Yes, You're A Communist

I own property, PolticalChic doesn't,

and she thinks I'M the Communist.

Lots of communists own property. The.problem is that they lie, cheat, steal and kill to get it.
\BWHAHAHAHAHAHA. And the capitalist are just darling little angels who worked hard and made their immense fortunes by being kind and nice! Stop it already… Stop it!
Irrelevant. Moron made the argument that commies don't accumulate property, which is, of.course, a lie.
I own property, PolticalChic doesn't,

and she thinks I'M the Communist.

Lots of communists own property. The.problem is that they lie, cheat, steal and kill to get it.
\BWHAHAHAHAHAHA. And the capitalist are just darling little angels who worked hard and made their immense fortunes by being kind and nice! Stop it already… Stop it!
Irrelevant. Moron made the argument that commies don't accumulate property, which is, of.course, a lie.
Where did you read that? I haven't seen anyone post that here.
You didn't read nyc's statement that he couldn't be a commie because he owned property?

Which was included in my post?

oh wait, you're a commie, so you're a liar.
You didn't read nyc's statement that he couldn't be a commie because he owned property?

Which was included in my post?

oh wait, you're a commie, so you're a liar.

I am far more of a capitalist than I am a commie and I am not a liar either. Now are you an Ogre or a troll. As ugly as your disposition is, I'd have to say the former is likely the best physical description of you as well!
I own property, PolticalChic doesn't,

and she thinks I'M the Communist.

Lots of communists own property. The.problem is that they lie, cheat, steal and kill to get it.
\BWHAHAHAHAHAHA. And the capitalist are just darling little angels who worked hard and made their immense fortunes by being kind and nice! Stop it already… Stop it!

No one said capitalists were "nice." However, they do have to follow the law. Socialists, on the other hand, are the law. Under socialism the people in charge are the only ones who enjoy the wealth, and they cheat, steal and kill people on an industrial scale.
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You didn't read nyc's statement that he couldn't be a commie because he owned property?

Which was included in my post?

oh wait, you're a commie, so you're a liar.

I am far more of a capitalist than I am a commie and I am not a liar either. Now are you an Ogre or a troll. As ugly as your disposition is, I'd have to say the former is likely the best physical description of you as well!
Of course you're a liar. And you are either a commie, or you aren't. There are no degrees of communism. Whatbyou are telling me is that you mouth the lhraseology of communism, but don't want to adhere to it yourself. Which is the bottom line for all commies. Theyblove it when they're stealing shit and killing people they don't like...but when they're the ones being killed and stolen from, suddenly they're only a LITTLE bit commie.
you don't really believe that nonsense, do you?

like i said....a knowledge of political and economic theory and actual definitions of actual words is pretty important.

people on the right seem to have trouble with those concepts.

The "Duck Test" applies....
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

but you can't describe an elephant and then call it a duck.

knowledge is important. get some.

"...knowledge is important. get some."

And....speaking of 'knowledge'......

Post #890 certainly silenced you, huh?

I must have done another masterful job!

Go, me!
Of course, when you put someone to sleep, the person is silent (unless she/he snores!).

the cut and paste queen is desperate for attention and validation.

Poor dear.....your memory isn't what it used to be......
You should try B12 shots....

Earlier you stated that my claim that you Democrats subscribe to the very same designs as the Communist Party, that that was conflating ducks and elephants ( if you were brighter, you would have said ducks and donkeys....).....

I responded thus:

Watch, and note the consubstantial basis of both the aims of the Communist Party and the Democrat Party: is ...extraordinary.....the correspondence between the aims of the communist party and the aims of the Democrats.....

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. . Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

Now....wouldn't an honest appraisal agree that all or almost all are clearly the aims and direction of Democrats/Liberals/Progressive leaders?

I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

You might take a look at this one, too.
10 planks of Communist manifesto
Communist Manifesto 10 Planks

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

"Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street"
Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street - Shadowproof

And this:

"Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too.Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917(Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately."
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

They didn't call it ObamaCare....

