Yes...the Central Park 5 were guilty....but they are now left wing saints...

Reyes' DNA was found to match the semen samples taken from the victim. No other DNA was found. He even provided other evidence. Whatever gang was marauding that night in the park, they also attacked black and latino victims.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia

Trying to connect anyone to a crime when there is no connecting evidence is idiocy.

REal life is not CIS.

I don't watch CIS. The only crime shows I watch are true-crime shows like Forensic Files and the occasional rerun of Criminal Minds because of an interest in psychological profiling that began with reading books by John Douglas, who was one of the people involved in founding the FBI unit at Quantico, and forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz.

Incidentally, blood is not easy to wipe away. Even if such an attempt is made, the blood still shows up with Luminol.

Why are you so interested in maintaining that these guys were guilty regardless of what was found and what wasn't?
His semen in the victims vagina doesn't clear the rest of those animals from participating either. White guilt and fear of retribution and a totally corrupt political and judicial system are the causes of this travesty of justice. Trump was right all along.
Maybe some actual evidence would help your claim

The woman nearly bled to death and was covered in blood. How did the five avoid getting blood on their clothes or shoes?
Why is it that none of the boys identified the guy who was actually doing the raping? They were trying to save their asses, you would think one of them would have mentioned it

Dude. Stop watching CSI and thinking that normal police work is like that.

Real crimes don't always have clear cut physical evidence.

Real criminals do not handle a blood soaked woman without leaving or acquiring a speck of evidence or
participate in rape and “forget” the guy who actually did the raping.

Sure they do. And/or they wipe it off later.

Your pretense otherwise, is just you rationalizing your support of rapists and rape.
Wipe it off?

You think you can just wipe off blood and all traces are gone? What about their clothes and shoes?

I condemn the man who actually attacked that poor woman. I also condemn those who would frame innocent boys for a crime they did not commit.

"All traces"? Did they do a full lab study of each kids hands? Is that what you claiming?
Reyes' DNA was found to match the semen samples taken from the victim. No other DNA was found. He even provided other evidence. Whatever gang was marauding that night in the park, they also attacked black and latino victims.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia

Trying to connect anyone to a crime when there is no connecting evidence is idiocy.

REal life is not CIS.

I don't watch CIS. The only crime shows I watch are true-crime shows like Forensic Files and the occasional rerun of Criminal Minds because of an interest in psychological profiling that began with reading books by John Douglas, who was one of the people involved in founding the FBI unit at Quantico, and forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz.

Incidentally, blood is not easy to wipe away. Even if such an attempt is made, the blood still shows up with Luminol.

Why are you so interested in maintaining that these guys were guilty regardless of what was found and what wasn't?

Was luminol used on each criminals hands? How long does blood show up for? Not easy? So it can be done? What does it take? Would pouring half a can of malt liquor over the hands and wiping them on a paper towel do the trick?
Reyes' DNA was found to match the semen samples taken from the victim. No other DNA was found. He even provided other evidence. Whatever gang was marauding that night in the park, they also attacked black and latino victims.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia

Trying to connect anyone to a crime when there is no connecting evidence is idiocy.

REal life is not CIS.

I don't watch CIS. The only crime shows I watch are true-crime shows like Forensic Files and the occasional rerun of Criminal Minds because of an interest in psychological profiling that began with reading books by John Douglas, who was one of the people involved in founding the FBI unit at Quantico, and forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz.

Incidentally, blood is not easy to wipe away. Even if such an attempt is made, the blood still shows up with Luminol.

Why are you so interested in maintaining that these guys were guilty regardless of what was found and what wasn't?

It is obvious "why".
Reyes' DNA was found to match the semen samples taken from the victim. No other DNA was found. He even provided other evidence. Whatever gang was marauding that night in the park, they also attacked black and latino victims.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia

Trying to connect anyone to a crime when there is no connecting evidence is idiocy.

REal life is not CIS.

I don't watch CIS. The only crime shows I watch are true-crime shows like Forensic Files and the occasional rerun of Criminal Minds because of an interest in psychological profiling that began with reading books by John Douglas, who was one of the people involved in founding the FBI unit at Quantico, and forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz.

