Yes...the Central Park 5 were guilty....but they are now left wing saints...

They found grass... hair (not his own hair)... and semen... in the guys underpants.

Everyone.... says he was in this group.

So you are teen boy, in a group of guys that attacked a woman in central park.... and you have grass, hair, and semen on your underpants.

Which guy are we talking about. Semen in a guy's underpants is hardly telling. Maybe he whacked off earlier in the day. The thing was, no DNA evidence connected any of the five to the woman.

And by the way, according to the confessions by these guys themselves..... there shouldn't be any DNA evidence from the women.

Each of them said openly that they didn't rape her, but that they attacked her, beat her, and held her down, while other men raped her. My guess is, some were jacking off, watching other men rape this women.

They said this after they were told that their buddies gave them up, and tried to minimize their own participation figuring they were going to get railroaded. This was done without them having lawyers.

They were most certainly guilty. All of them were absolutely guilty. I didn't need Trump to conclude that. I've always thought they were guilty, because the evidence points to them being guilty, with or without the confessions.

Except that there was no evidence like you describe. None of her DNA on them, none of their DNA on her.
They were never arrested before or after the attack
They are not only saints, but with $45 million to split, very wealthy saints

They were arrested, tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.

That you libs shit canned that, on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer, shows that you are allied with the criminals and feral animals of the world, against innocent people.

And later found to be completely innocent. Not a “Not Guilty” decision but innocent.

Those boys were the most hated men in New York. Trump himself declared them to be animals deserving execution. Their time in prison, especially Korey Wise was a horror of constant beatings.

All for something they didn’t do.
No it doesn't prove any of that. It proves only that they did not specifically rape the women.

It does not prove they didn't beat her, grope her, which many people said they were there, and were involved.

DNA doesn't exonerate any of those monsters.

No, but when your only evidence for their involvement is coerced confessions that were immediately recanted, and you have absolutely no other evidence - no witnesses, no DNA and the guy you can prove was there said he acted alone, the logical conclusion you can draw is that these poor kids got railroaded.

Unless you are a Trump Cultist who doesn't want to admit Cheeto Jesus got it wrong.

They found grass... hair (not his own hair)... and semen... in the guys underpants.

Everyone.... says he was in this group.

So you are teen boy, in a group of guys that attacked a woman in central park.... and you have grass, hair, and semen on your underpants.

Even the jury members who were interviewed by media after the trial was over, said the confessions were not convincing. It was all the other physical evidence. And by the way, only 4 of the 12 jury members were white. So a ton of racists black people, and other racists minorities, put these kids in prison.

Now I don't know what group 'central park games' were popular in 1989... but I'm not sure what version of 'kick the can' results in you having grass, hair and semen on your underwear.

And by the way, according to the confessions by these guys themselves..... there shouldn't be any DNA evidence from the women.

Each of them said openly that they didn't rape her, but that they attacked her, beat her, and held her down, while other men raped her. My guess is, some were jacking off, watching other men rape this women.

They were most certainly guilty. All of them were absolutely guilty. I didn't need Trump to conclude that. I've always thought they were guilty, because the evidence points to them being guilty, with or without the confessions.
Not clear what suspect you are talking about
Whose underpants?
Saints no, but for some reason, the Left isn't into punishing PROVEN innocent people like CRC trumpanzees relish.

They were arrested, tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.

That you libs shit canned that, on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer, shows that you are allied with the criminals and feral animals of the world, against innocent people.

Yes, innocent people, especially those who are poor minorities who are given shitty representation by over-worked, under-funded, public defenders are never wrongly found guilty in a court of law... especially when someone takes out a full page ad announcing that they are not only guilty but that they should be put to death for a non capital offense.

Holy smokes, you've gone to a brand new low of posting and intelligence.

I made a point about how your position is based on trusting the word of a convicted rapist and murderer, and how that shows that you are on the side of the criminals and feral animals of the world, against innocent people.

YOu replied to that post, but did not address my point.

You instead tried to go back to just restating your initial position, without any further or new information.

That is the logical fallacy of Proof by Assertion and, really, at it's most basic level, it is an admission that you know you cannot make your argument, because you know you are wrong.

You do inadvertently reveal what this is all about though.

You liberals like to believe that, as you say, "poor minorities" are always "innocent" and victimized by the evil system, even when it is YOUR system, ie NYC, and you are the brave heroes of the story, standing up to the evil villains.

And to make believe that this story is true, you choose to accept with blind trust, the word of a murderer and rapist.
They were never arrested before or after the attack
They are not only saints, but with $45 million to split, very wealthy saints

They were arrested, tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.

