Zone1 YHWH(Jehovah)

Yes, how else would you suggest they tell the account of the transition from polytheism to monotheism?
I'm not sure if we disagree or not that Judiasm started as a polytheistic (actually a monolatrian) religion. This from Wikipedia sounds right to me:
During the Iron Age I, the Israelite religion became distinct from the Canaanite polytheism out of which it evolved. This process began with the development of Yahwism, the monolatristic worship of Yahweh, one of the Canaanite gods, that gave acknowledgment to the existence of the other Canaanite gods, but suppressed their worship. Later, this monolatristic belief cemented into a strict monotheistic belief and worship of Yahweh alone, with the rejection of the existence of all other gods, whether Canaanite or foreign.​
Of course the gods before you would be your worshiping created things instead of the creator. Which you are free to do but will never be satisfied by because you were made for more. In fact, that's the reason you are here. You aren't satisfied. You just haven't figured it out yet. That's why you have no peace.
Spare me the pseudo-psychoanalysis. You don't know me so don't presume you do, especially since you are not even close.
I never claimed to know everything about you, just this. You aren't here because you don't understand. You are here because you disagree and want to convince others to disagree; to show how superior you are to them. Apparently it's how you entertain yourself. I play golf instead of going to atheist websites.
I must entertain you too or you'd just ignore me.
Why don't you give us the link from where you copied and pasted that load of propaganda.
Notice how "BS Filter" completely ignores the content of the post and attempts to invalidate it by claiming it's been "copied and pasted". His flippant dismissal of the arguments I presented is exactly what I expected from him. Scrutinize everything that I presented in that post and then come to your own conclusions. Don't allow people like BS filter or even myself, to mislead you. Just test the arguments, study, and compare what is presented as evidence for each position. Don't close your mind as "BS Filter" and his fellow Evangelicals have done.
I'm not sure if we disagree or not that Judiasm started as a polytheistic (actually a monolatrian) religion. This from Wikipedia sounds right to me:
During the Iron Age I, the Israelite religion became distinct from the Canaanite polytheism out of which it evolved. This process began with the development of Yahwism, the monolatristic worship of Yahweh, one of the Canaanite gods, that gave acknowledgment to the existence of the other Canaanite gods, but suppressed their worship. Later, this monolatristic belief cemented into a strict monotheistic belief and worship of Yahweh alone, with the rejection of the existence of all other gods, whether Canaanite or foreign.​

Spare me the pseudo-psychoanalysis. You don't know me so don't presume you do, especially since you are not even close.
I'm pretty sure we disagree on pretty much everything.
Notice how "BS Filter" completely ignores the content of the post and attempts to invalidate it by claiming it's been "copied and pasted". His flippant dismissal of the arguments I presented is exactly what I expected from him. Scrutinize everything that I presented in that post and then come to your own conclusions. Don't allow people like BS filter or even myself, to mislead you. Just test the arguments, study, and compare what is presented as evidence for each position. Don't close your mind as "BS Filter" and his fellow Evangelicals have done.
So where's the link to your copy and paste propaganda? Do I have to post it for you?
I guess the difference is that communism and atheism go hand in hand. Whereas liberty and freedom go hand in hand with religion and morality.
As always I admire your faith but not your logic. All communists may be atheists (I don't know any personally so I can't say) but not all atheists are communists, I know I'm not, any more than you. Different religions have different morals and views on liberty and freedom. In some religions you are only free to follow the dictates of that religion and the consequences of not doing so can vary considerably.
As always I admire your faith but not your logic. All communists may be atheists (I don't know any personally so I can't say) but not all atheists are communists, I know I'm not, any more than you. Different religions have different morals and views on liberty and freedom. In some religions you are only free to follow the dictates of that religion and the consequences of not doing so can vary considerably.
It was for good reason that Karl Marx said, "communism is naturalized humanism."

There has never been a communist state that wasn't a militant atheist state.
So where's the link to your copy and paste propaganda? Do I have to post it for you?

Notice how "BS Filter" continues to ignore the content and arguments presented in my post. He's unable to respond to even one point made in that study.
Notice how "BS Filter" continues to ignore the content and arguments presented in my post. He's unable to respond to even one point made in that study.
Why didn't Jesus correct Thomas after Thomas said "My Lord and my God"?
It was for good reason that Karl Marx said, "communism is naturalized humanism."

There has never been a communist state that wasn't a militant atheist state.
Don't expect me to defend Marx or communist states. I do note that Sweden has a very high percent of atheists and irreligious and they are hardly militant and seem to treasure their freedom and liberty.

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