Yet another school shooting

Hey we agreed that it's absolutely impossible to do anything to increase security at schools already so why are you harping?

And FYI if 90% of the students didn't take a bus it would be even easier to stagger arrival times wouldn't it?

But I'm done with this subject because all of you obviously believe that there is nothing to be done or anything that can be done will cost a billion dollars and like I said I don't have kids so the next batch of dead kids is on you.

Meh, there's plenty that can be done but your ideas were dumb.
  1. Hire 1 armed, highly trained resource officer for every 500 kids - on campus at ALL times
  2. Raise age to 21 on ALL firearms purchases and add 3 day waiting period
  3. Universal criminal AND mental BG checks
  4. Enhance the ability of officers to separate problem kids from their guns (30 calls of concern on Nikolas Cruz)
  5. More education for kids to be aware of problem signals (if you see something, SAY something)
There's more, but that'd be a pretty awesome start

We were talking school security here not gun laws

Hey I'm just agreeing with Admiral Rocksinthehead he's the self appointed expert on all things public school here and he says schools are secure as they are.

And yes I guess checking book bags is stupid I wonder why the TSA does it.

That is an old GOP-BRA tactic....separate guns from the can't do that. School safety and gun availability go together....

No they don't

The point of securing a school is to prevent a person from walking in with a gun.

Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun
In 2014–15, the percentage of youth homicides occurring at school remained at less than 3 percent of the total number of youth homicides, and the percentage of youth suicides occurring at school remained at less than 1 percent of the total number of youth suicides. Parent kill their kids over 10 times as often as mass murders in schools. The fact is schools are one of the safest places for kids, despite the mass shooting.

Arming teachers or spending tens of billions of dollar a year on school safety when we have nothing but anecdotal evidence that any of the proposals will actual help is crazy. The number of school shootings in 2018 is abnormally large number. However, even if this year's school shootings are the new norm, drugs, accidents, and parents killing their kids are a far greater danger than mass murders in schools.

Parents are killing their kids - Can you please clarify? Thanks
Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun

Well there you have it - ANOTHER tried and true NRA tactic ^ Well, THAT law wouldn't have stopped THIS particular guy.

FAIL - Nobody claims that ALL shootings can be stopped with some rational reforms.

it wouldnt stop most of them

raising the age to 21 would not have stopped the Vegas shooter

See ^ There it is again! :)
He carried it under his black trench coat in 90 degree weather.

Dustin Severin, a 17-year-old student, told NBC affiliate KPRC that he saw Pagourtzis in the hallway shortly before the bullets started flying — and that he was wearing his usual outfit. "He wears a trenchcoat every day, and it's like 90 degrees out here," Severin said.​

You are failing BIGLY today Skull - DERP ;-)
Gee a trench coat nothing suspicious there

I guess we need to ban trench coats. But when we do that, only outlaws will have trench coats!
Government school security programs suck. They have failed over and over. When are you lazy fucks going to take security seriously?

Excuse me, but where does the "government" come into these schools?

Government sets no rules for these schools, except the obvious "gun-free" zone rules.

Who runs your schools? The President? The governor? Your county commission?

I little bit of everybody, which may well be the problem. The primary responsibility for a school always falls on the principal followed by the district, followed by the state, and finally the federal government. In every school I know, the principal makes the decisions.

In regard to guns in the schools, the media would lead you to believe that schools across the country are rapidly arming themselves which is complete bull shit. Although the headlines read a state or district will allow teachers to carry guns in schools, they leave it to the school to actually make the policies and decisions. And those policies will determine if, when, and who will be allowed to carry guns in the school. Considering the fact that it will be the principal that will have to answer for any gun related incident involving staff member and most teachers and principals are against guns in the schools, decisions of most principals are going to be not in my school.

I believe that in most cases - the School Board in concert with the Superintendent of Schools would make that decision. It cannot be made by the POTUS or a Governor to be nationally mandated or even State Mandated. District by district, and VERY few school boards are going to play along because they know a majority of their teachers are opposed.
Hey we agreed that it's absolutely impossible to do anything to increase security at schools already so why are you harping?

And FYI if 90% of the students didn't take a bus it would be even easier to stagger arrival times wouldn't it?

But I'm done with this subject because all of you obviously believe that there is nothing to be done or anything that can be done will cost a billion dollars and like I said I don't have kids so the next batch of dead kids is on you.