....we are now free of that inordinate fear of communism.... Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME - Address at Commencement Exercises at the University

President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at atown hall eventin Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]

Now...focus like a laser: is there anything in my analysis ......anything.....that you'd care to dispute?


Well, then....QED.....Democrat Party is,for all intents and purposes....the Communist Party.

Oh....and have a Happy Mother's Day!
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She has problems with race, religion, ethnicity, nationalism, political speech. I doubt she is a Nazi, but I do believe she would be inflamed with Mussolini if she were alive at that time.

Using her own crazy guilt by association ideas and other fallacious arguments, she is definitely a Nazi. lol
Except she isn't a big government supporter....
To get her views into policy, yes, she would spin on a dime.
At what point does one qualify as a Communist?

Support of a specific top marginal income tax rate? Which one? Support of a specific department?

Let's get specific here, instead of the standard talk show platitudes.
Just trying again...
JQPublic1 cleans Norman's clock and all Normal can is attack the messenger..

Negro Chattel Slavery was indeed capitalistic in America, and those industries that depended on and supported the insitution were capitalistic as well.

To use the term "economic wage slavery" is quite accurate a term for those in our economy who do not have freedom of action to improve their working conditions or wages for various reasons controlled by business.
Here's the easy way to tell.
They get up at the same time to the second.
They shower at the same time.
They eat the same exact thing-at the same time.
They walk in step with one another like machinery.
They dress exactly the same.
They cut their hair as close to exactly the same as is genetically-physically possible.
The earn the exact same pay as the others in the same line.
They speak at exactly the same time, say exactly what they are told to say.
They will do anything they are told with zero thought or questioning the order or reason.
They love a piece of fucking cloth more than their own life.

They're so fucking stupid they think what they do every day is "fighting communism".
I own property, PolticalChic doesn't,

and she thinks I'M the Communist.

Lots of communists own property. The.problem is that they lie, cheat, steal and kill to get it.
\BWHAHAHAHAHAHA. And the capitalist are just darling little angels who worked hard and made their immense fortunes by being kind and nice! Stop it already… Stop it!

No one said capitalists were "nice." However, they do have to follow the law. Socialists, on the other hand, are the law. Under socialism the people in charge are the only ones who enjoy the wealth, and they cheat, steal and kill people on an industrial scale.

I can't name an American group that collects social security or other social benefits that has done any of those things. Many, like me, are veterans or retired military. I answered the call during the Vietnam era when a lot of you or your fathers took their sorry asses to Canada. I deserve anything I get…I fought for it. I paid my dues. So if I want to be a socialist or any god damn thing else I choose to be I will very well fucking do it. I loved my country enough to fight for it and I don't think a Communist would do it. In fact, a lot of you fucking cowardly capitalists didn't do it either. So get off my case until YOU meet the challenge like I did. Until then, you have no right to judge me. I am that I am and I don't give a damn: Sincerely… from a capitalist/socialist who loved America enough to fight and die for if I needed to!
You didn't read nyc's statement that he couldn't be a commie because he owned property?

Which was included in my post?

oh wait, you're a commie, so you're a liar.

I am far more of a capitalist than I am a commie and I am not a liar either. Now are you an Ogre or a troll. As ugly as your disposition is, I'd have to say the former is likely the best physical description of you as well!
Of course you're a liar. And you are either a commie, or you aren't. There are no degrees of communism. Whatbyou are telling me is that you mouth the lhraseology of communism, but don't want to adhere to it yourself. Which is the bottom line for all commies. Theyblove it when they're stealing shit and killing people they don't like...but when they're the ones being killed and stolen from, suddenly they're only a LITTLE bit commie.
See post 934. You will learn who and what I REALLY am!
I own property, PolticalChic doesn't,

and she thinks I'M the Communist.

Lots of communists own property. The.problem is that they lie, cheat, steal and kill to get it.
\BWHAHAHAHAHAHA. And the capitalist are just darling little angels who worked hard and made their immense fortunes by being kind and nice! Stop it already… Stop it!

