Yet another liberal defeatist calls for cease fire.......

I wanted to clarify that the comparison must include that one side is using overwhelming, and internationally illegal, terror tactics against a refugee population.

A better analogy would be the US cavalry attacking reservations rather than tribal warriors.
Pretty much what I said
The folks wanting you to be applauded by all these violet actions are the very same sorts that wanted you to do so after 9/11 ~S~
Not our circus, not our monkeys. I hope the Jews kick some ass, though. If you poke a bear, expect a mauling.
LOL. We know there will not be peace between Israel and Palestine.

We just don’t want to fuel it or be a part of it.
Plenty of conservatives here definitely want to fuel it and be a part of it.
Hamas terrorist's were carrying M-16's... where did they get the M-16's?... they were the rifles Miley and Biden left in Afghanistan... my guess is the rockets may have been US made as well.... this is a nightmare paid for by the American tax payer...
Yes, but terror state Israel has failed to honor numerous international laws pertaining to war crimes and ethnic cleansing.

It's a David and Goliath situation with the cultures reversed, and where Goliath always wins.
The terrorists are Muslims
Time will tell.
What’s your solution, back down like a bitch?
It’s been 60 years. How much more time do you need?

This “solution” sucks. It’s a lot like the Republican solution to school shootings. Just live with it.
It’s been 60 years. How much more time do you need?

This “solution” sucks. It’s a lot like the Republican solution to school shootings. Just live with it.
I don’t need any time, Moroner. You’re just babbling now.
Between D Day and the final surrender of the Nazis, how many cease fires did the Allies agree to so that humanitarian aid could get into Germany?
I wanted to clarify that the comparison must include that one side is using overwhelming, and internationally illegal, terror tactics against a refugee population.

A better analogy would be the US cavalry attacking reservations rather than tribal warriors.
If the "braves" attacked and took hostage women and children and then hid in teepees firing from behind the squaws and papooses, promising more killings later what should the cavalry have done?

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