Yes, Thousands of Americans Have Been Killed by Illegal Aliens


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
End this slaughter of Americans by a government that wont do its gawd damned job! Stop the deaths and corporate slave labor by sealing the border and gain control of who is in our country!

Fact Check: Yes, Thousands of Americans Have Been Killed by Illegals

During President Trump’s Oval Office address, the president said, “thousands of Americans” have been killed by illegal aliens in the United States.
“Over the years, thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country, and thousands more lives will be lost if we don’t act right now,” Trump said.

In a fact check by Breitbart News, Trump’s statement proves correct. Former congressman Tom Tancredo noted in 2017 how, between 2011 and 2017 in Texas, alone, there were 1,167 homicide charges against illegal aliens.

Other immigration reformers cite a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report in which they say the research reveals about 12 Americans a day are killed by illegal aliens, though the findings have been challenged by researchers. Immigration reformers have been frustrated for decades by the federal government’s lack of fully quantified data on the number of Americans killed every year by illegal aliens.

Trump mentioned a number of high-profile murder cases in his address, in which illegal aliens have been charged with murdering American citizens and legal immigrants living in the country. The most recent high-profile cases include the alleged illegal alien murder of 33-year-old police officer Ron Singh in California and the alleged killing of 22-year-old Pierce Corcoran in Tennessee by an illegal alien.

Nearly 95 percent of foreign nationals in federal prison are illegal aliens, while the Bureau of Prisons data has revealed that about one-in-five inmates are foreign-born.​


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Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?
Are illegals citizens?

No human being is "illegal" merely for existing, or for where they may currently be standing, or walking for you caravan snowflakes, upon the planet. That nonsensical illusion comes out of a eurocentric conqueror perceptual reality. Ties back into that christiofascist concept of original sin; that there is something wrong with human beings merely for having been born at all. What a colossal mindfuck, this guilt/sin/blame charade which leaves no one with any responsibility for anything at all.
Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?
I always when people use that as some sort of gotcha.
They arent supposed to be here. They arent citizens. Try something else that isnt a fallacy.
It was right below pard.

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?
From what I have read 25% of those in U.S prisons are illegals. We never expected those like you to care. But if you did care, you would probably petition to have half of them released and sent to sanctuary cities.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?
Are illegals citizens?

No human being is "illegal" merely for existing, or for where they may currently be standing, or walking for you caravan snowflakes, upon the planet. That nonsensical illusion comes out of a eurocentric conqueror perceptual reality. Ties back into that christiofascist concept of original sin; that there is something wrong with human beings merely for having been born at all. What a colossal mindfuck, this guilt/sin/blame charade which leaves no one with any responsibility for anything at all.
Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?
I always when people use that as some sort of gotcha.
They arent supposed to be here. They arent citizens. Try something else that isnt a fallacy.
It was right below pard.

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
That has nothing to do with what i said. Thanks for wasting 75 seconds of my life. Asshole
Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?

Dude even you recognize the difference between dealing with citizens who commit murder and having to deal with people who shouldn't 'even be here committing murder.

Well, maybe not, maybe I'm mistaken and dishonesty isn't your problem, stupidity is.
Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?
From what I have read 25% of those in U.S prisons are illegals. We never expected those like you to care. But if you did care, you would probably petition to have half of them released and sent to sanctuary cities.
Perhaps you could share what you read with us, we'll make up our own minds.
Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?

Dude even you recognize the difference between dealing with citizens who commit murder and having to deal with people who shouldn't 'even be here committing murder.

Well, maybe not, maybe I'm mistaken and dishonesty isn't your problem, stupidity is.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET

The Election Circus Begins

"It is January 2019. This signals the start of the 2020 election circus. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is the first big-name Democrat on stage. But we will soon be deluged with candidates, bizarre antics and endless commentary by fatuous TV and radio pundits. The hyperventilating, the constant polling, the updates on who has the largest campaign war chest, the hypothetical matches between this hopeful and that hopeful, the mocking tweets by Donald Trump, will, as we saw in the 2016 election campaign, have as much relevance to our lives and political future as the speculation on cable sports channels about next year’s football season. This farce takes the place of genuine political life.

