Yet another post about North Carolina's bathroom law

Scrap the stupid law.

Why oh why did NC pass this llaw? Did they have noted problems of men using women restroom and vice versa?

I don't think so, so why was the law created?
We now have bathroom police here in NC

What they don't understand (maybe they do, they just want to ignore it), is that granting trans male the right to be considered a woman does not, nor cannot end with restrooms.

Just so ya know a "trans male", that is pre-operative, has a vagina as a "trans male" is biologically a female and the argument is that a "trans male" SHOULD use the female restroom since they have a vagina (per-operative).

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Sorry, got a penis - use the men's room. Don't have one, use the women's rest room. America wasn't confused about what bathroom to use until a liberal took over the WH. Just sayin'...

And yet the North Carolina law requires some people with penises to use the female restroom.

Sorry, got a penis - use the men's room. Don't have one, use the women's rest room. America wasn't confused about what bathroom to use until a liberal took over the WH. Just sayin'...

And yet the North Carolina law requires some people with penises to use the female restroom.


No, a fake penis is not a penis. A vagina surgically altered (if that's what they do), is actually a surgically altered vagina.

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