Yet another school shooting

Hey we agreed that it's absolutely impossible to do anything to increase security at schools already so why are you harping?

And FYI if 90% of the students didn't take a bus it would be even easier to stagger arrival times wouldn't it?

But I'm done with this subject because all of you obviously believe that there is nothing to be done or anything that can be done will cost a billion dollars and like I said I don't have kids so the next batch of dead kids is on you.

Meh, there's plenty that can be done but your ideas were dumb.
  1. Hire 1 armed, highly trained resource officer for every 500 kids - on campus at ALL times
  2. Raise age to 21 on ALL firearms purchases and add 3 day waiting period
  3. Universal criminal AND mental BG checks
  4. Enhance the ability of officers to separate problem kids from their guns (30 calls of concern on Nikolas Cruz)
  5. More education for kids to be aware of problem signals (if you see something, SAY something)
There's more, but that'd be a pretty awesome start

We were talking school security here not gun laws

Hey I'm just agreeing with Admiral Rocksinthehead he's the self appointed expert on all things public school here and he says schools are secure as they are.

And yes I guess checking book bags is stupid I wonder why the TSA does it.

That is an old GOP-BRA tactic....separate guns from the can't do that. School safety and gun availability go together....
Hey we agreed that it's absolutely impossible to do anything to increase security at schools already so why are you harping?

And FYI if 90% of the students didn't take a bus it would be even easier to stagger arrival times wouldn't it?

But I'm done with this subject because all of you obviously believe that there is nothing to be done or anything that can be done will cost a billion dollars and like I said I don't have kids so the next batch of dead kids is on you.

Meh, there's plenty that can be done but your ideas were dumb.
  1. Hire 1 armed, highly trained resource officer for every 500 kids - on campus at ALL times
  2. Raise age to 21 on ALL firearms purchases and add 3 day waiting period
  3. Universal criminal AND mental BG checks
  4. Enhance the ability of officers to separate problem kids from their guns (30 calls of concern on Nikolas Cruz)
  5. More education for kids to be aware of problem signals (if you see something, SAY something)
There's more, but that'd be a pretty awesome start

And remove the gun show registration loophole.

Yep - That's part of Universal - as is banning Internet sales from private sellers without a check on sites like
Hey we agreed that it's absolutely impossible to do anything to increase security at schools already so why are you harping?

And FYI if 90% of the students didn't take a bus it would be even easier to stagger arrival times wouldn't it?

But I'm done with this subject because all of you obviously believe that there is nothing to be done or anything that can be done will cost a billion dollars and like I said I don't have kids so the next batch of dead kids is on you.

Meh, there's plenty that can be done but your ideas were dumb.
  1. Hire 1 armed, highly trained resource officer for every 500 kids - on campus at ALL times
  2. Raise age to 21 on ALL firearms purchases and add 3 day waiting period
  3. Universal criminal AND mental BG checks
  4. Enhance the ability of officers to separate problem kids from their guns (30 calls of concern on Nikolas Cruz)
  5. More education for kids to be aware of problem signals (if you see something, SAY something)
There's more, but that'd be a pretty awesome start

We were talking school security here not gun laws

Hey I'm just agreeing with Admiral Rocksinthehead he's the self appointed expert on all things public school here and he says schools are secure as they are.

And yes I guess checking book bags is stupid I wonder why the TSA does it.

That is an old GOP-BRA tactic....separate guns from the can't do that. School safety and gun availability go together....

No they don't

The point of securing a school is to prevent a person from walking in with a gun.

Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun
Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun

Well there you have it - ANOTHER tried and true NRA tactic ^ Well, THAT law wouldn't have stopped THIS particular guy.

FAIL - Nobody claims that ALL shootings can be stopped with some rational reforms.
Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun

Well there you have it - ANOTHER tried and true NRA tactic ^ Well, THAT law wouldn't have stopped THIS particular guy.

FAIL - Nobody claims that ALL shootings can be stopped with some rational reforms.

No but all school shootings could be stopped if people with guns were stopped from entering schools or school grounds

but you say that can't be done
Lol. You have no idea how schools are funded. Funny stuff. Keep making excuses for failing to protect kids and securing the government funded schools. It is sad.

