Yet another "sneaky" stunt by the Trumpster

You should be embarrassed that you keep repeating that lame line.

When you have evidence that one vote was added or taken away from either Hillary or Trump's National Election tally DO LET US KNOW.

Until then you libs are just frothing at the mouth, making excuses for an stunning defeat.

Get over it.
The pseudocons were bragging about the leaks destroying Clinton's election chances all summer and fall.

Now those same tards are claiming they had no impact! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."

See how they are saying what they were told to say? So malleable, these goldfish.

Claiming now that the leaks had no impact is an open admission Russia was behind the leaks.,

The "leaks" came from a DNC insider, and not from Russia.

So says a marxist, who you have chosen to bleev over our intelligence services.


Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists?

Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!
The pseudocons were bragging about the leaks destroying Clinton's election chances all summer and fall.

Now those same tards are claiming they had no impact! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."

See how they are saying what they were told to say? So malleable, these goldfish.

Claiming now that the leaks had no impact is an open admission Russia was behind the leaks.,

The "leaks" came from a DNC insider, and not from Russia.

So says a marxist, who you have chosen to bleev over our intelligence services.


Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists?

Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!
Vladimir Trump has seen the hard evidence the Russians were behind the leaks. Despite your denials, EVERYONE knows they were behind the leaks.

The very same leaks Trump was gloating over, the very same leaks you pseudocons were claiming were turning the election all summer and fall.

That's why Trump is in hiding these days, and he is having his surrogates slowly change the message for you brainless rubes to parrot.
The "leaks" came from a DNC insider, and not from Russia.

So says a marxist, who you have chosen to bleev over our intelligence services.


Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists?

Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!
Trump has seen the hard evidence the Russians were behind the leaks. That's why he is in hiding these days, and he is having his surrogates slowly change the message for you brainless rubes to parrot.

Yeah Yeah Yeah, once again you are playing a game.

The hacked emails is not a hacked election.

When you have EVIDENCE of that let me know.

Until then quit whining liberals. You lost, get over it.
So says a marxist, who you have chosen to bleev over our intelligence services.


Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists?

Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!
Trump has seen the hard evidence the Russians were behind the leaks. That's why he is in hiding these days, and he is having his surrogates slowly change the message for you brainless rubes to parrot.

Yeah Yeah Yeah, once again you are playing a game.

The hacked emails is not a hacked election.

When you have EVIDENCE of that let me know.

Until then quit whining liberals. You lost, get over it.
Trump has seen the hard evidence.

These are the very same leaks Trump was gloating over, the very same leaks you pseudocons were claiming were turning the election all summer and fall.

Its hilarious you are trying now to claim they had no impact. That's an open admission you know the Russians were behind them.
Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists?

Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!
Trump has seen the hard evidence the Russians were behind the leaks. That's why he is in hiding these days, and he is having his surrogates slowly change the message for you brainless rubes to parrot.

Yeah Yeah Yeah, once again you are playing a game.

The hacked emails is not a hacked election.

When you have EVIDENCE of that let me know.

Until then quit whining liberals. You lost, get over it.
Trump has seen the hard evidence.

These are the very same leaks Trump was gloating over, the very same leaks you pseudocons were claiming were turning the election all summer and fall.

And yet Trump hasn't stepped down and Hillary hasn't demanded she become president.

What does that tell you?

Apparently nothing, because facts don't matter. Just making excuses because you can't handle your side lost.
Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!
Trump has seen the hard evidence the Russians were behind the leaks. That's why he is in hiding these days, and he is having his surrogates slowly change the message for you brainless rubes to parrot.

Yeah Yeah Yeah, once again you are playing a game.

The hacked emails is not a hacked election.

When you have EVIDENCE of that let me know.

Until then quit whining liberals. You lost, get over it.
Trump has seen the hard evidence.

These are the very same leaks Trump was gloating over, the very same leaks you pseudocons were claiming were turning the election all summer and fall.

And yet Trump hasn't stepped down and Hillary hasn't demanded she become president.

What does that tell you?

Apparently nothing, because facts don't matter. Just making excuses because you can't handle your side lost.
Why would Vladimir Trump step down?
The pseudocons were bragging about the leaks destroying Clinton's election chances all summer and fall.

Now those same tards are claiming they had no impact! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."

See how they are saying what they were told to say? So malleable, these goldfish.

Claiming now that the leaks had no impact is an open admission Russia was behind the leaks.,

The "leaks" came from a DNC insider, and not from Russia.

So says a marxist, who you have chosen to bleev over our intelligence services.


Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists?

Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!

You don't buy it because you don't want to buy it. I mean, for someone who comes on here and starts talking of "butthurt", I mean, how old are you?
The "leaks" came from a DNC insider, and not from Russia.

So says a marxist, who you have chosen to bleev over our intelligence services.


Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists?

Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!

You don't buy it because you don't want to buy it. I mean, for someone who comes on here and starts talking of "butthurt", I mean, how old are you?

Wow, it's "butthurt" to not believe something for which liberals can't produce any proof?

