Yes...the democrats want all the guns and want to go house to house...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The problem with the democrat debates.....the "Fredo" democrats keep telling the voters the party secrets.....yes, they want the guns, and yes, if they can, they will go house to house to get them...

Dems Want Your Guns... All of The Democrats on Stage in Ohio - The Truth About Guns

The Democrats at Tuesday night’s debate (watch live link) fell all over themselves about how to take your guns. Yes, take your guns. Mandatory confiscations. Put modern sporting rifles into the National Firearms Act registry. Ban magazines. Sue gun makers into bankruptcy. On and on.

How bad is it? “If you’re not going door to door, it’s not really mandatory,” says Julian Castro.

Not a single one of the candidates came even close to defending Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Not even close.
The problem with the democrat debates.....the "Fredo" democrats keep telling the voters the party secrets.....yes, they want the guns, and yes, if they can, they will go house to house to get them...

Dems Want Your Guns... All of The Democrats on Stage in Ohio - The Truth About Guns

The Democrats at Tuesday night’s debate (watch live link) fell all over themselves about how to take your guns. Yes, take your guns. Mandatory confiscations. Put modern sporting rifles into the National Firearms Act registry. Ban magazines. Sue gun makers into bankruptcy. On and on.

How bad is it? “If you’re not going door to door, it’s not really mandatory,” says Julian Castro.

Not a single one of the candidates came even close to defending Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Not even close.
It really is a total clown show on the Democrat side....

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The problem with the democrat debates.....the "Fredo" democrats keep telling the voters the party secrets.....yes, they want the guns, and yes, if they can, they will go house to house to get them...

Dems Want Your Guns... All of The Democrats on Stage in Ohio - The Truth About Guns

The Democrats at Tuesday night’s debate (watch live link) fell all over themselves about how to take your guns. Yes, take your guns. Mandatory confiscations. Put modern sporting rifles into the National Firearms Act registry. Ban magazines. Sue gun makers into bankruptcy. On and on.

How bad is it? “If you’re not going door to door, it’s not really mandatory,” says Julian Castro.

Not a single one of the candidates came even close to defending Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Not even close.

Before November of next year you'll see warren at the range..shotgun in hand and smiling for the cameras
Moody's ran three scenarios
Twice trump wins in a land slide 3rd he does slightly better than 2016
The problem with the democrat debates.....the "Fredo" democrats keep telling the voters the party secrets.....yes, they want the guns, and yes, if they can, they will go house to house to get them...

Dems Want Your Guns... All of The Democrats on Stage in Ohio - The Truth About Guns

The Democrats at Tuesday night’s debate (watch live link) fell all over themselves about how to take your guns. Yes, take your guns. Mandatory confiscations. Put modern sporting rifles into the National Firearms Act registry. Ban magazines. Sue gun makers into bankruptcy. On and on.

How bad is it? “If you’re not going door to door, it’s not really mandatory,” says Julian Castro.

Not a single one of the candidates came even close to defending Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Not even close.

Before November of next year you'll see warren at the range..shotgun in hand and smiling for the cameras
Moody's ran three scenarios
Twice trump wins in a land slide 3rd he does slightly better than 2016
Francis will be there too
When an entire mainstream political party can openly and publicly declare they will without question violate the US Constitution and unilaterally revoke rights , we are already lost.

The narrative has been accepted. It may not be tomorrow, or next year even, but it will happen eventually. It is evidence of a rise in a progressive transformation.
All that was required for evil men to prevail was for good men to do nothing.
Freedom was never "free".
Before November of next year you'll see warren at the range..shotgun in hand and smiling for the cameras
Moody's ran three scenarios
Twice trump wins in a land slide 3rd he does slightly better than 2016

And if he loses and the Left wins ?
Easy to confidently declare he will win...but no one has the future locked down.

I'm saying that, worst case scenario, Americans are not willing to defend their own freedom.
Something the Founding Fathers EXPLICITLY counted on.
The problem with the democrat debates.....the "Fredo" democrats keep telling the voters the party secrets.....yes, they want the guns, and yes, if they can, they will go house to house to get them...