No one said capitalists were "nice." However, they do have to follow the law. Socialists, on the other hand, are the law. Under socialism the people in charge are the only ones who enjoy the wealth, and they cheat, steal and kill people on an industrial scale.

I can't name an American group that collects social security or other social benefits that has done any of those things.

Are you kidding? Social Security itself is cheating and stealing on a vast scale. It's a swindle. Furthermore, it has turned into a means for the old to squeeze the young for a major portion of their productive lives.

Many, like me, are veterans or retired military. I answered the call during the Vietnam era when a lot of you or your fathers took their sorry asses to Canada. I deserve anything I get…I fought for it. I paid my dues.

You "deserve anything you get?" That's the battle cry of a thief if I've ever heard. What does serving in Vietnam have to do with Social Security? Everyone who didn't serve in Vietnam also collects it. Are you claiming they aren't entitled to it? Your "logic" needs a lot of work.

So if I want to be a socialist or any god damn thing else I choose to be I will very well fucking do it. I loved my country enough to fight for it and I don't think a Communist would do it. In fact, a lot of you fucking cowardly capitalists didn't do it either. So get off my case until YOU meet the challenge like I did. Until then, you have no right to judge me. I am that I am and I don't give a damn: Sincerely… from a capitalist/socialist who loved America enough to fight and die for if I needed to!

You can be a child molester if you want to. That doesn't mean you have some kind of right to molest children. You also don't have any right to the income I earn. None. I'm not the one who sent you to Vietnam, so I fail to see how the fact that someone else did places any obligations on me.

If you want me to get off your case, then quit claiming you have a right to loot me.
You didn't read nyc's statement that he couldn't be a commie because he owned property?

Which was included in my post?

oh wait, you're a commie, so you're a liar.

I am far more of a capitalist than I am a commie and I am not a liar either. Now are you an Ogre or a troll. As ugly as your disposition is, I'd have to say the former is likely the best physical description of you as well!
Of course you're a liar. And you are either a commie, or you aren't. There are no degrees of communism. Whatbyou are telling me is that you mouth the lhraseology of communism, but don't want to adhere to it yourself. Which is the bottom line for all commies. Theyblove it when they're stealing shit and killing people they don't like...but when they're the ones being killed and stolen from, suddenly they're only a LITTLE bit commie.
See post 934. You will learn who and what I REALLY am!
You didn't read nyc's statement that he couldn't be a commie because he owned property?

Which was included in my post?

oh wait, you're a commie, so you're a liar.

I am far more of a capitalist than I am a commie and I am not a liar either. Now are you an Ogre or a troll. As ugly as your disposition is, I'd have to say the former is likely the best physical description of you as well!
Of course you're a liar. And you are either a commie, or you aren't. There are no degrees of communism. Whatbyou are telling me is that you mouth the lhraseology of communism, but don't want to adhere to it yourself. Which is the bottom line for all commies. Theyblove it when they're stealing shit and killing people they don't like...but when they're the ones being killed and stolen from, suddenly they're only a LITTLE bit commie.
See post 934. You will learn who and what I REALLY am!
er...communists dont fight? So there have never been commie armies??

No, I had you pegged.correctly. And many were drafted for the viet nam war.
Social Security itself is cheating and stealing on a vast scale. It's a swindle. Furthermore, it has turned into a means for the old to squeeze the young for a major portion of their productive lives.

I paid into social security for decades and I still pay taxes on my Social Security benefits. Look you sniveling bahs-turd, Most Americans LOVE Social Security. Over 80% of us like it. If you don'g get your worthless butt out of my country. We don't want you..and we sure don't need you. What have YOU ever done for America that makes you think anything is yours including YOUR welfare check? People like you don't serve n the military or even as a police officer. All you do is live off the greatness that progressive White, Black and other Americans have accomplished.If it wasn't for patriotic Americans like me your"conservatism" wouldn't exist and neither would that false illusion that you"own" the tax dollars, if any, you pay.

