Yet another school shooting

Welp, with the exception of maybe one, most of the liberals in this thread are not taking this issue seriously. They'd much rather joke around about it. Truly saddening to see.
As long as Big Pharma can make a buck off of turning kids into emotionless killing zombies

Has it been shown that most/all of these kid school shooters have been needlessly on drugs?
Do most/all of these kids have clinically diagnosed behavior problems?
Is there a pattern of doctors aggressively over-medicating children?
Is there a tendency now to diagnose otherwise normal child behavior into any number of "disorders"? (I think the answer there might be yes)

Here's a short list:

• “Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking Luvox — like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor and many others, a modern and widely prescribed type of antidepressant drug called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.” Along with fellow student Dylan Klebold, Harris shot 13 to death and wounded 24 in a headline-grabbing 1999 rampage. “Luvox manufacturer Solvay Pharmaceuticals concedes that during short-term controlled clinical trials, 4 percent of children and youth taking Luvox — that’s one in 25 — developed mania, a dangerous and violence-prone mental derangement characterized by extreme excitement and delusion.”

• Twenty-five-year-old Patrick Purdy murdered five children and wounded 30 in a schoolyard shooting rampage in Stockton, California, in 1989. He’d been taking “Amitriptyline, an antidepressant, as well as the antipsychotic drug Thorazine.”

• “Kip Kinkel, 15, murdered his parents in 1998 and the next day went to his school, Thurston High in Springfield, Oregon, and opened fire on his classmates, killing two and wounding 22 others. He had been prescribed both Prozac and Ritalin.”

WND’s Leo Hohmann adds to the picture, having reported in 2015 (all quotations are his):

• “Aaron Ray Ybarra, 26, of Mountlake Terrace, Washington, allegedly opened fire with a shotgun at Seattle Pacific University in June 2014, killing one student and wounding two others.” Ybarra “said he’d been prescribed with Prozac and Risperdal to help him with his problems.”

• “Jose Reyes, the Nevada seventh-grader who went on a shooting rampage at his school in October 2013 was taking a prescription antidepressant [Prozac] at the time….”

• “Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis sprayed bullets at office workers and in a cafeteria on Sept. 16, 2013, killing 13 people including himself. Alexis had been prescribed [generic antidepressant] Trazodone by his Veterans Affairs doctor.”

• “In 1988, 31-year-old Laurie Dann went on a shooting rampage in a second-grade classroom in Winnetka, Ill., killing one child and wounding six. She had been taking the antidepressant Anafranil as well as Lithium, long used to treat mania.”

• “In Paducah, Kentucky, in late 1997, 14-year-old Michael Carneal, son of a prominent attorney, traveled to Heath High School and started shooting students in a prayer meeting taking place in the school’s lobby, killing three and leaving another paralyzed. Carneal reportedly was on Ritalin.”

• “In 2005, 16-year-old Jeff Weise, living on Minnesota’s Red Lake Indian Reservation, shot and killed nine people and wounded five others before killing himself. Weise had been taking Prozac.”

• “47-year-old Joseph T. Wesbecker, just a month after he began taking Prozac in 1989, shot 20 workers at Standard Gravure Corp. in Louisville, Kentucky, killing nine. Prozac-maker Eli Lilly later settled a lawsuit brought by survivors.”

There are more. In many cases the toxicology reports were never released under court order, but there is testimony to support the use of these exact class of antidepressants. In other cases there were no trace of the drug in the system, but testimony that they just got off, or suddenly stopped taking them, which creates an even more dangerous period of withdrawal.

And there are mounting studies, the biggest compliled by Oxford University that shows 2 key things:

1. Those on this class of drugs are 50% more likely to commit a violent crime, such as Homicide, than those treated with other methods.

2. That other treatment courses have better over all and faster results than SSRI. Even Placebo was found equally effective with faster results.
Well he was carrying a fucking shotgun and since nothing was reported about him shooting out a window or a door it is safe to assume he walked in through a fucking open unmoniitored door

I can't believe people allow a fucking moron like you to to teach their children

So now you want to hire monitors for every door? Armed guards outside every door??

Think please

Ha, and you want to pass more laws and post more "gun free zone" signs. Clearly your methods are not working.

That's not what I suggested. Hire more highly trained, armed security at the most vulnerable campuses. Base those numbers on the student body size. Arming teachers or students is stupid. The idea of hardening every campus in the country is cost prohibitive.

