yet another shooting

This couldn't possibly have happened. I know for a fact that California has some of the most strict gun laws in the nation, thorough background checks, a ten day waiting period, the restrict criminals from owning guns, and all schools are "gun free zones..."

Therefore, this couldn't possibly have happened...

Wow...who do I believe, the BBC or Hjmick?

At least five people are dead and several others injured after a gun rampage in the beachfront city of Santa Monica, California, police say.

The attack began at a house and ended on a college campus where police say they shot the gunman in the library.

Police initially put the death toll at six, but later revised it to five people dead, including the shooter.

The gunman was in his late 20s and had been carrying an assault-style rifle, say witnesses.

BBC News - Five dead in Santa Monica shooting rampage
This is interesting.
No one has condemned the shootings.

Perhaps Americans should be more vocal in condemning acts of violence. It's almost as if they support it.


Or perhaps there are no moderate Americans - only murderous, gun-toting extremists? :razz:
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun, and that doesn't mean that the only good guy with a gun has to wear a BADGE.

When will the anti gun whack jobs get that through their thick, sheeple, brain washed, libtard skulls?
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