Yet another school shooting

That is an old GOP-BRA tactic....separate guns from the can't do that. School safety and gun availability go together....

No they don't

The point of securing a school is to prevent a person from walking in with a gun.

Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun
In 2014–15, the percentage of youth homicides occurring at school remained at less than 3 percent of the total number of youth homicides, and the percentage of youth suicides occurring at school remained at less than 1 percent of the total number of youth suicides. Parent kill their kids over 10 times as often as mass murders in schools. The fact is schools are one of the safest places for kids, despite the mass shooting.

Arming teachers or spending tens of billions of dollar a year on school safety when we have nothing but anecdotal evidence that any of the proposals will actual help is crazy. The number of school shootings in 2018 is abnormally large number. However, even if this year's school shootings are the new norm, drugs, accidents, and parents killing their kids are a far greater danger than mass murders in schools.
About 500 kids a year a
Parents are killing their kids - Can you please clarify? Thanks
About 500 kids a year are killed by their parents. Last year 15 kids died as a result of school shootings.
A parent killing a child happens more often than we think - CNN

Ban parents or at least require background checks
Sterilize the poor, require licenses to get un-sterilized.
It's the fact that I've been around guns, fired them, cleaned them... I know they are useless without the manipulation of a handler.

They don't fire unless you make a conscious decision to pull the trigger. Unless you pull the trigger, the pin does not strike the primer and the bullet goes, you guessed it, nowhere. A gun does not shoot itself, a sword does not swing on its own, and a pencil doesn't write by itself. On its own, a gun is harmless.

Perhaps this is a bit too nuanced for you?
That's flimsy. Bombs don't drop themselves. ICBM Nukes don't launch themselves. Yet here we are trying to curtail the nuclear programs of two countries who have as much a natural right to defend themselves with offensive weapons against superior super powers as any American citizen does against their aggressors. Next.
/——/ Execpt those countries you defend are run by homicidal maniacs hell bent on wiping out their enemies.
I'm not defending them. You seem to think it's ok for us to royaly screw with those countries to limit their nuclear capability, but here at home we have laws that let guns get to whatever crazy whack job wants them. Apply your comment to that and it's the same thing. An argument against Iran or NK advancing their nuke program is probably also a good argument for why we need to do better here with guns.

Step 1 is doing anything about the straw purchaser loopholes. Here's a question, what policy has the NRA supported to implementation to curtail straw purchasers? If it's nothing, that's a clear sign that the organization is not on the side of the people or a solution because straw purchasing is one of the big glaring problems with the current circumstance.
Nope, we just need to get back to where if we spot evil here just like we can abroad, then we need to call it what it is, and then we need to deal with it. The left or the radicalization of liberalism has since placed many in danger in this country, and it continues on and on without any push back for fear of being labeled something ridiculous.
Wrong! - The Repubtards allow crazies to be armed!

It's the fact that I've been around guns, fired them, cleaned them... I know they are useless without the manipulation of a handler.

They don't fire unless you make a conscious decision to pull the trigger. Unless you pull the trigger, the pin does not strike the primer and the bullet goes, you guessed it, nowhere. A gun does not shoot itself, a sword does not swing on its own, and a pencil doesn't write by itself. On its own, a gun is harmless.

Perhaps this is a bit too nuanced for you?
That's flimsy. Bombs don't drop themselves. ICBM Nukes don't launch themselves. Yet here we are trying to curtail the nuclear programs of two countries who have as much a natural right to defend themselves with offensive weapons against superior super powers as any American citizen does against their aggressors. Next.
/——/ Execpt those countries you defend are run by homicidal maniacs hell bent on wiping out their enemies.
I'm not defending them. You seem to think it's ok for us to royaly screw with those countries to limit their nuclear capability, but here at home we have laws that let guns get to whatever crazy whack job wants them. Apply your comment to that and it's the same thing. An argument against Iran or NK advancing their nuke program is probably also a good argument for why we need to do better here with guns.

Step 1 is doing anything about the straw purchaser loopholes. Here's a question, what policy has the NRA supported to implementation to curtail straw purchasers? If it's nothing, that's a clear sign that the organization is not on the side of the people or a solution because straw purchasing is one of the big glaring problems with the current circumstance.
Nope, we just need to get back to where if we spot evil here just like we can abroad, then we need to call it what it is, and then we need to deal with it. The left or the radicalization of liberalism has since placed many in danger in this country, and it continues on and on without any push back for fear of being labeled something ridiculous.
A society based on laws and equal justice can not deal with evil because evil is subjective in nature and is a generalization.

