Yet another school shooting

I guess we need to ban trench coats. But when we do that, only outlaws will have trench coats!
Government school security programs suck. They have failed over and over. When are you lazy fucks going to take security seriously?

Excuse me, but where does the "government" come into these schools?

Government sets no rules for these schools, except the obvious "gun-free" zone rules.

Who runs your schools? The President? The governor? Your county commission?

Lol. You have no idea how schools are funded. Funny stuff. Keep making excuses for failing to protect kids and securing the government funded schools. It is sad.

He is trying to tell you that Government does not play a role in schools. Yet the local School Board is a part of Government, receives it's funding from local, state and federal Government and are obligated, by the receipt of these funds, to do the will of the Government to a large extent.


Another clueless post by the drug kingpin?

You seem to be able to solve our gun problem by creating 8,000,000 kids who cannot function in life! Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant!

See, there's where Pharma has you by the balls and you show your true colors. Drug your class up into compliant Zombies is far better than ending the killings.

You can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.
You sure don't seem to have any suggestions to offer do you

Hey IDGAF I don't have kids so if you all think it's impossible to secure a school then the dead kids are on you not me

I (and several others) have clearly stated at least a dozen problems with your "do it for free" notion that you have failed to address.

Have a nice day

I said SOME things that can be done will not cost anything

so once again you illustrate your inability to read and retain information

We really wish you would post these ideas because everything you have posted so far did not last 30 seconds of rational thought.
Government school security programs suck. They have failed over and over. When are you lazy fucks going to take security seriously?

Excuse me, but where does the "government" come into these schools?

Government sets no rules for these schools, except the obvious "gun-free" zone rules.

Who runs your schools? The President? The governor? Your county commission?

Lol. You have no idea how schools are funded. Funny stuff. Keep making excuses for failing to protect kids and securing the government funded schools. It is sad.

He is trying to tell you that Government does not play a role in schools. Yet the local School Board is a part of Government, receives it's funding from local, state and federal Government and are obligated, by the receipt of these funds, to do the will of the Government to a large extent.


Another clueless post by the drug kingpin?

You seem to be able to solve our gun problem by creating 8,000,000 kids who cannot function in life! Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant!

See, there's where Pharma has you by the balls and you show your true colors. Drug your class up into compliant Zombies is far better than ending the killings.

You can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

When was the last time you taught a class of 25 students and have over half diagnosed with ADHD? You can tell when these kids skip their meds because they bounce off the walls and make learning by anyone in the class impossible.

I suppose we could do the idiotic thing and let these kids run the streets until they might just grow out of it. Otherwise, you have 25 kids who don't learn because Little Johnny is swinging from the doorframe and yelling at the top of his lungs!

I have two grandsons that have/had ADHD. The older one grew out of it and no longer takes any medication and he is a stellar student. When the younger one is off his meds, the teacher has to separate him from the class and he learns nothing, so we make sure he takes them every day! When he is on his meds, he is another stellar student. It's Jekyll and Hyde.

Also, just FYI, I taught for 21 years and I have yet to see a Zombie in any classroom, much less my own. I have seen hundreds of kids whose parents let them stay up all night playing Call of Duty and can't keep their eyes open. Maybe that is what you are seeing!
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He carried it under his black trench coat in 90 degree weather.

Dustin Severin, a 17-year-old student, told NBC affiliate KPRC that he saw Pagourtzis in the hallway shortly before the bullets started flying — and that he was wearing his usual outfit. "He wears a trenchcoat every day, and it's like 90 degrees out here," Severin said.​

You are failing BIGLY today Skull - DERP ;-)
Gee a trench coat nothing suspicious there

I guess we need to ban trench coats. But when we do that, only outlaws will have trench coats!
Government school security programs suck. They have failed over and over. When are you lazy fucks going to take security seriously?

Excuse me, but where does the "government" come into these schools?

Government sets no rules for these schools, except the obvious "gun-free" zone rules.

Who runs your schools? The President? The governor? Your county commission?

Lol. You have no idea how schools are funded. Funny stuff. Keep making excuses for failing to protect kids and securing the government funded schools. It is sad.