It costs a lot of money to mount this spectacle. Our corporate masters, like the oligarchic rulers of ancient Rome who poured money into the arena as they stripped the empire and its citizens of their assets, are happy to oblige. The campaign sustains the fiction of a democracy and gives legitimacy to the corporate state. Maybe Hillary Clinton, who raised $1 billion in her 2016 run for president, will return for another season, although the Bill and Hillary tour is now a debacle with empty seats and slashed ticket prices. Maybe Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders will make comebacks. And what about the new faces in the scramble for the presidency—Beto O’Rourke, former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., former Housing Secretary Julian Castro, Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and the billionaires Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg?

It is a political version of the reality television show “Survivor.” Who will be the first knocked out? Who will make it into the semifinals and the finals? Who is the most devious and cunning? Who will come out on top? We get to vote for the contestants that appeal to us most, or at least vote against those we hate the most. The cable news shows, in a prelude to the nonstop idiocy to come, have spent the last few days speculating about whom Mitt Romney will endorse in the 2020 race. Now, there’s a burning question of national importance.

To take power in 2021 in lieu of any real policy changes, the Democratic Party is banking on the deep animus toward President Trump. It has no intention of instituting genuine populist programs, rebuilding unions, funding universal health care, providing free college tuition or curbing the criminal activities of the corporations and the big banks. The war machine will continue to wage endless war and consume half of all discretionary spending. The vaunted new populist members of Congress will be no more than window dressing, trotted out, like Sanders, to trick voters into thinking the Democratic Party is capable of reform. Most voters, for this reason, are “voting out of loathing, against enemies and against the system in general, not really for anybody,” as journalist Matt Taibbi points out.

Working men and women especially despise the slick-talking politicians—including the Clintons and Barack Obama—and the “experts” and well-groomed pundits on their screens who sold them the con that deindustrialization, deregulation, austerity, bailing out the banks, nearly two decades of constant war, the exporting of jobs overseas, tax cuts for the rich and the impoverishment of the working class were forms of progress. Trump hangs on to the support of white working Americans because he expresses through his adolescent insults and dynamiting of political norms the legitimate hatred they feel toward the well-heeled, college-educated ruling elites who sold them out. The Democrats, at the same time, understand that it takes someone as revolting as Trump to fire up their lethargic base, a group in which millions do not vote. They cling to a tactic of “anybody but Trump” even though it did not work in 2016.

The corporate media ignores issues and policies, since there is little genuine disagreement among the candidates, and presents the race as a beauty contest. The fundamental question the press asks is not what do the candidates stand for but whom do the voters like. As for now, Warren—the only nationally known Democrat except Julian Castro to form an exploratory committee for a presidential bid—is not winning this popularity contest. A CNN/Des Moines Register Iowa poll—yes, polling in Iowa already has begun—puts her fourth, with only 8 percent of support among the Democrats surveyed, behind Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Beto O’Rourke.

Our corporate rulers do not need to denounce democracy. Democratic laws, such as who can fund campaigns, have been subverted from within, their original purposes redefined by the courts and legislative bodies to serve corporate power. This managed democracy has transformed elections from the simple, straightforward process of voting for a party platform or party positions to vast, choreographed theatrical productions. Politicians run on “moral” issues and use public relations experts to create manufactured personalities. Trump, his image constructed by a reality television show, proved more adept than his rivals at playing this game the last time around.