As long as one keeps using the words subjective and generalization in order to describe certain traits as if they are unidentifiable under such guidelines, then evil can easily hide itself within these words, and then strike out from behind the shield of these words that it has been given to then hide behind.
I'm not defending them. You seem to think it's ok for us to royaly screw with those countries to limit their nuclear capability, but here at home we have laws that let guns get to whatever crazy whack job wants them. Apply your comment to that and it's the same thing. An argument against Iran or NK advancing their nuke program is probably also a good argument for why we need to do better here with guns.

Step 1 is doing anything about the straw purchaser loopholes. Here's a question, what policy has the NRA supported to implementation to curtail straw purchasers? If it's nothing, that's a clear sign that the organization is not on the side of the people or a solution because straw purchasing is one of the big glaring problems with the current circumstance.
Nope, we just need to get back to where if we spot evil here just like we can abroad, then we need to call it what it is, and then we need to deal with it. The left or the radicalization of liberalism has since placed many in danger in this country, and it continues on and on without any push back for fear of being labeled something ridiculous.
Wrong! - The Repubtards allow crazies to be armed!

Ok moron. Get your facts straight.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He's right. Illegal sales that are protected by the NRA make up half of the illegal guns used in crimes. The NRA protects the fast and loose retail and resale markets that ensure a heavy flow straw purchased and/or trafficked guns get into the hands of people who are not supposed to have them. The criminals and crazies. It's why city wide gun bans are not effective. Chicago for instance is not far from two states with some of the loosest gun laws. I have not doubt that theres some shit eating Republicans from those states illegally selling guns that are run into chicago. They aren't outed though because regional authorities don't share or collect the necessary information to trace the guns back to the source and points of failure and in general the regulatory framework isn't there to address it. The NRA has done extensive work to ruin the laws and enforcement, so really everytime someone crows "gun bans don't work" they are telling half the story of the nefarious actions of the NRA.

Criminals don’t buy guns they steal them. Always have and always will. You can buy guns on the street. I would know as a retired police officer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yep, and what he refuses to acknowledge is who exactly is it that is taking these weapons (that are obtained in anyway they can get them), and then next are going crazy with them in these ways ?? IT'S easy to blame an object while hiding the real threat (in which is a demented human being turned animal ), and protecting it from the scrutiny he or she should have gotten prior to these tragic events.. Afterwards they (these shooters) should be delt a heavy blow by the system if need be in life accordingly. I am in strong favor for the death penalty in regards to these henious crimes being committed.
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Metal detectors - No one in unless pass through the check points... Enough is enough of the idiocy already.

What happens in these bubbles should not effect the rights and lives of others outside these bubbles.

Fix what is happening in these bubbles, and be done with the bullcrap already.

Are we really so stupid that we can't fix problems in this country now ??

First we must figure out who doesn't want these things fixed, and who keeps fueling these fires, and who would rather exploit these fires than do what's right, and put a stop to it.

This stuff should have already been in the works since the last mass shooting, but here we are again because some state, town, city or community figured that it wouldn't come their way. Well surprise procrastinator's.

Look into your children's eyes if you give a crap about them, and say enough is enough.

You ever work with metal detectors? They are somewhere below worse than useless because of all the false alarms.
More excuses... So we do nothing ??

Guns are non-negotiable, so you best figure out something else before more kids die at the hands of evil.

Put guns in the schools and you eliminate the soft target. No one holds up gun stores, police stations, or anywhere they know they will meet opposition.

The allure of a target rich environment with no chance of anyone else shooting back will be history!
Points of entry and metal detectors are best. A secure system can be created at these schools. Gun's could play a roll, but maybe not as heavy a role that you might imagine.
Metal detectors - No one in unless pass through the check points... Enough is enough of the idiocy already.

What happens in these bubbles should not effect the rights and lives of others outside these bubbles.

Fix what is happening in these bubbles, and be done with the bullcrap already.

Are we really so stupid that we can't fix problems in this country now ??

First we must figure out who doesn't want these things fixed, and who keeps fueling these fires, and who would rather exploit these fires than do what's right, and put a stop to it.