Dems Want Your Guns... All of The Democrats on Stage in Ohio - The Truth About Guns

The Democrats at Tuesday night’s debate (watch live link) fell all over themselves about how to take your guns. Yes, take your guns. Mandatory confiscations. Put modern sporting rifles into the National Firearms Act registry. Ban magazines. Sue gun makers into bankruptcy. On and on.

How bad is it? “If you’re not going door to door, it’s not really mandatory,” says Julian Castro.

Not a single one of the candidates came even close to defending Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Not even close.

IMHO, if any of these D's seizes the Presidency, they should be impeached and arrested on the afternoon of January 20,2021. Bringing in police from one of the sovereign states to arrest the new president and their family could be the key. After all, the D's have been saying no president should be above the law.
Before November of next year you'll see warren at the range..shotgun in hand and smiling for the cameras
Moody's ran three scenarios
Twice trump wins in a land slide 3rd he does slightly better than 2016

And if he loses and the Left wins ?
Easy to confidently declare he will win...but no one has the future locked down.

I'm saying that, worst case scenario, Americans are not willing to defend their own freedom.
Something the Founding Fathers EXPLICITLY counted on.

Well of course but His chances at re-election are looking pretty good

You dont have to preach to me brother ....I'm leaning towards this is probably the USA last election before spicy time is upon us


The problem with the democrat debates.....the "Fredo" democrats keep telling the voters the party secrets.....yes, they want the guns, and yes, if they can, they will go house to house to get them...

Dems Want Your Guns... All of The Democrats on Stage in Ohio - The Truth About Guns

The Democrats at Tuesday night’s debate (watch live link) fell all over themselves about how to take your guns. Yes, take your guns. Mandatory confiscations. Put modern sporting rifles into the National Firearms Act registry. Ban magazines. Sue gun makers into bankruptcy. On and on.

How bad is it? “If you’re not going door to door, it’s not really mandatory,” says Julian Castro.

Not a single one of the candidates came even close to defending Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Not even close.

So where is the video?? You know I get tired of following links and they lead to no where!
The problem with the democrat debates.....the "Fredo" democrats keep telling the voters the party secrets.....yes, they want the guns, and yes, if they can, they will go house to house to get them...

Dems Want Your Guns... All of The Democrats on Stage in Ohio - The Truth About Guns

The Democrats at Tuesday night’s debate (watch live link) fell all over themselves about how to take your guns. Yes, take your guns. Mandatory confiscations. Put modern sporting rifles into the National Firearms Act registry. Ban magazines. Sue gun makers into bankruptcy. On and on.

How bad is it? “If you’re not going door to door, it’s not really mandatory,” says Julian Castro.

Not a single one of the candidates came even close to defending Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Not even close.
It really is a total clown show on the Democrat side....

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Let us, therefore, genuflect at the dignity of the Trump Train.
The problem with the democrat debates.....the "Fredo" democrats keep telling the voters the party secrets.....yes, they want the guns, and yes, if they can, they will go house to house to get them...

Dems Want Your Guns... All of The Democrats on Stage in Ohio - The Truth About Guns

The Democrats at Tuesday night’s debate (watch live link) fell all over themselves about how to take your guns. Yes, take your guns. Mandatory confiscations. Put modern sporting rifles into the National Firearms Act registry. Ban magazines. Sue gun makers into bankruptcy. On and on.

How bad is it? “If you’re not going door to door, it’s not really mandatory,” says Julian Castro.

Not a single one of the candidates came even close to defending Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Not even close.

IMHO, if any of these D's seizes the Presidency, they should be impeached and arrested on the afternoon of January 20,2021. Bringing in police from one of the sovereign states to arrest the new president and their family could be the key. After all, the D's have been saying no president should be above the law.
Spoken like a good, little authoritarian. Go have a cookie.
IMHO, if any of these D's seizes the Presidency, they should be impeached and arrested.

That's not how Tyranny works.
If they seize power....then they will have the power to declare you a terrorist. (and they will no doubt). Even IF Trump wins another term, his time is limited. Then what?

We're so far down the road to tyranny at this point but most still don't get it or are in denial.
We are one election cycle away from collapse and tyrants grabbing power and transforming the USA into a oppressive state, using the military and law enforcement against us.

we've lost nearly every protection against it and the American people have proven time and time again they will do nothing.

