Yet another "sneaky" stunt by the Trumpster

Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.
With Trump

Be thankful for whatever you get
Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.

How many news conferences did your candidate hold?

Debates held on football night, news and executive orders dropped at 4:59pm on a Friday night, Trump has the liberal playbook and is bitch slapping the libs with it.

Yep. And watch them cry when their own tactics are used against them.
For all you brain-challenged, right wing morons, here's a bit of history from Nov. 2008:

In the 22 days since winning the White House, President-elect Barack Obama has taken 22 questions from reporters and has done two sit-down television interviews.

The Democrat held his fourth press conference since Nov. 4 in Chicago Wednesday morning — his third in as many days — an unprecedented bit of access for reporters who have grown accustomed to President Bush’s infrequent moments taking questions and already surpassing the last four presidents-in-waiting.

Mr. Obama has beat his four predecessors in number of post-election, pre-inauguration press conferences.

Obama beats record for press conferences

Did they give him the questions in advance, or just all mindlessly "decide" to have a contest over the easiest soft ball?

btw, did I mention FUCK THE MEDIA?
Oh Gnat, you're such a moron.
Trump has been EXPLICIT in that he intends to bypass the dishonest press.
Why would anyone POSSIBLY trust the press in regards to Trump after the last year of their lies.

Exactly. The press that has colluded with Democrats for decades? Why should Trump do them any favors?
Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.

I am still awaiting a Presidential tweety response on this Russian connection. The last thing Trump wants to do is get in front of a bunch of reporters that are going to be asking tons of questions--that he will try and deflect or not answer. So a media interview is probably something he'll avoid like the Ebola virus.

For all you brain-challenged, right wing morons, here's a bit of history from Nov. 2008:

In the 22 days since winning the White House, President-elect Barack Obama has taken 22 questions from reporters and has done two sit-down television interviews.

The Democrat held his fourth press conference since Nov. 4 in Chicago Wednesday morning — his third in as many days — an unprecedented bit of access for reporters who have grown accustomed to President Bush’s infrequent moments taking questions and already surpassing the last four presidents-in-waiting.

Mr. Obama has beat his four predecessors in number of post-election, pre-inauguration press conferences.

Obama beats record for press conferences

Did they give him the questions in advance, or just all mindlessly "decide" to have a contest over the easiest soft ball?

btw, did I mention FUCK THE MEDIA?

That's hilarious. Trump should insist on getting all questions in advance like CNN did for Hillary.
For all you brain-challenged, right wing morons, here's a bit of history from Nov. 2008:

In the 22 days since winning the White House, President-elect Barack Obama has taken 22 questions from reporters and has done two sit-down television interviews.

The Democrat held his fourth press conference since Nov. 4 in Chicago Wednesday morning — his third in as many days — an unprecedented bit of access for reporters who have grown accustomed to President Bush’s infrequent moments taking questions and already surpassing the last four presidents-in-waiting.

Mr. Obama has beat his four predecessors in number of post-election, pre-inauguration press conferences.

Obama beats record for press conferences
That is due to the fact the media has always tingled for him. It is more than clear and should be to anyone they have a hard on for Trump. Fuck the media.
True, folks, Putin, Hitler and Mussolini, ALSO hated the media with their "bothersome' questions; so, I guess you're correct, right wingers, Trump SHOULD follow the example of other despots.
True, folks, Putin, Hitler and Mussolini, ALSO hated the media with their "bothersome' questions; so, I guess you're correct, right wingers, Trump SHOULD follow the example of other despots.

The difference is that HItler and Musslolini had to worry about the press telling the truth, while the US media has chosen to be liars.