Finally, raise the age to 21 on all firearms purchases. 3 day mandatory waiting period and universal background checks. Also better mental health background checks. If cops had had more authority, they would have disarmed Nikolas Cruz after 30-some bright red flags.
No one advocated arming teachers, dolt
I do.
It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested
And to think they could have just locked the doors and the guy with the shotgun wouldn't have been able to walk in and kill people

But that won't work so let's ban guns instead

You and your "locked door" stupid rant. How do you know how he accessed the building? Has that been reported or are you spitballing your pet idiocy again?

Well he was carrying a fucking shotgun and since nothing was reported about him shooting out a window or a door it is safe to assume he walked in through a fucking open unmoniitored door

I can't believe people allow a fucking moron like you to to teach their children

Nothing has been reported, so you are just spitballing with your stupid rant!

I was a teacher and school administrator for 21 years. Guess what? In every school where I worked, the doors were locked! OMG, if you hadn't suggested it, we never would have locked the doors back in the 1990s!

Did you, as many schools today, have a financial incentive to place children on ADHD class drugs?

How Schools Are Making Big Money On 'ADD/ADHD'

And this:

Are Schools Pushing Ritalin?

From the link:

Parents have come forward with "horror stories" about intimidation by schools to get kids onto drugs. At the hearing, Patricia Weathers testified about her son, whom school authorities in Millbrook, N.Y., encouraged to take Ritalin and other medications to curb his disruptive behavior. But the drugs caused hallucinations, and she refused to keep him medicated, leading school officials to pursue protective custody of the child. She asks, "What concerns me is the intimidation tactics that a school can use on a parent to coerce them to drug their child." Weather finally put her son in a private school.

Sorry, I am not impressed

I don't know about your "horror stories" but I know as a teacher, I could have been fired and prosecuted for even advocating a parent medicate their child. It's called practicing medicine without a license.
Yeah, you can. Just because they aren't guns doesn't mean they can't kill you. What an utterly clueless response, Nosmo.

Try posting apart from your emotions for once.

Of course you can, but the carnage numbers achievable with a knife, hammer or anything else pale in comparison.

Please stop using this ridiculous argument.

Unless you have a successful counterargument, no.

The point is, you can can kill anyone with anything. It's not the implement, it's the intent. The desire to kill, the desire to harm. Guns are made of springs, metal, and gunpowder. Leave a gun alone and it won't kill anyone. Take up the gun, aim it at someone and shoot them, then you will soon discover that it wasn't the gun who killed your target. It was you.

The desire to kill isn't influenced by what you used to kill, it was influenced by whatever inclinations you had toward your victim.

So, is there any more ridiculous nonsense you want to spew at us today? Please, learn basic human psychology before lecturing me about what arguments I can and cannot use.
What is ridiculous nonsense is that in this instance you are still insisting that without a gun this mass killing would still have taken place. No, it wouldn't have. You think he could have killed 8 people, including a school police officer, and injured six others with a knife or a hammer? No. Most of the victims could have run faster than that.

I refuse to entertain that dumb argument any further. It's beyond retarded don't you think?
Actually, Blacksand had some examples of mass killings with knives in China--musta been Kung Fu shit.

Yeah, the big one in China involved FIVE PERPS. For some reason I don't see 5 misfit kids all going bonkers at once and plotting such a thing.

It would have to involve a large and highly trained terrorist group.
Of course you can, but the carnage numbers achievable with a knife, hammer or anything else pale in comparison.

Please stop using this ridiculous argument.

Unless you have a successful counterargument, no.

The point is, you can can kill anyone with anything. It's not the implement, it's the intent. The desire to kill, the desire to harm. Guns are made of springs, metal, and gunpowder. Leave a gun alone and it won't kill anyone. Take up the gun, aim it at someone and shoot them, then you will soon discover that it wasn't the gun who killed your target. It was you.

The desire to kill isn't influenced by what you used to kill, it was influenced by whatever inclinations you had toward your victim.

So, is there any more ridiculous nonsense you want to spew at us today? Please, learn basic human psychology before lecturing me about what arguments I can and cannot use.
What is ridiculous nonsense is that in this instance you are still insisting that without a gun this mass killing would still have taken place. No, it wouldn't have. You think he could have killed 8 people, including a school police officer, and injured six others with a knife or a hammer? No. Most of the victims could have run faster than that.

I refuse to entertain that dumb argument any further. It's beyond retarded don't you think?

You refuse to entertain it because you have no decent rebuttal. You're focusing on the physical aspect, whereas I focus on the psychological aspect. A gun can't read your mind. It isn't some magical talisman that influences a person's thoughts. Only the person can choose to take up a weapon and use it. Only a person can kill.
But the thoughts pull the trigger. And without the trigger, the thoughts render the trigger useless.


Are you really going with that? "Without the gun, the killer can't kill"?