Politicians must stick to the script. They have well-defined roles. They express a suffocating, reality-defying positivism about the future of America. They are steadfast in their obsequious praise of the nation’s “heroes” in the military and law enforcement. They are silent about the crimes of empire. They ignore the plight of the poor; indeed the word “poor” is banished from their vocabulary. They pretend we do not live in a corporate oligarchy, although they acknowledge amorphous attacks on the middle class and promise to stem the assault. They exude a cloying feel-your-pain compassion that revolves around personal stories of the hardships they overcame in their own lives to become “successes”—the most ludicrous being Trump’s claimthat he turned a “very small” loan from his father into a multibillion-dollar real estate empire. They telegraph to us that they are one of us. We can be like them. They trot out their wives, husbands and children, even when a spouse like Melania Trump looks as if she has been taken hostage, to portray themselves as family men and women. They claim they are outsiders, ignoring their long political careers and their status as members of the wealthy ruling elite. They are no different from the array of self-help gurus who ignore systemic injustice and social decay to peddle schemes for personal success. The formula is universal. It is the triumph of artifice, what Benjamin DeMott called “junk politics.”

Those who do not play this game, like Ralph Nader, or who like Sanders play it begrudgingly—Sanders refused corporate money, has called for reforming “the bloated and wasteful $716 billion annual Pentagon budget” and addresses issues of class—are ridiculed and marginalized by a monochromatic corporate media that banishes qualification, ambiguity, nuance and genuine dialogue. Trump’s success as a candidate came, in large part, because of the constant media attention he received. Those like Sanders who attempt to defy the rules of the game are punished. The goal is entertainment. Politicians who are good entertainers do well. The poor entertainers do badly. The networks seek to attract viewers and increase profits, not disseminate information about political issues. Voters have little or no say in who decides to run, who gets funded, how campaigns are managed, what television ads say, which candidates get covered by the press or who gets invited to presidential debates. They are spectators, pawns used to legitimize political farce."

The Election Circus Begins

Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?
From what I have read 25% of those in U.S prisons are illegals. We never expected those like you to care. But if you did care, you would probably petition to have half of them released and sent to sanctuary cities.
Perhaps you could share what you read with us, we'll make up our own minds.

As if Democrats care about facts. We already know they don't. Proven when Nancy Pelosi told Nielson "I don't accept your facts"

But, just in case, here are the stats. FULLY 26% of all federal inmates are illegal aliens. From the DOJ itself

DOJ: 26% of Federal Prisoners Are Aliens
Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?
I always when people use that as some sort of gotcha.
They arent supposed to be here. They arent citizens. Try something else that isnt a fallacy.
It was right below pard.

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
That has nothing to do with what i said. Thanks for wasting 75 seconds of my life. Asshole
So much for your anti-fallacy crusade.
Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?
From what I have read 25% of those in U.S prisons are illegals. We never expected those like you to care. But if you did care, you would probably petition to have half of them released and sent to sanctuary cities.
Actually it’s 26 per cent. Another huge drain on the American taxpayers! Yes indeed. Cut off all foreign aid.
Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?
From what I have read 25% of those in U.S prisons are illegals. We never expected those like you to care. But if you did care, you would probably petition to have half of them released and sent to sanctuary cities.
actually it is 26%. Another huge drain on the 50% of Americans who pay taxes!

DOJ: 26% of Federal Prisoners Are Aliens
Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?

Dude even you recognize the difference between dealing with citizens who commit murder and having to deal with people who shouldn't 'even be here committing murder.

Well, maybe not, maybe I'm mistaken and dishonesty isn't your problem, stupidity is.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET

The Election Circus Begins

"It is January 2019. This signals the start of the 2020 election circus. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is the first big-name Democrat on stage. But we will soon be deluged with candidates, bizarre antics and endless commentary by fatuous TV and radio pundits. The hyperventilating, the constant polling, the updates on who has the largest campaign war chest, the hypothetical matches between this hopeful and that hopeful, the mocking tweets by Donald Trump, will, as we saw in the 2016 election campaign, have as much relevance to our lives and political future as the speculation on cable sports channels about next year’s football season. This farce takes the place of genuine political life.

It costs a lot of money to mount this spectacle. Our corporate masters, like the oligarchic rulers of ancient Rome who poured money into the arena as they stripped the empire and its citizens of their assets, are happy to oblige. The campaign sustains the fiction of a democracy and gives legitimacy to the corporate state. Maybe Hillary Clinton, who raised $1 billion in her 2016 run for president, will return for another season, although the Bill and Hillary tour is now a debacle with empty seats and slashed ticket prices. Maybe Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders will make comebacks. And what about the new faces in the scramble for the presidency—Beto O’Rourke, former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., former Housing Secretary Julian Castro, Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and the billionaires Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg?