That you libs shit canned that, on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer, shows that you are allied with the criminals and feral animals of the world, against innocent people.

And later found to be completely innocent. Not a “Not Guilty” decision but innocent.

Based on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer.

That was the crux of my point, and you did not address it.

Because you cannot explain why you libs choose to find him a credible source.
They were never arrested before or after the attack
They are not only saints, but with $45 million to split, very wealthy saints

They were arrested, tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.

That you libs shit canned that, on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer, shows that you are allied with the criminals and feral animals of the world, against innocent people.

And later found to be completely innocent. Not a “Not Guilty” decision but innocent.

Based on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer.

That was the crux of my point, and you did not address it.

Because you cannot explain why you libs choose to find him a credible source.

His semen found inside the victims vagina has nothing to do with his word
No it doesn't prove any of that. It proves only that they did not specifically rape the women.

It does not prove they didn't beat her, grope her, which many people said they were there, and were involved.

DNA doesn't exonerate any of those monsters.

No, but when your only evidence for their involvement is coerced confessions that were immediately recanted, and you have absolutely no other evidence - no witnesses, no DNA and the guy you can prove was there said he acted alone, the logical conclusion you can draw is that these poor kids got railroaded.

Unless you are a Trump Cultist who doesn't want to admit Cheeto Jesus got it wrong.

They found grass... hair (not his own hair)... and semen... in the guys underpants.

Everyone.... says he was in this group.

So you are teen boy, in a group of guys that attacked a woman in central park.... and you have grass, hair, and semen on your underpants.

Even the jury members who were interviewed by media after the trial was over, said the confessions were not convincing. It was all the other physical evidence. And by the way, only 4 of the 12 jury members were white. So a ton of racists black people, and other racists minorities, put these kids in prison.

Now I don't know what group 'central park games' were popular in 1989... but I'm not sure what version of 'kick the can' results in you having grass, hair and semen on your underwear.

And by the way, according to the confessions by these guys themselves..... there shouldn't be any DNA evidence from the women.

Each of them said openly that they didn't rape her, but that they attacked her, beat her, and held her down, while other men raped her. My guess is, some were jacking off, watching other men rape this women.

They were most certainly guilty. All of them were absolutely guilty. I didn't need Trump to conclude that. I've always thought they were guilty, because the evidence points to them being guilty, with or without the confessions.

Thank you....the lies about the 5 monsters are just is funny that there is so little real racism in this country that the left wing/democrat/socialists have to make saints out of violent, vile thugs......
They were never arrested before or after the attack
They are not only saints, but with $45 million to split, very wealthy saints

They were arrested, tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.

That you libs shit canned that, on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer, shows that you are allied with the criminals and feral animals of the world, against innocent people.

And later found to be completely innocent. Not a “Not Guilty” decision but innocent.

Based on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer.

That was the crux of my point, and you did not address it.

Because you cannot explain why you libs choose to find him a credible source.

His semen found inside the victims vagina has nothing to do with his word
His semen in the victims vagina doesn't clear the rest of those animals from participating either. White guilt and fear of retribution and a totally corrupt political and judicial system are the causes of this travesty of justice. Trump was right all along.
They were never arrested before or after the attack
They are not only saints, but with $45 million to split, very wealthy saints

They were arrested, tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.

That you libs shit canned that, on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer, shows that you are allied with the criminals and feral animals of the world, against innocent people.

And later found to be completely innocent. Not a “Not Guilty” decision but innocent.

Based on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer.

That was the crux of my point, and you did not address it.

Because you cannot explain why you libs choose to find him a credible source.

His semen found inside the victims vagina has nothing to do with his word
His semen in the victims vagina doesn't clear the rest of those animals from participating either. White guilt and fear of retribution and a totally corrupt political and judicial system are the causes of this travesty of justice. Trump was right all along.

That liberals can seriously claim that "dna" cleared the central park 5, shows that they are utterly disconnected from reality and/or any hint of humanity.
They were never arrested before or after the attack
They are not only saints, but with $45 million to split, very wealthy saints

They were arrested, tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.

That you libs shit canned that, on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer, shows that you are allied with the criminals and feral animals of the world, against innocent people.

And later found to be completely innocent. Not a “Not Guilty” decision but innocent.

Based on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer.

That was the crux of my point, and you did not address it.

Because you cannot explain why you libs choose to find him a credible source.