Incidentally, blood is not easy to wipe away. Even if such an attempt is made, the blood still shows up with Luminol.

Why are you so interested in maintaining that these guys were guilty regardless of what was found and what wasn't?

Was luminol used on each criminals hands? How long does blood show up for? Not easy? So it can be done? What does it take? Would pouring half a can of malt liquor over the hands and wiping them on a paper towel do the trick?

It shows up blood on clothing and shoes. Why are you trying so hard? Do you have an agenda of some sort?

Real perp finally caught and off the streets. Wrongly convicted folks publicly exonerated and compensated for their ordeal. Justice finally served. Win-win.
Reyes' DNA was found to match the semen samples taken from the victim. No other DNA was found. He even provided other evidence. Whatever gang was marauding that night in the park, they also attacked black and latino victims.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia

Trying to connect anyone to a crime when there is no connecting evidence is idiocy.

REal life is not CIS.

I don't watch CIS. The only crime shows I watch are true-crime shows like Forensic Files and the occasional rerun of Criminal Minds because of an interest in psychological profiling that began with reading books by John Douglas, who was one of the people involved in founding the FBI unit at Quantico, and forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz.

Incidentally, blood is not easy to wipe away. Even if such an attempt is made, the blood still shows up with Luminol.

Why are you so interested in maintaining that these guys were guilty regardless of what was found and what wasn't?

Was luminol used on each criminals hands? How long does blood show up for? Not easy? So it can be done? What does it take? Would pouring half a can of malt liquor over the hands and wiping them on a paper towel do the trick?

It shows up blood on clothing and shoes. Why are you trying so hard? Do you have an agenda of some sort?

Real perp finally caught and off the streets. Wrongly convicted folks publicly exonerated and compensated for their ordeal. Justice finally served. Win-win.

They were not wrongly convicted you doofus.....

As to that confession....

The Central Park 5 Were Murderous Thugs - Frontpagemag

In 2002, a convicted serial rapist named Matias Reyes — who was already serving a 33-years-to-life sentence for other felonies but had never been investigated as a suspect in the Central Park jogger case — suddenly confessed to having perpetrated Trisha Meili's April 19, 1989 rape. Authorities quickly confirmed his claim by matching his DNA with the DNA from the semen which had been collected during the original investigation thirteen years earlier. Reyes's confession had no bearing on the prison time that he was already serving, as the statute of limitations regarding the Trisha Meili case had expired.

Reyes was a violent psychopath with a long history of forcing his way into women's apartments and attacking them. In one of those cases, he had raped a then-pregnant woman named Lourdes Gonzalez before stabbing her nine times while her young children were in the next room, listening to their mother suffer and die. And yet now, not only was Reyes confessing to a crime for which he had never even been charged, but he was claiming (falsely) to have acted alone in attacking Trisha Meili in Central Park. Why?

Reyes said he felt guilty that five innocent men had been punished for a crime that he committed.

But those punishments were basically over by the time Reyes made his confession. Four members of the Central Park Five were already out of prison, and the fifth, Kharey Wise, was scheduled to be released very soon. It is simply not believable that a lifelong remorseless monster like Matias Reyes would suddenly have been motivated by a pang of guilt. A much more plausible explanation rests with the well-substantiated fact that Reyes, who had recentlybeen moved to Kharey Wise's prison cellblock, feared Wise's gang and desperately wanted to be transferred to a more secure and hospitable prison location. And sure enough, after he confessed to the rape of Miss Meili, he quickly received the transfer that he wanted.
Reyes' DNA was found to match the semen samples taken from the victim. No other DNA was found. He even provided other evidence. Whatever gang was marauding that night in the park, they also attacked black and latino victims.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia

Trying to connect anyone to a crime when there is no connecting evidence is idiocy.

REal life is not CIS.

I don't watch CIS. The only crime shows I watch are true-crime shows like Forensic Files and the occasional rerun of Criminal Minds because of an interest in psychological profiling that began with reading books by John Douglas, who was one of the people involved in founding the FBI unit at Quantico, and forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz.