I needed a hearty belly laugh today.
Of course you can, but the carnage numbers achievable with a knife, hammer or anything else pale in comparison.

Please stop using this ridiculous argument.

Unless you have a successful counterargument, no.

The point is, you can can kill anyone with anything. It's not the implement, it's the intent. The desire to kill, the desire to harm. Guns are made of springs, metal, and gunpowder. Leave a gun alone and it won't kill anyone. Take up the gun, aim it at someone and shoot them, then you will soon discover that it wasn't the gun who killed your target. It was you.

The desire to kill isn't influenced by what you used to kill, it was influenced by whatever inclinations you had toward your victim.

So, is there any more ridiculous nonsense you want to spew at us today? Please, learn basic human psychology before lecturing me about what arguments I can and cannot use.
What is ridiculous nonsense is that in this instance you are still insisting that without a gun this mass killing would still have taken place. No, it wouldn't have. You think he could have killed 8 people, including a school police officer, and injured six others with a knife or a hammer? No. Most of the victims could have run faster than that.

I refuse to entertain that dumb argument any further. It's beyond retarded don't you think?

You refuse to entertain it because you have no decent rebuttal. You're focusing on the physical aspect, whereas I focus on the psychological aspect. A gun can't read your mind. It isn't some magical talisman that influences a person's thoughts. Only the person can choose to take up a weapon and use it. Only a person can kill.
But the thoughts pull the trigger. And without the trigger, the thoughts render the trigger useless.
As long as criminals have guns, so will we.
Make our schools as secure as banks, post offices, political offices, provide security, arm people, train them.

I'm fine with more armed, trained security, but retrofit hardening of every school in the country would cost 10 times as much as Trump's big, beautiful stupid wall.

You ready to spend that kind of money?

Is the safety of our children only something you believe when you are pushing removing people of their rights?
It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested
And to think they could have just locked the doors and the guy with the shotgun wouldn't have been able to walk in and kill people

But that won't work so let's ban guns instead

You and your "locked door" stupid rant. How do you know how he accessed the building? Has that been reported or are you spitballing your pet idiocy again?

Well he was carrying a fucking shotgun and since nothing was reported about him shooting out a window or a door it is safe to assume he walked in through a fucking open unmoniitored door

I can't believe people allow a fucking moron like you to to teach their children

Nothing has been reported, so you are just spitballing with your stupid rant!

I was a teacher and school administrator for 21 years. Guess what? In every school where I worked, the doors were locked! OMG, if you hadn't suggested it, we never would have locked the doors back in the 1990s!

So then how did Cruz get into Parkland?

How did the moron with a shotgun get into this school?

And how come these parents are questioning the NY policy

Kids have to get in the school, don't they?

So you think NY is typical?


This past year, I spent my mornings watching a locked door for 15 minutes before school to make sure no one let anyone in the back door.

Yet, you say we don't even lock the doors! Up yours moron!
You refuse to entertain it because you have no decent rebuttal. You're focusing on the physical aspect, whereas I focus on the psychological aspect. A gun can't read your mind. It isn't some magical talisman that influences a person's thoughts. Only the person can choose to take up a weapon and use it. Only a person can kill.

Hey, I'm a gun owner - not a grabber. I agree that people kill people.

But the right kind of gun as opposed to a knife, hammer or anything else makes it a whole lot easier.
Well he was carrying a fucking shotgun and since nothing was reported about him shooting out a window or a door it is safe to assume he walked in through a fucking open unmoniitored door

I can't believe people allow a fucking moron like you to to teach their children

So now you want to hire monitors for every door? Armed guards outside every door??

Think please

Ha, and you want to pass more laws and post more "gun free zone" signs. Clearly your methods are not working.

That's not what I suggested. Hire more highly trained, armed security at the most vulnerable campuses. Base those numbers on the student body size. Arming teachers or students is stupid. The idea of hardening every campus in the country is cost prohibitive.

Finally, raise the age to 21 on all firearms purchases. 3 day mandatory waiting period and universal background checks. Also better mental health background checks. If cops had had more authority, they would have disarmed Nikolas Cruz after 30-some bright red flags.
No one advocated arming teachers, dolt

No one except the NRA, and nearly every barrel stroker on this board at one time or another, dolt.
No were not, stupid fuck. What is your first language? It's obviously not English
Make our schools as secure as banks, post offices, political offices, provide security, arm people, train them.

I'm fine with more armed, trained security, but retrofit hardening of every school in the country would cost 10 times as much as Trump's big, beautiful stupid wall.

You ready to spend that kind of money?

Is the safety of our children only something you believe when you are pushing removing people of their rights?

