Yet another "sneaky" stunt by the Trumpster

Well, Russian (RT) television certainly showed a bias toward the puppet, Trump....LOL
Why must liberals continue to be disingenuous (create false narratives, distort the truth, lie, etc...) by calling Trump a 'puppet' when they know very well the FBI already declared there is no connection between Russia/Putin and Trump.

Making such a claim is like calling Hillary a KKK Puppet simply because one group / local leader endorsed her and tried to help her become President (by voting for her). It's ignorant to make such a claim.
We do not know if Trump colluded with Putin. That was not investigated. Our intelligence services did not say Trump IS NOT a puppet. They didn't comment on that aspect.

All caught up now?

Even if Trump isn't Putin's puppet, he definitely is Putin's useful idiot.

Just like you.
Trump's embarrassed he was installed by Putin. He's going to hide until the goldfish forget like they usually do.

You should be embarrassed that you keep repeating that lame line.

When you have evidence that one vote was added or taken away from either Hillary or Trump's National Election tally DO LET US KNOW.

Until then you libs are just frothing at the mouth, making excuses for an stunning defeat.

Get over it.
The pseudocons were bragging about the leaks destroying Clinton's election chances all summer and fall.

Now those same tards are claiming they had no impact! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."

See how they are saying what they were told to say? So malleable, these goldfish.

Claiming now that the leaks had no impact is an open admission Russia was behind the leaks.,

The "leaks" came from a DNC insider, and not from Russia.

So says a marxist, who you have chosen to bleev over our intelligence services.


know it galls you that the truth about Hillary became public, but Putin doesn't get the credit.

Putin does get the credit.

I know it doesn't gall you he installed Trump as our President, and that's what is wrong with you tards.

I hear Putin personally hacked the DNC via his Tandy TRS-80!!!!
Well, Russian (RT) television certainly showed a bias toward the puppet, Trump....LOL
Why must liberals continue to be disingenuous (create false narratives, distort the truth, lie, etc...) by calling Trump a 'puppet' when they know very well the FBI already declared there is no connection between Russia/Putin and Trump.

Making such a claim is like calling Hillary a KKK Puppet simply because one group / local leader endorsed her and tried to help her become President (by voting for her). It's ignorant to make such a claim.
We do not know if Trump colluded with Putin. That was not investigated. Our intelligence services did not say Trump IS NOT a puppet. They didn't comment on that aspect.

All caught up now?

Even if Trump isn't Putin's puppet, he definitely is Putin's useful idiot.

Just like you.

Trump knows that the Cold War is over.

Why are you so afraid of peace?
Sean Hannity Now Abandoning Any Residual Integrity To Help Trump | RedState

You mean that Hannity ever HAD any integrity??? No bigger moronic shill has ever existed on cable...He is the Alex Jones of TV
And that is contrast to what? No conservative media outlets?
Please post any video where a conservative news agency (or other) has claimed on the air - live - they have 'done everything they could to help Trump win, to include give him a pass on every one of his scandals'.

directly, no .. indirectly, EVERY FUCKING TIME A CAMERA WAS ON HIM.

Sean Hannity Now Abandoning Any Residual Integrity To Help Trump | RedState
It was really something seeing Hannity giving head to the marxist Assange the other day.
And that is contrast to what? No conservative media outlets?
Please post any video where a conservative news agency (or other) has claimed on the air - live - they have 'done everything they could to help Trump win, to include give him a pass on every one of his scandals'.

directly, no .. indirectly, EVERY FUCKING TIME A CAMERA WAS ON HIM.

Sean Hannity Now Abandoning Any Residual Integrity To Help Trump | RedState

Oh wow, a Never Trumper whines that Hannity is consistent in his support of Trump.

Wow, what a scandal!
Oh wow, a Never Trumper whines that Hannity is consistent in his support of Trump.

It isn’t enough for Hannity that he has served as an official media fluffer for Trump.

It isn’t enough that he has had him on his show without questioning or pushing back on any of his blatantly stupid comments.

It isn’t enough that he has defended Trump and his campaign for acting like monkeys by figuratively flinging poop at everyone who utters even the most basic of arguments against Trump.

He will do whatever it takes to carry Trump’s water, including destroying the Republican party
Oh wow, a Never Trumper whines that Hannity is consistent in his support of Trump.

It isn’t enough for Hannity that he has served as an official media fluffer for Trump.

It isn’t enough that he has had him on his show without questioning or pushing back on any of his blatantly stupid comments.

It isn’t enough that he has defended Trump and his campaign for acting like monkeys by figuratively flinging poop at everyone who utters even the most basic of arguments against Trump.