No, I have no idea how schools are funded, despite my Master's degree and that is obviously outclassed by your amateur Google mastery.

You are a an obnoxious piece of work. No wonder you don't get along with the other idiots. You are exactly alike!
He carried it under his black trench coat in 90 degree weather.

Dustin Severin, a 17-year-old student, told NBC affiliate KPRC that he saw Pagourtzis in the hallway shortly before the bullets started flying — and that he was wearing his usual outfit. "He wears a trenchcoat every day, and it's like 90 degrees out here," Severin said.​

You are failing BIGLY today Skull - DERP ;-)
Gee a trench coat nothing suspicious there

I guess we need to ban trench coats. But when we do that, only outlaws will have trench coats!

Government school security programs suck. They have failed over and over. When are you lazy fucks going to take security seriously?

When fools like you pay for it. Do you think - of course not - do you believe an armed and trained security officer is willing to put him or her self in harms way & works for free?

Do you think an off duty police officer, deputy sheriff or probation/parole agent will work for free. Do you think, ooops, but I digress, understand (not likely) there are turf issues on which agency pays for such security? Is it the school district, which in many places cannot afford pencils, paper and teachers who not only are expected to teach, but to put themselves in harms way too (but the record shows many of them do, and yet get no credit for those acts of bravery), or the LE Agency? But of course it would be paid for by the Taxpayer, and that is anathema to the conservative movement.
He carried it under his black trench coat in 90 degree weather.

Dustin Severin, a 17-year-old student, told NBC affiliate KPRC that he saw Pagourtzis in the hallway shortly before the bullets started flying — and that he was wearing his usual outfit. "He wears a trenchcoat every day, and it's like 90 degrees out here," Severin said.​

You are failing BIGLY today Skull - DERP ;-)
Gee a trench coat nothing suspicious there

I guess we need to ban trench coats. But when we do that, only outlaws will have trench coats!

Government school security programs suck. They have failed over and over. When are you lazy fucks going to take security seriously?

When fools like you pay for it. Do you think - of course not - do you believe an armed and trained security officer is willing to put him or her self in harms way & works for free?

Do you think an off duty police officer, deputy sheriff or probation/parole agent will work for free. Do you think, ooops, but I digress, understand (not likely) there are turf issues on which agency pays for such security? Is it the school district, which in many places cannot afford pencils, paper and teachers who not only are expected to teach, but to put themselves in harms way too (but the record shows many of them do, and yet get no credit for those acts of bravery), or the LE Agency? But of course it would be paid for by the Taxpayer, and that is anathema to the conservative movement.
Predictably some ass would come along crying about money. Maybe a few less masturbation classes or fluid gender study classes could cover those cost. Or maybe we can cut 75% of the useless middle management jobs that take up significant portions of the budget, but bring nothing to the classroom. Maybe superintendents don't deserve 300k. We spend over $630 billion a year on education. Money is not the issue. How those funds are distributed is the issue. Just like most government funded groups, waste and fruad are rampant. The vast majority of "educators" have 100% job security with no incentives to streamline things and send the funds where they are truly needed.

Yeah, that's why states are doing away with tenure, limiting pay raises to nothing or below inflation, stripping retirement benefits after they were written into contracts, firing teachers when their salary gets too high because they can hire a college graduate for half the cost. Yeah, none of that is happening now.

Metal detectors - No one in unless pass through the check points... Enough is enough of the idiocy already.

What happens in these bubbles should not effect the rights and lives of others outside these bubbles.

Fix what is happening in these bubbles, and be done with the bullcrap already.

Are we really so stupid that we can't fix problems in this country now ??

First we must figure out who doesn't want these things fixed, and who keeps fueling these fires, and who would rather exploit these fires than do what's right, and put a stop to it.

This stuff should have already been in the works since the last mass shooting, but here we are again because some state, town, city or community figured that it wouldn't come their way. Well surprise procrastinator's.

Look into your children's eyes if you give a crap about them, and say enough is enough.

Funneling people into metal detector choke-points makes them easy targets. Locking them inside a prison means no escaping danger like fires or shooters. The shooters don't stop at metal detectors, doors or windows & blast their way inside.

