Yet another "If Trump does such-and-such a terrible thing, then..."when he never did and never will?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
If Trump Fires Mueller... If Trump colluded... If Trump robbed the bank...

Did I miss something?

Did Donald Trump fire Mueller, the Special Counsel?

Did he ever say he was going to?

Did anyone on his staff ever say he was going to?

Did any of them ever even imply any such thing?


And no.

And no.

And no.

And no.

Not in the slightest.

So where is all this “If Trump fires Mueller, the world will end!!!” reporting come from?

Is there ANY evidence Trump colluded with Russia somehow, for ANYTHING?

Let me guess: Someone in the media decided to stir up more controversy, by vaguely implying that Trump might be considering doing that. They didn’t actually say he was going to, of course (since he never was). But they’re doing their best to have people speculating to each other, “What’s all this about Trump firing the Special Counsel? That doesn’t sound very ethical to me!”

Reporters (and some forum posters) who are wondering where some leftist nutcase from Illinois would get the idea to get a gun and start shooting Republicans at a baseball practice, need look no further than the nearest mirror.

I’d appreciate it if you people would knock off the deliberate insinuations and careful attempts to smear without technically smearing. You are obviously trying to make people who aren’t paying much attention (and that’s most ordinary Americans, sane and insane alike) think that Trump, or Republicans in general, are doing something wrong when you know they aren’t.

Try keeping a civil tongue in your head. If Trump and/or Republicans are as bad as you seem to think, you should have no trouble stating FACTS that show it.

And if you can’t find any such facts (you’ve shown us none yet)… just maybe you are mistaken, and should aim your hatred and bile somewhere else. Or cease altogether, eh?
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If Trump Fires Mueller... If Trump colluded... If Trump robbed the bank...

Did I miss something?

Did Donald Trump fire Mueller, the Special Counsel?

Did he ever say he was going to?

Did anyone on his staff ever say he was going to?

Did any of them ever even imply any such thing?


And no.

And no.

And no.

And no.

Not in the slightest.

So where is all this “If Trump fires Mueller, the world will end!!!” reporting come from?

Is there ANY evidence Trump colluded with Russia somehow, for ANYTHING?

Let me guess: Someone in the media decided to stir up more controversy, by vaguely implying that Trump might be considering doing that. They didn’t actually say he was going to, of course (since he never was). But they’re doing their best to have people speculating to each other, “What’s all this about Trump firing the Special Counsel? That doesn’t sound very ethical to me!”

Reporters (and some forum posters) who are wondering where some leftist nutcase from Illinois would get the idea to get a gun and start shooting Republicans at a baseball practice, need look no further than the nearest mirror.

I’d appreciate it if you people would knock off the deliberate insinuations and careful attempts to smear without technically smearing. You are obviously trying to make people who aren’t paying much attention (and that’s most ordinary Americans, sane and insane alike) think that Trump, or Republicans in general, are doing something wrong when you know they aren’t.

Try keeping a civil tongue in your head. If Trump and/or Republicans are as bad as you seem to think, you should have no trouble stating FACTS that show it.

And if you can’t find any such facts (you’ve shown us none yet)… just maybe you are mistaken, and should aim your hatred and bile somewhere else. Or cease altogether, eh?
Well, I wondered about that, too. Apparently one of Trump's friends, Chris Ruddy, went on CNN and told them Trump was considering it. The whole world freaked out. Numerous "leaks" since say his admin is frantically trying to talk him out of it.

Christopher Ruddy says Trump considering firing Mueller -

Apparently Ruddy gave the story to the LA Times the day before going on CNN.
Republicans elected a crazy person, and are shocked that crazy things are happening. Too dumb.
Let the old bastard fire Mueller. He'll get what he's got coming to him, for sure. I didn't think he was stupid enough to actually pull out of the Climate Accords, either, but he did. Didn't think he'd give the middle finger to Europe, but he has. Let's see what other amazing shit he plans to do next.
Republicans elected a crazy person, and are shocked that crazy things are happening. Too dumb.
TRANSLATION: "It's Trump's fault we're lying about him!"

I expected no less.
What lies? Like about firing Mueller? It was one of his friends who went on record saying that, not us. And if we do lie... after Benghazi, birtherism, e-mails, Jade Helm, Ebola, military-aged Muslim males, prayer rugs on the border, etc..... well you dumb fucks can suck on it.
Well, I wondered about that, too. Apparently one of Trump's friends, Chris Ruddy, went on CNN and told them Trump was considering it.
No, he went on CNN and told them HE (Ruddy) BELIEVED "it was a consideration".

