Yet another college shooting

No I didn't. But hey, knock yourself out. Post a link to where I "named some assault weapons" and I'll try to remember to look at it tomorrow.

And its "you're" and "dodging"

Silly ass.
Sounds like an excuse...

Educate yourself on what an real assault weapon is... Don't take our a$$ hats commander in Chief word for it. Because we all know he doesn't know either.

By the way the spelling thing is a deflection... You gotta do better than that.

Your turn
No I didn't. But hey, knock yourself out. Post a link to where I "named some assault weapons" and I'll try to remember to look at it tomorrow.

And its "you're" and "dodging"

Silly ass.
Sounds like an excuse...

Educate yourself on what an real assault weapon is... Don't take our a$$ hats commander in Chief word for it. Because we all know he doesn't know either.

By the way the spelling thing is a deflection... You gotta do better than that.

Your turn


IOW, you lied and you don't have the balls to admit it.


No I didn't. But hey, knock yourself out. Post a link to where I "named some assault weapons" and I'll try to remember to look at it tomorrow.

And its "you're" and "dodging"

Silly ass.
Sounds like an excuse...

Educate yourself on what an real assault weapon is... Don't take our a$$ hats commander in Chief word for it. Because we all know he doesn't know either.

By the way the spelling thing is a deflection... You gotta do better than that.

Your turn


IOW, you lied and you don't have the balls to admit it.


More deflection??
Answer the question, what is the difference??
No I didn't. But hey, knock yourself out. Post a link to where I "named some assault weapons" and I'll try to remember to look at it tomorrow.

And its "you're" and "dodging"

Silly ass.
Sounds like an excuse...

Educate yourself on what an real assault weapon is... Don't take our a$$ hats commander in Chief word for it. Because we all know he doesn't know either.

By the way the spelling thing is a deflection... You gotta do better than that.

Your turn


IOW, you lied and you don't have the balls to admit it.



Great thread. You missed about 50-60 other campus shootings the last several years:

BREAKING (sorta): Mass shootings at black colleges!!! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
No I didn't. But hey, knock yourself out. Post a link to where I "named some assault weapons" and I'll try to remember to look at it tomorrow.

And its "you're" and "dodging"

Silly ass.
Sounds like an excuse...

Educate yourself on what an real assault weapon is... Don't take our a$$ hats commander in Chief word for it. Because we all know he doesn't know either.

By the way the spelling thing is a deflection... You gotta do better than that.

Your turn


IOW, you lied and you don't have the balls to admit it.



Great thread. You missed about 50-60 other campus shootings the last several years:

BREAKING (sorta): Mass shootings at black colleges!!! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Less laws more freedom... A politically correct up tight nation makes for this type of behavior.
The killers think they have to lash out... Most times it becomes violent. See these shootings and black on black crime.

Hashtag progressivness makes normal living unbearable
Last edited:
One shot dead and one wounded in shooting at Texas Southern University
  • Shooting reported at 11.30am in student housing complex in Houston
  • Campus on lockdown and classes canceled, police have detained gunman

Read more: Two students shot and gunman on the loose at Texas Southern University
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More lives ruined, shattered, broken.

It never ends.

Hmmm...and 1.5 million other Americans used their guns to stop violent criminal attack.....vs. this shooting....

I wonder which number is bigger?
Old news. Three shootings in a colleges in a week. But that is old news. God, love you assholes with your senseless defense of guns in the hands of juveniles and crazies. So, we have one shooting by a crazy in Oregon, and a shooting in Arizona and Texas, young men packing. Of course, that is what you fruitloops claim is the cure. Everyone packing.

Well, having a bunch of young men barely out of adolescents and under high stress packing guns is one sure way of having a lot of dead young men. And in the mean time, having a lot of guns out there makes it incredibly easy for the gang bangers and the crazies to have guns.
It's our right to own our guns. Get the fuck over it.
One shot dead and one wounded in shooting at Texas Southern University
  • Shooting reported at 11.30am in student housing complex in Houston
  • Campus on lockdown and classes canceled, police have detained gunman

Read more: Two students shot and gunman on the loose at Texas Southern University
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

More lives ruined, shattered, broken.

It never ends.

Careful...the shooter might be you might be called a racist for mentioning this shooting....
One shot dead and one wounded in shooting at Texas Southern University
  • Shooting reported at 11.30am in student housing complex in Houston
  • Campus on lockdown and classes canceled, police have detained gunman

Read more: Two students shot and gunman on the loose at Texas Southern University
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More lives ruined, shattered, broken.

It never ends.

