Yet Another VA Hospital Systemic Failure in Wisconsin

Fat Warmongering Americans love to wave their flags and stuff hot dogs in their faces on Memorial Day and 4th of July, but when push comes to shove, they don't wanna help our returning soldiers who've survived more meaningless wars. Ask these same folks if they're willing to have their taxes raised significantly to help our Vets and pay our soldiers better.

See, that's when you'll find out what the Warmongers are all about. They love sending the kids off to be killed and maimed, but they hate accepting the responsibility of caring for them if they survive. In other words, there's always plenty of money for sending them to their deaths, but there's never enough money for helping them. I can't stand Warmongers. They're very bad people.

There is a lot of twuth to whahat you say but the greater problem is the crowd dat wants freedom at any price....that is the greatest danger this nation faces....the old better red than dead kinda philosophy.

Most Americans are peaceloving.....even when a huge,huge threat is waiting in the wings aka Nazi Germany...look at how the resistance to getting involved in that War came close to allowing the Nazis victory.

I will tell you one thing that would help with the costs of the military....bring back the draft....and reduce the not raise it. Ameicans need to learn once again that freedom is not free..........people must sacrifice if they want a top notch is complete stupidity going down the path we are now on aka...feminizing the military, operating the military like it is a sociology project, make a lesbian a general, sign up all the minorities avilable etc. We need to get All Americans involved in the military...not just the poor and the minorities.....when you start drafting the children of the powers that be....then you will see a lot of restraint.....aka being more careful before we decide to go to war.
Poor kids have no idea. They'll be killed and maimed for nothing. Into the Globalist Elite meat grinder they'll go.

"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." - Henry Kissinger

Yup, less than 1% serve now, that's how they can get away with endless wars of expansion and annexation. Because america doesn't give two shits about vets. Suicide rate of 22 per day. So fucking what, we all took off, drank, and bbqed two days ago. Now let's privatize their health"care".

83% of senators call for boosting exorbitant U.S. aid to Israel

Israel already gets $3 billion per year, 53 percent of U.S. foreign military financing, but 83 senators want more

The congresscritters somehow always find the money when they want to be re-electable.

If we spent it here on american society it would be called "welfare" and/or "socialism".

The federal government has the authority to RAISE ARMIES . Part of the recruitment effort is to let putative GI's know that the system will take care of potential injuries.

The VA has failed . Allow Sen Lindsey's plan to take effect. Introduce COMPETITION in the system
Poor kids have no idea. They'll be killed and maimed for nothing. Into the Globalist Elite meat grinder they'll go.

"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." - Henry Kissinger

Yup, less than 1% serve now, that's how they can get away with endless wars of expansion and annexation. Because america doesn't give two shits about vets. Suicide rate of 22 per day. So fucking what, we all took off, drank, and bbqed two days ago. Now let's privatize their health"care".

83% of senators call for boosting exorbitant U.S. aid to Israel

Israel already gets $3 billion per year, 53 percent of U.S. foreign military financing, but 83 senators want more

The congresscritters somehow always find the money when they want to be re-electable.

If we spent it here on american society it would be called "welfare" and/or "socialism".

The federal government has the authority to RAISE ARMIES . Part of the recruitment effort is to let putative GI's know that the system will take care of potential injuries.

The VA has failed . Allow Sen Lindsey's plan to take effect. Introduce COMPETITION in the system

Well...I agree...anyone who is not extremely desperate for a job should stay out of the military....unfortunately due to economic reality many in order to survive find refuge in the military....if one must enlist for whatever reasons....make sure you try to pick a field that will not get you involved in combat. This nation as it is now run by idiots, politically correct ignoramouses does not qualify as someone who you should lay down your life for.

I have little respect for Lindsey Graham...........I see two possible approaches to correct the V.A. away with it and let the for the vets to go to the Hospital of their choice. I orginally suggested.............get the politics out of the V.A. see above for the details on dat.

Well, I agree that Lindsey Graham is the mother of all scumbags.

But , I hate to admit, the VA healthcare card will introduce competition into the system and hopefully do away with the corrupt VA Health System.