You know if people want to, they can come up with a million ways as to why something won't work, but not doing anything is totally unexceptable, and is kicking the can down the road again and again.

At least at the inner check points (not roadside), the kids can be screened and processed to enter the school unarmed and ready to learn.

At the school roadside check point, if someone from the public attacks, then at least armed security officers will respond in kind to that situation.

We can formulate a security program or protocol at these schools, but to ignore these things because they didn't happen in our state, town or community is unexceptable at this point.

Learning who is in our communities again is important, and that could be done on the front lines at the schools. To ignore anything due to political correctness or this idea that civil rights prohibits this or prohibits that is a total fail in our communities and societies.

Try doing that at the schools where 3000 - 4000 kids arrive within about 20-30 minutes of each other. You people are fucking amateurs trying to solve problems you simply don't understand!
Yup! It's impossible to process that many squirrely students in under 20 minutes. Locked doors did nothing to stop Adam Lanza from entering Sandy Hook School & shooting every adult trying to stop him from getting to the children.
.....and, yet, I have never heard a liberal argue for gun confiscation. All of the comes from paranoia of the radical Right, funded by the NRA. For one thing, it is literally physically impossible. For another, it is not desirable. For another, it is politically impossible. But, it is very useful to the Right to rant about it order to fund the Right. Of course, the militias all over the country love to go on and on about it after a weekend of playing soldier, down at the beer hall. The news is now out that one such gun nut was the father of the Texas shooter, whose guns the kid used to kill 10 people.

The left’s path to gun confiscation
I said SOME things that can be done will not cost anything

so once again you illustrate your inability to read and retain information

Just a few items you failed to address:

There were 3500 kids in my high school. Staggered buses? LoL - 90% of the kids didn't take the bus. They walked, rode bike, parents dropped them off or they drove. I drove my junior and senior years. Though well maintained, it was built in the 1940s as a junior college. I remember the campus like the back of my hand. There are minimally 18 different ways to get in. Massive remodeling would have to be done to create a single point of entry. Probably 30 million cost and a few years to complete.

And once it was created? Even if you hired 6 people to look in every bag, check every jacket and frisk or wand each student it would take minimally 2 hours to funnel them all through that single entry point. So staggered buses - Please, it would be chaotic and costly. Trust me - my state hates public education and they barely provide enough books, pencils, paper, teachers etc as it is. So 75% of it would have to come from the feds.

Finally, consider Boise State University is a couple of 3 woods away from me. There are 25,000 kids enrolled and probably 75 points of entry. There are many colleges in the 35,000 to 50,000 range. What will you do with that genius logistician?

C'mon dude, you're just embarrassing yourself. :wink_2:

Hey we agreed that it's absolutely impossible to do anything to increase security at schools already so why are you harping?

And FYI if 90% of the students didn't take a bus it would be even easier to stagger arrival times wouldn't it?

But I'm done with this subject because all of you obviously believe that there is nothing to be done or anything that can be done will cost a billion dollars and like I said I don't have kids so the next batch of dead kids is on you.
Thoughts and Prayers......
Why are people so angry in Texas?

Yup....they should be marching in the street with second amendment signs.....

Not everyone in Texas is an asshole. Lets see how many assholes there are this November

After Santa Fe shooting, Gov. Greg Abbott cancels his 'Texas-made' shotgun contest | Texas Politics | Dallas News

AUSTIN — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has decided not to give away a shotgun in the wake of the shooting at Santa Fe High School.

On Monday, Abbott campaign spokesman John Wittman confirmed that the governor, who is running for re-election, will no longer be raffling off a "Texas-made shotgun." The contest winner will instead receive a gift certificate.

"It has been changed," Wittman told The Dallas Morning News. "Now it's just a contest for a $250 gift certificate."

Gun control activists criticized Abbott for the raffle, demanding he take it down after the Friday morning rampage. The shooter, 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis, used a shotgun and a pistol to kill 10 of his fellow Santa Fe students and teachers.

"We are happy that the governor has canceled his shotgun giveaway," Matthew Hogenmiller, 16, who leads the Austin chapter of the student gun control advocacy group March for Our Lives, said Monday. "We continue to plead that the money given to the winner is instead donated to the survivors' funds in Santa Fe."