That's a new spin! :lmao:

How old are YOU, that you think that works.

You libs get more and more laughably unhinged the closer we get to Trump being sworn in.

When you libs have PROOF that there were actual votes given or taken away from the ACTUAL ELECTION, let me know.

Until then, this is just a conspiracy theory from tin foil hat liberals who can't handle they lost.
So says a marxist, who you have chosen to bleev over our intelligence services.


Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists?

Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!

You don't buy it because you don't want to buy it. I mean, for someone who comes on here and starts talking of "butthurt", I mean, how old are you?

Wow, it's "butthurt" to not believe something for which liberals can't produce any proof?

That's a new spin! :lmao:

How old are YOU, that you think that works.

You libs get more and more laughably unhinged the closer we get to Trump being sworn in.

When you libs have PROOF that there were actual votes given or taken away from the ACTUAL ELECTION, let me know.

Until then, this is just a conspiracy theory from tin foil hat liberals who can't handle they lost.

Listen. Obama was in power for 8 years. Some on the right came up with him being a Muslim, him being born in Kenya, his wife being a man. They moan and moan and moan and moan. Then they see the reverse and all of a sudden it's "butthurt". Not only that but this word has appeared far too many times since the election for it to be a coincidence. It's something that has spread, it's not people thinking for themselves, it's just the same petty crap that existed before.

I don't need anything to work. I don't care whether you like what I said or not. I said it because this is high school nonsense and nothing more. This is a POLITICS FORUM and so many people treat it like an entertainment/bullying site.

You think I'm unhinged because I'm telling you that you're acting in a juvenile way? Who cares.

All I know is that aren't going to ever have a sensible debate, and I'll end up putting you on ignore. I come on here to use my brain. You come on here to keep yourself entertained. We're no compatible so what's the point?
Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists?

Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!

You don't buy it because you don't want to buy it. I mean, for someone who comes on here and starts talking of "butthurt", I mean, how old are you?

Wow, it's "butthurt" to not believe something for which liberals can't produce any proof?

That's a new spin! :lmao:

How old are YOU, that you think that works.

You libs get more and more laughably unhinged the closer we get to Trump being sworn in.

When you libs have PROOF that there were actual votes given or taken away from the ACTUAL ELECTION, let me know.

Until then, this is just a conspiracy theory from tin foil hat liberals who can't handle they lost.

Listen. Obama was in power for 8 years. Some on the right came up with him being a Muslim, him being born in Kenya, his wife being a man. They moan and moan and moan and moan. Then they see the reverse and all of a sudden it's "butthurt". Not only that but this word has appeared far too many times since the election for it to be a coincidence. It's something that has spread, it's not people thinking for themselves, it's just the same petty crap that existed before.

I don't need anything to work. I don't care whether you like what I said or not. I said it because this is high school nonsense and nothing more. This is a POLITICS FORUM and so many people treat it like an entertainment/bullying site.

You think I'm unhinged because I'm telling you that you're acting in a juvenile way? Who cares.

All I know is that aren't going to ever have a sensible debate, and I'll end up putting you on ignore. I come on here to use my brain. You come on here to keep yourself entertained. We're no compatible so what's the point?

What did all that crying and whining mean?

Who's trying to bully here but you?

Oh boo hoo, I'm kicking liberal butt and it's sooooo unfair.

I know how liberals couch "bullying."

To them that means they get to talk non stop and if a conservative DARES answer back (especially if that answer back kicks their lying butts) that's "bullying."

Stop whining.

Your side lost.

Get over it!
Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.
So the PR arm of the left is complaining about trump tweets, demanding Trump stop tweeting so they can filter his words so they read and sound the way they want them to, he counters those attempts and drives liberals nuts, he gives them their press conference and they complain because they cannot properly filter "our" information between the 2 events...what will happen here is that the democratic PR firm know as the media will get together with the democrats, co-ordinate the questioning they ask Trump with the questions/vetting of the nominees, filter it and then tell/teach the parrots what to say, they will then come to a place like this, repeat it, and then demand their crackers...Trump needs to keep circumventing the media filter with tweets, the proof of there effectiveness is in the thinly veiled cry for uncle that has gone up on the left for him to stop.
Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.
So the PR arm of the left is complaining about trump tweets, demanding Trump stop tweeting so they can filter his words so they read and sound the way they want them to, he counters those attempts and drives liberals nuts, he gives them their press conference and they complain because they cannot properly filter "our" information between the 2 events...what will happen here is that the democratic PR firm know as the media will get together with the democrats, co-ordinate the questioning they ask Trump with the questions/vetting of the nominees, filter it and then tell/teach the parrots what to say, they will then come to a place like this, repeat it, and then demand their crackers...Trump needs to keep circumventing the media filter with tweets, the proof of there effectiveness is in the thinly veiled cry for uncle that has gone up on the left for him to stop.

That's basically what it boils down to.

They recognize, one of the reasons Trump won is his ability to go right to voters via Twitter instead of letting the liberal media spin and lie about him.