The US Department of Veterans Affairs has been dogged by scandal in recent years, but this incident suggests that the VA's troubles may be more deeply rooted than bureaucratic red tape and funding woes.

About a year ago Senator Lindsey (R-SC) suggested that the VA issue veterans an ID Health (insurance) card which the veterans can use at a local doctors office or hospitals. That is an EXCELLENT IDEA - it will introduce COMPETITION into the corrupt VA "Health" System.

You are describing Medicare/Medicaid.

Well, as a RECRUITMENT effort the Armed Forces promised a health care system. The motherfuckers must stop deceiving the populace.

The US Department of Veterans Affairs has been dogged by scandal in recent years, but this incident suggests that the VA's troubles may be more deeply rooted than bureaucratic red tape and funding woes.

About a year ago Senator Lindsey (R-SC) suggested that the VA issue veterans an ID Health (insurance) card which the veterans can use at a local doctors office or hospitals. That is an EXCELLENT IDEA - it will introduce COMPETITION into the corrupt VA "Health" System.

You are describing Medicare/Medicaid.

It is an apt description for our entire health system.............two things must be resolved if anyone wants to actually improve our health care system............first............get the insurance companies out of the equation...........then draft medical care people into 'National Service'
and pay them a reasonable salary....every doctor and even dentists and vets now think they are entitled to becoming a millionaire.....that kind of stupidity must be eliminated.

Then once good health care has been established....for vets and everyone else....then we can gradually let the private sector come back in....but they must be watched very closely....the outrageous pricing going on now can only be dealt with by very harsh methods.....many will resist it--of course.....but when the whole system collapses the resistance will vanish.

Our failed health care system has become a matter of National Security...if you do not understand will never understand what the solution is.

Just like all da peeps who do not understand you cannot have a great nation without a great do not get great people by eliminating borders aka allowing every third world nation to flood us with their desperate hordes.

The radical immigration policy instituted in 1965 must be done away with....we need to go back to the policy we had before LBJ and the usual suspects screwed everything up by lying to the American People....if you want all the details on the radical immigration policy of 1965,
The US Department of Veterans Affairs has been dogged by scandal in recent years, but this incident suggests that the VA's troubles may be more deeply rooted than bureaucratic red tape and funding woes.

About a year ago Senator Lindsey (R-SC) suggested that the VA issue veterans an ID Health (insurance) card which the veterans can use at a local doctors office or hospitals. That is an EXCELLENT IDEA - it will introduce COMPETITION into the corrupt VA "Health" System.

You are describing Medicare/Medicaid.

Well, as a RECRUITMENT effort the Armed Forces promised a health care system. The motherfuckers must stop deceiving the populace.


The people have been deceived much more than just about anyone realizes.....aka led down the primrose path of political correctness....that is it in a nutshell....and as much as we have heard about political correctness very few understand it and the damage it has done to America and it is only getting worse....people need to wake up and get their priorities in you want to continue to escape into fantasy land...aka spending all your free time pursuing some form of entertainment or study up on and be willing to act upon what America needs to do to get back on track...aka make the American Dream viable.
The US Department of Veterans Affairs has been dogged by scandal in recent years, but this incident suggests that the VA's troubles may be more deeply rooted than bureaucratic red tape and funding woes.

About a year ago Senator Lindsey (R-SC) suggested that the VA issue veterans an ID Health (insurance) card which the veterans can use at a local doctors office or hospitals. That is an EXCELLENT IDEA - it will introduce COMPETITION into the corrupt VA "Health" System.

You are describing Medicare/Medicaid.

It is an apt description for our entire health system.............two things must be resolved if anyone wants to actually improve our health care system............first............get the insurance companies out of the equation...........then draft medical care people into 'National Service'
and pay them a reasonable salary....every doctor and even dentists and vets now think they are entitled to becoming a millionaire.....that kind of stupidity must be eliminated.

Then once good health care has been established....for vets and everyone else....then we can gradually let the private sector come back in....but they must be watched very closely....the outrageous pricing going on now can only be dealt with by very harsh methods.....many will resist it--of course.....but when the whole system collapses the resistance will vanish.