Incidentally, blood is not easy to wipe away. Even if such an attempt is made, the blood still shows up with Luminol.

Why are you so interested in maintaining that these guys were guilty regardless of what was found and what wasn't?

Was luminol used on each criminals hands? How long does blood show up for? Not easy? So it can be done? What does it take? Would pouring half a can of malt liquor over the hands and wiping them on a paper towel do the trick?

It shows up blood on clothing and shoes. Why are you trying so hard? Do you have an agenda of some sort?

Real perp finally caught and off the streets. Wrongly convicted folks publicly exonerated and compensated for their ordeal. Justice finally served. Win-win.

The truth is the agenda...... the agenda of people like you is to hide the truth...

The Central Park 5 Were Murderous Thugs - Frontpagemag

Prior to April 19, 1989, the members of the Central Park Five had already burnished their credentials as demons in their respective neighborhoods. Kharey Wise, who supplied the metal pipe that was used to bludgeon Miss Meili, was a crack cocaine user and a gang member who routinely terrorized the tenants of a local housing complex. Antron McCray was well known for his menacing behavior and violent attacks directed against teachers at his school. And Yusef Salaam, who was allegedly the first to pummel Miss Meili's head with Kharey Wise's lead pipe, was fond of robbing people in Central Park. Having been recently suspended from school for weapons possession, Salaam was described by police as the “most vicious” of the five.

When the Central Park Five stood trial the following year for the attack on Trisha Meili, local black newspapers were quick to denounce the court proceedings as a series of racist charades. Harlem pastor Calvin Butts, for his part, complained that “the first thing you do in the United States of America when a white woman is raped, is round up a bunch of black youths.” When the victim, still disfigured and unsteady, went to the courthouse to testify, groups of black demonstrators — led by Al Sharpton — taunted her, calling her a “white slut” and a “filthy white whore,” and claiming that her boyfriend was the real rapist.

Convicted unanimously by racially diverse juries, all five of the defendants went on to serve prison terms ranging from 5 to 12 years for their respective roles in the attack on Miss Meili. The convictions were based primarily on the confessions that the suspects themselves had made when questioned by detectives.
Reyes' DNA was found to match the semen samples taken from the victim. No other DNA was found. He even provided other evidence. Whatever gang was marauding that night in the park, they also attacked black and latino victims.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia

Trying to connect anyone to a crime when there is no connecting evidence is idiocy.

REal life is not CIS.

I don't watch CIS. The only crime shows I watch are true-crime shows like Forensic Files and the occasional rerun of Criminal Minds because of an interest in psychological profiling that began with reading books by John Douglas, who was one of the people involved in founding the FBI unit at Quantico, and forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz.

Incidentally, blood is not easy to wipe away. Even if such an attempt is made, the blood still shows up with Luminol.

Why are you so interested in maintaining that these guys were guilty regardless of what was found and what wasn't?

Was luminol used on each criminals hands? How long does blood show up for? Not easy? So it can be done? What does it take? Would pouring half a can of malt liquor over the hands and wiping them on a paper towel do the trick?

It shows up blood on clothing and shoes. Why are you trying so hard? Do you have an agenda of some sort?

Real perp finally caught and off the streets. Wrongly convicted folks publicly exonerated and compensated for their ordeal. Justice finally served. Win-win.

More truth....

The Central Park Five’s attorneys — as well as Ava DuVernay’s new Netflix series — have tried to portray the five teens as frightened little lambs who were intimidated and coerced by law-enforcement authorities into making false confessions. But in the precinct house after their apprehension, the suspects were loudly singing the rap song “Wild Thing” for an extended period of time while they laughed uproariously about what they had just done to Trisha Meili. When a police officer suggested to Raymond Santana that he should have been out with a girlfriend rather than attacking strangers in Central Park, the boy laughed and replied, “I already got mines.” These are not the words and actions of people trembling in fear.

The coercion theory is further discredited by the fact that the interrogations of McCray, Richardson, and Santana were videotaped and, in compliance with legal requirements for cases involving minors, were conducted in the presence of a parent or guardian. Wise, meanwhile, was already 16 at the time, thus he was unaccompanied by an adult during his videotaped interrogation. Salaam was 15 but had a fake ID listing his age as 16, so his questioning began without a parent or guardian present. But before long, his mother arrived at the precinct and requested that her son be provided with a lawyer; Salaam's confession was not videotaped.