It is a political version of the reality television show “Survivor.” Who will be the first knocked out? Who will make it into the semifinals and the finals? Who is the most devious and cunning? Who will come out on top? We get to vote for the contestants that appeal to us most, or at least vote against those we hate the most. The cable news shows, in a prelude to the nonstop idiocy to come, have spent the last few days speculating about whom Mitt Romney will endorse in the 2020 race. Now, there’s a burning question of national importance.

To take power in 2021 in lieu of any real policy changes, the Democratic Party is banking on the deep animus toward President Trump. It has no intention of instituting genuine populist programs, rebuilding unions, funding universal health care, providing free college tuition or curbing the criminal activities of the corporations and the big banks. The war machine will continue to wage endless war and consume half of all discretionary spending. The vaunted new populist members of Congress will be no more than window dressing, trotted out, like Sanders, to trick voters into thinking the Democratic Party is capable of reform. Most voters, for this reason, are “voting out of loathing, against enemies and against the system in general, not really for anybody,” as journalist Matt Taibbi points out.

Working men and women especially despise the slick-talking politicians—including the Clintons and Barack Obama—and the “experts” and well-groomed pundits on their screens who sold them the con that deindustrialization, deregulation, austerity, bailing out the banks, nearly two decades of constant war, the exporting of jobs overseas, tax cuts for the rich and the impoverishment of the working class were forms of progress. Trump hangs on to the support of white working Americans because he expresses through his adolescent insults and dynamiting of political norms the legitimate hatred they feel toward the well-heeled, college-educated ruling elites who sold them out. The Democrats, at the same time, understand that it takes someone as revolting as Trump to fire up their lethargic base, a group in which millions do not vote. They cling to a tactic of “anybody but Trump” even though it did not work in 2016.

The corporate media ignores issues and policies, since there is little genuine disagreement among the candidates, and presents the race as a beauty contest. The fundamental question the press asks is not what do the candidates stand for but whom do the voters like. As for now, Warren—the only nationally known Democrat except Julian Castro to form an exploratory committee for a presidential bid—is not winning this popularity contest. A CNN/Des Moines Register Iowa poll—yes, polling in Iowa already has begun—puts her fourth, with only 8 percent of support among the Democrats surveyed, behind Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Beto O’Rourke.

Our corporate rulers do not need to denounce democracy. Democratic laws, such as who can fund campaigns, have been subverted from within, their original purposes redefined by the courts and legislative bodies to serve corporate power. This managed democracy has transformed elections from the simple, straightforward process of voting for a party platform or party positions to vast, choreographed theatrical productions. Politicians run on “moral” issues and use public relations experts to create manufactured personalities. Trump, his image constructed by a reality television show, proved more adept than his rivals at playing this game the last time around.

Politicians must stick to the script. They have well-defined roles. They express a suffocating, reality-defying positivism about the future of America. They are steadfast in their obsequious praise of the nation’s “heroes” in the military and law enforcement. They are silent about the crimes of empire. They ignore the plight of the poor; indeed the word “poor” is banished from their vocabulary. They pretend we do not live in a corporate oligarchy, although they acknowledge amorphous attacks on the middle class and promise to stem the assault. They exude a cloying feel-your-pain compassion that revolves around personal stories of the hardships they overcame in their own lives to become “successes”—the most ludicrous being Trump’s claimthat he turned a “very small” loan from his father into a multibillion-dollar real estate empire. They telegraph to us that they are one of us. We can be like them. They trot out their wives, husbands and children, even when a spouse like Melania Trump looks as if she has been taken hostage, to portray themselves as family men and women. They claim they are outsiders, ignoring their long political careers and their status as members of the wealthy ruling elite. They are no different from the array of self-help gurus who ignore systemic injustice and social decay to peddle schemes for personal success. The formula is universal. It is the triumph of artifice, what Benjamin DeMott called “junk politics.”