Lets take a look at how many Americans favor Social Security:

Nearly nine in ten Americans (85%) say Social Security is more important than ever to ensure that retirees have a dependable income. These views cut across age and income lines: those agreeing include 81% of Americans in Generation X and 92% of those in the Early Boomers or prior generations, as well as 88% of people with family incomes under $30,000, 89% of those earning between $50,000 and $75,000, and 78% of those earning over $100,000.

You "deserve anything you get?" That's the battle cry of a thief if I've ever heard. What does serving in Vietnam have to do with Social Security? Everyone who didn't serve in Vietnam also collects it. Are you claiming they aren't entitled to it? Your "logic" needs a lot of work.

Thats not a battle cry. Anyone who paid into the program should get Social Security. The only problem I have with the handling of SS is that too many people who did not contribute have their hands in the till. People with 4 ex wives and 10 kids take a huge chunk without affecting the applicants benefit at all. That is what is killing Social Security. If there are any thieves it is those who get something for nothing. I paid for my social INSURANCE just like I do my auto insurance. Boy are you stupid!

You also don't have any right to the income I earn. None. I'm not the one who sent you to Vietnam, so I fail to see how the fact that someone else did places any obligations on me.

And you don''t have the right to income I earn. You haven't done a damn thing for me and probably anyone else in your miserable life.
BTW I didn't have to go to Vietnam, I could have joined the other cowards like you and crossed the northern border. But I chose to go willingly because I thought it was the American thing to do. I place no obligations on YOU at all. Everything I have I earned or paid for in some way; Including my social security check. You are just a lying POS hollering n the wind.
I own property, PolticalChic doesn't,

and she thinks I'M the Communist.

Lots of communists own property. The.problem is that they lie, cheat, steal and kill to get it.
\BWHAHAHAHAHAHA. And the capitalist are just darling little angels who worked hard and made their immense fortunes by being kind and nice! Stop it already… Stop it!

No one said capitalists were "nice." However, they do have to follow the law. Socialists, on the other hand, are the law. Under socialism the people in charge are the only ones who enjoy the wealth, and they cheat, steal and kill people on an industrial scale.

I can't name an American group that collects social security or other social benefits that has done any of those things. Many, like me, are veterans or retired military. I answered the call during the Vietnam era when a lot of you or your fathers took their sorry asses to Canada. I deserve anything I get…I fought for it. I paid my dues. So if I want to be a socialist or any god damn thing else I choose to be I will very well fucking do it. I loved my country enough to fight for it and I don't think a Communist would do it. In fact, a lot of you fucking cowardly capitalists didn't do it either. So get off my case until YOU meet the challenge like I did. Until then, you have no right to judge me. I am that I am and I don't give a damn: Sincerely… from a capitalist/socialist who loved America enough to fight and die for if I needed to!



Your post is incoherent.

Are you by any chance trying to get the VA to increase your benefits?

I own property, PolticalChic doesn't,

and she thinks I'M the Communist.

Lots of communists own property. The.problem is that they lie, cheat, steal and kill to get it.
\BWHAHAHAHAHAHA. And the capitalist are just darling little angels who worked hard and made their immense fortunes by being kind and nice! Stop it already… Stop it!

No one said capitalists were "nice." However, they do have to follow the law. Socialists, on the other hand, are the law. Under socialism the people in charge are the only ones who enjoy the wealth, and they cheat, steal and kill people on an industrial scale.

I can't name an American group that collects social security or other social benefits that has done any of those things. Many, like me, are veterans or retired military. I answered the call during the Vietnam era when a lot of you or your fathers took their sorry asses to Canada. I deserve anything I get…I fought for it. I paid my dues. So if I want to be a socialist or any god damn thing else I choose to be I will very well fucking do it. I loved my country enough to fight for it and I don't think a Communist would do it. In fact, a lot of you fucking cowardly capitalists didn't do it either. So get off my case until YOU meet the challenge like I did. Until then, you have no right to judge me. I am that I am and I don't give a damn: Sincerely… from a capitalist/socialist who loved America enough to fight and die for if I needed to!



Your post is incoherent.

Are you by any chance trying to get the VA to increase your benefits?

Stop reading it if you cant understand it. No one is forcing you!

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