His semen found inside the victims vagina has nothing to do with his word
His semen in the victims vagina doesn't clear the rest of those animals from participating either. White guilt and fear of retribution and a totally corrupt political and judicial system are the causes of this travesty of justice. Trump was right all along.
Maybe some actual evidence would help your claim

The woman nearly bled to death and was covered in blood. How did the five avoid getting blood on their clothes or shoes?
Why is it that none of the boys identified the guy who was actually doing the raping? They were trying to save their asses, you would think one of them would have mentioned it
They were arrested, tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.

That you libs shit canned that, on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer, shows that you are allied with the criminals and feral animals of the world, against innocent people.

And later found to be completely innocent. Not a “Not Guilty” decision but innocent.

Based on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer.

That was the crux of my point, and you did not address it.

Because you cannot explain why you libs choose to find him a credible source.

His semen found inside the victims vagina has nothing to do with his word
His semen in the victims vagina doesn't clear the rest of those animals from participating either. White guilt and fear of retribution and a totally corrupt political and judicial system are the causes of this travesty of justice. Trump was right all along.

That liberals can seriously claim that "dna" cleared the central park 5, shows that they are utterly disconnected from reality and/or any hint of humanity.
How did five teens manage to participate in such a horrific crime without leaving a hair or any DNA on the scene?
In holding down a battered woman and walking in a blood soaked scene....why didn’t they have a drop of blood on them?
They were arrested, tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.

That you libs shit canned that, on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer, shows that you are allied with the criminals and feral animals of the world, against innocent people.

And later found to be completely innocent. Not a “Not Guilty” decision but innocent.

Based on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer.

That was the crux of my point, and you did not address it.

Because you cannot explain why you libs choose to find him a credible source.

His semen found inside the victims vagina has nothing to do with his word
His semen in the victims vagina doesn't clear the rest of those animals from participating either. White guilt and fear of retribution and a totally corrupt political and judicial system are the causes of this travesty of justice. Trump was right all along.
Maybe some actual evidence would help your claim

The woman nearly bled to death and was covered in blood. How did the five avoid getting blood on their clothes or shoes?
Why is it that none of the boys identified the guy who was actually doing the raping? They were trying to save their asses, you would think one of them would have mentioned it

Dude. Stop watching CSI and thinking that normal police work is like that.

Real crimes don't always have clear cut physical evidence.
And later found to be completely innocent. Not a “Not Guilty” decision but innocent.

Based on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer.

That was the crux of my point, and you did not address it.

Because you cannot explain why you libs choose to find him a credible source.

His semen found inside the victims vagina has nothing to do with his word
His semen in the victims vagina doesn't clear the rest of those animals from participating either. White guilt and fear of retribution and a totally corrupt political and judicial system are the causes of this travesty of justice. Trump was right all along.

That liberals can seriously claim that "dna" cleared the central park 5, shows that they are utterly disconnected from reality and/or any hint of humanity.
How did five teens manage to participate in such a horrific crime without leaving a hair or any DNA on the scene?
In holding down a battered woman and walking in a blood soaked scene....why didn’t they have a drop of blood on them?

Well, the one claimed that he only held down her legs, while other people raped her.

It is easy to imagine that he did not get much/any blood on himself, what with the guys actually forcing themselves on the woman, being in the way.

And any small amount that got on him, could have been wiped away, by the experienced criminal, who did not want to walk around with evidence on his hands.

So, that is one. Admit that one, and we can move onto the one that claimed to only have felt her tits.

Or just do more of the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
Reyes' DNA was found to match the semen samples taken from the victim. No other DNA was found. He even provided other evidence. Whatever gang was marauding that night in the park, they also attacked black and latino victims.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia

Trying to connect anyone to a crime when there is no connecting evidence is idiocy.
And later found to be completely innocent. Not a “Not Guilty” decision but innocent.

Based on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer.

That was the crux of my point, and you did not address it.

Because you cannot explain why you libs choose to find him a credible source.

His semen found inside the victims vagina has nothing to do with his word
His semen in the victims vagina doesn't clear the rest of those animals from participating either. White guilt and fear of retribution and a totally corrupt political and judicial system are the causes of this travesty of justice. Trump was right all along.
Maybe some actual evidence would help your claim

The woman nearly bled to death and was covered in blood. How did the five avoid getting blood on their clothes or shoes?
Why is it that none of the boys identified the guy who was actually doing the raping? They were trying to save their asses, you would think one of them would have mentioned it

Dude. Stop watching CSI and thinking that normal police work is like that.

Real crimes don't always have clear cut physical evidence.

Real criminals do not handle a blood soaked woman without leaving or acquiring a speck of evidence or
participate in rape and “forget” the guy who actually did the raping.
Based on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer.