A photograph of Abbott with a shotgun, used in the original promotional material for the giveaway, is now featured on the governor's campaign website's homepage under a section on "protecting the Second Amendment."

"Greg Abbott believes the right to keep and bear arms was settled in 1791 when the 2nd Amendment was adopted to the U.S. Constitution," the website reads. "On behalf of 31 states, Attorney General Abbott championed a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision (District of Columbia v. Heller) that struck down a handgun ban and protected an individual's right to bear arms."

Abbott easily beat out his two Republican primary opponents in March. He will face Lupe Valdez, the former Dallas County sheriff, or Andrew White, a Houston businessman, in the November general election.
Metal detectors - No one in unless pass through the check points... Enough is enough of the idiocy already.

What happens in these bubbles should not effect the rights and lives of others outside these bubbles.

Fix what is happening in these bubbles, and be done with the bullcrap already.

Are we really so stupid that we can't fix problems in this country now ??

First we must figure out who doesn't want these things fixed, and who keeps fueling these fires, and who would rather exploit these fires than do what's right, and put a stop to it.

This stuff should have already been in the works since the last mass shooting, but here we are again because some state, town, city or community figured that it wouldn't come their way. Well surprise procrastinator's.

Look into your children's eyes if you give a crap about them, and say enough is enough.

Funneling people into metal detector choke-points makes them easy targets. Locking them inside a prison means no escaping danger like fires or shooters. The shooters don't stop at metal detectors, doors or windows & blast their way inside.

You know if people want to, they can come up with a million ways as to why something won't work, but not doing anything is totally unexceptable, and is kicking the can down the road again and again.

At least at the inner check points (not roadside), the kids can be screened and processed to enter the school unarmed and ready to learn.

At the school roadside check point, if someone from the public attacks, then at least armed security officers will respond in kind to that situation.

We can formulate a security program or protocol at these schools, but to ignore these things because they didn't happen in our state, town or community is unexceptable at this point.

Learning who is in our communities again is important, and that could be done on the front lines at the schools. To ignore anything due to political correctness or this idea that civil rights prohibits this or prohibits that is a total fail in our communities and societies.

I find it funny how the people whining that teachers aren't paid enough never seem to care where the money for increased salaries is going to come from but they make a stink about where money for increased protection of the students will come from

I guess we know where their priorities lie

If you don't pay teachers well enough, there are two possibilities:

1) Good quality teachers will walk away from the job because the pay sucks.
2) Poor quality teachers will get hired to replace tham and stay because they have no place else to go.

The money protecting the students will be wasted if idiots like post on this thread are allowed to make changes because you don't understand how things work outside your fantasy world when remembering to get you lunch money was the hardest task you faced in school.

Hey you won if that makes you feel better

I have agreed that it is absolutely impossible to improve security at schools.

Manifold says it's absolutely impossible to get kids to walk in a single file line I mean really if that's impossible then how the hell can we mere mortals prevent a person from walking into a school with a rifle ?

So don't whine when the next batch of kids gets gunned down in a school because remember you said that nothing else can be done
Metal detectors - No one in unless pass through the check points... Enough is enough of the idiocy already.

What happens in these bubbles should not effect the rights and lives of others outside these bubbles.

Fix what is happening in these bubbles, and be done with the bullcrap already.

Are we really so stupid that we can't fix problems in this country now ??

First we must figure out who doesn't want these things fixed, and who keeps fueling these fires, and who would rather exploit these fires than do what's right, and put a stop to it.

This stuff should have already been in the works since the last mass shooting, but here we are again because some state, town, city or community figured that it wouldn't come their way. Well surprise procrastinator's.

Look into your children's eyes if you give a crap about them, and say enough is enough.

Funneling people into metal detector choke-points makes them easy targets. Locking them inside a prison means no escaping danger like fires or shooters. The shooters don't stop at metal detectors, doors or windows & blast their way inside.

You know if people want to, they can come up with a million ways as to why something won't work, but not doing anything is totally unexceptable, and is kicking the can down the road again and again.

At least at the inner check points (not roadside), the kids can be screened and processed to enter the school unarmed and ready to learn.