He is trying to tell you that Government does not play a role in schools. Yet the local School Board is a part of Government, receives it's funding from local, state and federal Government and are obligated, by the receipt of these funds, to do the will of the Government to a large extent.


Another clueless post by the drug kingpin?

You seem to be able to solve our gun problem by creating 8,000,000 kids who cannot function in life! Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant!

See, there's where Pharma has you by the balls and you show your true colors. Drug your class up into compliant Zombies is far better than ending the killings.

You can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

When was the last time you taught a class of 25 students and have over half diagnosed with ADHD? You can tell when these kids skip their meds because they bounce off the walls and make learning by anyone in the class impossible.

I suppose we could do the idiotic thing and let these kids run the streets until they might just grow out of it. Otherwise, you have 25 kids who don't learn because Little Johnny is swinging from the doorframe and yelling at the top of his lungs!

I have two grandsons that have/had ADHD. The older one grew out of it and no longer takes any medication and he is a stellar student. When the younger one is off his meds, the teacher has to separate him from the class and he learns nothing, so we make sure he takes them every day! When he is on his meds, he is another stellar student. It's Jekyll and Hyde.

Also, just FYI, I taught for 21 years and I have yet to see a Zombie in any classroom, much less my own. I have seen hundreds of kids whose parents let them stay up all night playing Call of Duty and can't keep their eyes open. Maybe that is what you are seeing!

And what does this have to do with antidepressants, for which we have 8,000,000 kids on? hmmmmmmm? Did you think ADHD Drugs and SSRI class antidepressants were the same thing??????? AND YOU PREACHED TO ME?

You realize that even the Sears School of Medicine knows the difference, Right?

Good Lord the lameness

And, you can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

Please quote where I said they were the same. I think your inability to read is the problem. Also, I question the 8,000,000 figure on antidepressants. Can you point me to that link. or is that another of your made-up figures?
Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun

Well there you have it - ANOTHER tried and true NRA tactic ^ Well, THAT law wouldn't have stopped THIS particular guy.

FAIL - Nobody claims that ALL shootings can be stopped with some rational reforms.

That is a tired argument....of course no single restriction is going to totally eliminate the problem. There are many different ways to address this problem. Perhaps one day....the NRA will allow reasonable gun restrictions that will help reduce mass shootings. I doubt I see it in my lifetime...
Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun

Well there you have it - ANOTHER tried and true NRA tactic ^ Well, THAT law wouldn't have stopped THIS particular guy.

FAIL - Nobody claims that ALL shootings can be stopped with some rational reforms.

That is a tired argument....of course no single restriction is going to totally eliminate the problem. There are many different ways to address this problem. Perhaps one day....the NRA will allow reasonable gun restrictions that will help reduce mass shootings. I doubt I see it in my lifetime...

Preventing people with guns from accessing school buildings and school property will prevent school shootings but everyone here tells me it can't be done

Banning a rifle won't
Raising age limits won't

because neither of those prevents a person from walking into a school with a gun
Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun

Well there you have it - ANOTHER tried and true NRA tactic ^ Well, THAT law wouldn't have stopped THIS particular guy.

FAIL - Nobody claims that ALL shootings can be stopped with some rational reforms.

That is a tired argument....of course no single restriction is going to totally eliminate the problem. There are many different ways to address this problem. Perhaps one day....the NRA will allow reasonable gun restrictions that will help reduce mass shootings. I doubt I see it in my lifetime...

Preventing people with guns from accessing school buildings and school property will prevent school shootings but everyone here tells me it can't be done

Banning a rifle won't
Raising age limits won't

because neither of those prevents a person from walking into a school with a gun

I thought u wanted more guns in school? Which is it?
.....and, yet, I have never heard a liberal argue for gun confiscation. All of the comes from paranoia of the radical Right, funded by the NRA. For one thing, it is literally physically impossible. For another, it is not desirable. For another, it is politically impossible. But, it is very useful to the Right to rant about it order to fund the Right. Of course, the militias all over the country love to go on and on about it after a weekend of playing soldier, down at the beer hall. The news is now out that one such gun nut was the father of the Texas shooter, whose guns the kid used to kill 10 people.