Luddly...your racism is showing...this campus is in a...ummm...errr....inner city....and the suspects seem to be you might want to be careful....since the media is going to not cover this because the identity of the shooters might a kindly word of warning since we are such good friends and all....

One dead, one wounded in shooting near Texas college

Rudley says students need to remember that the university is in the inner city, and that "crime is all around us."
One shot dead and one wounded in shooting at Texas Southern University
  • Shooting reported at 11.30am in student housing complex in Houston
  • Campus on lockdown and classes canceled, police have detained gunman

Read more: Two students shot and gunman on the loose at Texas Southern University
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

More lives ruined, shattered, broken.

It never ends.

Careful...the shooter might be you might be called a racist for mentioning this shooting....
The progressives are all about selective outrage...

See black on black crime they never bring it up...
What a wonderful country this would be if everyone packed artillery in church, school, to the company picnic, and at work. Yessireee............ an Uzi in a shoulder holster, and an AR on the back. A well dressed American should never appear in public without them. A .44 Mag beside the plate at the dinner table. No problem with that at all. Domestic violence would happen far less often. Just one time needed. Yessirrreeeeeee............... more guns will solve everything.

Used to be a school shooting a week but as more guns are bought and carried, the number of shootings is increasing. Three in the past couple of days.

I wonder how much worse it will get. As it is, there is no place you can take your child and feel safe from some nutter feeling the need to exercise is 2nd amendment right to blast the life out of someone for cutting them off in traffic or texting on their phone.

In the case in AZ, the shooter went back to his car to get his gun. He could have just driven away

His daddy will have to visit him in jail for the rest of his life. The kid will be raped and will have nothing but four walls to look at but he'll never hold another gun.

In Oregon, Julie Woodworth will likely never walk or speak again.


So many shattered lives and still the nutters want more guns, more ammo, more deaths.

You can thank your guy Obama, best gun salesman in history!
Ludley....get rid of this stumbled on a racists story......apparently, Texas State a so if you keep posting about may be seen as a racist for bringing up the identity of the shooters...

Texas Southern University on lockdown after 2 shot, 1 fatally

TSU is a historically black college in the heart of Houston with an enrollment of around 10,000 students.

It seems they are bringing the criminals from democrat controlled cities...and sending them to college..and they are bringing their violence with them.........
What a wonderful country this would be if everyone packed artillery in church, school, to the company picnic, and at work. Yessireee............ an Uzi in a shoulder holster, and an AR on the back. A well dressed American should never appear in public without them. A .44 Mag beside the plate at the dinner table. No problem with that at all. Domestic violence would happen far less often. Just one time needed. Yessirrreeeeeee............... more guns will solve everything.

Used to be a school shooting a week but as more guns are bought and carried, the number of shootings is increasing. Three in the past couple of days.

I wonder how much worse it will get. As it is, there is no place you can take your child and feel safe from some nutter feeling the need to exercise is 2nd amendment right to blast the life out of someone for cutting them off in traffic or texting on their phone.

In the case in AZ, the shooter went back to his car to get his gun. He could have just driven away

His daddy will have to visit him in jail for the rest of his life. The kid will be raped and will have nothing but four walls to look at but he'll never hold another gun.

In Oregon, Julie Woodworth will likely never walk or speak again.


So many shattered lives and still the nutters want more guns, more ammo, more deaths.

You can thank your guy Obama, best gun salesman in history!
Buy more guns and ammo
Published immediatly after Sandy Hook. And a bunch of loopy assholes went out an immediatly bought a bunch of guns. And things have improved since then, right?

A Timeline Of Mass Shootings In The US Since Columbine

On Friday morning, 27 people were reportedly shot and killed at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, CT. According to sources, 18 of these casualties were children. This is the second mass shooting in the US this week, after a gunman opened fire in an Oregon shopping mall on Tuesday, killing 2. ABC News reports that there have been 31 school shootings in the US since Columbine in 1999, when 13 people were killed.

The rate of people killed by guns in the US is 19.5 times higher than similar high-income countries in the world. In the last 30 years since 1982, America has mourned at least 61 mass murders. Below is a timeline of mass shootings in the US since the Columbine High massacre:

Each time there is a shooting like this, the immediate response of the fruitloops and the NRA is to get more guns out there. And then there are more shootings. So, get more guns out there. One hell of an equation there, assholes.

Sorry, that 19.5 is a lie...they throw in suicides to inflate that number so they cannot be trusted to tell the truth on anything else....

And of course...the truth and reality of mass shootings in the U.S.....between mass shootings and are deadlier...and happen more often...