At the school roadside check point, if someone from the public attacks, then at least armed security officers will respond in kind to that situation.

We can formulate a security program or protocol at these schools, but to ignore these things because they didn't happen in our state, town or community is unexceptable at this point.

Learning who is in our communities again is important, and that could be done on the front lines at the schools. To ignore anything due to political correctness or this idea that civil rights prohibits this or prohibits that is a total fail in our communities and societies.

I find it funny how the people whining that teachers aren't paid enough never seem to care where the money for increased salaries is going to come from but they make a stink about where money for increased protection of the students will come from

I guess we know where their priorities lie

If you don't pay teachers well enough, there are two possibilities:

1) Good quality teachers will walk away from the job because the pay sucks.
2) Poor quality teachers will get hired to replace tham and stay because they have no place else to go.

The money protecting the students will be wasted if idiots like post on this thread are allowed to make changes because you don't understand how things work outside your fantasy world when remembering to get you lunch money was the hardest task you faced in school.

Hey you won if that makes you feel better

I have agreed that it is absolutely impossible to improve security at schools.

Manifold says it's absolutely impossible to get kids to walk in a single file line I mean really if that's impossible then how the hell can we mere mortals prevent a person from walking into a school with a rifle ?

So don't whine when the next batch of kids gets gunned down in a school because remember you said that nothing else can be done

Sure stuff can be done. For one, if you're a loser they should be able to kick you out of the school. If you can't walk a straight line or do as your told, why do they have to keep your sorry ass in school?
Excuse me, but where does the "government" come into these schools?

Government sets no rules for these schools, except the obvious "gun-free" zone rules.

Who runs your schools? The President? The governor? Your county commission?

Lol. You have no idea how schools are funded. Funny stuff. Keep making excuses for failing to protect kids and securing the government funded schools. It is sad.

He is trying to tell you that Government does not play a role in schools. Yet the local School Board is a part of Government, receives it's funding from local, state and federal Government and are obligated, by the receipt of these funds, to do the will of the Government to a large extent.


Another clueless post by the drug kingpin?

You seem to be able to solve our gun problem by creating 8,000,000 kids who cannot function in life! Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant!

See, there's where Pharma has you by the balls and you show your true colors. Drug your class up into compliant Zombies is far better than ending the killings.

You can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

When was the last time you taught a class of 25 students and have over half diagnosed with ADHD? You can tell when these kids skip their meds because they bounce off the walls and make learning by anyone in the class impossible.

I suppose we could do the idiotic thing and let these kids run the streets until they might just grow out of it. Otherwise, you have 25 kids who don't learn because Little Johnny is swinging from the doorframe and yelling at the top of his lungs!

I have two grandsons that have/had ADHD. The older one grew out of it and no longer takes any medication and he is a stellar student. When the younger one is off his meds, the teacher has to separate him from the class and he learns nothing, so we make sure he takes them every day! When he is on his meds, he is another stellar student. It's Jekyll and Hyde.

Also, just FYI, I taught for 21 years and I have yet to see a Zombie in any classroom, much less my own. I have seen hundreds of kids whose parents let them stay up all night playing Call of Duty and can't keep their eyes open. Maybe that is what you are seeing!

And what does this have to do with antidepressants, for which we have 8,000,000 kids on? hmmmmmmm? Did you think ADHD Drugs and SSRI class antidepressants were the same thing??????? AND YOU PREACHED TO ME?

You realize that even the Sears School of Medicine knows the difference, Right?

Good Lord the lameness

And, you can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.
Lol. You have no idea how schools are funded. Funny stuff. Keep making excuses for failing to protect kids and securing the government funded schools. It is sad.

He is trying to tell you that Government does not play a role in schools. Yet the local School Board is a part of Government, receives it's funding from local, state and federal Government and are obligated, by the receipt of these funds, to do the will of the Government to a large extent.


Another clueless post by the drug kingpin?

You seem to be able to solve our gun problem by creating 8,000,000 kids who cannot function in life! Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant!

See, there's where Pharma has you by the balls and you show your true colors. Drug your class up into compliant Zombies is far better than ending the killings.