The left’s path to gun confiscation

One of us is hiding under your bed, and will take your gun while you are asleep.....
He is trying to tell you that Government does not play a role in schools. Yet the local School Board is a part of Government, receives it's funding from local, state and federal Government and are obligated, by the receipt of these funds, to do the will of the Government to a large extent.


Another clueless post by the drug kingpin?

You seem to be able to solve our gun problem by creating 8,000,000 kids who cannot function in life! Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant!

See, there's where Pharma has you by the balls and you show your true colors. Drug your class up into compliant Zombies is far better than ending the killings.

You can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

When was the last time you taught a class of 25 students and have over half diagnosed with ADHD? You can tell when these kids skip their meds because they bounce off the walls and make learning by anyone in the class impossible.

I suppose we could do the idiotic thing and let these kids run the streets until they might just grow out of it. Otherwise, you have 25 kids who don't learn because Little Johnny is swinging from the doorframe and yelling at the top of his lungs!

I have two grandsons that have/had ADHD. The older one grew out of it and no longer takes any medication and he is a stellar student. When the younger one is off his meds, the teacher has to separate him from the class and he learns nothing, so we make sure he takes them every day! When he is on his meds, he is another stellar student. It's Jekyll and Hyde.

Also, just FYI, I taught for 21 years and I have yet to see a Zombie in any classroom, much less my own. I have seen hundreds of kids whose parents let them stay up all night playing Call of Duty and can't keep their eyes open. Maybe that is what you are seeing!

And what does this have to do with antidepressants, for which we have 8,000,000 kids on? hmmmmmmm? Did you think ADHD Drugs and SSRI class antidepressants were the same thing??????? AND YOU PREACHED TO ME?

You realize that even the Sears School of Medicine knows the difference, Right?

Good Lord the lameness

And, you can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

Please quote where I said they were the same. I think your inability to read is the problem. Also, I question the 8,000,000 figure on antidepressants. Can you point me to that link. or is that another of your made-up figures?

Here ya go captain:

Total Number of People Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the United States | Ssri Drugs
Excuse me, but where does the "government" come into these schools?

Government sets no rules for these schools, except the obvious "gun-free" zone rules.

Who runs your schools? The President? The governor? Your county commission?

Lol. You have no idea how schools are funded. Funny stuff. Keep making excuses for failing to protect kids and securing the government funded schools. It is sad.

He is trying to tell you that Government does not play a role in schools. Yet the local School Board is a part of Government, receives it's funding from local, state and federal Government and are obligated, by the receipt of these funds, to do the will of the Government to a large extent.


Another clueless post by the drug kingpin?

You seem to be able to solve our gun problem by creating 8,000,000 kids who cannot function in life! Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant!

See, there's where Pharma has you by the balls and you show your true colors. Drug your class up into compliant Zombies is far better than ending the killings.

You can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

When was the last time you taught a class of 25 students and have over half diagnosed with ADHD? You can tell when these kids skip their meds because they bounce off the walls and make learning by anyone in the class impossible.

I suppose we could do the idiotic thing and let these kids run the streets until they might just grow out of it. Otherwise, you have 25 kids who don't learn because Little Johnny is swinging from the doorframe and yelling at the top of his lungs!

I have two grandsons that have/had ADHD. The older one grew out of it and no longer takes any medication and he is a stellar student. When the younger one is off his meds, the teacher has to separate him from the class and he learns nothing, so we make sure he takes them every day! When he is on his meds, he is another stellar student. It's Jekyll and Hyde.

Also, just FYI, I taught for 21 years and I have yet to see a Zombie in any classroom, much less my own. I have seen hundreds of kids whose parents let them stay up all night playing Call of Duty and can't keep their eyes open. Maybe that is what you are seeing!

Oh so, you're another of the pharamacabla's classroom b*tches looking to addict every kid to fill their coffers

duly noted!

And how well does a guy carrying a fucking shotgun blend in anywhere?