This stuff should have already been in the works since the last mass shooting, but here we are again because some state, town, city or community figured that it wouldn't come their way. Well surprise procrastinator's.

Look into your children's eyes if you give a crap about them, and say enough is enough.

You ever work with metal detectors? They are somewhere below worse than useless because of all the false alarms.
More excuses... So we do nothing ??

Guns are non-negotiable, so you best figure out something else before more kids die at the hands of evil.

Put guns in the schools and you eliminate the soft target. No one holds up gun stores, police stations, or anywhere they know they will meet opposition.

The allure of a target rich environment with no chance of anyone else shooting back will be history!
Points of entry and metal detectors are best. A secure system can be created at these schools. Gun's could play a roll, but maybe not as heavy a role that you might imagine.

The major factor is getting rid of the gun free zone.....they need to allow armed and trained staff, and they need to allow parents and other adults to be able to carry legally owned and carried guns onto school grounds.....if they did that, they would scare shooters away. And as to metal detectors and hardened entry points? Any shooter can simply start shooting the students with they line up to get into the building...or they could use a rental truck and run them over.
Metal detectors - No one in unless pass through the check points... Enough is enough of the idiocy already.

What happens in these bubbles should not effect the rights and lives of others outside these bubbles.

Fix what is happening in these bubbles, and be done with the bullcrap already.

Are we really so stupid that we can't fix problems in this country now ??

First we must figure out who doesn't want these things fixed, and who keeps fueling these fires, and who would rather exploit these fires than do what's right, and put a stop to it.

This stuff should have already been in the works since the last mass shooting, but here we are again because some state, town, city or community figured that it wouldn't come their way. Well surprise procrastinator's.

Look into your children's eyes if you give a crap about them, and say enough is enough.

You ever work with metal detectors? They are somewhere below worse than useless because of all the false alarms.
More excuses... So we do nothing ??

Guns are non-negotiable, so you best figure out something else before more kids die at the hands of evil.

Put guns in the schools and you eliminate the soft target. No one holds up gun stores, police stations, or anywhere they know they will meet opposition.

The allure of a target rich environment with no chance of anyone else shooting back will be history!
Points of entry and metal detectors are best. A secure system can be created at these schools. Gun's could play a roll, but maybe not as heavy a role that you might imagine.

The major factor is getting rid of the gun free zone.....they need to allow armed and trained staff, and they need to allow parents and other adults to be able to carry legally owned and carried guns onto school grounds.....if they did that, they would scare shooters away. And as to metal detectors and hardened entry points? Any shooter can simply start shooting the students with they line up to get into the building...or they could use a rental truck and run them over.
What in the hell have we started in this country ?? Listen at yourself, and then think about what is going on in this country, and why we have to shield ourselves from it in these ways. Its Pathetic..

Start at the root of the problem, and then save the teeth.

We all know dam well what the problem is, but we don't want to deal with it, so we must barricade ourselves behind an arsenal of weapons in order to live peacefully in this nation now ? How sick is this situation ??
You ever work with metal detectors? They are somewhere below worse than useless because of all the false alarms.
More excuses... So we do nothing ??

Guns are non-negotiable, so you best figure out something else before more kids die at the hands of evil.

Put guns in the schools and you eliminate the soft target. No one holds up gun stores, police stations, or anywhere they know they will meet opposition.

The allure of a target rich environment with no chance of anyone else shooting back will be history!
Points of entry and metal detectors are best. A secure system can be created at these schools. Gun's could play a roll, but maybe not as heavy a role that you might imagine.

The major factor is getting rid of the gun free zone.....they need to allow armed and trained staff, and they need to allow parents and other adults to be able to carry legally owned and carried guns onto school grounds.....if they did that, they would scare shooters away. And as to metal detectors and hardened entry points? Any shooter can simply start shooting the students with they line up to get into the building...or they could use a rental truck and run them over.
What in the hell have we started in this country ?? Listen at yourself, and then think about what is going on in this country, and why we have to shield ourselves from it in these ways. Its Pathetic..

Start at the root of the problem, and then save the teeth.

We all know dam well what the problem is, but we don't want to deal with it, so we must barricade ourselves behind an arsenal of weapons in order to live peacefully in this nation now ? How sick is this situation ??