Our failed health care system has become a matter of National Security...if you do not understand will never understand what the solution is.

Just like all da peeps who do not understand you cannot have a great nation without a great do not get great people by eliminating borders aka allowing every third world nation to flood us with their desperate hordes.

The radical immigration policy instituted in 1965 must be done away with....we need to go back to the policy we had before LBJ and the usual suspects screwed everything up by lying to the American People....if you want all the details on the radical immigration policy of 1965,

" do not get great people by eliminating borders aka allowing every third world nation to flood us with their desperate hordes."

As the folks who let us in can attest to.
The US Department of Veterans Affairs has been dogged by scandal in recent years, but this incident suggests that the VA's troubles may be more deeply rooted than bureaucratic red tape and funding woes.

About a year ago Senator Lindsey (R-SC) suggested that the VA issue veterans an ID Health (insurance) card which the veterans can use at a local doctors office or hospitals. That is an EXCELLENT IDEA - it will introduce COMPETITION into the corrupt VA "Health" System.

You are describing Medicare/Medicaid.

It is an apt description for our entire health system.............two things must be resolved if anyone wants to actually improve our health care system............first............get the insurance companies out of the equation...........then draft medical care people into 'National Service'
and pay them a reasonable salary....every doctor and even dentists and vets now think they are entitled to becoming a millionaire.....that kind of stupidity must be eliminated.

Then once good health care has been established....for vets and everyone else....then we can gradually let the private sector come back in....but they must be watched very closely....the outrageous pricing going on now can only be dealt with by very harsh methods.....many will resist it--of course.....but when the whole system collapses the resistance will vanish.

Our failed health care system has become a matter of National Security...if you do not understand will never understand what the solution is.

Just like all da peeps who do not understand you cannot have a great nation without a great do not get great people by eliminating borders aka allowing every third world nation to flood us with their desperate hordes.

The radical immigration policy instituted in 1965 must be done away with....we need to go back to the policy we had before LBJ and the usual suspects screwed everything up by lying to the American People....if you want all the details on the radical immigration policy of 1965,

Fat Warmongering Americans love to wave their flags and stuff hot dogs in their faces on Memorial Day and 4th of July, but when push comes to shove, they don't wanna help our returning soldiers who've survived more meaningless wars. Ask these same folks if they're willing to have their taxes raised significantly to help our Vets and pay our soldiers better.

See, that's when you'll find out what the Warmongers are all about. They love sending the kids off to be killed and maimed, but they hate accepting the responsibility of caring for them if they survive. In other words, there's always plenty of money for sending them to their deaths, but there's never enough money for helping them. I can't stand Warmongers. They're very bad people.

There is a lot of twuth to whahat you say but the greater problem is the crowd dat wants freedom at any price....that is the greatest danger this nation faces....the old better red than dead kinda philosophy.

Most Americans are peaceloving.....even when a huge,huge threat is waiting in the wings aka Nazi Germany...look at how the resistance to getting involved in that War came close to allowing the Nazis victory.

I will tell you one thing that would help with the costs of the military....bring back the draft....and reduce the not raise it. Ameicans need to learn once again that freedom is not free..........people must sacrifice if they want a top notch is complete stupidity going down the path we are now on aka...feminizing the military, operating the military like it is a sociology project, make a lesbian a general, sign up all the minorities avilable etc. We need to get All Americans involved in the military...not just the poor and the minorities.....when you start drafting the children of the powers that be....then you will see a lot of restraint.....aka being more careful before we decide to go to war.

Can't go with ya on that thinking. Our soldiers should be paid better and our Vets sure as hell should be treated better. Waving a flag and stuffing a hot dog down your gullet on Memorial Day and 4th of July, isn't nearly enough. The Warmongers should be just as enthusiastic about caring for them, as they are sending them off to be killed and maimed.

If they're gonna continue their Permanent War, they should be held accountable. I don't wanna hear Warmongers whining about the money anymore. They always have more than enough money to start war after war. There's enough to help our soldiers and Vets out too. And if there isn't, then accept some tax hikes to cover it. You want the wars? Accept the responsibility of caring for our soldiers and broken Vets. It's the very least they can do.

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