The Perfect Storm
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The problem with the democrat debates.....the "Fredo" democrats keep telling the voters the party secrets.....yes, they want the guns, and yes, if they can, they will go house to house to get them...

Dems Want Your Guns... All of The Democrats on Stage in Ohio - The Truth About Guns

The Democrats at Tuesday night’s debate (watch live link) fell all over themselves about how to take your guns. Yes, take your guns. Mandatory confiscations. Put modern sporting rifles into the National Firearms Act registry. Ban magazines. Sue gun makers into bankruptcy. On and on.

How bad is it? “If you’re not going door to door, it’s not really mandatory,” says Julian Castro.

Not a single one of the candidates came even close to defending Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Not even close.

IMHO, if any of these D's seizes the Presidency, they should be impeached and arrested on the afternoon of January 20,2021. Bringing in police from one of the sovereign states to arrest the new president and their family could be the key. After all, the D's have been saying no president should be above the law.
Spoken like a good, little authoritarian. Go have a cookie.
Pretty amazing, coming from one of you
Let us, therefore, genuflect at the dignity of the Trump Train.

You don't get it.

Insane Hatred of President Trump is really hurting the country.

If you look at the man who shot up the Pittsburgh Synagogue. He had huge hatred for President Trump which was his motivation. The fact that Trump was cool with religious freedom for all people was something he could not comprehend and exploded in insanity.

You libs need to be more understanding of your fellow Americans, conservatives would be crazy to get rid of their firearms when they saw what happened to the Jewish community.
The imbeciles on the Left will do no better. They think breaking the country will ultimately lead to their "Utopia" but they are fools and will end up as bad off as those they ridicule today. Proof lies in Venezuela, Cuba and other authoritarian states they also once thought was near "Utopian".

To these fools, "Utopia" is a state where everyone is equally miserable and destitute.
The imbeciles on the Left will do no better. They think breaking the country will ultimately lead to their "Utopia" but they are fools and will end up as bad off as those they ridicule today. Proof lies in Venezuela, Cuba and other authoritarian states they also once thought was near "Utopian".

To these fools, "Utopia" is a state where everyone is equally miserable and destitute.

Libs think that Cuba is a utopia.

And I guess to the Castro Family and other Communist insiders it is.

But what libs fail to realize is that the average lib is suffering like anyone else and even worse. Read the Gulag Archipelago. Listen to Cuban immigrants. "90 miles away they are living like pigs, living in squalor, eating garbage, people telling them what to do"

Its not just "conservatives" who suffer under hyper liberalism.
Let us, therefore, genuflect at the dignity of the Trump Train.

You don't get it.

Insane Hatred of President Trump is really hurting the country.

If you look at the man who shot up the Pittsburgh Synagogue. He had huge hatred for President Trump which was his motivation. The fact that Trump was cool with religious freedom for all people was something he could not comprehend and exploded in insanity.

You libs need to be more understanding of your fellow Americans, conservatives would be crazy to get rid of their firearms when they saw what happened to the Jewish community.
There's nothing 'insane' about it. Trump shows no respect, therefore he gets no respect. He is without honor, nobility, empathy and compassion. He is hated for his words and deeds because his words and deeds exude hate.
Let us, therefore, genuflect at the dignity of the Trump Train.

You don't get it.

Insane Hatred of President Trump is really hurting the country.

If you look at the man who shot up the Pittsburgh Synagogue. He had huge hatred for President Trump which was his motivation. The fact that Trump was cool with religious freedom for all people was something he could not comprehend and exploded in insanity.

You libs need to be more understanding of your fellow Americans, conservatives would be crazy to get rid of their firearms when they saw what happened to the Jewish community.
There's nothing 'insane' about it. Trump shows no respect, therefore he gets no respect. He is without honor, nobility, empathy and compassion. He is hated for his words and deeds because his words and deeds exude hate.

Not true. President Trump shows a huge amount of love for the people.

Further, all of the libs in the running, show a lot of hatred for Normative Americans.

They want to disarm us, they want us to abandon our health insurance and our religions. Out in California, rural people are even being denied electricity.

The libs need to become more accepting that those of us who aren't libs living in gigantic cities still cherish freedom.
The only freedoms libs are concerned about are the freedom to kill their babies and freedom to take it in the caboose. The freedom to bear arms, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, are all defunct.

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