Yet another Connection of Trump to Russia

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Before the inauguration of Donald Trump meaning after the election incoming adminstrations having meetings with other countries and setting up back channel communications is hardley a new thing I suspect every administration dating back to WW2 has done this.

You are correct. FDR, JFK, Kissinger, and Nixon all used them.

Back-channel commun
Before the inauguration of Donald Trump meaning after the election incoming adminstrations having meetings with other countries and setting up back channel communications is hardley a new thing I suspect every administration dating back to WW2 has done this.

You are correct. FDR, JFK, Kissinger, and Nixon all used them.

Back-channel communications are nothing new for White House - KXL

We might be glowing in the dark right now if JFK hadn't established back channels with Russia during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

ications are nothing new for White House - KXL

We might be glowing in the dark right now if JFK hadn't established back channels with Russia during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
You didn't read the entire article did you?

Moss said there is some clear context missing in Kushner’s alleged request, particularly because he asked to use the Russians’ secure facilities.

“I’m baffled about that kind of request,” Moss said, because it would require the administration to rely on the Russians to keep the information secret
The Trump Administration was trying to keep US intelligence out of the loop.

WFT are they trying to hide?????????????????????????????
A deep distrust of the democrat operatives embedded in our intelligence agencies. Trusting the Russians is better than having a direct pipeline to the obama clinton cartel.

By all means, please pack your bags for Russia.
It makes perfect sense for Trump to go to extermes hiding a Russian connection that didnt exist.

I'm not guilty as hell, and I fully intend not to prove it !
Mueller gathers evidence that 2017 Seychelles meeting was effort to establish back channel to Kremlin

Noooo Nothing suspicious going on with Trump and the Russians.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has gathered evidence that a secret meeting in the Seychelles just before the inauguration of Donald Trump was an effort to establish a back channel between the incoming administration and the Kremlin — apparently contradicting statements made to lawmakers by one of its participants, according to people familiar with the matter.

In January 2017, Erik Prince, the founder of the private security company Blackwater, met with a Russian official close to Russian President Vladimir Putin and later described the meeting to congressional investigators as a chance encounter that was not a planned discussion of U.S.-Russia relations.

A witness cooperating with Mueller has told investigators the meeting was set up in advance so that a representative of the Trump transition could meet with an emissary from Moscow to discuss future relations between the countries, according to the people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.

George Nader, a Lebanese American businessman who helped organize and attended the Seychelles meeting, has testified on the matter before a grand jury gathering evidence about discussions between the Trump transition team and emissaries of the Kremlin, as part of Mueller’s investigation into Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 election.

When Trumps bones are dust, you fools will still be trying to glue together this horseshit story...

If this story is true, it is irrelevant, are you seriously believing this is criminal?

You could call this on no telling how many administrations...

You have a better chance of catching Hillary Clinton sucking Bill's dick...
Mueller gathers evidence that 2017 Seychelles meeting was effort to establish back channel to Kremlin

Noooo Nothing suspicious going on with Trump and the Russians.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has gathered evidence that a secret meeting in the Seychelles just before the inauguration of Donald Trump was an effort to establish a back channel between the incoming administration and the Kremlin — apparently contradicting statements made to lawmakers by one of its participants, according to people familiar with the matter.

In January 2017, Erik Prince, the founder of the private security company Blackwater, met with a Russian official close to Russian President Vladimir Putin and later described the meeting to congressional investigators as a chance encounter that was not a planned discussion of U.S.-Russia relations.

A witness cooperating with Mueller has told investigators the meeting was set up in advance so that a representative of the Trump transition could meet with an emissary from Moscow to discuss future relations between the countries, according to the people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.

George Nader, a Lebanese American businessman who helped organize and attended the Seychelles meeting, has testified on the matter before a grand jury gathering evidence about discussions between the Trump transition team and emissaries of the Kremlin, as part of Mueller’s investigation into Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 election.

When Trumps bones are dust, you fools will still be trying to glue together this horseshit story...

If this story is true, it is irrelevant, are you seriously believing this is criminal?

You could call this on no telling how many administrations...

You have a better chance of catching Hillary Clinton sucking Bill's dick...

count the indictments and guilty pleas in the single Trump Cartel investigation


count the indictments and guilty pleas in 9 Clinton investigations

glue that horseshit together ..
Wow, the degree to which Reasonable and some other butthurt Mueller fanboys have been triggered is beyond the lulzy phase and into pathological mental health issues that really should be addressed. Reasonable, realize Mueller is going to prison for his attack on our democracy.
Wow, the degree to which Reasonable and some other butthurt Mueller fanboys have been triggered is beyond the lulzy phase and into pathological mental health issues that really should be addressed. Reasonable, realize Mueller is going to prison for his attack on our democracy.
Before the inauguration of Donald Trump meaning after the election incoming adminstrations having meetings with other countries and setting up back channel communications is hardley a new thing I suspect every administration dating back to WW2 has done this.