What do you mean....? As more Americans own and carry guns our gun crime rate has gone down 75%...fact. As more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%...fact. As more Americans own and carry guns our violent crime rate went down 72%.....fact. That is not a sick situation.

Britain banned and confiscated guns...their gun crime rate is going up, not down...and it is getting worse each year.
More excuses... So we do nothing ??

Guns are non-negotiable, so you best figure out something else before more kids die at the hands of evil.

Put guns in the schools and you eliminate the soft target. No one holds up gun stores, police stations, or anywhere they know they will meet opposition.

The allure of a target rich environment with no chance of anyone else shooting back will be history!
Points of entry and metal detectors are best. A secure system can be created at these schools. Gun's could play a roll, but maybe not as heavy a role that you might imagine.

The major factor is getting rid of the gun free zone.....they need to allow armed and trained staff, and they need to allow parents and other adults to be able to carry legally owned and carried guns onto school grounds.....if they did that, they would scare shooters away. And as to metal detectors and hardened entry points? Any shooter can simply start shooting the students with they line up to get into the building...or they could use a rental truck and run them over.
What in the hell have we started in this country ?? Listen at yourself, and then think about what is going on in this country, and why we have to shield ourselves from it in these ways. Its Pathetic..

Start at the root of the problem, and then save the teeth.

We all know dam well what the problem is, but we don't want to deal with it, so we must barricade ourselves behind an arsenal of weapons in order to live peacefully in this nation now ? How sick is this situation ??

What do you mean....? As more Americans own and carry guns our gun crime rate has gone down 75%...fact. As more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%...fact. As more Americans own and carry guns our violent crime rate went down 72%.....fact. That is not a sick situation.

Britain banned and confiscated guns...their gun crime rate is going up, not down...and it is getting worse each year.
Let's go back in time (unless history is fake news), and let's think about a period in the west when crime was rampant, murder was rampant, train robberies, bank robberies, the gold Rush, everybody packing heat up until the west was tamed. Now how did we go from that uncivilized situation to a long period of peace and prosperity afterwards ?

Was it the citizens that solved the crisis, and tamed the west ? Well sort of, but it was because they joined possies, tracked down the killers, brought them in either dead or alive, created what was known as the hanging judges, and exacted swift justice on criminals in the harshest ways possible if committed the heinous crimes that we see going on today.

First we need to recognize why this is happening, who is responsible, who we have allowed to become leaders of our official offices, and be bold enough to take power away from the enablers who have abused their offices and authorities afforded them in this country. People like Pelosi and others are prime examples of those who had been given jobs in which they never should have gotten in life.
More excuses... So we do nothing ??

Guns are non-negotiable, so you best figure out something else before more kids die at the hands of evil.

Put guns in the schools and you eliminate the soft target. No one holds up gun stores, police stations, or anywhere they know they will meet opposition.

The allure of a target rich environment with no chance of anyone else shooting back will be history!
Points of entry and metal detectors are best. A secure system can be created at these schools. Gun's could play a roll, but maybe not as heavy a role that you might imagine.

The major factor is getting rid of the gun free zone.....they need to allow armed and trained staff, and they need to allow parents and other adults to be able to carry legally owned and carried guns onto school grounds.....if they did that, they would scare shooters away. And as to metal detectors and hardened entry points? Any shooter can simply start shooting the students with they line up to get into the building...or they could use a rental truck and run them over.
What in the hell have we started in this country ?? Listen at yourself, and then think about what is going on in this country, and why we have to shield ourselves from it in these ways. Its Pathetic..

Start at the root of the problem, and then save the teeth.

We all know dam well what the problem is, but we don't want to deal with it, so we must barricade ourselves behind an arsenal of weapons in order to live peacefully in this nation now ? How sick is this situation ??

What do you mean....? As more Americans own and carry guns our gun crime rate has gone down 75%...fact. As more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%...fact. As more Americans own and carry guns our violent crime rate went down 72%.....fact. That is not a sick situation.

Britain banned and confiscated guns...their gun crime rate is going up, not down...and it is getting worse each year.

Well said They can’t understand facts and the truth. They want to listen to the liberal media and the bullshit they sling.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ignoring this is not only absured, but it's costing our kids their life's.

It's time for this outrage to stop.
What you've said makes perfect sense -- but how many of these shooters have been on those drugs? If the number is all, or even most, then the solution to the problem is obvious.
Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun

Well there you have it - ANOTHER tried and true NRA tactic ^ Well, THAT law wouldn't have stopped THIS particular guy.