Those who do not play this game, like Ralph Nader, or who like Sanders play it begrudgingly—Sanders refused corporate money, has called for reforming “the bloated and wasteful $716 billion annual Pentagon budget” and addresses issues of class—are ridiculed and marginalized by a monochromatic corporate media that banishes qualification, ambiguity, nuance and genuine dialogue. Trump’s success as a candidate came, in large part, because of the constant media attention he received. Those like Sanders who attempt to defy the rules of the game are punished. The goal is entertainment. Politicians who are good entertainers do well. The poor entertainers do badly. The networks seek to attract viewers and increase profits, not disseminate information about political issues. Voters have little or no say in who decides to run, who gets funded, how campaigns are managed, what television ads say, which candidates get covered by the press or who gets invited to presidential debates. They are spectators, pawns used to legitimize political farce."

The Election Circus Begins

I don't give a crap about your one year old Trump bashing article
Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?
From what I have read 25% of those in U.S prisons are illegals. We never expected those like you to care. But if you did care, you would probably petition to have half of them released and sent to sanctuary cities.
Perhaps you could share what you read with us, we'll make up our own minds.

As if Democrats care about facts. We already know they don't. Proven when Nancy Pelosi told Nielson "I don't accept your facts"

But, just in case, here are the stats. FULLY 26% of all federal inmates are illegal aliens. From the DOJ itself

DOJ: 26% of Federal Prisoners Are Aliens

Accept their wages and working conditions so your economic system doesn't need them to float the illusion of capitalism on. Simple.
Take a census of the prison population. How many illegals are in our prisons for murder.
How many citizens are in our prisons for murder?

Dude even you recognize the difference between dealing with citizens who commit murder and having to deal with people who shouldn't 'even be here committing murder.

Well, maybe not, maybe I'm mistaken and dishonesty isn't your problem, stupidity is.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET

The Election Circus Begins

"It is January 2019. This signals the start of the 2020 election circus. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is the first big-name Democrat on stage. But we will soon be deluged with candidates, bizarre antics and endless commentary by fatuous TV and radio pundits. The hyperventilating, the constant polling, the updates on who has the largest campaign war chest, the hypothetical matches between this hopeful and that hopeful, the mocking tweets by Donald Trump, will, as we saw in the 2016 election campaign, have as much relevance to our lives and political future as the speculation on cable sports channels about next year’s football season. This farce takes the place of genuine political life.

It costs a lot of money to mount this spectacle. Our corporate masters, like the oligarchic rulers of ancient Rome who poured money into the arena as they stripped the empire and its citizens of their assets, are happy to oblige. The campaign sustains the fiction of a democracy and gives legitimacy to the corporate state. Maybe Hillary Clinton, who raised $1 billion in her 2016 run for president, will return for another season, although the Bill and Hillary tour is now a debacle with empty seats and slashed ticket prices. Maybe Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders will make comebacks. And what about the new faces in the scramble for the presidency—Beto O’Rourke, former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., former Housing Secretary Julian Castro, Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and the billionaires Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg?

It is a political version of the reality television show “Survivor.” Who will be the first knocked out? Who will make it into the semifinals and the finals? Who is the most devious and cunning? Who will come out on top? We get to vote for the contestants that appeal to us most, or at least vote against those we hate the most. The cable news shows, in a prelude to the nonstop idiocy to come, have spent the last few days speculating about whom Mitt Romney will endorse in the 2020 race. Now, there’s a burning question of national importance.

To take power in 2021 in lieu of any real policy changes, the Democratic Party is banking on the deep animus toward President Trump. It has no intention of instituting genuine populist programs, rebuilding unions, funding universal health care, providing free college tuition or curbing the criminal activities of the corporations and the big banks. The war machine will continue to wage endless war and consume half of all discretionary spending. The vaunted new populist members of Congress will be no more than window dressing, trotted out, like Sanders, to trick voters into thinking the Democratic Party is capable of reform. Most voters, for this reason, are “voting out of loathing, against enemies and against the system in general, not really for anybody,” as journalist Matt Taibbi points out.