The video footage of McCray, Richardson, Santana, and Wise was damning indeed. Some excerpts:

Antron McCray: “We charged her. We got her on the ground. Everybody started hitting her and stuff. She was on the ground. Everybody stomping and everything. Then we got, each — I grabbed one arm, some other kid grabbed one arm, and we grabbed her legs and stuff. Then we all took turns getting on her, getting on top of her.”

Kevin Richardson: “Raymond [Santana] had her arms, and Steve [Lopez, who accepted a plea bargain rather than face trial] had her legs. He spread it out. And Antron [McCray] got on top, took her panties off.”

Raymond Santana: “He was smacking her. He was saying, ‘Shut up, bitch!’ Just smacking her…. I was grabbing the lady’s tits.”

Kharey Wise: “This was my first rape.”

When investigators at one point asked the fifth suspect, Yusef Salaam, why he had tried to smash the victim's skull, he replied, “It was fun.”

Some additional pieces of evidence also demonstrate that the Central Park Five were very much involved in the attack against Miss Meili:

  • While being driven to the police precinct shortly after his apprehension, Raymond Santana blurted out: “I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel the woman's tits.”
  • Yusef Salaam told a detective who interviewed him: “I was there, but I didn't rape her.”
  • Kevin Richardson — whose underwear was stained with semen, grass, and dirt – told an acquaintance shortly after the attack: “We just raped somebody.”
  • On April 20th, both Kevin Richardson and Raymond Santana independently brought investigators to the precise location where the previous night's attack had occurred. Richardson, for his part, told the detective: “This is where we got her ... where the raping occurred.”
  • In the company of his father, Richardson told investigators that the source of several scratches on his neck had been the fingernails of a desperate Trisha Meili.
  • When Kharey Wise on April 20th went with a detective and an Assistant District Attorney to the scene of the previous night's attack, he said: “Damn, damn that’s a lot of blood. Damn, this is really bad, that’s a lot of blood.... I knew she was bleeding, but I didn’t know how bad she was. It was really dark. I couldn’t see how much blood there was at night.”
  • Wise also told a detective that someone named “Rudy” had fondled the jogger’s breasts and stolen her Walkman. His knowledge about the existence of the Walkman was highly significant, for at that time, not even the police were yet aware that the jogger had been carrying such a device.
  • Two of Wise's friends testified that the day after the attack on Miss Meili, Wise had told them: “You heard about that woman that was beat up and raped in the park last night? That was us!”
  • One of the numerous young people who were arrested for their participation in the various Central Park attacks of April 19th stated, on videotape, that he had heard Raymond Santana and another boy laughing about “how they 'made a woman bleed.'”
In short, there wasn't merely a mountain of evidence indicating that the Central Park Five had participated in the brutalization of Miss Meili. There was an Everest of evidence.
Maybe some actual evidence would help your claim

The woman nearly bled to death and was covered in blood. How did the five avoid getting blood on their clothes or shoes?
Why is it that none of the boys identified the guy who was actually doing the raping? They were trying to save their asses, you would think one of them would have mentioned it

Dude. Stop watching CSI and thinking that normal police work is like that.

Real crimes don't always have clear cut physical evidence.

Real criminals do not handle a blood soaked woman without leaving or acquiring a speck of evidence or
participate in rape and “forget” the guy who actually did the raping.

Sure they do. And/or they wipe it off later.

Your pretense otherwise, is just you rationalizing your support of rapists and rape.
Wipe it off?

You think you can just wipe off blood and all traces are gone? What about their clothes and shoes?

I condemn the man who actually attacked that poor woman. I also condemn those who would frame innocent boys for a crime they did not commit.

"All traces"? Did they do a full lab study of each kids hands? Is that what you claiming?

This is the truth too....