That was the crux of my point, and you did not address it.

Because you cannot explain why you libs choose to find him a credible source.

His semen found inside the victims vagina has nothing to do with his word
His semen in the victims vagina doesn't clear the rest of those animals from participating either. White guilt and fear of retribution and a totally corrupt political and judicial system are the causes of this travesty of justice. Trump was right all along.

That liberals can seriously claim that "dna" cleared the central park 5, shows that they are utterly disconnected from reality and/or any hint of humanity.
How did five teens manage to participate in such a horrific crime without leaving a hair or any DNA on the scene?
In holding down a battered woman and walking in a blood soaked scene....why didn’t they have a drop of blood on them?

Well, the one claimed that he only held down her legs, while other people raped her.

It is easy to imagine that he did not get much/any blood on himself, what with the guys actually forcing themselves on the woman, being in the way.

And any small amount that got on him, could have been wiped away, by the experienced criminal, who did not want to walk around with evidence on his hands.

So, that is one. Admit that one, and we can move onto the one that claimed to only have felt her tits.

Or just do more of the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
The ground was covered in blood. None of the five had any blood on their clothes or shoes. Three were picked up that night and had no opportunity to change clothes or shower
Based on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer.

That was the crux of my point, and you did not address it.

Because you cannot explain why you libs choose to find him a credible source.

His semen found inside the victims vagina has nothing to do with his word
His semen in the victims vagina doesn't clear the rest of those animals from participating either. White guilt and fear of retribution and a totally corrupt political and judicial system are the causes of this travesty of justice. Trump was right all along.
Maybe some actual evidence would help your claim

The woman nearly bled to death and was covered in blood. How did the five avoid getting blood on their clothes or shoes?
Why is it that none of the boys identified the guy who was actually doing the raping? They were trying to save their asses, you would think one of them would have mentioned it

Dude. Stop watching CSI and thinking that normal police work is like that.

Real crimes don't always have clear cut physical evidence.

Real criminals do not handle a blood soaked woman without leaving or acquiring a speck of evidence or
participate in rape and “forget” the guy who actually did the raping.

Sure they do. And/or they wipe it off later.

Your pretense otherwise, is just you rationalizing your support of rapists and rape.
His semen found inside the victims vagina has nothing to do with his word
His semen in the victims vagina doesn't clear the rest of those animals from participating either. White guilt and fear of retribution and a totally corrupt political and judicial system are the causes of this travesty of justice. Trump was right all along.

That liberals can seriously claim that "dna" cleared the central park 5, shows that they are utterly disconnected from reality and/or any hint of humanity.
How did five teens manage to participate in such a horrific crime without leaving a hair or any DNA on the scene?
In holding down a battered woman and walking in a blood soaked scene....why didn’t they have a drop of blood on them?

Well, the one claimed that he only held down her legs, while other people raped her.

It is easy to imagine that he did not get much/any blood on himself, what with the guys actually forcing themselves on the woman, being in the way.

And any small amount that got on him, could have been wiped away, by the experienced criminal, who did not want to walk around with evidence on his hands.

So, that is one. Admit that one, and we can move onto the one that claimed to only have felt her tits.

Or just do more of the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
The ground was covered in blood. None of the five had any blood on their clothes or shoes. Three were picked up that night and had no opportunity to change clothes or shower

Lots of possible explanations.

I mean, your question implies that you considered possible answers, and thought of reasons they would not work.

So, why not just tell us all the other possible explanations and why you think they would not work, and I will give my opinion on your analysis?
His semen found inside the victims vagina has nothing to do with his word
His semen in the victims vagina doesn't clear the rest of those animals from participating either. White guilt and fear of retribution and a totally corrupt political and judicial system are the causes of this travesty of justice. Trump was right all along.
Maybe some actual evidence would help your claim

The woman nearly bled to death and was covered in blood. How did the five avoid getting blood on their clothes or shoes?
Why is it that none of the boys identified the guy who was actually doing the raping? They were trying to save their asses, you would think one of them would have mentioned it

Dude. Stop watching CSI and thinking that normal police work is like that.

Real crimes don't always have clear cut physical evidence.

Real criminals do not handle a blood soaked woman without leaving or acquiring a speck of evidence or
participate in rape and “forget” the guy who actually did the raping.

Sure they do. And/or they wipe it off later.

Your pretense otherwise, is just you rationalizing your support of rapists and rape.
Wipe it off?

You think you can just wipe off blood and all traces are gone? What about their clothes and shoes?

I condemn the man who actually attacked that poor woman. I also condemn those who would frame innocent boys for a crime they did not commit.

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