Yet another "sneaky" stunt by the Trumpster

So says a marxist, who you have chosen to bleev over our intelligence services.


Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists?

Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!
Trump has seen the hard evidence the Russians were behind the leaks. That's why he is in hiding these days, and he is having his surrogates slowly change the message for you brainless rubes to parrot.

Yeah Yeah Yeah, once again you are playing a game.

The hacked emails is not a hacked election.

When you have EVIDENCE of that let me know.

Until then quit whining liberals. You lost, get over it.

The Russians didn't "hack" the emails. No intelligence agency has made that claim,
People just have to get used to having a President that is rarely truthful, accurate, or honest. Whenever he is pressured into answering tough questions he will deflect the news by tweeting outrageous comments. The purpose is to draw attention away from substantive issues and guestions and make the public concentrate on basically irrelevant topics. The tweets are sucker bait and his supporters eat it up.

Rarely truthful, accurate or honest? Oh, we're used to that, Camp! It's what we've had for the past eight years! Just saying...
People just have to get used to having a President that is rarely truthful, accurate, or honest. Whenever he is pressured into answering tough questions he will deflect the news by tweeting outrageous comments. The purpose is to draw attention away from substantive issues and guestions and make the public concentrate on basically irrelevant topics. The tweets are sucker bait and his supporters eat it up.

Rarely truthful, accurate or honest? Oh, we're used to that, Camp! It's what we've had for the past eight years! Just saying...
I am not familiar with Obama's history of deflecting attention by tweeting. You miss the point and seem stuck in the boring routine of deflecting to the "Obama is a liar" excuse.
Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.
I am not familiar with Obama's history of deflecting attention by tweeting. You miss the point and seem stuck in the boring routine of deflecting to the "Obama is a liar" excuse.

Oh, my friend, we are in for COUNTLESS, "....but, but, Obama" excuses, whether valid or not.

Just keep in mind that whenever you get those types of responses, they really mean that they have no defense for the Trumpster's behavior.
People just have to get used to having a President that is rarely truthful, accurate, or honest. Whenever he is pressured into answering tough questions he will deflect the news by tweeting outrageous comments. The purpose is to draw attention away from substantive issues and guestions and make the public concentrate on basically irrelevant topics. The tweets are sucker bait and his supporters eat it up.

Rarely truthful, accurate or honest? Oh, we're used to that, Camp! It's what we've had for the past eight years! Just saying...
I am not familiar with Obama's history of deflecting attention by tweeting. You miss the point and seem stuck in the boring routine of deflecting to the "Obama is a liar" excuse.

Let's be honest here, Camp...Obama used the main stream media as his own Twitter account. Whatever message he wanted to put out there...they complied...even if that message was an obvious lie. How do you think he got away with those HUGE lies he was telling about the Affordable Care Act? So why would you need Twitter when you've got that?

Trump has the opposite problem. The main stream media hates him. Any message he wants put out there is going to have to go through them and they will do their level best to make him look as bad as possible. Trump uses Twitter to talk directly to the American people. Get used to it.

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