Working men and women especially despise the slick-talking politicians—including the Clintons and Barack Obama—and the “experts” and well-groomed pundits on their screens who sold them the con that deindustrialization, deregulation, austerity, bailing out the banks, nearly two decades of constant war, the exporting of jobs overseas, tax cuts for the rich and the impoverishment of the working class were forms of progress. Trump hangs on to the support of white working Americans because he expresses through his adolescent insults and dynamiting of political norms the legitimate hatred they feel toward the well-heeled, college-educated ruling elites who sold them out. The Democrats, at the same time, understand that it takes someone as revolting as Trump to fire up their lethargic base, a group in which millions do not vote. They cling to a tactic of “anybody but Trump” even though it did not work in 2016.

The corporate media ignores issues and policies, since there is little genuine disagreement among the candidates, and presents the race as a beauty contest. The fundamental question the press asks is not what do the candidates stand for but whom do the voters like. As for now, Warren—the only nationally known Democrat except Julian Castro to form an exploratory committee for a presidential bid—is not winning this popularity contest. A CNN/Des Moines Register Iowa poll—yes, polling in Iowa already has begun—puts her fourth, with only 8 percent of support among the Democrats surveyed, behind Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Beto O’Rourke.

Our corporate rulers do not need to denounce democracy. Democratic laws, such as who can fund campaigns, have been subverted from within, their original purposes redefined by the courts and legislative bodies to serve corporate power. This managed democracy has transformed elections from the simple, straightforward process of voting for a party platform or party positions to vast, choreographed theatrical productions. Politicians run on “moral” issues and use public relations experts to create manufactured personalities. Trump, his image constructed by a reality television show, proved more adept than his rivals at playing this game the last time around.

Politicians must stick to the script. They have well-defined roles. They express a suffocating, reality-defying positivism about the future of America. They are steadfast in their obsequious praise of the nation’s “heroes” in the military and law enforcement. They are silent about the crimes of empire. They ignore the plight of the poor; indeed the word “poor” is banished from their vocabulary. They pretend we do not live in a corporate oligarchy, although they acknowledge amorphous attacks on the middle class and promise to stem the assault. They exude a cloying feel-your-pain compassion that revolves around personal stories of the hardships they overcame in their own lives to become “successes”—the most ludicrous being Trump’s claimthat he turned a “very small” loan from his father into a multibillion-dollar real estate empire. They telegraph to us that they are one of us. We can be like them. They trot out their wives, husbands and children, even when a spouse like Melania Trump looks as if she has been taken hostage, to portray themselves as family men and women. They claim they are outsiders, ignoring their long political careers and their status as members of the wealthy ruling elite. They are no different from the array of self-help gurus who ignore systemic injustice and social decay to peddle schemes for personal success. The formula is universal. It is the triumph of artifice, what Benjamin DeMott called “junk politics.”

Those who do not play this game, like Ralph Nader, or who like Sanders play it begrudgingly—Sanders refused corporate money, has called for reforming “the bloated and wasteful $716 billion annual Pentagon budget” and addresses issues of class—are ridiculed and marginalized by a monochromatic corporate media that banishes qualification, ambiguity, nuance and genuine dialogue. Trump’s success as a candidate came, in large part, because of the constant media attention he received. Those like Sanders who attempt to defy the rules of the game are punished. The goal is entertainment. Politicians who are good entertainers do well. The poor entertainers do badly. The networks seek to attract viewers and increase profits, not disseminate information about political issues. Voters have little or no say in who decides to run, who gets funded, how campaigns are managed, what television ads say, which candidates get covered by the press or who gets invited to presidential debates. They are spectators, pawns used to legitimize political farce."

The Election Circus Begins

I don't give a crap about your one year old Trump bashing article
If you had learned to read you would know it's not torching Don. But the power structure knows americans won't read, but will hide in the grand american dream. All the system needs to do is continue with spectacle and illusion as we the people beg to be walled in.

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