They are now demanding Trump stop what helped win him the Whitehouse and let his words be twisted by the liberal media like other weak spined republicans.

Boo hoo, Trump won't cooperate.
Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!

You don't buy it because you don't want to buy it. I mean, for someone who comes on here and starts talking of "butthurt", I mean, how old are you?

Wow, it's "butthurt" to not believe something for which liberals can't produce any proof?

That's a new spin! :lmao:

How old are YOU, that you think that works.

You libs get more and more laughably unhinged the closer we get to Trump being sworn in.

When you libs have PROOF that there were actual votes given or taken away from the ACTUAL ELECTION, let me know.

Until then, this is just a conspiracy theory from tin foil hat liberals who can't handle they lost.

Listen. Obama was in power for 8 years. Some on the right came up with him being a Muslim, him being born in Kenya, his wife being a man. They moan and moan and moan and moan. Then they see the reverse and all of a sudden it's "butthurt". Not only that but this word has appeared far too many times since the election for it to be a coincidence. It's something that has spread, it's not people thinking for themselves, it's just the same petty crap that existed before.

I don't need anything to work. I don't care whether you like what I said or not. I said it because this is high school nonsense and nothing more. This is a POLITICS FORUM and so many people treat it like an entertainment/bullying site.

You think I'm unhinged because I'm telling you that you're acting in a juvenile way? Who cares.

All I know is that aren't going to ever have a sensible debate, and I'll end up putting you on ignore. I come on here to use my brain. You come on here to keep yourself entertained. We're no compatible so what's the point?

What did all that crying and whining mean?

Who's trying to bully here but you?

Oh boo hoo, I'm kicking liberal butt and it's sooooo unfair.

I know how liberals couch "bullying."

To them that means they get to talk non stop and if a conservative DARES answer back (especially if that answer back kicks their lying butts) that's "bullying."

Stop whining.

Your side lost.

Get over it!

Fine, on the ignore list, this is a complete waste of time.
We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!

You don't buy it because you don't want to buy it. I mean, for someone who comes on here and starts talking of "butthurt", I mean, how old are you?

Wow, it's "butthurt" to not believe something for which liberals can't produce any proof?

That's a new spin! :lmao:

How old are YOU, that you think that works.

You libs get more and more laughably unhinged the closer we get to Trump being sworn in.

When you libs have PROOF that there were actual votes given or taken away from the ACTUAL ELECTION, let me know.

Until then, this is just a conspiracy theory from tin foil hat liberals who can't handle they lost.

Listen. Obama was in power for 8 years. Some on the right came up with him being a Muslim, him being born in Kenya, his wife being a man. They moan and moan and moan and moan. Then they see the reverse and all of a sudden it's "butthurt". Not only that but this word has appeared far too many times since the election for it to be a coincidence. It's something that has spread, it's not people thinking for themselves, it's just the same petty crap that existed before.

I don't need anything to work. I don't care whether you like what I said or not. I said it because this is high school nonsense and nothing more. This is a POLITICS FORUM and so many people treat it like an entertainment/bullying site.

You think I'm unhinged because I'm telling you that you're acting in a juvenile way? Who cares.

All I know is that aren't going to ever have a sensible debate, and I'll end up putting you on ignore. I come on here to use my brain. You come on here to keep yourself entertained. We're no compatible so what's the point?

What did all that crying and whining mean?

Who's trying to bully here but you?

Oh boo hoo, I'm kicking liberal butt and it's sooooo unfair.

I know how liberals couch "bullying."

To them that means they get to talk non stop and if a conservative DARES answer back (especially if that answer back kicks their lying butts) that's "bullying."

Stop whining.

Your side lost.

Get over it!

Fine, on the ignore list, this is a complete waste of time.

Oh man, the butthurt from liberals has just begun.

I agree, you lose!

The "leaks" came from a DNC insider, and not from Russia.

So says a marxist, who you have chosen to bleev over our intelligence services.


Since when do Democrats have a problem with marxists?

Since when do pseudocons give them head?[/QUOTE}

We don't buy the laughable liberal conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election.

The rest of America doesn't buy it either.

It's the stuff for pathetic trollers on the internet (like you)

When you have rock hard evidence ONE vote was given or taken away from Trump or Hillary, let us know.

Till then, you are just doing what you did after Bush won, and it didn't work then either.

See you in 2018. If you libs are still whining about the election, the midterms will end up like this election.

A bunch of butthurt, clueless liberals who didn't see what everyone else saw coming.

Boo hoo!
Vladimir Trump has seen the hard evidence the Russians were behind the leaks. Despite your denials, EVERYONE knows they were behind the leaks.

The very same leaks Trump was gloating over, the very same leaks you pseudocons were claiming were turning the election all summer and fall.

That's why Trump is in hiding these days, and he is having his surrogates slowly change the message for you brainless rubes to parrot.

He hasn't seen any such thing, douche bag. The leaks and so-called Russian "cyber attacks" are two separate things.

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