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 100.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369
Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Those are the numbers of deaths from mass shootings in the United States.....and even in the big year, 2012, they didn't break 100 deaths by criminals.

How many guns are there in American hands....320 million.

How many people carry guns for self defense...over 12.8 million.
One shot dead and one wounded in shooting at Texas Southern University
  • Shooting reported at 11.30am in student housing complex in Houston
  • Campus on lockdown and classes canceled, police have detained gunman

Read more: Two students shot and gunman on the loose at Texas Southern University
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

More lives ruined, shattered, broken.

It never ends.

Careful...the shooter might be you might be called a racist for mentioning this shooting....
The progressives are all about selective outrage...

See black on black crime they never bring it up...

One shot dead and one wounded in shooting at Texas Southern University
  • Shooting reported at 11.30am in student housing complex in Houston
  • Campus on lockdown and classes canceled, police have detained gunman

Read more: Two students shot and gunman on the loose at Texas Southern University
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

More lives ruined, shattered, broken.

It never ends.

Careful...the shooter might be you might be called a racist for mentioning this shooting....
The progressives are all about selective outrage...

See black on black crime they never bring it up...

Hurry up and keep posting newbie, you'll hit 1,000 posts a week right soon.
One shot dead and one wounded in shooting at Texas Southern University
  • Shooting reported at 11.30am in student housing complex in Houston
  • Campus on lockdown and classes canceled, police have detained gunman

Read more: Two students shot and gunman on the loose at Texas Southern University
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

More lives ruined, shattered, broken.

It never ends.

Did you know it was the third shooting there this week?


It is a democrat an inner city neighborhood.........
I live in America, not Israel. And our nation has the good fortune to have two good neighbors. The one to the south may be a bit unruly, but an angel compared to the average nation in the Middle East.

are you serious....the government and the drug cartels are murdering thousands of Mexicans every year.....unarmed Mexicans who are helpless to stop the govenrment and cartels from murdering them.........
What a wonderful country this would be if everyone packed artillery in church, school, to the company picnic, and at work. Yessireee............ an Uzi in a shoulder holster, and an AR on the back. A well dressed American should never appear in public without them. A .44 Mag beside the plate at the dinner table. No problem with that at all. Domestic violence would happen far less often. Just one time needed. Yessirrreeeeeee............... more guns will solve everything.

Used to be a school shooting a week but as more guns are bought and carried, the number of shootings is increasing. Three in the past couple of days.

I wonder how much worse it will get. As it is, there is no place you can take your child and feel safe from some nutter feeling the need to exercise is 2nd amendment right to blast the life out of someone for cutting them off in traffic or texting on their phone.

In the case in AZ, the shooter went back to his car to get his gun. He could have just driven away

His daddy will have to visit him in jail for the rest of his life. The kid will be raped and will have nothing but four walls to look at but he'll never hold another gun.

In Oregon, Julie Woodworth will likely never walk or speak again.


So many shattered lives and still the nutters want more guns, more ammo, more deaths.


1.5 million times Armed Americans stop violent criminal attack....and how many people are killed in mass shootings...

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 100.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369
Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Those are the numbers of deaths from mass shootings in the United States.....and even in the big year, 2012, they didn't break 100 deaths by criminals.

How many guns are there in American hands....320 million.

How many people carry guns for self defense...over 12.8 million.
One shot dead and one wounded in shooting at Texas Southern University
  • Shooting reported at 11.30am in student housing complex in Houston
  • Campus on lockdown and classes canceled, police have detained gunman

Read more: Two students shot and gunman on the loose at Texas Southern University
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

More lives ruined, shattered, broken.

It never ends.

Careful...the shooter might be you might be called a racist for mentioning this shooting....
The progressives are all about selective outrage...

See black on black crime they never bring it up...

One shot dead and one wounded in shooting at Texas Southern University
  • Shooting reported at 11.30am in student housing complex in Houston
  • Campus on lockdown and classes canceled, police have detained gunman

Read more: Two students shot and gunman on the loose at Texas Southern University
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

More lives ruined, shattered, broken.

It never ends.

Careful...the shooter might be you might be called a racist for mentioning this shooting....
The progressives are all about selective outrage...

See black on black crime they never bring it up...

Hurry up and keep posting newbie, you'll hit 1,000 posts a week right soon.

Kool... Buy more guns and ammo
If this college is a historically black college.....and 90% or more of blacks in this country vote democrat, and the majority of inner city crime is committed by black gang members....there fore...we should disarm democrats...right? That would actually save lives...we could simply go through the voter rolls, go to their homes and take their guns...right.....? That is how you anti gunners would do it..right?

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