Meh, there's plenty that can be done but your ideas were dumb.
  1. Hire 1 armed, highly trained resource officer for every 500 kids - on campus at ALL times
  2. Raise age to 21 on ALL firearms purchases and add 3 day waiting period
  3. Universal criminal AND mental BG checks
  4. Enhance the ability of officers to separate problem kids from their guns (30 calls of concern on Nikolas Cruz)
  5. More education for kids to be aware of problem signals (if you see something, SAY something)
There's more, but that'd be a pretty awesome start

We were talking school security here not gun laws

Hey I'm just agreeing with Admiral Rocksinthehead he's the self appointed expert on all things public school here and he says schools are secure as they are.

And yes I guess checking book bags is stupid I wonder why the TSA does it.

That is an old GOP-BRA tactic....separate guns from the can't do that. School safety and gun availability go together....

No they don't

The point of securing a school is to prevent a person from walking in with a gun.

Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun
In 2014–15, the percentage of youth homicides occurring at school remained at less than 3 percent of the total number of youth homicides, and the percentage of youth suicides occurring at school remained at less than 1 percent of the total number of youth suicides. Parent kill their kids over 10 times as often as mass murders in schools. The fact is schools are one of the safest places for kids, despite the mass shooting.

Arming teachers or spending tens of billions of dollar a year on school safety when we have nothing but anecdotal evidence that any of the proposals will actual help is crazy. The number of school shootings in 2018 is abnormally large number. However, even if this year's school shootings are the new norm, drugs, accidents, and parents killing their kids are a far greater danger than mass murders in schools.
all of which has nothing to do with the fact that if stopping school shootings was the main goal then preventing people from walking into a school with firearms should be the first step

But it isn't the main goal

Reducing the murder rate isn't the main goal

The main goal is gun control, gun bans and the eventual repeal of the second amendment
Conservatives have an answer to school shootings - home schooling!

The continued ignorance of their offspring is a bonus.
When was the last time you taught a class of 25 students and have over half diagnosed with ADHD? You can tell when these kids skip their meds because they bounce off the walls and make learning by anyone in the class impossible.

I suppose we could do the idiotic thing and let these kids run the streets until they might just grow out of it. Otherwise, you have 25 kids who don't learn because Little Johnny is swinging from the doorframe and yelling at the top of his lungs!

I have two grandsons that have/had ADHD. The older one grew out of it and no longer takes any medication and he is a stellar student. When the younger one is off his meds, the teacher has to separate him from the class and he learns nothing, so we make sure he takes them every day! When he is on his meds, he is another stellar student. It's Jekyll and Hyde.

Also, just FYI, I taught for 21 years and I have yet to see a Zombie in any classroom, much less my own. I have seen hundreds of kids whose parents let them stay up all night playing Call of Duty and can't keep their eyes open. Maybe that is what you are seeing!

And what does this have to do with antidepressants, for which we have 8,000,000 kids on? hmmmmmmm? Did you think ADHD Drugs and SSRI class antidepressants were the same thing??????? AND YOU PREACHED TO ME?

You realize that even the Sears School of Medicine knows the difference, Right?

Good Lord the lameness

And, you can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

Please quote where I said they were the same. I think your inability to read is the problem. Also, I question the 8,000,000 figure on antidepressants. Can you point me to that link. or is that another of your made-up figures?

Here ya go captain:

Total Number of People Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the United States | Ssri Drugs

So how many children are on anti-depressants? You said 8 million.

Your website says a little over 2 million.

Why did you lie?

Even more unsettling that the total on all psych drugs is 8 Million, but it’s only those on SSRI’s are linked to most of these shootings

I will apologies for the inaccurate reporting.

But it only makes the case more compelling.

No, it doesn't! How many school shooting have there been? Compare that to the millions of people who use these drugs to function and you can bet the cause is somewhere else, despite your complete lack of proof..
Another clueless post by the drug kingpin?

You seem to be able to solve our gun problem by creating 8,000,000 kids who cannot function in life! Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant!

See, there's where Pharma has you by the balls and you show your true colors. Drug your class up into compliant Zombies is far better than ending the killings.

You can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

When was the last time you taught a class of 25 students and have over half diagnosed with ADHD? You can tell when these kids skip their meds because they bounce off the walls and make learning by anyone in the class impossible.

I suppose we could do the idiotic thing and let these kids run the streets until they might just grow out of it. Otherwise, you have 25 kids who don't learn because Little Johnny is swinging from the doorframe and yelling at the top of his lungs!

I have two grandsons that have/had ADHD. The older one grew out of it and no longer takes any medication and he is a stellar student. When the younger one is off his meds, the teacher has to separate him from the class and he learns nothing, so we make sure he takes them every day! When he is on his meds, he is another stellar student. It's Jekyll and Hyde.