You are correct. FDR, JFK, Kissinger, and Nixon all used them.

Back-channel commun
Before the inauguration of Donald Trump meaning after the election incoming adminstrations having meetings with other countries and setting up back channel communications is hardley a new thing I suspect every administration dating back to WW2 has done this.

You are correct. FDR, JFK, Kissinger, and Nixon all used them.

Back-channel communications are nothing new for White House - KXL

We might be glowing in the dark right now if JFK hadn't established back channels with Russia during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

ications are nothing new for White House - KXL

We might be glowing in the dark right now if JFK hadn't established back channels with Russia during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
You didn't read the entire article did you?

Moss said there is some clear context missing in Kushner’s alleged request, particularly because he asked to use the Russians’ secure facilities.

“I’m baffled about that kind of request,” Moss said, because it would require the administration to rely on the Russians to keep the information secret
The Trump Administration was trying to keep US intelligence out of the loop.

WFT are they trying to hide?????????????????????????????

LOL, Sherlock strikes again!

Why did Trump ask to use their secured facilities, if he actually did ask?

ANSWER: Because 10 days AFTER the election, Admiral Rogers told him he was being surveilled by the Obama administration, that is why!

Was Rogers correct?

ANSWER: Oh I don't know, it wasn't 2 weeks AFTER Trump was inaugurated, they leaked a transcript of his phone call with the Australian Prime Minister. How did that happen Boseaphus!

You on the LEFT are the real jackbooters. You believe in the police state as we can see, constant surveillance, and allowing your candidates to allow secret intel to be stolen by foreign adversaries. You are all blind in one eye, and can not see out the other, and do not care how badly you hurt this country, as long as you can stick to your phony narrative.
Still denying there’s no Trump connect with Russia?
The trump people thought they’d be safe meeting on an island in the Indian Ocean but Bob Mueller caught them anyway. Damn he’s good.
Erik Prince Might Want To Shift Investments To Private Prison Industry

This was hinted at in last night’s reports. But the Post has a story this evening suggesting not only that Erik Prince acted as an intermediary in a back channel between the Trump Transition but lied about it to congressional investigators. This goes back to that meeting in the Seychelles where emissaries from President-Elect Trump, Vladimir Putin and the government of the United Arab Emirates met in January, 2017. As the Post story relates, Prince told congressional investigators that he was there to meet with representatives of the UAE. The meeting with Kirill Dmitriev, the head of a Russia state investment fund, was simply a chance encounter. George Nader, Bob Mueller’s newly-cooperating witness, who was there at the meeting and who we discussed earlier, says thats not true. The meeting was set up in advance so that a representative of President-Elect Trump could meet an emissary from Moscow.
Before the inauguration of Donald Trump meaning after the election incoming adminstrations having meetings with other countries and setting up back channel communications is hardley a new thing I suspect every administration dating back to WW2 has done this.

You are correct. FDR, JFK, Kissinger, and Nixon all used them.

Back-channel commun
Before the inauguration of Donald Trump meaning after the election incoming adminstrations having meetings with other countries and setting up back channel communications is hardley a new thing I suspect every administration dating back to WW2 has done this.

You are correct. FDR, JFK, Kissinger, and Nixon all used them.

Back-channel communications are nothing new for White House - KXL

We might be glowing in the dark right now if JFK hadn't established back channels with Russia during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

ications are nothing new for White House - KXL

We might be glowing in the dark right now if JFK hadn't established back channels with Russia during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
You didn't read the entire article did you?

Moss said there is some clear context missing in Kushner’s alleged request, particularly because he asked to use the Russians’ secure facilities.

“I’m baffled about that kind of request,” Moss said, because it would require the administration to rely on the Russians to keep the information secret
The Trump Administration was trying to keep US intelligence out of the loop.

WFT are they trying to hide?????????????????????????????

LOL, Sherlock strikes again!

Why did Trump ask to use their secured facilities, if he actually did ask?

ANSWER: Because 10 days AFTER the election, Admiral Rogers told him he was being surveilled by the Obama administration, that is why!

Was Rogers correct?

ANSWER: Oh I don't know, it wasn't 2 weeks AFTER Trump was inaugurated, they leaked a transcript of his phone call with the Australian Prime Minister. How did that happen Boseaphus!

You on the LEFT are the real jackbooters. You believe in the police state as we can see, constant surveillance, and allowing your candidates to allow secret intel to be stolen by foreign adversaries. You are all blind in one eye, and can not see out the other, and do not care how badly you hurt this country, as long as you can stick to your phony narrative.
Before the inauguration of Donald Trump meaning after the election incoming adminstrations having meetings with other countries and setting up back channel communications is hardley a new thing I suspect every administration dating back to WW2 has done this.

