Yet another corrupt democrat. What else is new?


Bo Delp, the spokesman for the Wendy Davis Campaign for governor of Texas has resigned.

That corrupt bitch. Letting her spokesperson resign. This is some serious shit. Let's all thank the op's source, the Tea Party News Network :)lol:) for re-reporting this from a local newspaper and getting it into the hands of our illustrious hero, predfan.

Bo Delp, the spokesman for the Wendy Davis Campaign for governor of Texas has resigned.

That corrupt bitch. Letting her spokesperson resign. This is some serious shit. Let's all thank the op's source, the Tea Party News Network :)lol:) for re-reporting this from a local newspaper and getting it into the hands of our illustrious hero, predfan.

That's a lame ass dodge. She lied about her upbringing and is being investigated over her actions when she was a lawyer. As usual the Tea Party is right and you are wrong.
As we see in the Benghazi scandal, lying and corruption is a required job skill to be a democrat.
With any luck there goes Texas' answer to Elizabeth Warren. Next we'll have to take down Warren.
As we see in the Benghazi scandal, lying and corruption is a required job skill to be a democrat.
Indeed. Those attributes are Resume Enhancers in the Progressive Party.

Democrat? Nothing Democratic about any of them.

Good form by the way.

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