Yesterday = Coldest day in Australia in 100 Years!!!

Last Decade was Hottest Australia Has Seen Since Records Began

Last Decade was Hottest Australia Has Seen Since Records Began
By Chris Dade.

Figures released on Tuesday by Australia's Bureau of Meteorology confirmed that the country has just experienced its hottest ever decade since records began in 1910.
The figures released by Australia's national weather, climate and water agency also indicated that 2009 was the second hottest year since 1910, AFP noting that the World Meteorological Organization, a UN agency, has reported 2009 as being the planet's fifth hottest on record, although no indication is given as to how far back records actually go.
Australia's average temperature in the decade 2000 through 2009 was 22.3 degrees Celsius, 0.48 degrees Celsius above the benchmark average seen in the country from 1961 through 1990 and the Telegraph reports that in 2009 the country saw an annual mean temperature 0.90 degrees Celsius above the average seen between 1961 and 1990, 2005 being the hottest 12 months on record in close to 100 years with a temperature 1.5 degrees Celsius above the 1961-90 average.
Climate change.

not "Global Warming".
Oh noes! It r teh Garble Wormins!

[ame=]YouTube - I AM SINISTAR[/ame]
Cool....Weather happens and climate is is weather over a period of a extended period of time. One weather environment don't prove global warming or cooling. I believe the climate is very very stable right now. says, "Global Warming my ass!!!"

Australia - Global warming my backside with the coldest day in 100 years

Isnt it funny how the environmental k00ks are always like "meh" with these kinds of stories but fall all over themselves posting up the heat warnings.:eek:

its called "weather", assholes............

:oops::oops::oops::oops:......yet another kick in the balls for the k00ks.:lol:

Well... there it is, then.

It was cold in OZ one day, ergo all climologists who think we're in a period of global warming must be wrong.

Thanks for pointing this amazing factoid to us.

It clears the whole issue up, perfectly.
factoids PWN the environmental k00ks.........which is exactly why the IPCC doesnt want the k00k scientists talking to the media.

Of course, there always could be another reason they dont want scientists talking to the media!!!!!!!!:funnyface:

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