FAIL - Nobody claims that ALL shootings can be stopped with some rational reforms.

it wouldnt stop most of them

raising the age to 21 would not have stopped the Vegas shooter

See ^ There it is again! :)
it is the truth ya troll

Whatever you say ... Wayne


it would not have stopped Adam Lanza either

now one is racking up to quite a few ya jackass

Ignoring this is not only absured, but it's costing our kids their life's.

It's time for this outrage to stop.
What you've said makes perfect sense -- but how many of these shooters have been on those drugs? If the number is all, or even most, then the solution to the problem is obvious.

Bingo. I’ve posted the list, to tired to do it again tonight, but if you want it, I’ll look it up and post again tomorrow
Raising the age limit to buy a gun would not have stopped the kid in TX because he took his father's guns and he was able to waltz into the building with a shotgun

Well there you have it - ANOTHER tried and true NRA tactic ^ Well, THAT law wouldn't have stopped THIS particular guy.

FAIL - Nobody claims that ALL shootings can be stopped with some rational reforms.

it wouldnt stop most of them

raising the age to 21 would not have stopped the Vegas shooter

See ^ There it is again! :)
The problem is that you are positing a 'solution' to those exact problems and the solution does nothing at all to address those problems.

The legislation that is proposed over and over again after one of these terrible events does nothing to address them. It does not fail to stop just one incident that is cited - it will not stop any of them.
Make the job easier by drugging em into submission is the goal

b-b-b-but they sit nice an quiet for the D.A.R.E. officer that way Pops....


Here’s the strangest part. He and I are on the same side of this fence.

His ideas may, I see no evidence it would, but may lessen the death toll. Mine virtually eliminates it.

His comes after the monster is created, mine eliminates the monster before it’s created.

And his “monsters jumping off the walls”. That’s a symptom of ADHD, not depression. Depressed kids are sullen and stick to themselves

So, admittedly I mis reported the number of teens on these, let’s see if the captain admits his mistake.

Do you know how many kids I encountered in my 21 year career that matched your diagnosis of depression and had to be assigned to a 504 plan? ZERO!

Now, tell me you don't know what a 504 plan is and my day will be complete.

Oh my a teacher has a number!

Watch out folks, the dude has a filled out form!

Do you know how many school shooters were on an SSRI med?

Nearly ALL

You just outed yourself. If you knew anything about how schools are required to treat students with a disability, you would know what 504 plan is.

Still waiting for that link on the SSRI meds. You fucked up the last one so bad it wasn't funny!

All you seem to do is spew hyperbole. Where are your FACTS?
No, I have no idea how schools are funded, despite my Master's degree and that is obviously outclassed by your amateur Google mastery.

You are a an obnoxious piece of work. No wonder you don't get along with the other idiots. You are exactly alike!
Unless something has changed, most public schools receive state funding based on FTE (Full Time Equivalency). The concept is very simple. In reality, it's a huge time consuming mess of counting kids, looking at attendance, determining the number of kids in every program and the number hours spent, number of transient students and number days of attendance, home bound kids etc. The more you can find the more money you get. I wonder if school shootings figure into the funding formula.

Your point is?

The other dumbass poster had no clue.

I see with your last comment that you are joining him.

A time consuming mess? No. It is not. We have these new things they call computers that manage that for us. Perhaps you have heard of them?

Attendance is calculated only on certain days of the year to very enrollment. You were almost right.
Computers don't manage anything.

I did attendance for 21 years in 2 states, in 7 districts, and for the Department of Defense school where I taught. Have you done it once? Did you implement the Student Information Management System that "manages" the attendance for calculating the funding for a district of 127,000 students? Of course not! Go away until you accomplish something that you can honestly discuss with some level of competence.
The Student Information Management Systems? There are a number of such systems marketed. In fact, many large districts have written their own. Attendance modules collect daily attendance only. FTE is based on contact hours with the student. Attendance is only the starting point for FTE surveys. All specifically funded programs both state and federal require contact hours spend on that program by student. Actual contact hours are reported which may be distributed between multiple programs. It is a huge hassle for Special Ed people. Special Ed teachers, psychologies, and other have to account for there time by program. If program budgets are exceeded, reviews or audits are triggered. Districts can not ignore these special programs because they are a large expense. For example a home bound student can generate 20 FTE units and that works out to a lot of money.
I have spent time working with FTE at the state and district level.