In other words, there is not the slightest evidence that Trump even speculated on it. Only that one person who isn't Donald Trump, believes he might have.

The whole world freaked out.

No, the Fake News media freaked out, and then spent the next week trying as hard as they could to make "the whole world" believe he was actually going to do it, without saying so or citing the slightest evidence.

This seems to be the latest tactic by the Fanatic Left to destroy Republicans when the Republicans have done nothing at all wrong. Just ask a blank question with no backing whatsoever, and then self-generate as much smoke as possible, and hope people won't notice there's no fire at all.

Do you approve?
Republicans elected a crazy person, and are shocked that crazy things are happening. Too dumb.

Nothing new really! I think they all went culturally insane over 35 years ago when their patron saint, Reagan manifested himself as their GAWD! To this day his name is invoked blindly, but if his policies were looked at, he would be excommunicated from the RNC before the next full moon! The hypocrisy only gets more bizarre when these same people who were so thrilled about how an independent counsel harangued the Clintons, now they're bemoaning the mandate of "looking for a crime" when the initial investigation goes nowhere! I have to laugh; esp. with Trump who thought nothing of ranting about how Hillary needs to be "locked up" and now he's "feeling it!" Poor baby! :ack-1: :blahblah:
Republicans elected a crazy person, and are shocked that crazy things are happening. Too dumb.

Nothing new really! I think they all went culturally insane over 35 years ago when their patron saint Reagan manifested himself as their GAWD! To this day his name is invoked blindly, but if his policies were looked at, he would be excommunicated before the next full moon! The hypocrisy only gets more bizarre when these same people who were so thrilled about how an independent counsel harangued the Clintons, now they're bemoaning the mandate of "looking for a crime" when the initial investigation goes nowhere! I have to laugh; esp. with Trump who thought nothing of ranting about how Hillary needs to be "locked up" and now he's "feeling it!" Poor baby! :9: :ack-1: :blahblah:
Look at the leftwing snowflake calling other people crazy. Crawl back into your safe space and save it for people as stupid and crazy as yourself.
Well, I wondered about that, too. Apparently one of Trump's friends, Chris Ruddy, went on CNN and told them Trump was considering it.
No, he went on CNN and told them HE (Ruddy) BELIEVED "it was a consideration".

In other words, there is not the slightest evidence that Trump even speculated on it. Only that one person who isn't Donald Trump, believes he might have.

The whole world freaked out.

No, the Fake News media freaked out, and then spent the next week trying as hard as they could to make "the whole world" believe he was actually going to do it, without saying so or citing the slightest evidence.

This seems to be the latest tactic by the Fanatic Left to destroy Republicans when the Republicans have done nothing at all wrong. Just ask a blank question with no backing whatsoever, and then self-generate as much smoke as possible, and hope people won't notice there's no fire at all.

Do you approve?
No. BUT don't put it past him, BriPat.
Who has killed and blown off more body parts with our military Trump or Obama? Who's dropped more bombs? Who's shot more missiles? Yes Obama, yet the left claim its Trump who is scary.
If president Trump bitch slaps us just ONE MORE TIME there will be hell to pay, liberals will march on Washington!!!
Republicans elected a crazy person, and are shocked that crazy things are happening. Too dumb.

Nothing new really! I think they all went culturally insane over 35 years ago when their patron saint Reagan manifested himself as their GAWD! To this day his name is invoked blindly, but if his policies were looked at, he would be excommunicated before the next full moon! The hypocrisy only gets more bizarre when these same people who were so thrilled about how an independent counsel harangued the Clintons, now they're bemoaning the mandate of "looking for a crime" when the initial investigation goes nowhere! I have to laugh; esp. with Trump who thought nothing of ranting about how Hillary needs to be "locked up" and now he's "feeling it!" Poor baby! :9: :ack-1: :blahblah:
If the internet had been around during Reagan like it is today he'd have gone down as one of the worst President's in history. Tripling the national debt, creating the inner city drug crisis, funding and arming Al Qaeda and the Mujahideen, and so much more.
Who has killed and blown off more body parts with our military Trump or Obama? Who's dropped more bombs? Who's shot more missiles? Yes Obama, yet the left claim its Trump who is scary.

...and if he didn't bomb at will, you'd be kvetchin' about that! :9::anj_stfu: :blahblah::cuckoo: :dunno:

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