexation of Crimea - 06.07.2016 11:00 — Ukrinform News

Crimea’s reunification with Russia reflects the will of the majority of the Crimean people, the head of a French delegation visiting the peninsula says. He added that if it had not joined Russia, it could have been turned into a battle zone like east Ukraine.
Crimea referendum reflected people’s will – French delegation head

See also:

The parliament in Liguria in northwestern Italy has voted in favor of a resolution to recognize Crimea as part of Russia and lift anti-Russia sanctions. Liguria became the second region to adopt the resolution, with more votes expected in other parts of Italy.
'Something is moving in Italy': Liguria adopts resolution to lift anti-Russia sanctions

Thierry Mariani, a French National Assembly deputy who headed a recent parliamentary delegation to Crimea, refused to answer a question from a Ukrainian journalist at a press conference in Moscow calling it a “shitty question.” The journalist had asked Mariani “how much the Russian government paid him” to support Moscow's position on Crimea.

“I don't accept your question. I'm ready to respond to any political questions and any political comments, but your question is, quite frankly, a shitty question, and I won't respond, and I'd like to convey to you my utter contempt,” Mariani said.

“How much do you get paid to ask such questions?," the French MP continued. "The fact that you ask such disgusting questions being here in Russia suggests that Russia is a free country. It is even more disgusting that if we were in Ukraine, I would not have the opportunity to ask such questions there," said the French politician.
French lawmaker responds to Ukrainian journalist about Kremlin pay for his Crimea position: ‘That’s a shitty question.’ — Meduza

French lawmaker responds to Ukrainian journalist about Kremlin pay for his Crimea position: ‘That's a shitty question.’ — Meduza

French MP responds sharply to question from Ukrainian journalist

And this ^ is only a tip of a huge iceberg.

None of that addresses the fact that Kosovo was involved in documented massacres.

What horrors happened in Crimea, that justify Russia's intervention?

Until you give me that.... shut up with all your completely irrelevant crap you keep posting.
I'm not owing you anything and thus am not going to give you anything.

You and ignorant/arrogant clowns like yourself will do a big favor to mankind if you shut up till you do something to fix your brains (if it's even possible).

Ukrainians and Russians are the same people till Americans (Soros+Obama's administration)
interfered and started genocide in Ukraine. Everything I want is those ^ crooks will be judged by International War tribunal. The sooner, the better.

P.S. In future, please, try to stay with the subject of the thread. Good bye, troll.
And Crimea? That was just, what? All a magic ploy the just happen to coincide with Russia annexing it out of the blue? Seriously?
The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?
Trump Calls Off Cold War II

Washington Post:

The exaggerated Russian threat helps justify bloated military budgets and unify increasingly fractious allies.
Opinion | Neo-McCarthyite furor around Russia is counterproductive

How was it more moral?

I would consider the two events, as completely incomparable.

The events that led to NATO intervention, involved mass slaughter of thousands of people, with an estimate of 13,000+ being killed.

The government had sent a mission to the region to try and convince both sides to stop fighting. We never wanted to attack anyone. Our goal was to simply stop the blood shed. We spent almost 12 months trying to get both sides to just stop the bloodshed.

The result was, the Slobodan's forces, either by direction, or acting on their own, rounded up 45 farmers.... not fighters, not rebels, but peasant farmers, and slaughtered them on a hill. This was the largest massacre over a winter of mass killings.

So NATO bombed the crap out of them.

They were slaughtering farmers, women, children, non-combatants. We even have a direct statement from a Tank Commander for Slobodan's military, saying he was never attacked by any armed resistance, but was using his million dollar tank to kill children.

Ok, so now your turn.....
Do tell what horrors were going on Crimea, that justified annexation? Were they watering down the Vodka to Russian vacationers? Service bad at the resorts?

By the way, unlike Russia and Crimea, we didn't annex Kosovo, nor are they under our control now.

As a side note, I disagreed with us getting involved. But to compare Kosovo with Crimea, is beyond ridiculous. More like psychotic.

You obviously have mered in double standards and it's not my job to educate brainwashed people like yourself. Start questioning your Media why it keeps telling you lies about Crimea ans about Ukraine. I'm from Ukraine and I tell everybody who cares: life standards have dropped in Ukraine significantly due to the corrupt current Ukrainian leaders( = Soros puppets) while life standards in Crimea keep growing. Besides Ukrainian Nazis promised to "sink Crimea in blood" (just because they are all Russians) and they escaped that blood by coming back to Russia, where we all belong. Russia and Ukraine always were the same people, still are and will be. No matter how badly Washington wants to separate us. Now, please, educate yourself a little bit by just reading the following links. I bet Western Media has NOT told you about those facts.