Since this discussion is totally off topic and I doubt anyone is interested, I suggest we get back on topic.

I suggest you get a fucking clue, you amateur! Have you been in a public school for most of your adult life? How many years did you serve as a school administrator?

Like a said, you are a clueless amateur and you cannot resist showing that off every time you post.
Metal detectors - No one in unless pass through the check points... Enough is enough of the idiocy already.

What happens in these bubbles should not effect the rights and lives of others outside these bubbles.

Fix what is happening in these bubbles, and be done with the bullcrap already.

Are we really so stupid that we can't fix problems in this country now ??

First we must figure out who doesn't want these things fixed, and who keeps fueling these fires, and who would rather exploit these fires than do what's right, and put a stop to it.

This stuff should have already been in the works since the last mass shooting, but here we are again because some state, town, city or community figured that it wouldn't come their way. Well surprise procrastinator's.

Look into your children's eyes if you give a crap about them, and say enough is enough.

You ever work with metal detectors? They are somewhere below worse than useless because of all the false alarms.
More excuses... So we do nothing ??

Guns are non-negotiable, so you best figure out something else before more kids die at the hands of evil.

Put guns in the schools and you eliminate the soft target. No one holds up gun stores, police stations, or anywhere they know they will meet opposition.

The allure of a target rich environment with no chance of anyone else shooting back will be history!
Points of entry and metal detectors are best. A secure system can be created at these schools. Gun's could play a roll, but maybe not as heavy a role that you might imagine.

You cannot control points of entry to a school any more than you can have two gates for an NFL stadium! It's stupid and every one of you nimrods need to catch a clue!

Ever notice that there are no metal detectors in large venues anymore? Because they are pieces of shit!

I went into the VA office one day and it took them at least three minutes to determine I was NOT carry a gun because:

1) the buttons on my jacket were metal, so each sleeve and the front alarmed.
2) my belt buckle was metal, so it alarmed.
3) the fly in my pants alarmed
4) both of my shoes alarmed from the metal in them
5) my tie tack alarmed and it was smaller than a penny!

It was a good thing that there wasn't a line of people behind me!

Now, repeat that about 3000 times for kids carrying backpacks with metal zippers, metal in pens and pencils, spiral notebooks, metal baseball bats for practice, etc.

Heck, our archery teams carry their bows and arrows to class with them each day, and they are locked up during the day!
That's flimsy. Bombs don't drop themselves. ICBM Nukes don't launch themselves. Yet here we are trying to curtail the nuclear programs of two countries who have as much a natural right to defend themselves with offensive weapons against superior super powers as any American citizen does against their aggressors. Next.
/——/ Execpt those countries you defend are run by homicidal maniacs hell bent on wiping out their enemies.
I'm not defending them. You seem to think it's ok for us to royaly screw with those countries to limit their nuclear capability, but here at home we have laws that let guns get to whatever crazy whack job wants them. Apply your comment to that and it's the same thing. An argument against Iran or NK advancing their nuke program is probably also a good argument for why we need to do better here with guns.

Step 1 is doing anything about the straw purchaser loopholes. Here's a question, what policy has the NRA supported to implementation to curtail straw purchasers? If it's nothing, that's a clear sign that the organization is not on the side of the people or a solution because straw purchasing is one of the big glaring problems with the current circumstance.
Nope, we just need to get back to where if we spot evil here just like we can abroad, then we need to call it what it is, and then we need to deal with it. The left or the radicalization of liberalism has since placed many in danger in this country, and it continues on and on without any push back for fear of being labeled something ridiculous.
A society based on laws and equal justice can not deal with evil because evil is subjective in nature and is a generalization.

As long as one keeps using the words subjective and generalization in order to describe certain traits as if they are unidentifiable under such guidelines, then evil can easily hide itself within these words, and then strike out from behind the shield of these words that it has been given to then hide behind.
Evil is a subjective term, it relates to a persons moral stance on what they deem good and bad. Peoples notions of good and bad are fundamentally different depending on social environment, religion, beliefs and influences. The most horrible atrocities occurred under the guise of ridding society of evil.
Metal detectors - No one in unless pass through the check points... Enough is enough of the idiocy already.