I am happier than ever that I don't have kids knowing that idiots like you are running the show at public schools

He carried it under his black trench coat in 90 degree weather.

Dustin Severin, a 17-year-old student, told NBC affiliate KPRC that he saw Pagourtzis in the hallway shortly before the bullets started flying — and that he was wearing his usual outfit. "He wears a trenchcoat every day, and it's like 90 degrees out here," Severin said.​

You are failing BIGLY today Skull - DERP ;-)
Gee a trench coat nothing suspicious there

I guess we need to ban trench coats. But when we do that, only outlaws will have trench coats!
Government school security programs suck. They have failed over and over. When are you lazy fucks going to take security seriously?

Excuse me, but where does the "government" come into these schools?

Government sets no rules for these schools, except the obvious "gun-free" zone rules.

Who runs your schools? The President? The governor? Your county commission?

I little bit of everybody, which may well be the problem. The primary responsibility for a school always falls on the principal followed by the district, followed by the state, and finally the federal government. In every school I know, the principal makes the decisions.

In regard to guns in the schools, the media would lead you to believe that schools across the country are rapidly arming themselves which is complete bull shit. Although the headlines read a state or district will allow teachers to carry guns in schools, they leave it to the school to actually make the policies and decisions. And those policies will determine if, when, and who will be allowed to carry guns in the school. Considering the fact that it will be the principal that will have to answer for any gun related incident involving staff member and most teachers and principals are against guns in the schools, decisions of most principals are going to be not in my school.
If my grandson is accidently shot by a teacher, he, the principal, the school district, the county, and the state had better have some serious liability insurance.
Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun

Well there you have it - ANOTHER tried and true NRA tactic ^ Well, THAT law wouldn't have stopped THIS particular guy.

FAIL - Nobody claims that ALL shootings can be stopped with some rational reforms.

it wouldnt stop most of them

raising the age to 21 would not have stopped the Vegas shooter
How much will it require to make every school in America a hard target, surrounded by razor wire, equipped with cameras and warning buzzers, single portals with a sally port the only way to enter and exit the walls of a neighborhood school, and in every classroom a steel door, automatically locked when the walls are breached?

How far do we go to protect an archaic 2nd A., which by any measure is the source of mass murder at school, movie theaters, concerts, malls and even military bases?

Common sense has shown prayers and false pathos have proved to be worthless non efforts to come to grips with horrific events which (it has been reported) this year have taken the lives of more kids in schools than deaths in our military service?

Isn't it time for the Congress to review our nation's gun policies, as past members of Congress did after the assassination of JFK, the assassination of MLK and RFK, and the attempt on the life of President Reagan?

In this century alone, we have seen mass murders by gun as the new normal, and even when members of the Republican Party were shot at a ball field, the NRA's hold on that party remains strong.

What is it with you people?

How do you make the gargantuan leap from controlling access and 2 very simple procedures like bag checks and asking people to remove their coats before entering with razor wire, metal detectors and trained G men?

A simple thing such as controlling access to the building needs none of what you describe

And you may think it's archaic to own a firearm for self defense but until you can guarantee that I will never be the victim of a crime I'm going to keep my guns

YOU ALWAYS default to a Straw Man! Why not be honest and admit that I have never been a gun grabber. Why do you lie about this all of the time.? Being a liar does not help your position, it only makes you less credible and your opinions foolish.

One example of this foolish notion, which many do all of the time, is to make the claim "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", when the fact is laws prevent many types of arms, from small arms to nuclear bombs, to be possessed by "the people".

From Brass knuckles to nunchucks to sawed off shotguns and fully automatic hand and long guns we have seen laws passed and enforced by state legislators and city/county boards of supervisors who outlaw 'arms'. We have seen laws and regulations to restrict some arms, and some require a license to legally own certain arms.

It's time to grow up and support common sense gun regulations and controls. Magical thinking is for young children, and the belief shall not infringe is a fantasy.
The idea that anyone would confiscate guns is both a straw man fallacy and a lie.

Yep, gun confiscation is a fraud, since we know from experience prohibition does not work, and the number of guns in circulation in the US makes any effort to take them costly and near to impossible.