HuH :confused-84:

Where did I suggest removing the right of responsible people to own guns?
Welp, with the exception of maybe one, most of the liberals in this thread are not taking this issue seriously. They'd much rather joke around about it. Truly saddening to see.
The day you decide to take this issue seriously, is the day you can accurately compare statistical mass shootings in other countries to ours. Then and only then, will you be taken seriously. Of course, we all know that will never happen. There is nothing like truth in statistics that buries the argument of the other.
Maybe we should ban schools until the idiots who run them learn how to lock the doors and control access

Stupid "lock the doors" rant, Part 2!

And yet you lock your doors to your home but think it's silly to lock the doors of a school

Here it is folks, an example of the idiots teaching your kids

The doors to every school where I worked were locked! You keep repeating this stupid rant in hopes that someone will be stupid enough not to recognize that a complete moron posted it!

I tell you what you need to do. Go to your local school and try to get in and report back on your success. When you get arrested, have a friend post on here of your fate, and we will all laugh at your predicament.
Yeah, what's up with the damn doors always being locked?
Yeah no one could just walk in with a fucking shotgun of the doors were locked right?

How many elementary students are shooting up schools? Oh, these shootings were at high schools by students or former students. They blend in.

Why aren't you volunteering at a school to help with security? Oh, nevermind. I forgot that you probably could not pass the required background check for stupidity.
Well he was carrying a fucking shotgun and since nothing was reported about him shooting out a window or a door it is safe to assume he walked in through a fucking open unmoniitored door

I can't believe people allow a fucking moron like you to to teach their children

So now you want to hire monitors for every door? Armed guards outside every door??

Think please

Ha, and you want to pass more laws and post more "gun free zone" signs. Clearly your methods are not working.

That's not what I suggested. Hire more highly trained, armed security at the most vulnerable campuses. Base those numbers on the student body size. Arming teachers or students is stupid. The idea of hardening every campus in the country is cost prohibitive.

Finally, raise the age to 21 on all firearms purchases. 3 day mandatory waiting period and universal background checks. Also better mental health background checks. If cops had had more authority, they would have disarmed Nikolas Cruz after 30-some bright red flags.
No one advocated arming teachers, dolt
I do.
You want schools to hand out guns? Seriously? That's stupid. Just let them bring their own
Make our schools as secure as banks, post offices, political offices, provide security, arm people, train them.

I'm fine with more armed, trained security, but retrofit hardening of every school in the country would cost 10 times as much as Trump's big, beautiful stupid wall.

You ready to spend that kind of money?

Is the safety of our children only something you believe when you are pushing removing people of their rights?

HuH :confused-84:

Where did I suggest removing the right of responsible people to own guns?
When at first you can't win the first argument, create another one to take its place. Typical NRA bs to change the narrative to one's rights. Lol! They are so predictable these days.
And to think they could have just locked the doors and the guy with the shotgun wouldn't have been able to walk in and kill people

But that won't work so let's ban guns instead

You and your "locked door" stupid rant. How do you know how he accessed the building? Has that been reported or are you spitballing your pet idiocy again?

Well he was carrying a fucking shotgun and since nothing was reported about him shooting out a window or a door it is safe to assume he walked in through a fucking open unmoniitored door

I can't believe people allow a fucking moron like you to to teach their children

Nothing has been reported, so you are just spitballing with your stupid rant!

I was a teacher and school administrator for 21 years. Guess what? In every school where I worked, the doors were locked! OMG, if you hadn't suggested it, we never would have locked the doors back in the 1990s!

Did you, as many schools today, have a financial incentive to place children on ADHD class drugs?

How Schools Are Making Big Money On 'ADD/ADHD'

And this:

Are Schools Pushing Ritalin?

From the link:

Parents have come forward with "horror stories" about intimidation by schools to get kids onto drugs. At the hearing, Patricia Weathers testified about her son, whom school authorities in Millbrook, N.Y., encouraged to take Ritalin and other medications to curb his disruptive behavior. But the drugs caused hallucinations, and she refused to keep him medicated, leading school officials to pursue protective custody of the child. She asks, "What concerns me is the intimidation tactics that a school can use on a parent to coerce them to drug their child." Weather finally put her son in a private school.

Sorry, I am not impressed

I don't know about your "horror stories" but I know as a teacher, I could have been fired and prosecuted for even advocating a parent medicate their child. It's called practicing medicine without a license.

You didn't read the links. The teachers figured out a way to cover their asses.

But you did avoid to answer the question, which actually did answer it.

There is a financial incentive to put kids on these drugs.

But blame the guns, right?

You can't make this righteous indignation bullshit up if you tried.

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