Defenders of the Five point out that the DNA of the semen inside the jogger's cervix did not match that of McCray, Richardson, Santana, Wise, or Salaam — supposedly proving the boys' innocence. But in fact, it proves only that none of those five had actually penetrated the victim's vagina. It does not negate the fact that all five provided vivid testimony proving beyond any doubt that they were part of the vicious horde that had committed one of the most brutal, barbaric attacks in living memory. Nor does it alter the fact that their mere presence in that horde made them legally complicit in Miss Meili's rape. The fact that their semen was not inside the victim's body is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. Authorities always knew that there were other assailants, besides the Five, who had brutalized the victim and gotten away.

Defenders of the Central Park Five likewise point out that no traces of DNA from the boys' hair, sweat, saliva, or skin had been found on the victim either. But as Ann Coulter wrote in 2018: “Today, these kids' DNA would have been found all over the crime scene. But in 1989, DNA was a primitive science. Most cops wouldn't have even bothered collecting samples for DNA tests back then.” Indeed, the development of a national DNA database enabling investigators to identify perpetrators by matching their genetic materials to those collected from other crime scenes, would not even begin until several years later.
Maybe some actual evidence would help your claim

The woman nearly bled to death and was covered in blood. How did the five avoid getting blood on their clothes or shoes?
Why is it that none of the boys identified the guy who was actually doing the raping? They were trying to save their asses, you would think one of them would have mentioned it

Dude. Stop watching CSI and thinking that normal police work is like that.

Real crimes don't always have clear cut physical evidence.

Real criminals do not handle a blood soaked woman without leaving or acquiring a speck of evidence or
participate in rape and “forget” the guy who actually did the raping.

Sure they do. And/or they wipe it off later.

Your pretense otherwise, is just you rationalizing your support of rapists and rape.
Wipe it off?

You think you can just wipe off blood and all traces are gone? What about their clothes and shoes?

I condemn the man who actually attacked that poor woman. I also condemn those who would frame innocent boys for a crime they did not commit.

"All traces"? Did they do a full lab study of each kids hands? Is that what you claiming?


With the crime these boys were accused of, they were thoroughly examined head to toe and their clothes and shoes were examined using the best available techniques
Reyes' DNA was found to match the semen samples taken from the victim. No other DNA was found. He even provided other evidence. Whatever gang was marauding that night in the park, they also attacked black and latino victims.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia

Trying to connect anyone to a crime when there is no connecting evidence is idiocy.

REal life is not CIS.

I don't watch CIS. The only crime shows I watch are true-crime shows like Forensic Files and the occasional rerun of Criminal Minds because of an interest in psychological profiling that began with reading books by John Douglas, who was one of the people involved in founding the FBI unit at Quantico, and forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz.

Incidentally, blood is not easy to wipe away. Even if such an attempt is made, the blood still shows up with Luminol.

Why are you so interested in maintaining that these guys were guilty regardless of what was found and what wasn't?

Was luminol used on each criminals hands? How long does blood show up for? Not easy? So it can be done? What does it take? Would pouring half a can of malt liquor over the hands and wiping them on a paper towel do the trick?

It shows up blood on clothing and shoes. Why are you trying so hard? Do you have an agenda of some sort?

Real perp finally caught and off the streets. Wrongly convicted folks publicly exonerated and compensated for their ordeal. Justice finally served. Win-win.

They were not wrongly convicted you doofus.....

As to that confession....

The Central Park 5 Were Murderous Thugs - Frontpagemag

In 2002, a convicted serial rapist named Matias Reyes — who was already serving a 33-years-to-life sentence for other felonies but had never been investigated as a suspect in the Central Park jogger case — suddenly confessed to having perpetrated Trisha Meili's April 19, 1989 rape. Authorities quickly confirmed his claim by matching his DNA with the DNA from the semen which had been collected during the original investigation thirteen years earlier. Reyes's confession had no bearing on the prison time that he was already serving, as the statute of limitations regarding the Trisha Meili case had expired.

Reyes was a violent psychopath with a long history of forcing his way into women's apartments and attacking them. In one of those cases, he had raped a then-pregnant woman named Lourdes Gonzalez before stabbing her nine times while her young children were in the next room, listening to their mother suffer and die. And yet now, not only was Reyes confessing to a crime for which he had never even been charged, but he was claiming (falsely) to have acted alone in attacking Trisha Meili in Central Park. Why?