You can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

When was the last time you taught a class of 25 students and have over half diagnosed with ADHD? You can tell when these kids skip their meds because they bounce off the walls and make learning by anyone in the class impossible.

I suppose we could do the idiotic thing and let these kids run the streets until they might just grow out of it. Otherwise, you have 25 kids who don't learn because Little Johnny is swinging from the doorframe and yelling at the top of his lungs!

I have two grandsons that have/had ADHD. The older one grew out of it and no longer takes any medication and he is a stellar student. When the younger one is off his meds, the teacher has to separate him from the class and he learns nothing, so we make sure he takes them every day! When he is on his meds, he is another stellar student. It's Jekyll and Hyde.

Also, just FYI, I taught for 21 years and I have yet to see a Zombie in any classroom, much less my own. I have seen hundreds of kids whose parents let them stay up all night playing Call of Duty and can't keep their eyes open. Maybe that is what you are seeing!

And what does this have to do with antidepressants, for which we have 8,000,000 kids on? hmmmmmmm? Did you think ADHD Drugs and SSRI class antidepressants were the same thing??????? AND YOU PREACHED TO ME?

You realize that even the Sears School of Medicine knows the difference, Right?

Good Lord the lameness

And, you can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

Yank those kids off the antidepressants and see what happens. You think you got problems now....just wait.
Hey we agreed that it's absolutely impossible to do anything to increase security at schools already so why are you harping?

And FYI if 90% of the students didn't take a bus it would be even easier to stagger arrival times wouldn't it?

But I'm done with this subject because all of you obviously believe that there is nothing to be done or anything that can be done will cost a billion dollars and like I said I don't have kids so the next batch of dead kids is on you.

Meh, there's plenty that can be done but your ideas were dumb.
  1. Hire 1 armed, highly trained resource officer for every 500 kids - on campus at ALL times
  2. Raise age to 21 on ALL firearms purchases and add 3 day waiting period
  3. Universal criminal AND mental BG checks
  4. Enhance the ability of officers to separate problem kids from their guns (30 calls of concern on Nikolas Cruz)
  5. More education for kids to be aware of problem signals (if you see something, SAY something)
There's more, but that'd be a pretty awesome start
Hey we agreed that it's absolutely impossible to do anything to increase security at schools already so why are you harping?

And FYI if 90% of the students didn't take a bus it would be even easier to stagger arrival times wouldn't it?

But I'm done with this subject because all of you obviously believe that there is nothing to be done or anything that can be done will cost a billion dollars and like I said I don't have kids so the next batch of dead kids is on you.

Meh, there's plenty that can be done but your ideas were dumb.
  1. Hire 1 armed, highly trained resource officer for every 500 kids - on campus at ALL times
  2. Raise age to 21 on ALL firearms purchases and add 3 day waiting period
  3. Universal criminal AND mental BG checks
  4. Enhance the ability of officers to separate problem kids from their guns (30 calls of concern on Nikolas Cruz)
  5. More education for kids to be aware of problem signals (if you see something, SAY something)
There's more, but that'd be a pretty awesome start

We were talking school security here not gun laws

Hey I'm just agreeing with Admiral Rocksinthehead he's the self appointed expert on all things public school here and he says schools are secure as they are.

And yes I guess checking book bags is stupid I wonder why the TSA does it.
Hey we agreed that it's absolutely impossible to do anything to increase security at schools already so why are you harping?

And FYI if 90% of the students didn't take a bus it would be even easier to stagger arrival times wouldn't it?

But I'm done with this subject because all of you obviously believe that there is nothing to be done or anything that can be done will cost a billion dollars and like I said I don't have kids so the next batch of dead kids is on you.

Meh, there's plenty that can be done but your ideas were dumb.
  1. Hire 1 armed, highly trained resource officer for every 500 kids - on campus at ALL times
  2. Raise age to 21 on ALL firearms purchases and add 3 day waiting period
  3. Universal criminal AND mental BG checks
  4. Enhance the ability of officers to separate problem kids from their guns (30 calls of concern on Nikolas Cruz)
  5. More education for kids to be aware of problem signals (if you see something, SAY something)
There's more, but that'd be a pretty awesome start

And remove the gun show registration loophole.

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