Also, just FYI, I taught for 21 years and I have yet to see a Zombie in any classroom, much less my own. I have seen hundreds of kids whose parents let them stay up all night playing Call of Duty and can't keep their eyes open. Maybe that is what you are seeing!

Oh so, you're another of the pharamacabla's classroom b*tches looking to addict every kid to fill their coffers

duly noted!


Only a moron would come to that conclusion!

Boom! There you are, right on time!

He said it earlier. Ever try to teach a class with 25 kids jumping off the walls?

Make the job easier by drugging em into submission is the goal

They are not "drugged into submission" you idiot! Get off your ass and get into a school classroom and see how things work in this century!

There's nothing that screams "idiot" more than someone who spews hyperbole at every opportunity.
Make the job easier by drugging em into submission is the goal

b-b-b-but they sit nice an quiet for the D.A.R.E. officer that way Pops....


Here’s the strangest part. He and I are on the same side of this fence.

His ideas may, I see no evidence it would, but may lessen the death toll. Mine virtually eliminates it.

His comes after the monster is created, mine eliminates the monster before it’s created.

And his “monsters jumping off the walls”. That’s a symptom of ADHD, not depression. Depressed kids are sullen and stick to themselves

So, admittedly I mis reported the number of teens on these, let’s see if the captain admits his mistake.

Do you know how many kids I encountered in my 21 year career that matched your diagnosis of depression and had to be assigned to a 504 plan? ZERO!

Now, tell me you don't know what a 504 plan is and my day will be complete.
Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun

Well there you have it - ANOTHER tried and true NRA tactic ^ Well, THAT law wouldn't have stopped THIS particular guy.

FAIL - Nobody claims that ALL shootings can be stopped with some rational reforms.

it wouldnt stop most of them

raising the age to 21 would not have stopped the Vegas shooter

See ^ There it is again! :)
it is the truth ya troll
Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun

Well there you have it - ANOTHER tried and true NRA tactic ^ Well, THAT law wouldn't have stopped THIS particular guy.

FAIL - Nobody claims that ALL shootings can be stopped with some rational reforms.

it wouldnt stop most of them

raising the age to 21 would not have stopped the Vegas shooter

See ^ There it is again! :)
it is the truth ya troll

it would not have stopped Adam Lanza either

now one is racking up to quite a few ya jackass
Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun

Well there you have it - ANOTHER tried and true NRA tactic ^ Well, THAT law wouldn't have stopped THIS particular guy.

FAIL - Nobody claims that ALL shootings can be stopped with some rational reforms.

it wouldnt stop most of them

raising the age to 21 would not have stopped the Vegas shooter

See ^ There it is again! :)
it is the truth ya troll

Whatever you say ... Wayne

And what does this have to do with antidepressants, for which we have 8,000,000 kids on? hmmmmmmm? Did you think ADHD Drugs and SSRI class antidepressants were the same thing??????? AND YOU PREACHED TO ME?

You realize that even the Sears School of Medicine knows the difference, Right?

Good Lord the lameness

And, you can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

Please quote where I said they were the same. I think your inability to read is the problem. Also, I question the 8,000,000 figure on antidepressants. Can you point me to that link. or is that another of your made-up figures?

Here ya go captain:

Total Number of People Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the United States | Ssri Drugs

So how many children are on anti-depressants? You said 8 million.

Your website says a little over 2 million.

Why did you lie?

Even more unsettling that the total on all psych drugs is 8 Million, but it’s only those on SSRI’s are linked to most of these shootings

I will apologies for the inaccurate reporting.

But it only makes the case more compelling.

No, it doesn't! How many school shooting have there been? Compare that to the millions of people who use these drugs to function and you can bet the cause is somewhere else, despite your complete lack of proof..

You do like the bloodshed. Pity our children need to live in a world that politics get in the way of reality, right?

Let the blood flow, you’ll look the other way.
Make the job easier by drugging em into submission is the goal

b-b-b-but they sit nice an quiet for the D.A.R.E. officer that way Pops....


Here’s the strangest part. He and I are on the same side of this fence.

His ideas may, I see no evidence it would, but may lessen the death toll. Mine virtually eliminates it.

His comes after the monster is created, mine eliminates the monster before it’s created.

And his “monsters jumping off the walls”. That’s a symptom of ADHD, not depression. Depressed kids are sullen and stick to themselves

So, admittedly I mis reported the number of teens on these, let’s see if the captain admits his mistake.

Do you know how many kids I encountered in my 21 year career that matched your diagnosis of depression and had to be assigned to a 504 plan? ZERO!

Now, tell me you don't know what a 504 plan is and my day will be complete.

Oh my a teacher has a number!

Watch out folks, the dude has a filled out form!