CIS-EMO political analyst of an International Monitoring Organization, Stanislav Byshok :
In March 2014, there was a referendum in Crimea whereas 95% of the voters favored Crimea seceding from Ukraine and becoming part of Russia. Russia recognized the results of the referendum, and Crimea became part of Russia. (The peninsula had been part of Russia proper before 1954.) The Russians and Crimeans call this event the reunification, in Ukraine and the West they call it the annexation. I’ve been to Crimea several times, including when it was part of Ukraine. Crimean people spoke Russian, loved Russia and associated themselves with Moscow, not with Kiev.
The truth about Ukraine: Byshok's lecture at Brown University - Fort Russ

the delegation of French parliamentarians led by member of National Assembly, ex-Minister of transport of France Thierry Mariani visited the Crimea with a three-day visit. “Those who describe the Crimea as occupied territory, you’d better have been there and seen what is happening… Crimea has chosen its path in the referendum” — said Mariani at the press conference in Moscow.
Thierry Mariani: Better to be Crimean Tatar than Russian in Baltics - is for sale (Visit Winchester Virginia)
Mariani said about the need to recognize the Crimea part of Russia | Daily News

France confirms it does not recognize annexation of Crimea

France confirms it does not recognize annexation of Crimea - 06.07.2016 11:00 — Ukrinform News

Crimea’s reunification with Russia reflects the will of the majority of the Crimean people, the head of a French delegation visiting the peninsula says. He added that if it had not joined Russia, it could have been turned into a battle zone like east Ukraine.
Crimea referendum reflected people’s will – French delegation head

See also:

The parliament in Liguria in northwestern Italy has voted in favor of a resolution to recognize Crimea as part of Russia and lift anti-Russia sanctions. Liguria became the second region to adopt the resolution, with more votes expected in other parts of Italy.
'Something is moving in Italy': Liguria adopts resolution to lift anti-Russia sanctions

Thierry Mariani, a French National Assembly deputy who headed a recent parliamentary delegation to Crimea, refused to answer a question from a Ukrainian journalist at a press conference in Moscow calling it a “shitty question.” The journalist had asked Mariani “how much the Russian government paid him” to support Moscow's position on Crimea.

“I don't accept your question. I'm ready to respond to any political questions and any political comments, but your question is, quite frankly, a shitty question, and I won't respond, and I'd like to convey to you my utter contempt,” Mariani said.

“How much do you get paid to ask such questions?," the French MP continued. "The fact that you ask such disgusting questions being here in Russia suggests that Russia is a free country. It is even more disgusting that if we were in Ukraine, I would not have the opportunity to ask such questions there," said the French politician.
French lawmaker responds to Ukrainian journalist about Kremlin pay for his Crimea position: ‘That’s a shitty question.’ — Meduza

French lawmaker responds to Ukrainian journalist about Kremlin pay for his Crimea position: ‘That's a shitty question.’ — Meduza

French MP responds sharply to question from Ukrainian journalist

And this ^ is only a tip of a huge iceberg.

None of that addresses the fact that Kosovo was involved in documented massacres.

What horrors happened in Crimea, that justify Russia's intervention?

Until you give me that.... shut up with all your completely irrelevant crap you keep posting.
I'm not owing you anything and thus am not going to give you anything.

You and ignorant/arrogant clowns like yourself will do a big favor to mankind if you shut up till you do something to fix your brains (if it's even possible).

Ukrainians and Russians are the same people till Americans (Soros+Obama's administration)
interfered and started genocide in Ukraine. Everything I want is those ^ crooks will be judged by International War tribunal. The sooner, the better.

P.S. In future, please, try to stay with the subject of the thread. Good bye, troll.

Yet again......
None of that addresses the fact that Kosovo was involved in documented massacres.

What horrors happened in Crimea, that justify Russia's intervention?

You brought this up, not me. You made a claim comparing Kosovo with Crimea.

Can you back up your claims??? OR ARE YOU THE TROLL HERE?

.... so tired of people with large mouths, small brains, and zero intellect.

Can you back up your posts, or do you need to shut up? Just shut up if you have nothing worth saying. Spare the adults, your childish crap.
Of course they're preparing for war. We do the same thing, and announce them on television. We call them "war games". Who do you think we're training to fight? Sweden?
Of course they're preparing for war. We do the same thing, and announce them on television. We call them "war games". Who do you think we're training to fight? Sweden?

Yeah, I'm always baffled when people say "Russia is prepared for war with US".... who would they prepare for war with? Uganda? Seriously, who else is a threat to Russia? Bhutan? Oman?

Of course Russia is preparing for war with the US. There is no one else that poses a significant threat to the Russia.

Just like we are not worried about Bhutan or Oman, or Uganda either. Our military is prepared or preparing for war with Russia, in case it happens. There is no one else we would be significantly threatened by either.

People post the obvious here, and freak out about it.
Of course they're preparing for war. We do the same thing, and announce them on television. We call them "war games". Who do you think we're training to fight? Sweden?

Yeah, I'm always baffled when people say "Russia is prepared for war with US".... who would they prepare for war with? Uganda? Seriously, who else is a threat to Russia? Bhutan? Oman?

Of course Russia is preparing for war with the US. There is no one else that poses a significant threat to the Russia.

Just like we are not worried about Bhutan or Oman, or Uganda either. Our military is prepared or preparing for war with Russia, in case it happens. There is no one else we would be significantly threatened by either.

People post the obvious here, and freak out about it.

I'm not completely against war with Sweden or Uganda, to be honest. :dunno:

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