Demonizing the media is the last resort when a public official can not go head to head and toe to toe, with reporters and journalist and or can not explain away negative stories. Trump was not at fault for being recorded bragging about sexual assault and "pussy grabbing", it was the media making him look bad. Trump did not tell all those lies, it was the evil media reporting them that was bad. On and on, one stupid comment or lie after another, it is never Trump's fault, it is always the fault of the evil media.
People just have to get used to having a President that is rarely truthful, accurate, or honest. Whenever he is pressured into answering tough questions he will deflect the news by tweeting outrageous comments. The purpose is to draw attention away from substantive issues and guestions and make the public concentrate on basically irrelevant topics. The tweets are sucker bait and his supporters eat it up.
We're already used to that, moron.
Demonizing the media is the last resort when a public official can not go head to head and toe to toe, with reporters and journalist and or can not explain away negative stories. Trump was not at fault for being recorded bragging about sexual assault and "pussy grabbing", it was the media making him look bad. Trump did not tell all those lies, it was the evil media reporting them that was bad. On and on, one stupid comment or lie after another, it is never Trump's fault, it is always the fault of the evil media.
No, that's how douche bags who broadcast fake news deserve to be treated.

It's hilarious how you morons think the MSM still has any credibility.
For all you brain-challenged, right wing morons, here's a bit of history from Nov. 2008:

In the 22 days since winning the White House, President-elect Barack Obama has taken 22 questions from reporters and has done two sit-down television interviews.

The Democrat held his fourth press conference since Nov. 4 in Chicago Wednesday morning — his third in as many days — an unprecedented bit of access for reporters who have grown accustomed to President Bush’s infrequent moments taking questions and already surpassing the last four presidents-in-waiting.

Mr. Obama has beat his four predecessors in number of post-election, pre-inauguration press conferences.

Obama beats record for press conferences
The media has disgraced itself with the whole "Russia election hack" thing. Trump has no need to address their idiocies.
True, folks, Putin, Hitler and Mussolini, ALSO hated the media with their "bothersome' questions; so, I guess you're correct, right wingers, Trump SHOULD follow the example of other despots.
Are you kidding? Mussolini was an attention whore, and so was Hitler. Of course, the had a media that was nothing more than the state propaganda ministry. Come to think of it, that's what our media is, only it's the permanent state, as in the bureaucracy.
Are you kidding? Mussolini was an attention whore, and so was Hitler. Of course, the had a media that was nothing more than the state propaganda ministry. Come to think of it, that's what our media is, only it's the permanent state, as in the bureaucracy.

hey, middle finger baby.......stop trashing Bannon's Breibart News, Alex Jones' InfoWars and FOX...:asshole:
People just have to get used to having a President that is rarely truthful, accurate, or honest. Whenever he is pressured into answering tough questions he will deflect the news by tweeting outrageous comments. The purpose is to draw attention away from substantive issues and guestions and make the public concentrate on basically irrelevant topics. The tweets are sucker bait and his supporters eat it up.
Yeah, but he's leaving office in just a few days. And a much more qualified man is replacing him.
People just have to get used to having a President that is rarely truthful, accurate, or honest. Whenever he is pressured into answering tough questions he will deflect the news by tweeting outrageous comments. The purpose is to draw attention away from substantive issues and guestions and make the public concentrate on basically irrelevant topics. The tweets are sucker bait and his supporters eat it up.
Yeah, but he's leaving office in just a few days. And a much more qualified man is replacing him.
Has Obama been tweeting a lot during his Presidency?
Demonizing the media is the last resort when a public official can not go head to head and toe to toe, with reporters and journalist and or can not explain away negative stories. Trump was not at fault for being recorded bragging about sexual assault and "pussy grabbing", it was the media making him look bad. Trump did not tell all those lies, it was the evil media reporting them that was bad. On and on, one stupid comment or lie after another, it is never Trump's fault, it is always the fault of the evil media.
No, that's how douche bags who broadcast fake news deserve to be treated.

It's hilarious how you morons think the MSM still has any credibility.
The media, Obama, and everyone else has more credibility than Trump or your wacky and crude posts.
Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.
The media demonized Trump for the entire campaign, and now they are paying the price for it. Did you think he was going to just let them get away with it without any repercussions? If so, you are dumber than you already appear.
People just have to get used to having a President that is rarely truthful, accurate, or honest. Whenever he is pressured into answering tough questions he will deflect the news by tweeting outrageous comments. The purpose is to draw attention away from substantive issues and guestions and make the public concentrate on basically irrelevant topics. The tweets are sucker bait and his supporters eat it up.

Sorry bub, O already sailed that ship.

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