You are correct. FDR, JFK, Kissinger, and Nixon all used them.

Back-channel commun
Before the inauguration of Donald Trump meaning after the election incoming adminstrations having meetings with other countries and setting up back channel communications is hardley a new thing I suspect every administration dating back to WW2 has done this.

You are correct. FDR, JFK, Kissinger, and Nixon all used them.

Back-channel communications are nothing new for White House - KXL

We might be glowing in the dark right now if JFK hadn't established back channels with Russia during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

ications are nothing new for White House - KXL

We might be glowing in the dark right now if JFK hadn't established back channels with Russia during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
You didn't read the entire article did you?

Moss said there is some clear context missing in Kushner’s alleged request, particularly because he asked to use the Russians’ secure facilities.

“I’m baffled about that kind of request,” Moss said, because it would require the administration to rely on the Russians to keep the information secret
The Trump Administration was trying to keep US intelligence out of the loop.

WFT are they trying to hide?????????????????????????????
It's hard for me to believe a grown adult is buying into these stories coming out of the WaPo that lay out every detail of the Top Secret inner workings of the White House like a spy novel.
It is actually so sad. Seth Rich was murdered for providing Wikileaks showing Crooked Hillary and the DNC attacked our democracy. These butthurt fucktards keep mentioning Russia. Folks, even fake news MSNBC had given up on the fake Russia thing are now thinking some ridiculous porno ho is the "Monica Lewinsky." Please buy more Prep H you fucking democrat morons.
Mueller gathers evidence that 2017 Seychelles meeting was effort to establish back channel to Kremlin

Noooo Nothing suspicious going on with Trump and the Russians.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has gathered evidence that a secret meeting in the Seychelles just before the inauguration of Donald Trump was an effort to establish a back channel between the incoming administration and the Kremlin — apparently contradicting statements made to lawmakers by one of its participants, according to people familiar with the matter.

In January 2017, Erik Prince, the founder of the private security company Blackwater, met with a Russian official close to Russian President Vladimir Putin and later described the meeting to congressional investigators as a chance encounter that was not a planned discussion of U.S.-Russia relations.

A witness cooperating with Mueller has told investigators the meeting was set up in advance so that a representative of the Trump transition could meet with an emissary from Moscow to discuss future relations between the countries, according to the people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.

George Nader, a Lebanese American businessman who helped organize and attended the Seychelles meeting, has testified on the matter before a grand jury gathering evidence about discussions between the Trump transition team and emissaries of the Kremlin, as part of Mueller’s investigation into Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 election.
Every president has been connected to Russia.
Is that the best you can do?
When as big a liar as you are keeps repeating the same bullshit everyday, it means you are either a traitor intent on harm, or a mental patient. Either way my "best" cannot have any effect on you. If I could recommend a fix, I'd say prison.
There's even talk that Trump talked to people before they testified to Mueller!! That's collusionary obstruction right there!@@!!!!!





When you are under investigation you are not allowed to ask witnesses “What did Mueller ask you?”, or “What did you tell him?”. This is an actual crime called “witness tampering”. It also comes under that “obstruction of justice” umbrella.

Imagine if Hillary had done any of this?
Still denying there’s no Trump connect with Russia?
The trump people thought they’d be safe meeting on an island in the Indian Ocean but Bob Mueller caught them anyway. Damn he’s good.
How did someone like yourself who is so obviously emotionally disturbed and mentally deficient get unbanned?
To support this traitorous incompetent president YOU have to be emotional disturbed.
No sane person can look at him and say “ Now that’s a president! “
I hope you get the help you need.
Don't forget to change hands once in a while pal. Otherwise you might put your back out.
View attachment 181156
You were banned a week or two ago as that's what it said under your user name.
Liar. But so what is new with you.
Being banned from this place is a badge of honor anyway.
I’m going on a trip to Ireland and while I’m enjoying some Guinness beer in a pub I’ll be laughing that you and fake Groucho will be thinking I’m banned.
Thanks for admitting you lied about no being banned, moron.
Nobody said you're banned at the moment, but I appreciate the attempt at semantics.
I did nothing of the sort.
English not your first language? I told the guy he was a liar when he said I was banned a week ago. Is that not clear enough to someone like you who obviously has psychiatric problems?
It was less than 2 weeks ago and If it happens again I'm going to do a screen capture, you lying POS.
Imagine a trump supporter calling anyone a liar.
It’s funny how you stalk me. Got nothing better to do?
It sucks when the truth hurts
There's even talk that Trump talked to people before they testified to Mueller!! That's collusionary obstruction right there!@@!!!!!





When you are under investigation you are not allowed to ask witnesses “What did Mueller ask you?”, or “What did you tell him?”. This is an actual crime called “witness tampering”. It also comes under that “obstruction of justice” umbrella.

Imagine if Hillary had done any of this?
Hahahaha Hahahaha

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