What happens in these bubbles should not effect the rights and lives of others outside these bubbles.

Fix what is happening in these bubbles, and be done with the bullcrap already.

Are we really so stupid that we can't fix problems in this country now ??

First we must figure out who doesn't want these things fixed, and who keeps fueling these fires, and who would rather exploit these fires than do what's right, and put a stop to it.

This stuff should have already been in the works since the last mass shooting, but here we are again because some state, town, city or community figured that it wouldn't come their way. Well surprise procrastinator's.

Look into your children's eyes if you give a crap about them, and say enough is enough.

You ever work with metal detectors? They are somewhere below worse than useless because of all the false alarms.
More excuses... So we do nothing ??

Guns are non-negotiable, so you best figure out something else before more kids die at the hands of evil.

Put guns in the schools and you eliminate the soft target. No one holds up gun stores, police stations, or anywhere they know they will meet opposition.

The allure of a target rich environment with no chance of anyone else shooting back will be history!
Points of entry and metal detectors are best. A secure system can be created at these schools. Gun's could play a roll, but maybe not as heavy a role that you might imagine.

You cannot control points of entry to a school any more than you can have two gates for an NFL stadium! It's stupid and every one of you nimrods need to catch a clue!

Ever notice that there are no metal detectors in large venues anymore? Because they are pieces of shit!

I went into the VA office one day and it took them at least three minutes to determine I was NOT carry a gun because:

1) the buttons on my jacket were metal, so each sleeve and the front alarmed.
2) my belt buckle was metal, so it alarmed.
3) the fly in my pants alarmed
4) both of my shoes alarmed from the metal in them
5) my tie tack alarmed and it was smaller than a penny!

It was a good thing that there wasn't a line of people behind me!

Now, repeat that about 3000 times for kids carrying backpacks with metal zippers, metal in pens and pencils, spiral notebooks, metal baseball bats for practice, etc.

Heck, our archery teams carry their bows and arrows to class with them each day, and they are locked up during the day!
Listen you nimrod, the metal detectors are the start, and of course the attire that sets the thing off will have to change, and a dress code would be in order. Then just like airlines you will find out as students what you can bring and what you can't bring in. Everything else is supplied beyond the check point by the school to the students if need be.

It will work, and it should work... Stop with the idiotic excuses already. It's not like they will be getting surprised at the check points having the same students and staff attending all year. Good grief.
/——/ Execpt those countries you defend are run by homicidal maniacs hell bent on wiping out their enemies.
I'm not defending them. You seem to think it's ok for us to royaly screw with those countries to limit their nuclear capability, but here at home we have laws that let guns get to whatever crazy whack job wants them. Apply your comment to that and it's the same thing. An argument against Iran or NK advancing their nuke program is probably also a good argument for why we need to do better here with guns.

Step 1 is doing anything about the straw purchaser loopholes. Here's a question, what policy has the NRA supported to implementation to curtail straw purchasers? If it's nothing, that's a clear sign that the organization is not on the side of the people or a solution because straw purchasing is one of the big glaring problems with the current circumstance.
Nope, we just need to get back to where if we spot evil here just like we can abroad, then we need to call it what it is, and then we need to deal with it. The left or the radicalization of liberalism has since placed many in danger in this country, and it continues on and on without any push back for fear of being labeled something ridiculous.
A society based on laws and equal justice can not deal with evil because evil is subjective in nature and is a generalization.

As long as one keeps using the words subjective and generalization in order to describe certain traits as if they are unidentifiable under such guidelines, then evil can easily hide itself within these words, and then strike out from behind the shield of these words that it has been given to then hide behind.
Evil is a subjective term, it relates to a persons moral stance on what they deem good and bad. Peoples notions of good and bad are fundamentally different depending on social environment, religion, beliefs and influences. The most horrible atrocities occurred under the guise of ridding society of evil.
Under guidelines and standards that should be chosen, then evil is recognizable and can be regulated in as far as the damage that it can do.

No standards set, and no guidelines set can only allow in chaos, mayhem, confusion, and evilness to slip through the cracks. The problem with tolerating evil people, is that it sends the wrong message as if to say evil isn't bad at all, and in fact we should just tolerate it in the name of political correctness and those two famous words used to justify so much bullcrap today, and they are TOLERANCE & DIVERSITY as is being used by the wrong people today.

It's all been taken just a little bit to far.

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