He will do whatever it takes to carry Trump’s water, including destroying the Republican party

Oh gee I mean the media gave Hillary SUCH a grilling and a vetting.

It's soooooooooooooooooo unfair for Hannity to actually be on Trump's side.

Do you liberals actually ever hear yourselves?

The hypocrisy is so thick it's laughable you can't see it.
Oh wow, a Never Trumper whines that Hannity is consistent in his support of Trump.

It isn’t enough for Hannity that he has served as an official media fluffer for Trump.

It isn’t enough that he has had him on his show without questioning or pushing back on any of his blatantly stupid comments.

It isn’t enough that he has defended Trump and his campaign for acting like monkeys by figuratively flinging poop at everyone who utters even the most basic of arguments against Trump.

He will do whatever it takes to carry Trump’s water, including destroying the Republican party

Oh gee I mean the media gave Hillary SUCH a grilling and a vetting.

It's soooooooooooooooooo unfair for Hannity to actually be on Trump's side.

Do you liberals actually ever hear yourselves?

The hypocrisy is so thick it's laughable you can't see it.
Hannity is on Putin and Assange's side.

There is your hypocrisy, retard.

In his desperation to be Trump's bitch, Hannity got down on his knees and swallowed a yard of Assange's cock.
Trump's embarrassed he was installed by Putin. He's going to hide until the goldfish forget like they usually do.

You should be embarrassed that you keep repeating that lame line.

When you have evidence that one vote was added or taken away from either Hillary or Trump's National Election tally DO LET US KNOW.

Until then you libs are just frothing at the mouth, making excuses for an stunning defeat.

Get over it.
The pseudocons were bragging about the leaks destroying Clinton's election chances all summer and fall.

Now those same tards are claiming they had no impact! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."

See how they are saying what they were told to say? So malleable, these goldfish.

Claiming now that the leaks had no impact is an open admission Russia was behind the leaks.,

The "leaks" came from a DNC insider, and not from Russia.

So says a marxist, who you have chosen to bleev over our intelligence services.


Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists? Every no issue the add to their agenda was conceived by marxist professors.

know it galls you that the truth about Hillary became public, but Putin doesn't get the credit.

Putin does get the credit.

I know it doesn't gall you he installed Trump as our President, and that's what is wrong with you tards.

I know you want to give him the credit, but no rational person will take your word for it.
Oh wow, a Never Trumper whines that Hannity is consistent in his support of Trump.

It isn’t enough for Hannity that he has served as an official media fluffer for Trump.

It isn’t enough that he has had him on his show without questioning or pushing back on any of his blatantly stupid comments.

It isn’t enough that he has defended Trump and his campaign for acting like monkeys by figuratively flinging poop at everyone who utters even the most basic of arguments against Trump.

He will do whatever it takes to carry Trump’s water, including destroying the Republican party

Ironic coming from a douche bag who voted for Hillary.
How many "news conferences" did Obama give before he was inaugurated? We couldn't even get him to take questions from the friendly media for about six freaking years.

You are so full of crap. His first news conference was on Nov. 7th, 2008 on C-SPAN.

Here...............lemmie help you out.....................

You know, Google is your friend. You should really check them out before posting abject b.s. like you just did.
He will do whatever it takes to carry Trump’s water, including destroying the Republican party
Bush destroyed the GOP.

Trump is exploiting that destruction.

Actually, the GOP was destroyed by the Tea Party. At first, they were a unified front for the GOP, but after a couple of years, there started to be rifts between the various factions of the TP. Those rifts were among the GOP itself, because that is the only party that supported the TP'ers.

Those rifts between the TP factions spread to the GOP, where they fractured themselves, thereby making them ripe for the hostile takeover of Trump.
Trump's embarrassed he was installed by Putin. He's going to hide until the goldfish forget like they usually do.

You should be embarrassed that you keep repeating that lame line.

When you have evidence that one vote was added or taken away from either Hillary or Trump's National Election tally DO LET US KNOW.

Until then you libs are just frothing at the mouth, making excuses for an stunning defeat.

Get over it.
The pseudocons were bragging about the leaks destroying Clinton's election chances all summer and fall.

Now those same tards are claiming they had no impact! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."

See how they are saying what they were told to say? So malleable, these goldfish.

Claiming now that the leaks had no impact is an open admission Russia was behind the leaks.,

The "leaks" came from a DNC insider, and not from Russia.

So says a marxist, who you have chosen to bleev over our intelligence services.


Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists?

Since when do pseudocons give them head?

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