But Skull Pilot and others still make that claim, a claim that is absurd and yet works on the biddable and easily led lemmings, who vote against their own best interests on this singular issue.
The NRA has run a huge propaganda campaign for years to convince all gun owners that control will lead to banning of all firearms. In America we control a lot stuff without banning it, alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, driving, hunting, fishing, ... The NRA's stand against practically all gun control has driven some on the Left to support banning all firearms which in turn has fueled gun owners opposition to any form of gun control.

Not controlling guns is just as crazy as not controlling the sale and manufacture of prescription drugs, or the food we eat or the water we drink.
Name your controls you want.... Let us see what you think or just how far you would go.

The military when it comes to soldiers, it loves to operate in a strict socialist manor when training uh I mean brainwashing the troops to just go fight wars for the political class or elites. We don't use socialist training in the civilian world or socialist oppression because we are a free people.

I tire of the socialist trying to create some sort of socialist style government controlled civilian world for everyone to live in now. Otherwise I tire of the socialist oppressors wanting to take advantage of every incident in order to achieve their socialist Utopia.

We in the civilian world aren't a bunch of recruits that are prone to being brainwashed by the government to just lay down or give up because the world ain't perfect.

Give it up already, we don't give up because of the bad apples that may be running amuck, and attempting to change this nation by fear.

We aren't in basic training where the whole platoon suffers because of a knuckle head.

Get over yourselves libs, this is America.
Metal detectors - No one in unless pass through the check points... Enough is enough of the idiocy already.

What happens in these bubbles should not effect the rights and lives of others outside these bubbles.

Fix what is happening in these bubbles, and be done with the bullcrap already.

Are we really so stupid that we can't fix problems in this country now ??

First we must figure out who doesn't want these things fixed, and who keeps fueling these fires, and who would rather exploit these fires than do what's right, and put a stop to it.

This stuff should have already been in the works since the last mass shooting, but here we are again because some state, town, city or community figured that it wouldn't come their way. Well surprise procrastinator's.

Look into your children's eyes if you give a crap about them, and say enough is enough.

You ever work with metal detectors? They are somewhere below worse than useless because of all the false alarms.
More excuses... So we do nothing ??

Guns are non-negotiable, so you best figure out something else before more kids die at the hands of evil.
Are you offended?

If you said that id respond, No I don't chear for death, which is why I support more restrictions on ranged death machines that are obviously being abused.

"ranged death machines"

Spare me.
Oh. What other function does a gun have? Can opener? Flashlight holder? Paperweight? You've been brainwashed by the gun culture telling you that guns are fun toys for recreation. No. They put metal in flesh at range. No other purpose.
It's the fact that I've been around guns, fired them, cleaned them... I know they are useless without the manipulation of a handler.

They don't fire unless you make a conscious decision to pull the trigger. Unless you pull the trigger, the pin does not strike the primer and the bullet goes, you guessed it, nowhere. A gun does not shoot itself, a sword does not swing on its own, and a pencil doesn't write by itself. On its own, a gun is harmless.

Perhaps this is a bit too nuanced for you?
That's flimsy. Bombs don't drop themselves. ICBM Nukes don't launch themselves. Yet here we are trying to curtail the nuclear programs of two countries who have as much a natural right to defend themselves with offensive weapons against superior super powers as any American citizen does against their aggressors. Next.
/——/ Execpt those countries you defend are run by homicidal maniacs hell bent on wiping out their enemies.
I'm not defending them. You seem to think it's ok for us to royaly screw with those countries to limit their nuclear capability, but here at home we have laws that let guns get to whatever crazy whack job wants them. Apply your comment to that and it's the same thing. An argument against Iran or NK advancing their nuke program is probably also a good argument for why we need to do better here with guns.

Step 1 is doing anything about the straw purchaser loopholes. Here's a question, what policy has the NRA supported to implementation to curtail straw purchasers? If it's nothing, that's a clear sign that the organization is not on the side of the people or a solution because straw purchasing is one of the big glaring problems with the current circumstance.

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