Reyes said he felt guilty that five innocent men had been punished for a crime that he committed.

But those punishments were basically over by the time Reyes made his confession. Four members of the Central Park Five were already out of prison, and the fifth, Kharey Wise, was scheduled to be released very soon. It is simply not believable that a lifelong remorseless monster like Matias Reyes would suddenly have been motivated by a pang of guilt. A much more plausible explanation rests with the well-substantiated fact that Reyes, who had recentlybeen moved to Kharey Wise's prison cellblock, feared Wise's gang and desperately wanted to be transferred to a more secure and hospitable prison location. And sure enough, after he confessed to the rape of Miss Meili, he quickly received the transfer that he wanted.

Your link is to a far-right trash mag. What are you trying to prove?
Dude. Stop watching CSI and thinking that normal police work is like that.

Real crimes don't always have clear cut physical evidence.

Real criminals do not handle a blood soaked woman without leaving or acquiring a speck of evidence or
participate in rape and “forget” the guy who actually did the raping.

Sure they do. And/or they wipe it off later.

Your pretense otherwise, is just you rationalizing your support of rapists and rape.
Wipe it off?

You think you can just wipe off blood and all traces are gone? What about their clothes and shoes?

I condemn the man who actually attacked that poor woman. I also condemn those who would frame innocent boys for a crime they did not commit.

"All traces"? Did they do a full lab study of each kids hands? Is that what you claiming?

This is the truth too....

Defenders of the Five point out that the DNA of the semen inside the jogger's cervix did not match that of McCray, Richardson, Santana, Wise, or Salaam — supposedly proving the boys' innocence. But in fact, it proves only that none of those five had actually penetrated the victim's vagina. It does not negate the fact that all five provided vivid testimony proving beyond any doubt that they were part of the vicious horde that had committed one of the most brutal, barbaric attacks in living memory. Nor does it alter the fact that their mere presence in that horde made them legally complicit in Miss Meili's rape. The fact that their semen was not inside the victim's body is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. Authorities always knew that there were other assailants, besides the Five, who had brutalized the victim and gotten away.

Defenders of the Central Park Five likewise point out that no traces of DNA from the boys' hair, sweat, saliva, or skin had been found on the victim either. But as Ann Coulter wrote in 2018: “Today, these kids' DNA would have been found all over the crime scene. But in 1989, DNA was a primitive science. Most cops wouldn't have even bothered collecting samples for DNA tests back then.” Indeed, the development of a national DNA database enabling investigators to identify perpetrators by matching their genetic materials to those collected from other crime scenes, would not even begin until several years later.
False confessions are still false confessions

So much so that any prosecutor given confessions with as many flaws as these would not prosecute. But given the hate and furor generated by this case, they had an easy time convincing a jury.
Morgenthau is your typical crooked NY justice system pussy. What he did was on par with what the correction dept. did with Epstein. The solution is, don't get locked up in a crooked liberal haven like NYC unless you're one of the protected class.
Reyes' DNA was found to match the semen samples taken from the victim. No other DNA was found. He even provided other evidence. Whatever gang was marauding that night in the park, they also attacked black and latino victims.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia

Trying to connect anyone to a crime when there is no connecting evidence is idiocy.

REal life is not CIS.

I don't watch CIS. The only crime shows I watch are true-crime shows like Forensic Files and the occasional rerun of Criminal Minds because of an interest in psychological profiling that began with reading books by John Douglas, who was one of the people involved in founding the FBI unit at Quantico, and forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz.

Incidentally, blood is not easy to wipe away. Even if such an attempt is made, the blood still shows up with Luminol.

Why are you so interested in maintaining that these guys were guilty regardless of what was found and what wasn't?

It is obvious "why".

Agreed. My reflexive siding with victims and society against violent criminals, is very obvious.
Reyes' DNA was found to match the semen samples taken from the victim. No other DNA was found. He even provided other evidence. Whatever gang was marauding that night in the park, they also attacked black and latino victims.

Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia

Trying to connect anyone to a crime when there is no connecting evidence is idiocy.

REal life is not CIS.

I don't watch CIS. The only crime shows I watch are true-crime shows like Forensic Files and the occasional rerun of Criminal Minds because of an interest in psychological profiling that began with reading books by John Douglas, who was one of the people involved in founding the FBI unit at Quantico, and forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz.

Incidentally, blood is not easy to wipe away. Even if such an attempt is made, the blood still shows up with Luminol.

Why are you so interested in maintaining that these guys were guilty regardless of what was found and what wasn't?

Was luminol used on each criminals hands? How long does blood show up for? Not easy? So it can be done? What does it take? Would pouring half a can of malt liquor over the hands and wiping them on a paper towel do the trick?

It shows up blood on clothing and shoes. Why are you trying so hard? Do you have an agenda of some sort?

Real perp finally caught and off the streets. Wrongly convicted folks publicly exonerated and compensated for their ordeal. Justice finally served. Win-win.

That is why. Because there is no connection between the DNA leaving guy being found and trusting his word that he worked alone.

That you pretend there is, is utter madness, that is a threat to the society I live in.
Dude. Stop watching CSI and thinking that normal police work is like that.

Real crimes don't always have clear cut physical evidence.

Real criminals do not handle a blood soaked woman without leaving or acquiring a speck of evidence or
participate in rape and “forget” the guy who actually did the raping.

Sure they do. And/or they wipe it off later.

Your pretense otherwise, is just you rationalizing your support of rapists and rape.
Wipe it off?

You think you can just wipe off blood and all traces are gone? What about their clothes and shoes?

I condemn the man who actually attacked that poor woman. I also condemn those who would frame innocent boys for a crime they did not commit.

"All traces"? Did they do a full lab study of each kids hands? Is that what you claiming?


With the crime these boys were accused of, they were thoroughly examined head to toe and their clothes and shoes were examined using the best available techniques

If it were 5 white guys, Trump worshippers wouldn’t be so sure lol
Morgenthau is your typical crooked NY justice system pussy. What he did was on par with what the correction dept. did with Epstein. The solution is, don't get locked up in a crooked liberal haven like NYC unless you're one of the protected class.
Morgenthau admitted the obvious, that the boys were wrongly convicted
Saints no, but for some reason, the Left isn't into punishing PROVEN innocent people like CRC trumpanzees relish.

They were arrested, tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.

That you libs shit canned that, on the word of a convicted rapist and murderer, shows that you are allied with the criminals and feral animals of the world, against innocent people.

Yes, innocent people, especially those who are poor minorities who are given shitty representation by over-worked, under-funded, public defenders are never wrongly found guilty in a court of law... especially when someone takes out a full page ad announcing that they are not only guilty but that they should be put to death for a non capital offense.

Holy smokes, you've gone to a brand new low of posting and intelligence.

I made a point about how your position is based on trusting the word of a convicted rapist and murderer, and how that shows that you are on the side of the criminals and feral animals of the world, against innocent people.

YOu replied to that post, but did not address my point.

You instead tried to go back to just restating your initial position, without any further or new information.

That is the logical fallacy of Proof by Assertion and, really, at it's most basic level, it is an admission that you know you cannot make your argument, because you know you are wrong.

You do inadvertently reveal what this is all about though.

You liberals like to believe that, as you say, "poor minorities" are always "innocent" and victimized by the evil system, even when it is YOUR system, ie NYC, and you are the brave heroes of the story, standing up to the evil villains.

And to make believe that this story is true, you choose to accept with blind trust, the word of a murderer and rapist.

The Founding Fathers were rapist and murderers? Cause THAT is who's word and who's side I'm on. I'm also most definitely not a liberal as much as you want to build that strawman argument.

Poor minorities are NOT always innocent, however through statistics, YES statistics, they are more often convicted and punished or given harsher punishments, than a white person in court. Those are FACTS. All you have are emotions.

Just curious, how many arrests do you think go to court?

You are the one that doesn't believe in the Constitution and civil rights. What political party do you affiliate yourself with? Communist? Anarchist?

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