Do you know how many school shooters were on an SSRI med?

Nearly ALL
See, there's where Pharma has you by the balls and you show your true colors. Drug your class up into compliant Zombies is far better than ending the killings.

You can't make this shit up, no matter how hard you try.

When was the last time you taught a class of 25 students and have over half diagnosed with ADHD? You can tell when these kids skip their meds because they bounce off the walls and make learning by anyone in the class impossible.

I suppose we could do the idiotic thing and let these kids run the streets until they might just grow out of it. Otherwise, you have 25 kids who don't learn because Little Johnny is swinging from the doorframe and yelling at the top of his lungs!

I have two grandsons that have/had ADHD. The older one grew out of it and no longer takes any medication and he is a stellar student. When the younger one is off his meds, the teacher has to separate him from the class and he learns nothing, so we make sure he takes them every day! When he is on his meds, he is another stellar student. It's Jekyll and Hyde.

Also, just FYI, I taught for 21 years and I have yet to see a Zombie in any classroom, much less my own. I have seen hundreds of kids whose parents let them stay up all night playing Call of Duty and can't keep their eyes open. Maybe that is what you are seeing!

Oh so, you're another of the pharamacabla's classroom b*tches looking to addict every kid to fill their coffers

duly noted!


Only a moron would come to that conclusion!

Boom! There you are, right on time!

He said it earlier. Ever try to teach a class with 25 kids jumping off the walls?

Make the job easier by drugging em into submission is the goal

They are not "drugged into submission" you idiot! Get off your ass and get into a school classroom and see how things work in this century!

There's nothing that screams "idiot" more than someone who spews hyperbole at every opportunity.

No, nothing screams idiot more than someone who thinks hardening a target wont just change the location of said target

Let’s keep putting band aids on festering wounds. Yeah, that’s sooooooo much better, right?
Make the job easier by drugging em into submission is the goal

b-b-b-but they sit nice an quiet for the D.A.R.E. officer that way Pops....


Here’s the strangest part. He and I are on the same side of this fence.

His ideas may, I see no evidence it would, but may lessen the death toll. Mine virtually eliminates it.

His comes after the monster is created, mine eliminates the monster before it’s created.

And his “monsters jumping off the walls”. That’s a symptom of ADHD, not depression. Depressed kids are sullen and stick to themselves

So, admittedly I mis reported the number of teens on these, let’s see if the captain admits his mistake.

Do you know how many kids I encountered in my 21 year career that matched your diagnosis of depression and had to be assigned to a 504 plan? ZERO!

Now, tell me you don't know what a 504 plan is and my day will be complete.
Not a single IEP? Really? Sounds about as negligent as refusing to secure the schools. So you refuse to secure schools and refuse to create IEP's for at risk kids with disabilities (ADD, ADHD). Then you are shocked when they go nuts. Sigh...
Lol. You have no idea how schools are funded. Funny stuff. Keep making excuses for failing to protect kids and securing the government funded schools. It is sad.

No, I have no idea how schools are funded, despite my Master's degree and that is obviously outclassed by your amateur Google mastery.

You are a an obnoxious piece of work. No wonder you don't get along with the other idiots. You are exactly alike!
Unless something has changed, most public schools receive state funding based on FTE (Full Time Equivalency). The concept is very simple. In reality, it's a huge time consuming mess of counting kids, looking at attendance, determining the number of kids in every program and the number hours spent, number of transient students and number days of attendance, home bound kids etc. The more you can find the more money you get. I wonder if school shootings figure into the funding formula.

Your point is?

The other dumbass poster had no clue.

I see with your last comment that you are joining him.

A time consuming mess? No. It is not. We have these new things they call computers that manage that for us. Perhaps you have heard of them?

Attendance is calculated only on certain days of the year to very enrollment. You were almost right.
Computers don't manage anything.

I did attendance for 21 years in 2 states, in 7 districts, and for the Department of Defense school where I taught. Have you done it once? Did you implement the Student Information Management System that "manages" the attendance for calculating the funding for a district of 127,000 students? Of course not! Go away until you accomplish something that you can honestly discuss with some level of competence.
The Student Information Management Systems? There are a number of such systems marketed. In fact, many large districts have written their own. Attendance modules collect daily attendance only. FTE is based on contact hours with the student. Attendance is only the starting point for FTE surveys. All specifically funded programs both state and federal require contact hours spend on that program by student. Actual contact hours are reported which may be distributed between multiple programs. It is a huge hassle for Special Ed people. Special Ed teachers, psychologies, and other have to account for there time by program. If program budgets are exceeded, reviews or audits are triggered. Districts can not ignore these special programs because they are a large expense. For example a home bound student can generate 20 FTE units and that works out to a lot of money.
I have spent time working with FTE at the state and district level.

Since this discussion is totally off topic and I doubt anyone is interested, I suggest we get back on topic.
Meh, there's plenty that can be done but your ideas were dumb.
  1. Hire 1 armed, highly trained resource officer for every 500 kids - on campus at ALL times
  2. Raise age to 21 on ALL firearms purchases and add 3 day waiting period
  3. Universal criminal AND mental BG checks
  4. Enhance the ability of officers to separate problem kids from their guns (30 calls of concern on Nikolas Cruz)
  5. More education for kids to be aware of problem signals (if you see something, SAY something)
There's more, but that'd be a pretty awesome start

We were talking school security here not gun laws

Hey I'm just agreeing with Admiral Rocksinthehead he's the self appointed expert on all things public school here and he says schools are secure as they are.

And yes I guess checking book bags is stupid I wonder why the TSA does it.

That is an old GOP-BRA tactic....separate guns from the can't do that. School safety and gun availability go together....

No they don't

The point of securing a school is to prevent a person from walking in with a gun.

Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun
In 2014–15, the percentage of youth homicides occurring at school remained at less than 3 percent of the total number of youth homicides, and the percentage of youth suicides occurring at school remained at less than 1 percent of the total number of youth suicides. Parent kill their kids over 10 times as often as mass murders in schools. The fact is schools are one of the safest places for kids, despite the mass shooting.

Arming teachers or spending tens of billions of dollar a year on school safety when we have nothing but anecdotal evidence that any of the proposals will actual help is crazy. The number of school shootings in 2018 is abnormally large number. However, even if this year's school shootings are the new norm, drugs, accidents, and parents killing their kids are a far greater danger than mass murders in schools.
About 500 kids a year a
Parents are killing their kids - Can you please clarify? Thanks
About 500 kids a year are killed by their parents. Last year 15 kids died as a result of school shootings.
A parent killing a child happens more often than we think - CNN
We were talking school security here not gun laws

Hey I'm just agreeing with Admiral Rocksinthehead he's the self appointed expert on all things public school here and he says schools are secure as they are.

And yes I guess checking book bags is stupid I wonder why the TSA does it.

That is an old GOP-BRA tactic....separate guns from the can't do that. School safety and gun availability go together....

No they don't

The point of securing a school is to prevent a person from walking in with a gun.

Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun
In 2014–15, the percentage of youth homicides occurring at school remained at less than 3 percent of the total number of youth homicides, and the percentage of youth suicides occurring at school remained at less than 1 percent of the total number of youth suicides. Parent kill their kids over 10 times as often as mass murders in schools. The fact is schools are one of the safest places for kids, despite the mass shooting.

Arming teachers or spending tens of billions of dollar a year on school safety when we have nothing but anecdotal evidence that any of the proposals will actual help is crazy. The number of school shootings in 2018 is abnormally large number. However, even if this year's school shootings are the new norm, drugs, accidents, and parents killing their kids are a far greater danger than mass murders in schools.
About 500 kids a year a
Parents are killing their kids - Can you please clarify? Thanks
About 500 kids a year are killed by their parents. Last year 15 kids died as a result of school shootings.
A parent killing a child happens more often than we think - CNN

Drugs to kill more kids as well

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We were talking school security here not gun laws

Hey I'm just agreeing with Admiral Rocksinthehead he's the self appointed expert on all things public school here and he says schools are secure as they are.

And yes I guess checking book bags is stupid I wonder why the TSA does it.

That is an old GOP-BRA tactic....separate guns from the can't do that. School safety and gun availability go together....

No they don't

The point of securing a school is to prevent a person from walking in with a gun.

Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun
In 2014–15, the percentage of youth homicides occurring at school remained at less than 3 percent of the total number of youth homicides, and the percentage of youth suicides occurring at school remained at less than 1 percent of the total number of youth suicides. Parent kill their kids over 10 times as often as mass murders in schools. The fact is schools are one of the safest places for kids, despite the mass shooting.

Arming teachers or spending tens of billions of dollar a year on school safety when we have nothing but anecdotal evidence that any of the proposals will actual help is crazy. The number of school shootings in 2018 is abnormally large number. However, even if this year's school shootings are the new norm, drugs, accidents, and parents killing their kids are a far greater danger than mass murders in schools.
About 500 kids a year a
Parents are killing their kids - Can you please clarify? Thanks
About 500 kids a year are killed by their parents. Last year 15 kids died as a result of school shootings.
A parent killing a child happens more often than we think - CNN

Ban parents or at least require background checks

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